Government of Canada – Guide for pharmacy benefits for First Nations and Inuit: Non-Insured Health Benefits
This guide provides information on Indigenous Services Canada’s Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program for eligible First Nations and Inuit and its policies relevant to pharmacy benefit coverage. It explains the extent and limitations of the NIHB program’s pharmacy benefits by describing the important elements of each associated policy. It also lists website addresses to provide quick access to related forms and more detailed program information.
Health Insurance / Health CoverageGovernment of Canada – Guide to mental health counselling benefits for First Nations and Inuit
Express Scripts Canada provides claims processing services for the NIHB program mental health counselling benefit for eligible First Nations and Inuit. Providers are encouraged to enrol to be able to send their claims directly to Express Scripts Canada so that clients do not pay fees at the point of service. The NIHB mental health counselling benefit is not an emergency service. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 or the number for emergency services in your community.
Health Insurance / Health CoverageGovernment of Canada – Non-insured health benefits (NIHB) for First Nations and Inuit
Learn about the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program and how to access it. Also search for important health-related resources, contact information and the Drug Benefit List.
Health Insurance / Health CoverageHealth and Wellbeing
The MIA board has long been concerned with the health and wellbeing of long-term Inuit residents, as well as new arrivals. While no specific funding has been secured by MIA to help tackle the serious and complex health and wellbeing issues facing Inuit in Manitoba, we have prioritized a number of objectives related to health and wellbeing for action.
Health Insurance / Health Coverage Nutrition Housing Family Housing Urgent Services Food Banks / Subsidized Grocery ServicesManitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak MKO
MKO Client Navigator
The MKO Client Navigator Program provides access to health services for registered First Nations and Inuit members who are experiencing difficulties with the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) and other related provincial programs and services.
Advocacy Health Advocacy Health Insurance / Health Coverage Local Health CareManitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak MKO
MKO Traditional Healer Program
MKO provides access to services for people who are eligible for Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) for mental health counselling/healing needs. MKO helps people and communities connect with service providers who use traditional approaches. MKO ensures clients safe access to such services by determining a provider’s capacity and eligibility to provide such services.
Advocacy Health Advocacy Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Insurance / Health Coverage Local Health CareNon-Insured Health Benefits
Southern Chiefs Organization SCO
SCO Member First Nations & Chiefs
Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 34 Anishinaabe and Dakota First Nation communities and more than 81,500 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that, by following the direction of the 34 Chiefs, protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.
Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy Human Rights Legal Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Family Accessing Supports / Services Parenting Youth Activities Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Insurance / Health Coverage Mental HealthSouthern Chiefs Organization SCO
SCO Non-Insured Health Benefits Navigator
Southern Chiefs’ Organization Inc. has secured a Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Navigator for community members who are having difficulty accessing non-insured health benefits. The objective of the NIHB Navigator is to provide advocacy and support for SCO First Nation members, and make the NIHB program more user-friendly.
Advocacy Health Advocacy Health Insurance / Health CoverageAssiniboine College Students’ Association
The Students’ Association exists to serve you. Our council works hard to ensure we voice relevant student perspectives, provide for college committees and engage with student projects. We strive to deliver quality services that speak to the specific needs of students and to host events that create a social atmosphere and offer stress relief. We’re the voice of students at Assiniboine; we work hard to encourage student success and help enhance the college experience. We are run by a team of elected Executive and General Council members and professional staff who work together to bring services, events and support to the Assiniboine student body. Our council members meet on a biweekly basis and work with college representatives on important college initiatives that matter to you, all while earning an honorarium and getting real, workplace experience. We offer: Student council, Student health and dental insurance, U-Pass, student discount program, Advocacy and appeal support, Student clubs, Representation on college committees and student initiatives, Events and activities including: recreational activities, multicultural events, orientation, mental health and wellness initiatives, and professional development activities.
Advocacy Student Rights Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Health Insurance / Health Coverage Transportation Transportation Resources / AssistanceL’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Assurance maladie et dentaire / Student Insurance
Avec leur inscription à l’USB, tous les membres canadiens de la population étudiante qui sont inscrits à temps plein au premier cycle sont automatiquement inscrits à un régime d’assurance étudiant de soins de santé. Cette assurance, fournie par Green Shield Canada, est gérée par l’Association étudiante de l’Université de Saint-Boniface (AEUSB).
All Canadian students registered full-time in an undergraduate program at USB are automatically enrolled in a student health care insurance plan. This insurance, provided by Green Shield Canada, is managed by USB’s student association (AEUSB).
Health Insurance / Health CoverageBooth University College Info
We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.
Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services Work-integrated Learning Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Insurance / Health CoverageBUSU Health & Dental
In 2008, Brandon University students voted overwhelmingly in favour of creating a Health and Dental Plan for students who do not have coverage otherwise.
Advocacy Student Rights Health Insurance / Health CoverageIBEW Local Info
IBEW 2085 represents construction electricians across Manitoba and parts of Nunavut and is governed by an executive elected by and from our members. IBEW hosts many training programs and resources for electricians and electricians to be in Manitoba.
Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Advocacy Legal Advocacy Health Insurance / Health CoverageRRC Polytech – Students’ Health & Dental Plan
Your Benefits Plan Office is fully acquainted with the details of health and dental benefits and understands the unique needs of students.The following is a partial list of services that are available from the RRCSA Student Benefits Plan Office: Opt out waiver forms, Manitoba Pharmacare Registration Form, Pick up myBenefits Card, purchase coverage for your spouse and/or dependant(s), and plan inquiries.
Health Insurance / Health CoverageUM Dept. of Community Health Services – Get Your Benefits GYB!
A plain language booklet designed specifically for Manitobans, Get Your Benefits! lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals may be eligible for including prenatal benefits, disability benefits, Canada Child Benefit, Old Age Security and more. Such benefits and supports can provide more income and contribute to an individual or a family’s better health and well-being.
Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Urgent Financial Aid Health Disability Services Insurance / Health Coverage Local Health CareUW Health Plan
The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) Health Plan provides extended health, dental and vision benefits.
Health Insurance / Health Coverage