
Disability Services

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs AMC

AMC Jordan’s Principle

P: 204-956-0610 (main line) /1-888-324-5483 (toll free)
E: [email protected]

Jordan’s Principle is a child-first and needs-based principle that applies equally to all First Nations children resident on or off reserve. It ensures there is no denial or delay for First Nations children in receiving essential public services that are available to all other children by having the government department of first contact pay for the service.

Academic Disability Accommodations Advocacy Health Advocacy Family Accessing Supports / Services Youth Activities Health Disability Services Mental Health Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Ataagewininiing – Gambler First Nation GFN – Treaty 2 Territory

Gambler First Nation is one of the smallest Indigenous communities in Manitoba, with a total membership of 293 of Ojibway descent, the majority are non resident. We are located approximately five miles west of the village of Binscarth and 17 miles southwest of the town of Russell. Gambler is situated along the Assiniboine Valley, with rolling hills and streams. Our Nation is blessed with breathtaking views, fresh air and a peaceful environment that brings a calmness to our members and all visitors. Our community offers a fully staffed Health Office with a .8 nurse, foot care, diabetes clinic, etc. The recreation center is equipped with a state-of-the art kitchen, It also houses offices for our Council, Social Assistant Administrator, Housing Director and our Jordan Principle program and staff. We have a brand-new Level 1 water transfer building and acts as a fill station for our members water needs. We have 34 homes many of which have received upgrades and renovations with many of the homes still to be renovated this year.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Bawingaasi-ziibing – Pauingassi First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Pauingassi First Nation is a gorgeous remote community although access to the community is often challenging and expensive. The winter road is open for about a month each year. Float planes can land on the lake in the spring and summer but not during freeze up and break up. There is a helicopter service to transport persons from the Little Grand Rapids Airport which is 24 kilometers away. In the winter, transportation is provided by snowmobile or by vehicles when the ice road is deemed safe for travel. This winter, the community made an airstrip so that the planes can land right on the lake in Pauingassi.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources


CAHRD Aboriginal People with Disabilities

P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form

The Aboriginal People With Disabilities Program provides assistance to urban Aboriginal people with disabilities with customized services including access to employment or training programs, and referrals to outside agencies in the City of Winnipeg with disability programs and services.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Health Disability Services Mental Health

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council

DOTC is responsible and obligated to provide services and programs to its member First Nations and members. While functioning primarily within the mandated area, the Tribal Council does work in partnership with other relevant entities within and outside the DOTC region as determined by DOTC Administration or directed by the DOTC Council of Chiefs.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Local Health Care Mental Health Workshops Housing Housing Resources


DASCH Indigenous & Multicultural Enhancement Opportunities (IMEO)

P: (204) 987-1550
E: [email protected]

1605 Buffalo Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 6J8

DASCH’s commitment to Indigenous and Multicultural Enhancement Opportunities offers a transformative opportunity for both the people supported by DASCH and our staff. Through the Indigenous and Multicultural Enhancement Opportunities, residents are provided with unique opportunities to personally connect with Elders and other multicultural community leaders. This program nurtures an environment for people to connect with one another, offering a safe space for self-expression and a joyful atmosphere.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Health Disability Services

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Gaa-biskigamaag – Swan Lake First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

The story of Swan Lake First Nation begins long ago. In 1876, Chief Yellowquill and his followers settled on Swan Lake First Nation Reserve. Swan Lake First Nation is located in South Central Manitoba along junction Highway #23 and #34. SLFN people are known as Anishinabe people, meaning “original-peoples”; their native language is Saulteaux (Wikipedia, 2011). SLFN is divided into four areas: SLFN #7, which is the main reservation; #7a Carberry which consists of residential and commercial developments; #8 Indian Gardens, ¾ of which is under agricultural lease and #8a Headingley which will consist of mainly commercial developments. A recently settled Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) with the Federal Government has enabled them to expand their land base for future developments.

Academic Post-Secondary Preparation Advocacy Health Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Gaa-gwekwekojiwang – Ebb and Flow First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

Gaagwekwekejiong. Ebb and Flow has a rich Anishinaabe culture and offers a variety of services to the members. Ebb and Flow First Nation Chief & Council currently serve a 2 year term in Leadership Office. Ebb and Flow is located approximately 270 kilometres Northwest of Winnipeg in Manitoba. Ebb and Flow has active Facebook groups for Ebb and Flow first Nation and Ebb and Flow Health with up to date information for community members.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Parenting Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care

Life’s Journey Inc. – Miikana Pimatiziwin

Life’s Journey Inc. Programs & Services

At Life’s Journey, we strive to build on mentoring relationships to meet each person where they are at. We provide services that are clinically informed, culturally relevant, wellness oriented, and relationship and strengths-based, with environmental adaptations and case management to support each program participant to practice their gifts.

Advocacy Health Advocacy Housing Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Peer Support Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Mental Health Housing Family Housing Housing Resources Urgent Services Basic Needs Food Banks / Subsidized Grocery Services

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Makaso Sakikan – Fox Lake (Bird) – Treaty 5 Territory

P: Home Office: (204) 486-2463 / Toll free: (866) 498-2746 / Winnipeg Office: (204) 953-2760 / Gillam Office: (204) 652-5423
E: Online Contact Form

Fox Lake Cree Nation is located 750 kilometres (1200kms by road) North East of Winnipeg, Manitoba. There are approximately 1300 members, of which approximately 200 live on the Fox Lake reserve land in Bird, as well as on a small piece of reserve land in Gillam. Approximately 1000 members live off reserve, including about 300 in the Town of Gillam, with the remaining living primarily in Winnipeg, Thompson, and Churchill, Manitoba.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Minegoziibe Anishinabe – Pine Creek First Nation- Treaty 4 Territory

The original members of Minegoziibe Anishinabe were of Saulteaux descent and hailed from the Ontario Lake Superior area of Sault Ste. Marie. The name “Saulteaux” is derived from the French language meaning “people of the rapids”; they are also formally recognized as Plains Ojibwe or Anishinaabe. Minegoziibe Anishinabe is a healthy, safe and progressive community, balanced and harmonious with all creation.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

New Directions

New Directions – Opikihiwawin

Opikihiwawin responds to the needs of Indigenous adoptees and foster people in all stages of their lives by providing cultural education, supports and advocacy. We believe that it is every Indigenous adoptee and foster person’s inherent right to know and experience their culture. Our cultural programs create a positive sense of identity and belonging and help adoptees and foster people build relationships in the Indigenous community.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Mental Health

Pimicikamak Cree Nation – Cross Lake Band – Treaty 5 Territory

Pimicikamak Cree Nation – Cross Lake Band

P: 204-646-2218
E: Online Contact Form

The Cross Lake Indian Reserve consists of Reserve No. 19, 19A, 19B, 19C, 19D, and 19E. All are adjacent to each other and located approximately 190 air kilometers (118.5 miles) south of Thompson and 520 air kilometers (325 miles) north of Winnipeg along the shore of the Nelson River, where it enters into Cross Lake. According to the regional population statistics as of August 2016; the Band has an on-reserve population is 6,047 and an off-reserve population of 2,399. The total Band population is 8,446.There are individuals of non-aborginal origin, as well as a number of Metis residing on-reserve. The majority of the population is treaty status.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Parenting Senior Services Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Southern Chiefs Organization SCO

SCO Jordan’s Principle Program

The SCO Jordan’s Principle Coordinators assist First Nation children and youth (up to 18 years of age) and their families at the Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg – Children’s Hospital, the Specialized Services for Children and Youth (SSCY) Centre, the Winnipeg School Division, and the Brandon School Division to access programs, services, and supports to improve health, education and social outcomes for First Nation children.

Academic Disability Accommodations Advocacy Health Advocacy Legal Advocacy Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation

Southern Chiefs Organization SCO

SCO Member First Nations & Chiefs

Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 34 Anishinaabe and Dakota First Nation communities and more than 81,500 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that, by following the direction of the 34 Chiefs, protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy Human Rights Legal Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Family Accessing Supports / Services Parenting Youth Activities Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Insurance / Health Coverage Mental Health

Government of Canada

Supporting Inuit Children

The Inuit Child First Initiative ensures Inuit children have access to the essential government funded health, social and educational products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Each child’s situation is unique. Please contact your regional focal point to discuss what coverage is available based on the child’s needs. Examples of what could be funded include: wheelchair ramps, addiction services, cultural services from Elders, mental health counseling, assessments and screenings, medical supplies and equipment, therapeutic services, land-based activities, specialized summer camps, respite care programs based on cultural beliefs and practices, tutoring services, transportation, and specialized school transportation.

Academic Tutoring / Peer Support Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Mental Health Transportation Disability Transportation

True North Aid

True North Aid – Stones of Support

P: Phone or TEXT: 1-226-444-3385
E: [email protected]

True North Aid is dedicated to serving and supporting northern and remote Indigenous communities in Canada through practical humanitarian support. Our Stones of Support help us to define projects based on various levels of need and support. This includes self-determination, health, food, reconciliation, housing, water, education and culture.

Advocacy Human Rights Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Housing Housing Resources Urgent Services Basic Needs Food Banks / Subsidized Grocery Services

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Waanibiigaaw – Hollow Water First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Hollow Water first Nation is approximately 190 kilometres north of Winnipeg and within the Precambrian shield region of Manitoba.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Zaaskajiwaning – Dauphin River First Nation – Treaty Territory 2

Dauphin River First Nation is an Ojibway First Nation band government in Manitoba, Canada. Its landbase is the Dauphin River First Nation Reserve 48A, located at the outlet of the Dauphin River into Lake Winnipeg. Severe flooding in Manitoba in 2011 caused serious damage to housing and infrastructure and led to people evacuating from 18 First Nations communities. Dauphin River First Nation was one of the First Nations affected by this flooding.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care

Eden Health Care Services

Eden Health Care – Housing & Supports

Rooted in the values of recovery, relationship and respect, the Eden Housing and Supports Program provides transitional and permanent housing services for individuals with and without mental health needs. We offer various levels of housing support ranging from transitional group home support (staff onsite 24/7), integrated supportive housing (staffed 5 days a week), community housing support worker services, residential care services and general housing assistance. The program is committed to assisting individuals and families find and sustain safe, affordable, quality housing within the community of their choice. Priding itself on safety and affordability, Eden provides rent geared to income and affordable housing rate options. Centres are located in Winkler, Winnipeg, and Steinbach.

Health Disability Services Housing Housing Resources

Government of Manitoba

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)/ Prevention Program

Manitoba believes that individuals with FASD and their families can benefit from supports and services that address their unique challenges throughout the lifespan.

Health Disability Services

Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba (ldam)

Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba (ldam) Programs

P: (204) 774-1821
E: Online Contact Form.

617 Erin Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 2W1

Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba empowers individuals impacted by learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders by providing programming, support, and advocacy. We strive to ensure that everyone has the right to learn and the power to achieve.

Academic Disability Accommodations Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Peer Support Family Accessing Supports / Services Youth Activities Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible

P: (204) 975-3010 or Toll Free 1-866-282-8041
E: [email protected]

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Breaking Down Barriers for 70 Years. In 1950, we began as the Society for Crippled Children, to assist children and youth with disabilities. In 1985, we became the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities, reflecting a then contemporary image for persons with disabilities and their families. In 2020, we became Manitoba Possible – not a society for Manitobans with disabilities, a society for all. Seeing what’s Possible. Fighting for Possible. Making Possible Happen. When you receive a disability diagnosis, it can change your life. You might think you have to give up on the future you had envisioned for yourself or your child. But you don’t. We’re here to change perspectives. We’re here to show Manitoba’s adults, youth and children exactly what’s possible.

Career Pathways Work Placement Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Care Possible

Care Possible connects trusted service providers with individuals and families who need in-home care.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Work Placement Family Accessing Supports / Services Senior Services Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Central Regional Office (Morden)

P: (204) 822-7412 or Toll-Free 1-800-269-5451

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes, Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Clean Ventures

Clean Ventures’ staff is specially trained for construction cleans and comprehensive custodial work. Through our vocational rehabilitation program at Manitoba Possible, formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities, we noticed our job-ready candidates still have trouble finding gainful employment. So we decided to take matters into our own hands. Now, Clean Ventures is a profitable social enterprise that provides meaningful work to people who face barriers to employment, with a business model that helps us pave the way for a more inclusive society.

Career Pathways Work Placement Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Eastman Regional Office (Steinbach)

P: (204) 326-5336 or Toll-Free 1-800-497-8196

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Transition Supports for Clients 18+, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Explore Possible

P: (204) 975-3010 or Toll Free 1-866-282-8041
E: Online Contact Form

Explore Possible is a thought leadership initiative bringing stories of lived experiences to Manitobans and the world. Keen to explore the many perspectives of people with disabilities and who are Deaf or hard of hearing, Manitoba Possible wanted to lead the charge in creating an online journal for Manitobans and Canadians to invite conversation, educate, inform and challenge assumptions.

Advocacy Human Rights Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Interlake Regional Office (Selkirk)

P: (204) 785-9338 or Toll-Free 1-888-831-4213

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, Disability awareness training, Communication Centre for Children and Provincial Outreach Therapy for Children.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible MPower – Manitoba’s Accessibility Challenge

MPower: Manitoba’s Accessibility Challenge is a project that encourages students in Manitoba to share their voice and vision of accessibility for our schools and communities today and for years to come.

Career Pathways Work Placement Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Northern Regional Office (Thompson)

P: (204) 778-4277 or Toll-Free 1-888-367-0268

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: TSEP – Employment Services and Supports, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Intake for Northern Children’s Therapy , Children Service Coordination for Families, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Parkland Regional Office (Dauphin)

P: (204) 622-2293 or Toll-Free 1-800-844-2307

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Programs

P: (204) 975-3010 or Toll Free 1-866-282-8041
E: [email protected]

What We Do: work together to eliminate barriers to full and equal participation through a variety of programs and services for people with disabilities. Manitoba Possible has programs in the following areas: Adult Recreation and Leisure, Accessible Technology, Children’s Recreation and Leisure, Children’s Service Coordination, Communication Centre for Children, Community Education and Training, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Employment Preparation, Financial Empowerment, Manitoba Wheelchair Program, Newcomer Navigation & Support, Parking Permit Program, Provincial Outreach Therapy for Children, Self-Help Clearinghouse, Thompson Supportive Employment Program and Vocational Rehabilitation.

Career Pathways Work Placement Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Tech Connect

P: (204) 975-3010 or Toll Free 1-866-282-8041
E: [email protected]

Tech-Connect delivers digital devices to families and individuals to make connections possible and combat social isolation. This is especially important in a time of physical distancing. The program also provided PPE care packages and envoyy care credit hours to people who needed it. Tech-Connect funding is limited. Priority will be given to those that need a device, technology training, and assistance with creating an Envoyy account and receiving care hour credits.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Westman Regional Office (Brandon)

P: (204) 726-6157 or Toll-Free 1-800-813-3325

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Recreation and Leisure: Children and Adult, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

MATC provides a range of mental health services to children and adolescents who experience psychiatric and/or emotional disorders. MATC strives to be sensitive, responsive and innovative in meeting the changing needs of children, adolescents, families and communities. Services include supports for: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Service (ADHD), Community Child and Adolescent Treatment Service (CCATS), Centralized Intake Service, Early Childhood Clinic (ECC), Intensive Community Re-Integration Service (ICRS), Neurodevelopmental Service (NDS), Rural & Northern Telehealth Service (RNTS), Student Mental Health Resource Team (SMHRT), Tourette Syndrome Service (TSS), and Youth Forensic Service (YFS).

Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Mental Health

University of Manitoba

UM Dept. of Community Health Services – Get Your Benefits GYB!

P: 204-789-3657
E: [email protected]

Get Your Benefits! Manitoba Centre for Health Policy – 408 – 727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 3P5

A plain language booklet designed specifically for Manitobans, Get Your Benefits! lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals may be eligible for including prenatal benefits, disability benefits, Canada Child Benefit, Old Age Security and more. Such benefits and supports can provide more income and contribute to an individual or a family’s better health and well-being.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Urgent Financial Aid Health Disability Services Insurance / Health Coverage Local Health Care

University of Manitoba

UM Learning Disabilities Services Clinic

P: 204 474-8592

474 UMSU University Centre – 65 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Learning Disability Services Clinic (LDSC) is a service that provides assessments for learning disabilities related to reading, writing, and math as well as attention related problems to University of Manitoba students. The LDSC is operated jointly by the Student Counselling Centre (SCC) and the Psychological Service Centre (PSC), University of Manitoba.

Academic Disability Accommodations Tutoring / Peer Support Health Disability Services
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