Supports for Students


Financial resources includes  assistance  for post-secondary education as well as funding to meet the cost of living or even entrepeneurship. 

Search this section based on the need you have or type of support you are looking for to see a listing of all the organizations that provide this type or service. 

* Some categories are broken down into more specific needs/service.

Click on the service you require.

For each listing:

  • Click on the (+) symbol for details, contact information and links where available.

Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Assiniboine Credit Union

ACU Indigenous Business Student Bursaries

We’re committed to the 92nd Call to Action, ensuring that Indigenous peoples have equitable access to jobs, training, and educational opportunities in the corporate sector. Every year, ACU awards four bursaries of $2,000 to students of Indigenous Ancestry who are enrolled in a post-secondary business program or are already studying in a business program at a post-secondary institution in Manitoba. Applications are accepted every year, from September to January 31st. Applications submitted outside of this window will not be considered.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Manitoba Inc. (2004) is a professional not-for-profit association dedicated to excellence and innovation in financial management and its practices. They represent the Manitoba chapter for Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada (AFOA). AFOA presents a leadership role in Aboriginal financial management activities by developing and promoting quality standards, practices, research, certification and professional development to expand capacity for members and Aboriginal organizations. The primary delivery mechanism is through a variety of functions, workshops, forums and conferences.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Financial Workshops / Skill Development


APTN Scholarship Program

APTN is committed to the development of Indigenous professionals across Canada. Eligibility Criteria: First Nations, Inuit, or Métis permanent resident of Canada. Enrolled or accepted in a minimum two-year, full-time program with an accredited Canadian educational institute. Maintained a minimum overall average of 65% or above and provided a transcript of grades. Applicants cannot be employed by APTN, be a board member, or be the family member of an APTN employee or board member. You are actively involved in the Indigenous community. Scholarship Guidelines: Six scholarships valued at $2,000 each will be awarded. This award may be applied to academic and/or living costs.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Bank of Montreal

Bank of Montreal Indigenous Banking

BMO Bank of Montreal has 13 branches and 1 community banking outlets that provide Indigenous communities with customized solutions to meet their financial needs. We offer personalized support and special pricing for Indigenous communities. We’re committed to serving the needs of our First Nations, Inuit and Métis customers.

Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending

L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)

Bourses pour étudiants autochtones / Bursaries for Indigenous Students

L’Université de Saint-Boniface offre diverses bourses à sa population étudiante autochtone.

Université de Saint-Boniface offers a variety of bursaries and scholarships for Indigenous students.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Government of Canada

Bursary search tool

Use the Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool to search 688 bursaries, scholarships and incentives across Canada, offered by governments, universities and colleges, private and public companies, individual Canadians, organizations and others aimed at Indigenous students.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

The Business Council of Manitoba

Business Council of MB – Indigenous Education Awards Program

business council of manitoba

P: 204-942-3637
E: Online Contact Form

The Business Council is committed to assist in providing opportunities for Indigenous Manitobans to achieve a post-secondary education and contribute to moving our province forward toward a better future. Through our Award program, we offer financial support to Indigenous students who attend one of the recognized post-secondary educational institutions in Manitoba to pursue the career goals of their choice. Our Awards consist of a financial contribution to Award recipients to assist with the costs in attending a post-secondary educational institution.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships


Cando – Youth & Post Secondary Initiatives

Cando has information sessions for students and student advisors on the following topics:Netmaker Coaching,Economic Development Youth Summit, Youth Connect, NIEEF + CIBC / NIEEF Scholarships, Cando Conference National Youth Panel, and TAED application process & Cando Accredited Institutions.

Academic Academic Workshops Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Community Activism Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending


CIBC Indigenous Markets

CIBC is dedicated to providing tailored and accessible financial services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis clients in Canada. Our experienced frontline staff and Indigenous Markets Team will work with you to bring services and solutions that meet the changing and diverse needs of your Nation and its members and citizens.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Advisors Lending

Canadian Mennonite University

CMU Financial Aid – Indigenous Students

CMU offers a $1,000 Indigenous Student Bursary each year to two new incoming students that qualify. Qualifications include submitting a personal statement of need, a letter of nomination, and meeting CMU’s admission requirements.
Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society (FN Caring Society)

FN Caring Society – Awards & Scholarships

The Caring Society proudly acknowledges the work of individuals and groups, including children and youth, in working to support the best outcomes for Indigenous children and families.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Future Generations Foundation

Future Generations Foundation Info

The Future Generations Foundation was formerly called the NIB Trust Fund. Established in 1975 as a trust and charity by First Nations leaders. Addresses the harms of the Indian Residential School system through education, culture, and reconciliation. Entrusted with residual IRSSA funds, the foundation prioritizes educational, vocational, cultural, language, and healing programs. The FG Foundation accepts applications for funding for programs aimed at education, healing and reconciliation, and cultural knowledge building. The goal of the FG Foundation is to help First Nations, Métis people and communities address the impacts of the Indian residential school’s system, and to provide resourcing to create meaningful opportunities that improve the quality of life for First Nations and Métis people.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Mental Health

Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund - Philanthropic Initiatives

Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Blanket Fund & Grants

The HBC Point Blanket has been called many things throughout its history: an essential trade item, an enduring emblem of Canada, a carrier of disease, and a symbol of colonialism. Applications for Oshki Wupoowane | The Blanket Fund are now open. Oshki Wupoowane launched on September 30, with an initial $1 million investment from Hudson’s Bay Foundation and a commitment to direct 100% of net proceeds from the sale of all HBC Point Blankets to The Blanket Fund moving forward. Since then, The Blanket Fund has grown to more than $1.5 million, which will be disbursed to successful applicants over multiple years. Through two grant streams, The Blanket Fund will provide support for Indigenous cultural, artistic, and educational activities. Indigenous people, as well as Indigenous-led initiatives and organizations in Canada, are eligible.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding

Indigenous Relations Division

Indigenous Relations Division – Programs and Services

The Indigenous Relations Division establishes and maintains meaningful relationships and partnerships with and between Indigenous peoples, communities, and governments to assist the City of Winnipeg in our commitments to reconciliation. Some of the current initiatives we are working on are: programs, proposals and scholarships for Indigenous Youth, the Winnipeg Indigenous Accord and the Welcoming Winnipeg Committee.

Advocacy Human Rights Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Indigenous Skills and Employment Training

Post-secondary funding for certificate or diploma programs up to 2 years or in the last two years of a degree program; Indigenous women, trans-gender, two-spirited and gender diverse; 15 years of age or older; Must be unemployed, under-employed or able to demonstrate an immediate risk of being unemployed. Through NWAC’s agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) we are able to provide supports such as tuition, living allowance, childcare, job starts and other resources that can help Indigenous women reach their employment and skills training goals. The NWAC ISET program helps Indigenous women and gender-diverse individuals to fully participate in economic opportunities. NWAC believes that education can help Indigenous women achieve economic success. Empowered Indigenous women are the foundation for strong families and communities. Through NWAC’s agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) we are able to provide supports such as tuition, living allowance, childcare, job starts and other resources that can help Indigenous women reach their employment and skills training goals.

Career Pathways Work Placement Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living

Government of Canada

Indigneous People and Communities

Here you can find Government of Canada programs and services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis. There is also information listed to learn more about Indigenous peoples and communities.

Academic Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Mental Health


Indspire Programs

P: 1-855-463-7747
E: [email protected]

Box 5, Suite 100, 50 Generations Drive
Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken, Ontario Canada
N0A 1M0

From bursaries, scholarships and awards to mentoring programs to youth conferences and educator support, Indspire provides vital resources to help students graduate and go on to fulfil their potential.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)

MITT Vickar Automotive Group Southern Chiefs’ Organization Educational Scholarship

Scholarships will be awarded annually to a student attending the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). The scholarship recipients must be a member of one of SCO’s 34 member First Nations. The recipients must also be active in their community, either contributing to their school community or the community-at-large. Scholarship recipients will be chosen annually by MITT.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

P: 613-722-3033 / Toll -Free : 1-800-461-4043
E: [email protected]

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is a national Indigenous organization representing political voices of Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit, Transgender, and Gender-Diverse+ (WG2STGD+) People in Canada. NWAC is inclusive of First Nations—on- and off-reserve, status, non-status, and disenfranchised—Inuit, and Métis. An aggregate of Indigenous women’s organizations from across the country, NWAC was founded on a collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster social, economic, cultural, and political well-being of IndigenousWG2STGD+ People in their respective communities and Canadian societies.

Advocacy Community Activism Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Community Two Spirit & LGBTQ+ Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

NWAC Indigenous Skills and Employment Training

P: 613-722-3033 / Toll -Free : 1-800-461-4043
E: [email protected]

The NWAC ISET program helps Indigenous women and gender-diverse individuals fully participate in economic opportunities. NWAC believes education can help Indigenous women, girls, and gender-diverse people achieve economic success. Empowerment is the foundation for strong families and communities. Through NWAC’s agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) we are able to provide financial supports such as tuition, living allowance, childcare, job starts, and other resources to help Indigenous women and gender-diverse people reach their employment and skills training goals.

Career Pathways Work Placement Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living

Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

NWAC Scholarships & Bursaries

P: 613-722-3033 / Toll -Free : 1-800-461-4043
E: [email protected]

Every year, the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) provides scholarships and bursaries to young Indigenous women, Two-Spirit, and/or gender-diverse students.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

RBC Royal Bank

RBC Future Launch Scholarships

Are you an Indigenous youth in Canada looking to pursue post-secondary education?The RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth could help you achieve your post-secondary goals.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Southern Chiefs Organization SCO

Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO)


Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) and the Southern Chiefs’ Economic Development Corporation (SCEDC) thank the committed businesses, organizations and individuals that support our annual fundraising golf tournaments. Indspire is a national Indigenous registered charity that invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people for the long term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada. These scholarships are distributed to post-secondary students with demonstrated financial need who are citizens of SCO’s 34 member First Nations.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Manitoba Inuit Association

Student Financial Assistance, Scholarships and Bursaries

There is new funding for Inuit available through provincial and territorial programs. The funding is available to Inuit enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement, regardless of your place of residency or where you are going to school. Here are links and information about scholarships/bursaries/awards for post secondary Inuit students. If there are any additional questions please contact [email protected] or call (204) 774-6848.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust – TD and Indigenous Peoples

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

At TD, we recognize there is more work to be done on our collective journey towards Truth and Reconciliation. That’s why, we’re supporting community initiatives that promote a connection to the land, enhance financial literacy, and foster a sense of belonging. We believe society is stronger when we work together, and we can help be a catalyst for dialogue to bring people, communities, and cultures together.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Manitoba Métis Federation MMF

The Louis Riel Bursary

The MMF continues to support post-secondary students through the Louis Riel Bursary. These bursaries are available to Metis students at several post secondary institutions across Manitoba and are administered through the Louis Riel Institute in partnership with the post-secondary institutions.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

P: 204-943-0888 / Toll Free: 1-800-568-8488

419 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1R3

Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corporation (TWCC) was established in 1993 to provide financial resources to qualified member Aboriginal entrepreneurs and businesses in Manitoba.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending

University of Manitoba

UM EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program. The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) is committed to providing students with the knowledge, skills and resources to make confident, responsible financial decisions. With busy academic schedules, jobs and family commitments it can be difficult to devote time to managing money. Recognizing that these demands can be stressful (and impact studies) we are here to let you know it’s never too late to begin developing financially smart habits!

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Financial Workshops / Skill Development Funding

University of Manitoba

UM Indigenous Business Education Partners (IBEP)

P: 204-474-7401
E: [email protected]

181 Freedman Cres.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4

Our team provides a variety of services to Indigenous students in pursuit of their Bachelor of Commerce or Asper MBA degree including tutoring, networking opportunities and access to our scholarship and bursary program. Our best asset, however, is our community of students. Whether you are in your first year or final year student, our dedicated staff and friendly students are eager to welcome you into our growing community.

Academic Tutoring / Peer Support Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

University of Manitoba

UM Indigenous student awards

P: 204-474-9531
E: [email protected]

65 Chancellor's Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

A range of financial aid opportunities for Indigenous students are available, both through the University of Manitoba and external partners. These programs improve access to education and increase representation of Indigenous students in various programs of study. The University of Manitoba issues more than $17 million to students each year in the form of scholarships and bursaries. Find out how you can access funding so you can focus on your studies.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

University of Winnipeg

UW Awards and Financial Aid

With 12% of the University student population declaring Indigenous ancestry, The University of Winnipeg is committed to offering a variety of Indigenous focus programs, research, scholarship opportunities and accessibility to a post-secondary institution. Applying for awards at The University of Winnipeg is easy! Our applications will ask if you wish to self-declare as indigenous. Self-declaring on the application will ensure we consider you for all awards that fund Indigenous students.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Southern Chiefs Organization SCO

Yellowquill University College

Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO)

Vickar Automotive Group Southern Chiefs’ Organization Educational Scholarship

Scholarships will be awarded annually to a student attending Yellowquill College and a student attending the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). The scholarship recipients must be a member of one of SCO’s 34 member First Nations. The recipients must also be active in their community, either contributing to their school community or the community-at-large. Scholarship recipients will be chosen annually by Yellowquill College and MITT.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Access Credit Union

Access Credit Union Valeyo Learning Grant Program

Are you currently in post-secondary education or heading to school this fall? Apply for a $1,200 Learning Grant today!​

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Student Aid Awards – Scholarships & Bursaries

At Assiniboine, we recognize that funding your education is essential to your academic journey. With over $1 million in scholarships and bursaries available for full-time new and returning Assiniboine students, now is the perfect time to check if you qualify—you probably do!

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Bank of Montreal

Bank of Montreal Student Banking

To help you focus on what’s important, we have chequing and savings accounts, credit cards and borrowing options specifically designed for you.

Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending

Booth University College

Booth University College Info

P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684

We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.

Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services Work-integrated Learning Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Insurance / Health Coverage

L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)

Bourses et aide financière / Scholarships and Financial Aid

À l’Université de Saint-Boniface, on offre un programme compréhensif de bourses d’entrée, de mérite et d’excellence, en plus de bourses sportives et de besoin financier. Il est facile de trouver une bourse!

Université de Saint-Boniface offers a comprehensive program of entrance, merit and excellence scholarships in addition to sports scholarships and bursaries.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Brandon University

BU Scholarships and Awards

P: 204-727-9737
E: [email protected]

102 McKenzie Building - 270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9

Brandon University offers scholarships and awards and students are able to browse other scholarships, bursaries and awards available from other sources.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Cambrian Credit Union

Cambrian Credit Union Learning for Life Scholarship

Each year, Cambrian awards scholarships to select students through Learning for Life to support continued education in the community. The scholarship is offered to high school students in Manitoba who are pursuing a post-secondary education in the academic term following graduation or one gap year.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Canadian Mennonite University

CMU Indigenous Student Bursary

CMU offers a $1,000 Indigenous Student Bursary each year to two new incoming students that qualify. Qualifications include submitting a personal statement of need, a letter of nomination, and meeting CMU’s admission requirements.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

H & Co. Academy - Esthetics-Hair-Nails

H & Co. Academy – Esthetics-Hair-Nails Info

At H&CO Academy you will learn the skills needed to become a qualified multi-service provider, ready for your journey into the professional world of beauty.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking

Highway King

Highway King Info

P: 204-952-1329
E: Online Contact Form

Highway King Class 1 Training Centre is a Manitoba-owned-and-operated company serving the public since August 2013.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Hydro

We are committed to supporting Indigenous students interested in a career with Manitoba Hydro. We also provide funding opportunities for Indigenous students. All applicants must self-declare as Indigenous descent and provide proof of Indigenous ancestry.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Sector Council Program

The Manitoba government recognizes that a skilled, adaptable and productive workforce is essential for employers to compete locally and in the global market. The Sector Council Program supports organizations in key Manitoba sectors to develop and deliver workforce training for new and existing employees to support business growth and prosperity. Sector organizations collaborate with employers, industry associations, labour groups, educational institutions and other stakeholders to identify needs and deliver effective programming. They offer joint programs that enable employers to benefit from cross-sector opportunities, learning from one another and identifying potential cooperative business ventures. All ten sector councils have programing and information for Indigenous students. Each of the Sector councils are listed on the Sector Council Program site. We also have each Sector Council in it’s own entry in the Industry Sector & Business Councils page of our site so we can showcase their resources more broadly.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Manitoba Sector Council Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)

MITT Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards

Bursaries provide support to current MITT students for living expenses while studying. Bursaries are available each year for domestic students with a demonstrated financial need and minimum academic standing. Indspire Indigenous Education Awards MITT is a proud Indspire donor and supports four $2,500 awards each year for Indigenous post-secondary students. Apply through the Business Council of Manitoba or MITT’s Indigenous Student Advisor.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Manitoba Psychological Society MPS

MPS Indigenous Student Bursary

P: 204-488-7398
E: Online Contact Form

P.O. Box 151 RPO Corydon
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3M 3S7

The Manitoba Psychological Society (MPS) has made a commitment, in honour of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) Calls to Action, and upon reflection of the Canadian Psychological Association’s response to the TRC, to encourage and support Indigenous students who are interested in pursuing Graduate-level training in Psychology in Manitoba. We will contribute one percent of our annual membership fees to form a student bursary (approximately $400). This bursary was first awarded in September 2021.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Robertson College

Robertson College Winnipeg Programs

P: 204-943-5661
E: Email through website

Get hands-on experience in a collaborative environment. Study on campus at 180 Main Street. Learn in the classroom and apply your skills in the lab. Earn a recognized diploma in 1 year or less. Until further notice, all on-campus classes are being held remotely through our Virtual Classroom. All Robertson Online and Virtual Classroom students will use Brightspace, our online learning hub, to access lectures and course materials. All students enrolled in campus programs must be able to attend on-campus once they reopen.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries

Last year, Red River College Polytechnic administered awards, bursaries, and scholarships to help students achieve their academic goals. These awards are intended to support students who have shown outstanding abilities in academic or vocational areas and/or are in need of financial assistance.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Government of Canada

Service Canada Services

Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, COVID-19 Benefits and services, Wage Earner Protection Program, Benefits Finder. Taxable cash grant and how to apply.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust Student Banking

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

Discover TD banking solutions and resources to help you gain confidence about staying on top of your finances while in school. Take advantage of our chequing accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and lines of credit available for students. TD can help you feel ready for the future you want.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Financial Aid and Awards Office

P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8517 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]

University College of the North Financial Aid and Awards staff serve as a resource to students and prospective students seeking financial assistance-related information in the areas of sponsorship, awards, bursaries and scholarships and student loans. They offer personal assistance to students in completing various forms, including government financial aid documents and they also deliver informal training sessions related to student aid, awards and budgeting.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Financial Workshops / Skill Development

University of Manitoba

UM Engineering Access Program (ENGAP)

P: 204-474-9872
E: [email protected]

75 Chancellor's Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V6

There is a strong demand throughout Canada for engineers with an Indigenous background. The Engineering Access Program (ENGAP) provides opportunities for Indigenous students to get into, prepare for and succeed in the Price Faculty of Engineering. ENGAP students receive the same degree as other engineering students, but the program involves a number of custom resources. Through its warm and supportive community and staff, ENGAP offers its students a home away from home. Through ENGAP, students are offered services in the following areas; Academic: We can help you select and register for courses, provide free tutoring for all courses and offer upgrading courses to help you be better prepared for engineering, Personal: Our counsellor provides assistance with personal and family counselling, resume and job search advice and help locating daycares and accommodations as required, Financial: We’ll help you obtain financial support through numerous bursaries and scholarships, including the ENGAP Scholarship and Bursary Initiative, and Social: Social activities help you find a sense of community within the Price Faculty of Engineering, while group study spaces let you work alongside your peers.

Academic Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Health Mental Health

University of Manitoba

UM Faculty of Law – Manitoba Law School Foundation Entrance Scholarship

P: 204-474-9531
E: [email protected]

University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Award Number: 25133 Description: for a student who has accepted early admission to the Faculty of Law and has demonstrated both high academic achievement & the personal characteristics associated with the highest standards of the profession. Type: Scholarship Renewable: No Value: $5125 Number of awards: Variable. Open to all.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

University of Manitoba

UM Financial Aid and Awards

P: 204-474-9531
E: [email protected]

422 UMSU University Centre, 66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The University of Manitoba issues more than $35 million to students each year in the form of scholarships and bursaries. Find out how you can access funding so you can focus on your studies.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

University of Manitoba

UM Northern Social Work Program – Thompson

P: 204-677-1450

3 Station Road
Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R8N 0N3

Located in Thompson, Manitoba, the students complete all the university courses required for a Bachelor of Social Work Degree. The curriculum is designed to meet the specific needs of northern social work students. It includes field placements in northern communities. The program is designed for northern Manitoba residents who have been denied educational opportunities because of financial, social, and/or cultural reasons, second language difficulties, and lack of formal education or remote residence

Academic Flexible Learning Scholastic Orientation Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

University of Manitoba

UM St. Andrew’s College

P: (204)474-8895
E: [email protected]

29 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M7

St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg traces its beginnings to the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Seminary which was established in Winnipeg in 1932. The College exists to promote Orthodox spirituality, academic excellence, cultural awareness, and leadership within the Church, the Ukrainian Canadian Community and Canadian society.

Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Housing Student Residence

University of Manitoba

UM St. John’s College

P: ​(204) 474-8531 / Toll Free: 1-800-432-1960 Ext: 8531
E: [email protected]

92 Dysart Road
92 Dysart Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M5

St John’s College is a small, close-knit community that features an active student association, additional scholarships and bursaries and student supports. For only $10 a term, students will find their home away from home.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Housing Student Residence

University of Manitoba

UM St. Paul’s College

P: 204-474-8575
E: [email protected]

70 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M6

St. Paul’s College at the University of Manitoba is the only Catholic higher education institution in Manitoba and is endorsed by the Canadian Province of the Society of Jesus. The College offers a unique, small community experience within the larger University of Manitoba community and is a hub for your academic, social and spiritual needs. Membership benefits include access to scholarships and bursaries, student retreats, events, free lockers and study carrel rooms.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

University of Winnipeg

UW Opportunity Fund

P: 204-987-8661 ext. 672
E: [email protected]

614 - 294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0B9

There are three different Opportunity Fund programs: the Youth-in-Care Tuition Waivers, the Bursary Program, and the Tuition Credit Program. The University of Winnipeg is committed to breaking down the barriers to university education for Youth in Care. The Youth-In-Care Tuition Waiver Program is a part of the Opportunity Fund, and it is intended to cover undergraduate tuition fees. Tuition Waivers are based on applicants’ individual financial need. Recipients will be selected by the Awards and Financial Aid Office in partnership with the Child and Family Service Authorities and the Province of Manitoba..

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding

Cost of Living

Arctic Co-operatives Limited

Arctic Co-operatives Limited Info

P: (867) 979-2448

Arctic Co-operatives Limited is a service federation that is owned and controlled by 33 community-based Co-operative businesses that are located in Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon and Saskatchewan. The Co-op System in the Arctic is a great example of Indigenous community economic development in Canada. The 33 Co-ops are independently owned and controlled Inuit, Métis and First Nations businesses. They operate retail facilities, hotels, cable operations, construction, outfitting, arts and crafts production and property rentals.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Cost of Living


CIBC Indigenous Markets

CIBC is dedicated to providing tailored and accessible financial services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis clients in Canada. Our experienced frontline staff and Indigenous Markets Team will work with you to bring services and solutions that meet the changing and diverse needs of your Nation and its members and citizens.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Advisors Lending

First Nations Bank of Canada

First Nations Bank of Canada – Student Bank Accounts

At First Nations Bank of Canada, we understand how important financial services are to students. We also understand how difficult it can be to manage your finances while attending a college or university. Whether you’re paying for your education with student loans, working long hours over the summer to save for the rest of the year, or holding down a part-time job while attending classes, we are here to help you find the financial solutions you need.

Financial Cost of Living

Indigenous Skills and Employment Training

Post-secondary funding for certificate or diploma programs up to 2 years or in the last two years of a degree program; Indigenous women, trans-gender, two-spirited and gender diverse; 15 years of age or older; Must be unemployed, under-employed or able to demonstrate an immediate risk of being unemployed. Through NWAC’s agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) we are able to provide supports such as tuition, living allowance, childcare, job starts and other resources that can help Indigenous women reach their employment and skills training goals. The NWAC ISET program helps Indigenous women and gender-diverse individuals to fully participate in economic opportunities. NWAC believes that education can help Indigenous women achieve economic success. Empowered Indigenous women are the foundation for strong families and communities. Through NWAC’s agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) we are able to provide supports such as tuition, living allowance, childcare, job starts and other resources that can help Indigenous women reach their employment and skills training goals.

Career Pathways Work Placement Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living

Government of Canada

Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy

Financial assistance to support Inuit students pursuing postsecondary education.Eligible expenses that can be applied for include: transcript and application fees, tuition and other students fees,initial professional certification and examination fees, books and supplies, supplemental Tutoring, guidance and counseling services, living expenses including for dependents, if applicable, transportation supports when needed, expenses associated with travel home including for dependents, as applicable, child care as needed. Funding is also allocated for activities based on local needs assessments to promote students’ pursuit of post-secondary education and the attainment of a credential. These include:information technology and remote location access to allow students the opportunity to complete distance education or online courses from their home communities.

Academic Tutoring / Peer Support Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Cost of Living Funding Health Mental Health Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Kinosawi Sipi - Norway House Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Kinosawi Sipi – Norway House Cree Nation

P: 204-732-2490

NHCN is one of the largest Indigenous communities in Manitoba with a growing population of 7,500 community members and an additional 500 community council members. NHCN has long been recognized as a progressive and vibrant community, boasting a large number of amenities as its serves as a gateway to Northern and Eastern communities of Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Exercise Facilities Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Government of Canada

Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategy

Financial assistance to support Métis Nation students pursuing post-secondary education. Funding is allocated annually for direct financial support for Métis Nation post-secondary students. Eligible expenses include: transcript and application fees, tuition and other students fees, initial professional certification and examination fees, books and supplies, supplemental tutorial, guidance and counseling services, living expenses including for dependents, if applicable, transportation supports when needed, expenses associated with travel home including for dependents, as applicable, and child care as needed. Programs and services available include: academic readiness and support, wraparound services to students and their families such as; student-peer mentorship, career counselling, clinical and mental health services, Elder guidance, Knowledge-keeper, student cultural support, outreach and navigation services, cultural education and life-skills development, including fostering awareness and cultural belongings as a citizen of the historic Métis Nation, and information technology and remote locations access to allow students the opportunity to complete distance education or online courses from their home communities.

Academic Tutoring / Peer Support Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Cost of Living Funding Health Mental Health Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

NWAC Indigenous Skills and Employment Training

P: 613-722-3033 / Toll -Free : 1-800-461-4043
E: [email protected]

The NWAC ISET program helps Indigenous women and gender-diverse individuals fully participate in economic opportunities. NWAC believes education can help Indigenous women, girls, and gender-diverse people achieve economic success. Empowerment is the foundation for strong families and communities. Through NWAC’s agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) we are able to provide financial supports such as tuition, living allowance, childcare, job starts, and other resources to help Indigenous women and gender-diverse people reach their employment and skills training goals.

Career Pathways Work Placement Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust – TD and Indigenous Peoples

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

At TD, we recognize there is more work to be done on our collective journey towards Truth and Reconciliation. That’s why, we’re supporting community initiatives that promote a connection to the land, enhance financial literacy, and foster a sense of belonging. We believe society is stronger when we work together, and we can help be a catalyst for dialogue to bring people, communities, and cultures together.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Access Credit Union

Access Credit Union Locations

P: 1-800-264-2926
E: Online Contact Form

Access Credit Union has 53 branches and many ATMs across the province. Here is a map and list of all branch locations and ATMs within the province of Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living

Access Credit Union

Access Credit Union Student Chequing

P: 1-800-264-2926
E: Online Contact Form

$0.00 Monthly Fee and no interest for Full time Students of ANY age.

Financial Cost of Living

Assiniboine Credit Union

ACU Locations

P: 204-958-8588 / Toll Free: 1-877-958-8588
E: [email protected]

ACU has many branches and ATMs across the entire province. Here is a map and list of all ACU branch locations and ATMs within the province of Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living

Assiniboine Credit Union

ACU Student Accounts

P: 204-958-8588 / Toll Free: 1-877-958-8588
E: [email protected]

Top of the class savings with ACU’s student-focused accounts. ACU’s student accounts check off all the features you need and want in order to manage your money.

Financial Cost of Living

Assiniboine Credit Union

ACU Student Lines of Credit

P: 204-958-8588 / Toll Free: 1-877-958-8588
E: [email protected]

Post-secondary students can use this Line of Credit to cover tuition costs and living expenses. Standard Student Lines of Credit start at $5,000.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Belgian-Alliance Credit Union

BACU Student Bank Accounts

At Belgian-Alliance Credit Union, we understand how important financial services are to students. We also understand how difficult it can be to manage your finances while attending a college or university. Whether you’re paying for your education with student loans, working long hours over the summer to save for the rest of the year, or holding down a part-time job while attending classes, we’re here to help you find the financial solutions you need.

Financial Cost of Living

Bank of Montreal

Bank of Montreal Manitoba Locations

BMO has branches in the following cities and towns in Manitoba: Brandon, Carberry, Dauphin, East St. Paul, Morris, Neepawa, Portage La Prairie, Selkirk, Shilo, Stoney Mountain, Thompson and Winnipeg. Here is a page that will let you search by the city and town names.

Financial Cost of Living

Brandon Transit

Brandon Transit Post Secondary Smart Card Pass

Brandon Transit has a reduced cost for a post secondary pass on the Smart Card system.

Financial Cost of Living Transportation Transit Programs Transportation Resources / Assistance

Brandon Transit

Brandon Transit UPass (Brandon University and Assiniboine Community College only)

This is a further reduced or included with tuition pass available by using your student card (with an attached UPass sticker) at Brandon University or Assiniboine Community College during participating years in the program. Using your U-Pass is a as simple as getting on the bus and tapping your student card on the console in-front of the driver. Whether you ride everyday, or just need it as a backup for when your car doesn’t start, this service is both an affordable and eco-friendly option for students. The UPass is a sticker applied to your valid student ID card that gives you unlimited access to Brandon Transit during the school year. Contact your student association for more details!

Financial Cost of Living Transportation Transit Programs Transportation Resources / Assistance

Caisse Financial Group

Caisse Financial Group – Student Budget Calculator

Use this calculator to help analyze your budget as a full-time student. This calculator is specifically designed to help students understand their expenses and income while attending a university, college or other full-time educational institution. This calculator allows you to input your expenses and income for an eight-month school year running from September through April.

Financial Cost of Living

Caisse Financial Group

Caisse Financial Group – Student Chequing Account

Our no fee Student Account is the best student chequing account on the market, combining the benefits of high interest, no fees and other bonuses like keeping your student benefits until your 26th birthday, regardless if you remain a student or not. Not to mention if you open a Student Savings Account, you could be entered into our three annual $500 GIVEAWAYS (conditions apply). We can’t guarantee you good grades, but we can help you manage your finances with these two awesome accounts geared specifically for you.

Financial Cost of Living

Caisse Financial Group

Caisse Financial Group – Student Savings Account Cash Draws

Members with a Student Savings Account have the chance to win $500 three times a year!

Financial Cost of Living

Caisse Financial Group

Caisse Financial Group Locations

Caisse Financial Group has 20 branches across Manitoba. Here is the Map search tool page for all Caisse Financial Group branch locations and ATMs within the province of Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living

Cambrian Credit Union

Cambrian Credit Union Locations

P: 204-925-2727 / Toll Free: 1-888-695-8900
E: [email protected]

Cambrian Credit Union has 12 brances in Winnipeg and 1 in Selkirk, Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living

Government of Canada

Canada Benefits and Supports – Federal and Provincial triage

Do you find yourself running out of money to pay for food or shelter? The Benefits Finder may suggest benefits from federal, provincial or territorial governments, and does not collect or track your information. The more questions you answer, the more customized your results will be.

Financial Cost of Living

Government of Canada

Canada Child Benefit

P: 1-800-387-1193

Mailing Address for Forms: Winnipeg Tax Centre Post Office Box 14005 Station Main
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0E3

The Canada child benefit (CCB) is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. The CCB may include the child disability benefit and any related provincial and territorial programs.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Parenting Financial Cost of Living


CIBC Banking for Post-Secondary Students

Your money should work harder as your financial needs evolve. Pay no monthly fee for unlimited banking until age 25.

Financial Cost of Living


CIBC Banking Manitoba Locations

CIBC has many branches and ATMs across the entire province. Here is a map and list of all CIBC branch locations and ATMs within the province of Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Government of Canada

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVIP) – Free Tax Clinics

Through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP), community organizations host free tax clinics where volunteers file tax returns for people with a modest income and a simple tax situation.

Financial Cost of Living

Compass Credit Union

Compass Credit Union Student Line of Credit

P: (204) 729-4800 / (204) 636-7771 / Toll Free: 1-866-922-7771
E: [email protected]

The Compass StudentLine helps you get through school better managing your money making low monthly interest payments.

Financial Cost of Living Lending


Desjardins Info

P: 1-800-224-7737 (1-800-CAISSES)
E: Online Contact Form

As a cooperative financial group contributing to the development of communities, we give our members and clients the support they need to be financially empowered. Desjardins has 3 locations in Winnipeg.

Financial Cost of Living

Flin Flon Credit Union

Flin Flon Credit Union Student Bank Accounts

At Flin Flon Credit Union, we understand how important financial services are to students. We also understand how difficult it can be to manage your finances while attending a college or university. Whether you’re paying for your education with student loans, working long hours over the summer to save for the rest of the year, or holding down a part-time job while attending classes, we’re here to help you find the financial solutions you need.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Fusion Credit Union

Fusion Credit Union Locations

P: 1 877-226-7957
E: Online Contact Form

Map search tool page for all Fusion Credit Union branch locations and ATMs within the province of Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Fusion Credit Union

Fusion Credit Union Student Financing

P: 1 877-226-7957
E: Online Contact Form

You have enough to think about these days. The right student financing can help you better manage your money and your time.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Child Benefit

P: 204-948-7368
E: [email protected]

100 – 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 4V4

The Manitoba Child Benefit provides monthly benefits to lower income Manitobans with dependent children in their care. It also provides parents with additional assistance to help with some of the costs of prescription eyeglasses for their children. Low-income families may be eligible for up to $35.00 per month, per child. Low-income families may be eligible for up to $420 tax free each year for every child. For a single parent of three children working full or part time and earning $15,000 or less, this totals $1,260 with partial benefits for parents who earn $15,000 to $20,000.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Parenting Financial Cost of Living

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Pharmacare Program

P: 204-786-7141 / Toll free: 1-800-297-8099 / TTY/TDD Relay Service: 204-774-8618 outside Winnipeg: 711 or 1-800-855-0511
E: [email protected]

Pharmacare is a drug benefit program for eligible Manitobans, regardless of disease or age, whose income is seriously affected by high prescription drug costs. Pharmacare coverage is based on both your total family income and the amount you pay for eligible prescription drugs. The total family income is adjusted to include a spouse and the number of dependents, if applicable. Each year you are required to pay a portion of the cost of your eligible prescription drugs. This amount is your annual Pharmacare deductible. Pharmacare sets your deductible based on your adjusted family income.

Financial Cost of Living

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Shelter Benefit for Persons with Disabilities

P: 204-945-2197 or 1-877-587-6224 / (toll free) or TTY 948-3698
E: [email protected]

The MSB helps three groups of people: persons with a disability, families, and seniors. You may be able to get the Manitoba Shelter Benefit (MSB) for Persons with a Disability, if you: rent your home, and earn less than $23,760 per year, and you or your spouse or common-law partner has a disability; or you have an adult dependent with a disability living at home. You cannot get the MSB for Persons with a Disability, if you: rent from The Manitoba Housing Authority, or get another type of housing benefit, or live on a First Nations reserve.

Financial Cost of Living

Manitoba Tax Assistance Office

Manitoba Tax Assistance Office Info

P: (204) 948-2115 / 1-800-782-0771
E: [email protected]

110A - 401 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0P8

To provide information and assistance to Manitoba residence with enquiries about Manitoba income tax, tax credit programs and program applications.

Financial Cost of Living

Niverville Credit Union

Niverville Credit Union Student Accounts

P: N: 204-388-4747 / L: 204-355-4035 / S: 204-326-3925 / Toll Free: 1-855-500-6593 / Telephone Banking: 1-877-435-0103
E: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Ages 19-24. Must be a student. At age 25 or post-graduate, this account changes to an eChequing.

Financial Cost of Living

Rosenort Credit Union

Rosenort Credit Union Info for Post-Secondary Students

P: R: p 204.746.2355 | 1.800.265.7925 / A: p 204.324.8074 / W: p 204.325.9810 | 1.855.821.8120
E: [email protected]

Are you attending or considering College or University? Don’t let the lack of dispensable funds hold you back from your dreams of post secondary education. We can offer you a number of different financing options.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Stride Credit Union

Stride – Find a Branch or ATM

Map search tool for branch and ATM locations OR click the contact and transit information drop down for a list of locations in Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Stride Credit Union

Stride Personal Accounts – Student Accounts

Student accounts for students 18–24 years old include 60 FREE transactions every month, including cash withdrawals, cheques, debit card purchases and more. Additional transactions pay-as-you-go, with NO monthly fee.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Sunrise Credit Union

Sunrise Credit Union CareerStart® Account

Sunrise Credit Union

Sunrise Credit Union Locations

Sunrise Credit Union now boasts 19 branches and about 34,000 members across the Parkland and Western Manitoba region. The branches are in the following communities: Baldur, Boissevain, Brandon, Cypress River, Deloraine, Grandview, Hartney, Holland, Laurier, Melita, Minnedosa, Reston, Sandy Lake, Shoal Lake, Ste. Rose du Lac, Strathclair, Treherne, Virden, and Waskada.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Sunrise Credit Union

Sunrise Credit Union StudentLine

Sunrise Credit Union’s StudentLine can help to reduce the debt load by the time of graduation. The flexible line of credit offered by Sunrise Credit Union not only allows a student-member to borrow what only they need, but it also allows for the ability to pay back a portion of their student debt throughout their post-secondary education. StudentLine can make it easier for students to manage their debt and can even help them reduce their interest costs.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Swan Valley Credit Union

Swan Valley Credit Union Personal Borrowing

P: Tel. 204.734.7828 / Toll Free: 1.877.218.7828 / Benito Tel. 204.539.2400
E: Online Contact Form

SVCU offers a wide range of financing options to meet the needs of your unique financial picture. Thinking about an RV, new vehicle, looking to travel, renovate a space or reduce your current debt load? We have a product and the expert advice to support you in how you would like to live your life. Some of these services are great for students.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Swan Valley Credit Union

Swan Valley Credit Union Student Accounts

P: Tel. 204.734.7828 / Toll Free: 1.877.218.7828 / Benito Tel. 204.539.2400
E: Online Contact Form

STUDENT Plan 24 Savings – No Account Fee for All Full-Time Students– 40 Debits FREE/Month, Interest calculated on closing daily balance, paid monthly. STUDENT Chequing -No Account Fee for All Full-Time Students -40 Debits FREE/Month, Interest calculated on closing daily balance over $10,000, paid monthly. *Proof of full-time enrollment required annually after 18 years of age.

Financial Cost of Living

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust Manitoba Locations

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

TD Canada Trust has branches in Thompson, The Pas, Swan River and Winnipeg and many ATMs across the province. Here is a map search tool to find a location near you.

Financial Cost of Living

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust Student Banking

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

Discover TD banking solutions and resources to help you gain confidence about staying on top of your finances while in school. Take advantage of our chequing accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and lines of credit available for students. TD can help you feel ready for the future you want.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

University of Manitoba

UM Dept. of Community Health Services – Get Your Benefits GYB!

P: 204-789-3657
E: [email protected]

Get Your Benefits! Manitoba Centre for Health Policy - 408 - 727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 3P5

A plain language booklet designed specifically for Manitobans, Get Your Benefits! lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals may be eligible for including prenatal benefits, disability benefits, Canada Child Benefit, Old Age Security and more. Such benefits and supports can provide more income and contribute to an individual or a family’s better health and well-being.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Urgent Financial Aid Health Disability Services Insurance / Health Coverage Local Health Care

University of Manitoba

UM Work-study program

P: 204-474-9456
E: [email protected]

474 University Centre -65 Chancellor’s circle
Fort Garry Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Work-Study program offers part-time, on-campus employment for students with financial need during the school year. Apply to the program to gain valuable work experience and skills related to your field right on campus. The work-study program is coordinated by Financial Aid and Awards and Career Services. For more information about the program, contact us at [email protected] or 204-474-9456.

Academic Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Cost of Living

University of Winnipeg

UW Work Study Program

P: 204-786-9459
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The Work-Study Program assists you with meeting your expenses during the academic year. It offers you valuable life and work experience with flexible hours that work around your school schedule. It also often provides work experience in your area of study, as a number of the positions are program related.

Academic Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning Financial Cost of Living

Westoba Credit Union

Westoba Credit Union Locations

With 13 locations scattered across the province, don’t let our size fool you – at Westoba you’re more than a number. Branch locator tool.

Financial Cost of Living

Westoba Credit Union

Westoba Credit Union Student Banking

Going back to school? Keep your finances well managed. Guide to saving, Student Line of Credit, Student Credit Card, WestobaONE FREE Chequing Account, Building Credit 101, How to save for your down payment, and how to budget.

Financial Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Winnipeg Transit

Winnipeg Transit Post Secondary Pass

Save 20% with a Post-Secondary Student Pass. A post-secondary Student peggo card must be purchased at the educational institution where you are enrolled. After your initial purchase you are free to load your card online, at one of our retail sales agents, or by calling 311. Students will be required to show their valid university student ID to the bus operator when tapping your peggo card. A validation sticker for the school year will be affixed to your student ID by the staff at your post-secondary school or the student association staff, depending on who is sponsoring and managing the post-secondary program at your school. The validation sticker on your student ID is required for all post-secondary users.

Financial Cost of Living Transportation Transit Programs

Winnipeg Transit

Winnipeg Transit U-Pass (University of Winnipeg/Manitoba only)

This is a further reduced pass or included with tuition pass included for University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg students. Students will be required to show their valid student ID to the bus operator when boarding. Transit ID validation stickers for 2022-2023 are available from your Student Association. U-Pass peggo card eligibility is determined by the institution you attend. If your post secondary institution determines that you are no longer eligible, your peggo card will be cancelled.

Financial Cost of Living Transportation Transit Programs

Winnipeg Transit

Winnipeg Transit WINNpass

The WINNpass program provides individuals with low income the opportunity to purchase adult monthly transit passes at a 50 per cent discount. If you are a Winnipeg resident between the ages of 18 and 64, you may qualify for the WINNpass program if you meet one of the following criteria: You are receiving Employment and Income Assistance and do not qualify for transportation allowance in the equivalent amount of a bus pass. You are a new permanent resident or a refugee who has been in Canada for less than a year and have not yet filed a tax return. You are a part of a household with income less than the Low Income Cut Off (amounts listed on the website).

Financial Cost of Living Transportation Transit Programs

Employment Income Assistance

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Azaadiwi-ziibiing – Poplar River First Nation – – Treaty Territory 5

P: 204-244-2267

Poplar River First Nation is an Ojibwa First Nation in Manitoba, Canada. It is named after the Poplar River, which is the main river on which it resides. We are a remote (fly-in) community of 1400 people and the community members from Poplar River are friendly and welcoming to all visitors and guests. Poplar River has winter road access to Berens River, MB, where it connects to the all weather road. The winter road is accessible from December to March.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Local Health Care

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Baaskaandibewi-ziibiing – Brokenhead Ojibway Nation – Treaty Territory 1

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Ishkwaawinaaning – Skownan First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

Skownan is a Cree and Ojibway name meaning “to turn around the point or turning point. Our people respect the lands and waters. We work to ensure that the land and water are clean and healthy for our children and the animals. Our people strive for higher education. We complete high school, excel at our jobs, achieve our goals, and bring meaningful employment requiring skills and education back to Skownan First Nation. Our children are educated in our traditional values, and we have the skills, knowledge and respect needed to survive on the land. Our people speak Ojibway.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Kinosawi Sipi - Norway House Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Kinosawi Sipi – Norway House Cree Nation

P: 204-732-2490

NHCN is one of the largest Indigenous communities in Manitoba with a growing population of 7,500 community members and an additional 500 community council members. NHCN has long been recognized as a progressive and vibrant community, boasting a large number of amenities as its serves as a gateway to Northern and Eastern communities of Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Exercise Facilities Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Minegoziibe Anishinabe – Pine Creek First Nation- Treaty 4 Territory

The original members of Minegoziibe Anishinabe were of Saulteaux descent and hailed from the Ontario Lake Superior area of Sault Ste. Marie. The name “Saulteaux” is derived from the French language meaning “people of the rapids”; they are also formally recognized as Plains Ojibwe or Anishinaabe. Minegoziibe Anishinabe is a healthy, safe and progressive community, balanced and harmonious with all creation.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Misipawastik Cree Nation – Grand Rapids – Treaty 5 Territory

P: (204) 639-2219 / Toll Free: 1 (866) 281 9873
E: Online Contact Form

Most programs and administration delivered with funding from Indigenous Services Canada. MCN manages reserve lands under the MCN Land Code, effective June 1, 2017. Cree people have occupied the territory for thousands of years, most recently since the retreat of the last glaciers from the area. Cree culture and language reveal the relationships between our people, our territory, and our world, and are the foundations of our nationhood.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Ochekwi Sipi - Fisher River Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Ochekwi Sipi – Fisher River Cree Nation

Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Oshki-ishkonigan – Peguis First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

Peguis First Nation is a Treaty 1 First Nation, located in Manitoba, Canada. With a population of approximately 10,246 members of Ojibway and Cree descent, it is the largest First Nation community in Manitoba. The main community of Peguis First Nation, Peguis 1B, is located approximately 196 kilometres north of Winnipeg, MB. Peguis First Nation has a rich culture, strong traditions and a significant history within Canada. The community is named after Chief Peguis. Peguis led the band of Saultaux people from present day Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario to a settlement at Netley Creek, Manitoba, and later to St.Peter’s (present day East Selkirk, Manitoba). After an illegal land transfer in 1907, Peguis First Nation was moved to its present location at Peguis 1B. Severe flooding in Manitoba in 2011 caused serious damage to housing and infrastructure and led to people evacuating from 18 First Nations communities. Peguis First Nation was one of the First Nations affected by this flooding.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

P: 204-855-2671

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation SVDN, formerly called the Oak River Reserve, is located on the banks of the Assiniboine River in Southwestern Manitoba. The Oak River Reserve was created by an Order in Council of the Government of Canada in 1876. Sioux Valley Dakota Nation is the largest Dakota Nation in Canada with a membership of approximately 2500. SVDN is not a signatory to a Treaty.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Housing Housing Resources

Zaagiing - Sagkeeng Anicinabe - Fort Alexander - Treaty 1 Territory

Zaagiing – Sagkeeng Anicinabe – Fort Alexander

P: 204-367-2287 / Toll Free: 1-866-878-2911
E: [email protected]

Sagkeeng is comprised of Anicinabe people who have resided at or near the Fort Alexander Indian Reserve #3 located along the Winnipeg River and Traverse Bay, since time immemorial. The ancestors of the Anicinabe people of Sagkeeng signed Treaty 1 in 1871. The Fort Alexander Indian Reserve of approximately 21,674 acres was surveyed in 1874 and has a current band membership of 7,637 people with approximately 3,352 living on reserve.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Senior Services Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

University of Manitoba

UM Dept. of Community Health Services – Get Your Benefits GYB!

P: 204-789-3657
E: [email protected]

Get Your Benefits! Manitoba Centre for Health Policy - 408 - 727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 3P5

A plain language booklet designed specifically for Manitobans, Get Your Benefits! lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals may be eligible for including prenatal benefits, disability benefits, Canada Child Benefit, Old Age Security and more. Such benefits and supports can provide more income and contribute to an individual or a family’s better health and well-being.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Urgent Financial Aid Health Disability Services Insurance / Health Coverage Local Health Care

Financial Advisors


CIBC Indigenous Markets

CIBC is dedicated to providing tailored and accessible financial services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis clients in Canada. Our experienced frontline staff and Indigenous Markets Team will work with you to bring services and solutions that meet the changing and diverse needs of your Nation and its members and citizens.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Advisors Lending

RBC Royal Bank

RBC Financial Literacy for Indigenous Peoples Course

The RBC Financial Literacy for Indigenous Peoples Course will give you the information you need to make informed decisions and help you achieve lasting financial well-being. The RBC Financial Literacy for Indigenous Peoples Course was created in response to calls from residential school survivors and First Nations youth who recommended financial training as a means to maximizing the benefits of financial compensation. While some of the information is specific to persons receiving lump sum payments, the course is intended to provide knowledge about money and banking for all Indigenous people.

Financial Financial Advisors Financial Workshops / Skill Development


Scotiabank – Services for Indigenous peoples

P: Indigenous Financial Services: 416-945-5386
E: Indigenous Financial Services: [email protected]

Receive the services you need knowing your traditions will be respected. With a team dedicated to cultural awareness, we understand the unique needs of Indigenous communities, businesses and individuals. We have the expertise to provide a variety of customized banking solutions.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Financial Financial Advisors Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

University of Manitoba

UM Indigenous Student Recruitment Team

P: 204 474-8850
E: [email protected]

114 Sidney Smith Street
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The student recruitment team that aids Indigenous students with becoming a UM student whether applying from high school, an adult learning center or a mature learner. The team will work with all students who self-identify as First Nations, Métis and Inuit. The student recruitment team can help you find financial aid and awards and with the campus Indigenous community.

Academic Post-Secondary Preparation Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce ACC

The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization with members from all size of businesses; single entrepreneurs, small, medium and large enterprises, home-based businesses, not-for-profit and community organizations. We work together to build a healthy economy that benefits West Winnipeg.

Advocacy Community Activism Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Mentorship / Networking Financial Financial Advisors

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Student Supports – Student Services

Assiniboine helps students achieve success by providing guidance, support, encouragement, advice, information and assistance wherever needed. We strive to provide a warm and friendly environment where students feel comfortable raising questions or concerns. While many students make a smooth transition to college on their own, some may benefit from additional supports. Assiniboine’s goal is to help students plan for a successful college experience.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors

P: Toll-Free 1-888-463-6232
E: Online Contact Form

BDC services are made available through a broad network of more than 100 business centres across Canada. To maximize BDC’s reach, smaller and more remote communities are served through offices, travelling account managers and consultants. Various locations listed on the website. Manitoba has offices in Brandon, Steinbach, Winkler, and Winnipeg.

Financial Financial Advisors Funding Lending

Brandon University

BU Student Accessibility Coordinator

P: 204-727-9759
E: [email protected]

Room 106, A.E. McKenzie Building, 270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9

Do you have a disability or chronic medical condition and require academic accommodations or assistive technology? Contact Student Accessibility Services before the start of the school year to discuss the services and supports that you may access during the upcoming school year.

Academic Disability Accommodations Tutoring / Peer Support Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Financial Financial Advisors

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC)

Manitoba Southeast Commerce Group Inc

P: (204) 270-0116
E: Online Contact Form

The Manitoba Southeast Commerce Group Inc is a non for profit entity serving the Ritchot, Ste. Anne and Taché regions. Comprised of a board of directors, the Manitoba Southeast Commerce Group Inc encourages and fosters economic and community growth through its leadership in stimulating a competitive business environment, putting in place entrepreneurial supports, creating meaningful connections, all while promoting existing and attracting new business.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Financial Advisors Funding

Steinbach Credit Union

SCU Student Accounts

Going to school is expensive. We can help you stretch your budget with low fees, plenty of included services, and all of the advice and guidance you need as you work towards building your best financial future.

Financial Financial Advisors

University of Manitoba

UM Office of Legal Counsel

P: 204-474-7843
E: [email protected]

E3-250 Engineering Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Office of Legal Counsel provides and coordinates all legal services required by the University of Manitoba and helps facilitate projects and partnerships, which are critical to the functioning and strategic priorities of the UM. The Office of Legal Counsel provides and coordinates all legal services required by UM. We have conducted legal affairs for 23 different faculties and schools, dozens of administrative units and nearly 9,000 faculty and staff.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Advocacy Legal Advocacy Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors Health Mental Health

University of Winnipeg

UW Financial Advising

P: 204-779-8946
E: [email protected]

2nd Floor, Rice Building - 489 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3

If you run into financial difficulties, or would just like to sit down with someone to talk about your financial options, drop by the Awards and Financial Aid Office. We are here to help and support you.

Financial Financial Advisors Financial Workshops / Skill Development

Financial Workshops / Skill Development

Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Manitoba Inc. (2004) is a professional not-for-profit association dedicated to excellence and innovation in financial management and its practices. They represent the Manitoba chapter for Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada (AFOA). AFOA presents a leadership role in Aboriginal financial management activities by developing and promoting quality standards, practices, research, certification and professional development to expand capacity for members and Aboriginal organizations. The primary delivery mechanism is through a variety of functions, workshops, forums and conferences.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Financial Workshops / Skill Development


AMIK – Cultural Sensitivity Training & Other Services

To ensure the successful integration of an Indigenous workforce, its critical to gain a proper understanding of our cultural nuances. Indigenous Engagement starts with a solid foundation upon which to cultivate and nourish a team based on understanding and acceptance. Without a holistic approach, you will miss a key piece of the puzzle.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Parenting Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Programs

Community Care – Natural gathering places for Winnipeg’s urban Indigenous community that are community driven, culturally relevant prevention and support based programs that include drop-in, emergency services, workshops, training and volunteer opportunities. Caring for Our Relatives – Protect children and honour the sacred bond of families with their children by ensuring Indigenous children remain connected to their family and community. Youth Development – Honours youth as the current and future generation of leaders through culture, education, recreation, empowerment, training, employment and leadership development opportunities. Indigenous Knowledge – Returning to our Indigenous values and practices of caring for one another. Specialized programs to lead truth and reconciliation initiatives and our leadership role to support a strong sister organization network.

Academic Study Space / Computer Usage Advocacy Legal Advocacy Community Friendship Centres Family Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Health Mental Health Workshops Transportation Transit Programs Urgent Services Basic Needs Food Banks / Subsidized Grocery Services

Me-Dian Credit Union

Me-Dian Credit Union Info

P: 204-943-9111 / Toll Free: 888-955-9558 / Grand Rapids 204-639-2501
E: [email protected]

Me-Dian Credit Union is the first Indigenous full-service financial institution to be founded in Canada. As a co-operative, the people who use our services-our members are also owners and shareholders. Members have a say in how Me-Dian Credit Union operates. They also share in the profits of the credit union, usually in the form of lower rates on loans and higher rates on deposits than they could ordinarily get at any other financial institutions. Me-Dian Credit Union is responsive to the needs of members, no matter where they live or how they choose to access our services. Me-Dian Credit Union has locations in both Winnipeg and Grand Rapids Manitoba.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

RBC Royal Bank

RBC Financial Literacy for Indigenous Peoples Course

The RBC Financial Literacy for Indigenous Peoples Course will give you the information you need to make informed decisions and help you achieve lasting financial well-being. The RBC Financial Literacy for Indigenous Peoples Course was created in response to calls from residential school survivors and First Nations youth who recommended financial training as a means to maximizing the benefits of financial compensation. While some of the information is specific to persons receiving lump sum payments, the course is intended to provide knowledge about money and banking for all Indigenous people.

Financial Financial Advisors Financial Workshops / Skill Development


Scotiabank – Services for Indigenous peoples

P: Indigenous Financial Services: 416-945-5386
E: Indigenous Financial Services: [email protected]

Receive the services you need knowing your traditions will be respected. With a team dedicated to cultural awareness, we understand the unique needs of Indigenous communities, businesses and individuals. We have the expertise to provide a variety of customized banking solutions.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Financial Financial Advisors Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust – TD and Indigenous Peoples

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

At TD, we recognize there is more work to be done on our collective journey towards Truth and Reconciliation. That’s why, we’re supporting community initiatives that promote a connection to the land, enhance financial literacy, and foster a sense of belonging. We believe society is stronger when we work together, and we can help be a catalyst for dialogue to bring people, communities, and cultures together.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

University of Manitoba

UM EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program. The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) is committed to providing students with the knowledge, skills and resources to make confident, responsible financial decisions. With busy academic schedules, jobs and family commitments it can be difficult to devote time to managing money. Recognizing that these demands can be stressful (and impact studies) we are here to let you know it’s never too late to begin developing financially smart habits!

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Financial Workshops / Skill Development Funding

University of Manitoba

UM Indigenous Graduate Student Support

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

424 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Ashley Edson is the Indigenous graduate student success coordinator of the Supporting Indigenous Graduate Student Enhancement (SAGE) programming through the Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous), Scholarship, Research and Curriculum. She is committed to working alongside students throughout their journeys in graduate studies – including guidance around admissions, clarifying University policies, connecting students to important services, programming, supports and more. These supports are available to all self-identifying Indigenous students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program of any Indigenous students considering graduate studies. Students can stay connected and updated about the upcoming opportunities available through SAGE by joining the mailing list or private Facebook Group (SAGE-Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement-University of Manitoba).

Academic Academic Advisors Career Pathways Graduate Studies/Student Support Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development

Community Futures

Community Futures Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake regions: Baden, Barrows, Bellsite, Big Eddy, Birch River, Carrot Valley, Chemawawin Cree, Cormorant, Dawson Bay, Easterville, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids First Nation, Kelsey (Excluding Cranberry Portage), Lenswood, Mafeking, Moose Lake, Mosakahiken Cree Nation, Mountain, National Mills, Novra, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Overflowing River, Pelican Rapids, Powell, Ralls Island, Red Deer Lake, Sapotaweyak Cree Nation, The Pas, Umperville, Wanless, Westgate, Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation, and Youngs Point.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Dakota Ojibway

P: (204) 988-5373 or Toll-Free 1-866-988-5373
E: [email protected]

Dakota Ojibway regions: Birdtail Sioux First Nation, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation, Dakota Plains Wahpeton Nation, Long Plain First Nation, Roseau River First Nation, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, Swan Lake First Nation, and Waywayseecappo First Nation.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures East Interlake

P: 204-378-5106 or Toll-Free1-800-378-5106
E: [email protected]

East Interlake regions: Arborg, Argyle, Armstong, Arnes, Balmoral, Bifrost, Broad Valley, Camp Morton, Chatfield, Dallas, Dunnottar(Matlock,Whytewold,Ponemah), Erinview, Fisher, Fisher Branch, Fisher Rive, Fraserwood, Gimli, Grindstone Point, Gunton, Harwill, Hecla Island, Hnausa, Hodgson, Inwood, Jackhead, Komarno, Malonton, Matheson Island, Matlock (Dunnottar), Meleb, Morweena, Narcisse, Peguis, Pine Dock, Ponemah (Dunnottar), Poplarfield, Red Rose, Rembrandt, Riverton, Rockwood, Rosser, Sandridge, Sandy Hook, Shorncliffe, Silver, Stonewall, Stony Mountain, Sylvan, Teulon, Whytewold (Dunnottar), Winnipeg Beach, and Zbaraz.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Greenstone

Greenstone regions: Bakers Narrows, Channing, Flin Flon, Cranberry Portage, Sherridon, and Snow Lake.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Heartland

Heartland regions: Alonsa, Altamont, Amaranth, Arden, Austin, Bacon Ridge, Bagot, Blumenfeld, Cardinal, Carman, Cypress River, Darlingford, Deerwood, Dufferin, Elm Creek, Gladstone, Glenella, Graysville, Grey, Haskett, Haywood, Hochfeld/Reinland, Holland, Kaleida, Katrime, Kinosota, Lakeland, Lakeview, Langruth, Lansdowne, LaRiviere, Lavenham, Lorne, MacGregor, Manitou, Miami, Morden, North Norfolk, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Osterwick, Pembina, Plumas, Portage la Prairie, Rathwell, Roland,, Rosebank, Roseisle, Rossendale, Schanzenfeld, Sidney, Silver Ridge, Snowflake, Somerset, South Norfolk, St. Claude, St. Leon, St. Lupicin, Stanley, Swan Lake, Tenby, Thompson, Thornhill, Treherne, Waldersee, Westbourne, Windygates, Winkler, and Woodside.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Kitayan

Kitayan regions: Garden Hill, God’s Lake Narrows, Gods River (Manto Sipi Cree Nation), Island Lake, Oxford House, Red Sucker Lake, Shamattawa, St. Theresa Point, and Wasagamack.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures North Central Development

P: (204) 677-1490 or Toll-Free 1-888-303-2232
E: [email protected]

North Central Development regions: Churchill, Incorporated Community of Cross Lake, Cross Lake First Nation, Fox Lake, Gillam, Ilford, Nelson House Community, Nelson House First Nation, Norway House Community, Norway House Cree Nation, Pikwitonei, Split Lake, Thicket Portage, Thompson, Wabowden, War Lake, and York Landing.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures North Red

North Red regions: City of Selkirk, RM of St. Andrews, RM of St. Clements, RM of East St. Paul, and RM of West St. Paul.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Northwest

P: (204) 356-2489 or Toll-Free 888-696-2332
E: [email protected]

Northwest regions: Barren Lands, Brochet, Charles, Drybrough, Fox Mine, Granville Lake, Heaman, Herriot, Highrock, Hone, Kinoosao, Leaf Rapids, Lynn Lake, Marcel Colomb, Mathis Colomb, McVeigh, North Lands, O-pipon-Na-Piwin, Pawistik, Rafter, Ruddock, Sayisi Dene and South Indian Lake.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Parkland

P: (204) 546-5100 or Toll-Free (888) 303-2232
E: [email protected]

Parkland regions: Angusville, Ashville, Benito, Bield, Binscarth, Birdtail, Boggy Creek, Boulton, Bowsman, Camperville, Cayer, Cowan, Crane River, Dauphin, Deepdale, Dropmore, Duck Bay, Duck River, Durban, Ebb & Flow, Eddystone, Ethelbert, Fishing River, Fork River, Gambler, Garland, Gilbert Plains, Grandview, Harrowby, HillsburgInglis, Kelwood, Kenville, Laurier, Lawrence, Makaroff, Makinak, Mallard, McCreary, Meadow Portage, Millwood, Minitonas, Mossey River, Mountain, Norgate, Ochre River, Olha, Onanole, Park North, Park South, Pine Creek, Pine River, Pulp River, Renwer, Roblin, Rock Ridge, Rorketon, Rossburn, Russell, San Clara, Sclater, Shell River, Shellmouth, Shellmouth-Boulton, Shergrove, Shortdale, Sifton, Silver Creek, Silverton, Skownan, Spence Lake, Ste. Amelie, Ste. Rose, Ste. Rose du Lac, Swan River, Takipy, Toutes Aides, Trembowla, Tummel, Ukraina, Valley River, Venlaw, Vista, Wasagaming, Waterhen,Waywayseecappo, and Winnipegosis.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Southeast

Southeast regions: Berens River First Nation, Black River First Nation, Bloodvein First Nation, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, Buffalo Point First Nation, Hollow Water First Nation, Little Grand Rapids First Nation, Pauingassi First Nation, and Poplar River First Nation.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Triple R

P: (204) 746-6180 or Toll-Free and TTY1-888-303-2232
E: [email protected]

Triple R regions: Altona, Arnaud, Aubigny, Badger, Blumenort, Brunkild, Caliento, Carey, Carlowrie, Carrick, De Salaberry, Domain, Dominion City, Dufrost, Emerson, Franklin, Friedensfeld, Gardenton, Glenlea, Grande Pointe, Green Ridge, Gretna, Grunthal, Halbstadt, Hanover, Horndean, Ile des Chenes, Kane, Kleefeld, La Rochelle, La Salle, Letellier, Lorette, Lowe Farm, La Broquerie, Macdonald, McTavish, Menisino, Middlebro, Mitchell, Montcalm, Morris, Neubergthal, New Bothwell, Niverville, Oak Bluff, Osborne, Otterburne, Pansy, Piney, Plum Coulee, Randolph, Rhineland, Ridgeville, Ritchot, Riverside, Rosa, Roseau River, Rosenfeld, Rosenort, Rosetown, Sandilands, Sanford, Sarto, Sommerfeld, South Junction, Sperling, Sprague, Steinbach, St. Adolphe, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Joseph, St. Malo, St. Pierre-Jolys, Ste Anne, Starbuck, Ste. Agathe, Ste. Elizabeth, Stuartburn, Sundown, Tache, Tolstoi, Tourand, Vassar, Vita, Wampum, and Woodridge.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures West Interlake

P: 204-768-3351 or Toll-Free1-888-496-8932
E: [email protected]

West Interlake regions: Ashern, Camper, Clarkleigh, Coldwell, Dauphin River, Deerhorn, Eriksdale, Fairford, Faulkner, Grahamdale, Gypsumville, Hilbre, Lake Francis, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Saskatchewan, Lundar, Marquette, Moosehorn, Mulvihill, Oak Point, Oakview, Spearhill, St. Laurent, St. Martin, St. Martin Junction, Steep Rock, The Narrows, Vogar, Warren, and Woodlands.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Westman

P: 204-726-1513 or Toll-Free 1-888-303-2232
E: [email protected]

Westman regions: Albert, Alexander, Archie, Argyle, Arrow River, Arthur, Baldur, Basswood, Belmont, Beresford, Bethany, Beulah, Birnie, Birtle, Blanshard, Boissevain, Bradwardine, Brandon, Brenda, Brookdale, Broomhill, Cameron, Carberry, Cardale, Carroll, Cartwright, Chater, Clanwilliam, Clearwater, Cornwallis, Coulter, Cromer, Crystal City, Dalny, Daly, Dand, Decker, Deleau, Deloraine, Douglas, Dunrea, Ebor, Edward, Elgin, Elkhorn, Ellice, Elphinstone, Elton, Elva, Erickson, Fairfax, Forrest Station, Foxwarren, Franklin, Glenboro, Glenora, Glenwood, Goodlands, Grandall, Grande Clairiere, Griswold, Hallboro, Hamiota, Harding, Hargrave, Harrison, Hartney, Holmfield, Isabella, Justice, Keeseekoowenin, Kelloe, Kemnay, Kenton, Killarney, Kirkella, Langford, Lauder, Lavinia, Lena, Lenore, Louise,Lyleton, Manson, Margaret, Mariapolis, Mather, McAuley, McConnell, Medora, Melita, Menzie, Miniota, Minnedosa, Minto, Moore Park, Morton, Mountain Road, Napinka, Neelin, Neepawa, Nesbitt, Newdale, Ninette, Ninga, North Cypress, Oak Lake, Oak River, Oakburn, Oakland, Oakner, Odanah, Pierson, Pilot Mound, Pipestone, Polonia, Purves, Rackham, Rapid City, Regent, Reston, Rivers, Riverside, Roblin, Rolling River, Rosedale, Rounthwaite, Sandy Lake, Saskatchewan, Scarth, Shilo, Shoal Lake, Sifton, Sinclair, Solsgirth, Souris, South Cypress, Sprucewoods, St. Lazare, Stockton, Strathclair, Strathcona, Tilston, Treesbank, Turtle Mountain, Underhill, Virden, Wakopa, Wallace, Waskada, Wawanesa, and Wellwood.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures White Horse Plains

White Horse Plains regions: Cartier, Dacotah, Delta Beach, Edwin, Elie, Headingley, High Bluff, Macdonald, Newton, Oakland, Oakville, Poplar Point, Portage La Prairie, Southport, Springstein, St. Ambroise, St. Eustache, and St. Francois Xavier.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Winnipeg River

P: (204) 345-2514 or (204) 345-8691
E: [email protected]

Winnipeg River regions: RM of Alexander, RM of Brokenhead , Town of Beausejour, RM of Lac du Bonnet, Town of Lac du Bonnet, Local Government District of Pinawa, Town of Powerview-Pine Falls, RM of Reynolds, RM of Springfield, RM of Victoria Beach, RM of Whitemouth, Sagkeeng First Nation , Community of Seymourville, Community of Manigotagan , Community of Bissett, Nopiming Provincial Park, and Whiteshell Provincial Park.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust Student Banking

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

Discover TD banking solutions and resources to help you gain confidence about staying on top of your finances while in school. Take advantage of our chequing accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and lines of credit available for students. TD can help you feel ready for the future you want.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Financial Aid and Awards Office

P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8517 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]

University College of the North Financial Aid and Awards staff serve as a resource to students and prospective students seeking financial assistance-related information in the areas of sponsorship, awards, bursaries and scholarships and student loans. They offer personal assistance to students in completing various forms, including government financial aid documents and they also deliver informal training sessions related to student aid, awards and budgeting.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Financial Workshops / Skill Development

University of Winnipeg

UW Financial Advising

P: 204-779-8946
E: [email protected]

2nd Floor, Rice Building - 489 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3

If you run into financial difficulties, or would just like to sit down with someone to talk about your financial options, drop by the Awards and Financial Aid Office. We are here to help and support you.

Financial Financial Advisors Financial Workshops / Skill Development

Westoba Credit Union

Westoba Credit Union Student Banking

Going back to school? Keep your finances well managed. Guide to saving, Student Line of Credit, Student Credit Card, WestobaONE FREE Chequing Account, Building Credit 101, How to save for your down payment, and how to budget.

Financial Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending


Aboriginal Single Window

P: 204-984-1415

The Aboriginal Single Window is a joint undertaking of the Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg. It enables staff in various government departments, currently working with Aboriginal issues, to co-locate in a single office. The intention of this cooperative plan is to: provide a one-stop-shop to organizations that need access to government-funded Aboriginal programs, make information about these programs easier to obtain, foster co-operation and information-sharing between various government agencies and Aboriginal organizations

Academic Study Space / Computer Usage Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Funding

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Animozeebeeng – Lake Manitoba First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

Lake Manitoba First Nation is nestled along theshores of Lake Manitoba and is a 2 hour drive (160kms) north of Winnipeg on Highway 6.

Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Assembly of First Nations AFN

Assembly of First Nations – Webpage

AFN is an advocacy organization, taking direction and fulfilling mandates as directed by First Nations-in-Assembly through resolutions.

Advocacy Human Rights Financial Funding Health Mental Health Housing Housing Resources

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Ataagewininiing – Gambler First Nation GFN – Treaty 2 Territory

Gambler First Nation is one of the smallest Indigenous communities in Manitoba, with a total membership of 293 of Ojibway descent, the majority are non resident. We are located approximately five miles west of the village of Binscarth and 17 miles southwest of the town of Russell. Gambler is situated along the Assiniboine Valley, with rolling hills and streams. Our Nation is blessed with breathtaking views, fresh air and a peaceful environment that brings a calmness to our members and all visitors. Our community offers a fully staffed Health Office with a .8 nurse, foot care, diabetes clinic, etc. The recreation center is equipped with a state-of-the art kitchen, It also houses offices for our Council, Social Assistant Administrator, Housing Director and our Jordan Principle program and staff. We have a brand-new Level 1 water transfer building and acts as a fill station for our members water needs. We have 34 homes many of which have received upgrades and renovations with many of the homes still to be renovated this year.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Azaadiwi-ziibiing – Poplar River First Nation – – Treaty Territory 5

P: 204-244-2267

Poplar River First Nation is an Ojibwa First Nation in Manitoba, Canada. It is named after the Poplar River, which is the main river on which it resides. We are a remote (fly-in) community of 1400 people and the community members from Poplar River are friendly and welcoming to all visitors and guests. Poplar River has winter road access to Berens River, MB, where it connects to the all weather road. The winter road is accessible from December to March.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Local Health Care

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Baaskaandibewi-ziibiing – Brokenhead Ojibway Nation – Treaty Territory 1

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Bawingaasi-ziibing – Pauingassi First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Pauingassi First Nation is a gorgeous remote community although access to the community is often challenging and expensive. The winter road is open for about a month each year. Float planes can land on the lake in the spring and summer but not during freeze up and break up. There is a helicopter service to transport persons from the Little Grand Rapids Airport which is 24 kilometers away. In the winter, transportation is provided by snowmobile or by vehicles when the ice road is deemed safe for travel. This winter, the community made an airstrip so that the planes can land right on the lake in Pauingassi.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Binemoodaang – Pinaymootang First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

The Pinaymootang First Nation is situated 240 kilometers northwest of Winnipeg and about 40 kilometers north of Ashern. It is signatory to Treaty 2, signed on August 21, 1871. The reserve is designated as I.R. no. 50 with an area of 11,315 acres. The native language is Ojibway. The population is at 2812; on-reserve 1233 and off-reserve of 1579. Approximately 50% of the on-reserve population is under 20 years of age. Severe flooding in Manitoba in 2011 caused serious damage to housing and infrastructure and led to people evacuating from 18 First Nations communities. Pinaymootang First Nation was one of the First Nations affected by this flooding.

Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Bunibonibee Cree Nation – Oxford House – Treaty 5 Territory

P: 204-538-2282 Toll Free: 1-888-431-7721

Bunibonibee Cree Nation (Oxford House) is located along the eastern shoreline of Oxford Lake at the mouth of the Hayes River and is approximately 950 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg. The reserve is located on a ridge of land between Oxford Lake to the west and Back Lake to the east. The First Nation has an outstanding treaty land entitlement. The First Nation is signatory to the 1909 adhesion to Treaty 5. First settled in 1798 as a Hudson’s Bay trading post, it now hosts a new school, churches and seniors home.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Government of Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) – Funding for Indigenous Housing

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is Canada’s national housing agency. Discover funding and financing opportunities for Indigenous housing construction and renovation in Canada. We offer a range of low-cost repayable and non-repayable loans and contributions for qualified projects. Find out what program is right for you.

Financial Funding Lending Housing Family Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

With a population of over 300 people, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation is located in southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Located along the #83 highway, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation has a gaming centre with VLT’s and some convenience items. The community’s Band Office is located centrally between the Health Services building and the Gaming Centre.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Chan Kagha Otina Dakhóta Oyáte – Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation

P: (204) 568-4540
E: [email protected]

Mailing Address: Box 130, Beulah, Manitoba R0M 0B0
Beulah, Manitoba Canada
R0M 0B0

Birdtail Sioux Dakhóta Oyáte (Dakota Nation) is a modern and progressive First Nation located approximately 50 km north of Virden, Manitoba and has a population of about 500 people on approximately 7,128 acres (28.85 km2) of land. It is bordered by the Rural Municipality of Miniota and the Rural Municipality of Archie.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Mental Health Physical Health Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Chemawawin Cree Nation – Easterville – Treaty 5 Territory

Chemawawin Cree Nation (CCN) is located next to Easterville, Manitoba: on the south shores of Cedar lake, approximately 440 Kilometers North of Winnipeg on highway 60. Chemawawin Cree Nation is home to a population of approximately 1200 residents. The First Nation is located with Treaty Five territory and is a distance of 440 kilometers north of Winnipeg.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Community Activism Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

Government of Canada

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) continues to renew the nation-to-nation, Inuit-Crown, government-to-government relationship between Canada and First Nations, Inuit and Métis; modernize Government of Canada structures to enable Indigenous peoples to build capacity and support their vision of self-determination and lead the Government of Canada’s work in the North.

Advocacy Lobbying Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Funding

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Dahlu T’ua – Lac Brochet – Northlands Denesuline First Nation – Treaty 10

The Northlands Denesuline First Nation is a first nation located at Lac Brochet, in the northwestern part of Manitoba. Lac Brochet is a Dene community (reserve) in Manitoba, Canada. The community has a population of 629. The median age is just under 20 years old. It is near the Northlands Denesuline. There are no roads connecting Lac Brochet with other parts of Manitoba.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Wakhpetunwin Otinta - Dakota Plains Wahpeton First Nation

Dakota Plains Wahpeton First Nation

P: 204-252-2300

Dakota Plains Wahpeton First Nation is located in South Central Manitoba, 20 miles south west of Portage La Prairie. Dakota Plains has no official councils. Instead, the community are considered unofficial council members. Any meetings held are open to the community members and are welcome to sit in.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Dakota Tipi – Dakota Tipi First Nation

P: 204-857-4381
E: Online Contact Form

Dakota Tipi First Nation is situated approximately 2.5 miles southwest of the city of Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, roughly 80 km west of Winnipeg, on the Yellow Quill Trail and can be reached by a paved class “C” highway. The reserve consists of Parish Lot 25 and Parish Lot 24. In 1985, the Reserve also secured Parish Lots 16, 17, and 18 for a total of 371.8 acres or 150.48 hectares. Its population is 418, in which 214 on reserve, 204 off reserve. The Dakota Wicozani Tipi – Health and Wellness Centre and the Oyate Wota Dakota Tipi Food Bank both have Facebook pages/groups that can be found on the Dakota Tipi website.

Dakota Tipi also has the Takoza Awanwiciyakapi Child Care Centre, Happy Eagle Park, and DTFN Outdoor Rink Facility with lots of activities for families and youth.

Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Urgent Services Food Banks / Subsidized Grocery Services

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Ditibineya-ziibiing – Rolling River First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

The Rolling River First Nation is a First Nations community in Manitoba, located south of Riding Mountain National Park. About half of the members are residents on its reserves, which are located south and east of Erickson, Manitoba.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Dootinaawi-ziibiing – Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve – Treaty 2 Territory

The Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve is a First Nation located 35 km east of Roblin, Manitoba, 74 km west of Dauphin, Manitoba, and approximately 5 km north of PTH #5

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Government of Canada

Funding for Indigenous Peoples

Find funding programs that support First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals and communities. This is a whole page with services and information covering a wide range of resources. There are services, initiatives for Indigenous and northern communities and organizations, a range of funding programs and grants available to support Aboriginal languages and cultures, Canada Council for the Arts grants for Indigenous artists and art administrators,and specific funding you can apply for as an Indigenous woman to engage your community and address issues affecting your advancement. Those are just a few of the options available.

Advocacy Community Activism Legal Advocacy Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Financial Funding

Future Generations Foundation

Future Generations Foundation Info

The Future Generations Foundation was formerly called the NIB Trust Fund. Established in 1975 as a trust and charity by First Nations leaders. Addresses the harms of the Indian Residential School system through education, culture, and reconciliation. Entrusted with residual IRSSA funds, the foundation prioritizes educational, vocational, cultural, language, and healing programs. The FG Foundation accepts applications for funding for programs aimed at education, healing and reconciliation, and cultural knowledge building. The goal of the FG Foundation is to help First Nations, Métis people and communities address the impacts of the Indian residential school’s system, and to provide resourcing to create meaningful opportunities that improve the quality of life for First Nations and Métis people.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Mental Health

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Gaa-biskigamaag – Swan Lake First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

The story of Swan Lake First Nation begins long ago. In 1876, Chief Yellowquill and his followers settled on Swan Lake First Nation Reserve. Swan Lake First Nation is located in South Central Manitoba along junction Highway #23 and #34. SLFN people are known as Anishinabe people, meaning “original-peoples”; their native language is Saulteaux (Wikipedia, 2011). SLFN is divided into four areas: SLFN #7, which is the main reservation; #7a Carberry which consists of residential and commercial developments; #8 Indian Gardens, ¾ of which is under agricultural lease and #8a Headingley which will consist of mainly commercial developments. A recently settled Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) with the Federal Government has enabled them to expand their land base for future developments.

Academic Post-Secondary Preparation Advocacy Health Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Gaa-ginooshkodeyaag – Long Plain First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

P: 204.252.2731 • Toll Free Number: 1.888.268.6438

Mailing Address: Box 430 Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, R1N 3B7
Long Plain Reserve No. 6, Manitoba Canada
R1N 3B7

A signatory to Treaty One, Long Plain First Nation is a proud Ojibway and Dakota community in the central plains region of Manitoba, situated on a land base of 10,800 acres. Long Plain is comprised of a main reserve and urban economic zones, situated along the city limits of Portage la Prairie, and in the city of Winnipeg, resulting from treaty land entitlement under a 2011 settlement.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Gaa-gwekwekojiwang – Ebb and Flow First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

Gaagwekwekejiong. Ebb and Flow has a rich Anishinaabe culture and offers a variety of services to the members. Ebb and Flow First Nation Chief & Council currently serve a 2 year term in Leadership Office. Ebb and Flow is located approximately 270 kilometres Northwest of Winnipeg in Manitoba. Ebb and Flow has active Facebook groups for Ebb and Flow first Nation and Ebb and Flow Health with up to date information for community members.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Parenting Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Gaa-wiikwedaawangaag – Little Saskatchewan First Nation – (Sas-ka-chew-wa-niiz in Anishinabe) – Treaty 2 Territory

This Ojibway Kasba Reservation community known as Little Saskatchewan (Sas-ka-chew-wa-niiz in Anishinabe), is located between Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg, in Manitoba. Their population is 288 according to 2016’s census. It decreased from 2011’s population of 399, to 288 in a 5 year period. What caused this population decline was 2011’s floods. They have 97 dwellings with 72 lived in. Average household size is 4.1 persons per household. Ojibway is spoken by about 75 people at Little Saskatchewan First Nation. Severe flooding in Manitoba in 2011 caused serious damage to housing and infrastructure and led to people evacuating from 18 First Nations communities. Little Saskatchewan First Nation was one of the First Nations affected by this flooding.

Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Gaa-wiikwedaawangaag – Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

P: 888-600-4393
E: Online Contact Form

Mailing Address: Box 109 Marius, Manitoba ROH 0T0
Marius, Manitoba Canada
R0H 0T0

Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation exists to deliver culturally appropriate support services through respectful, accountable, transparent communication and leadership for the betterment of the community.

Academic Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Exercise Facilities Local Health Care Mental Health

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Giizhigoowining – Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

The people of Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nations are Anishinabe / Ojibway who have lived in this land for millennia. The Keeseekoowenin Ojibway also known as the Riding Mountain Band signed Treaty #2 AUGUST 21, 1871 with the Government of Canada. 35,700 square miles in central southwestern Manitoba and a portion of southeastern Saskatchewan.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund - Philanthropic Initiatives

Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Blanket Fund & Grants

The HBC Point Blanket has been called many things throughout its history: an essential trade item, an enduring emblem of Canada, a carrier of disease, and a symbol of colonialism. Applications for Oshki Wupoowane | The Blanket Fund are now open. Oshki Wupoowane launched on September 30, with an initial $1 million investment from Hudson’s Bay Foundation and a commitment to direct 100% of net proceeds from the sale of all HBC Point Blankets to The Blanket Fund moving forward. Since then, The Blanket Fund has grown to more than $1.5 million, which will be disbursed to successful applicants over multiple years. Through two grant streams, The Blanket Fund will provide support for Indigenous cultural, artistic, and educational activities. Indigenous people, as well as Indigenous-led initiatives and organizations in Canada, are eligible.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding

Government of Canada

Government of Canada Post-Secondary Support Program

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) provides financial assistance to First Nations students who are enrolled in eligible post-secondary programs. To be eligible for funding, students must maintain satisfactory academic standing within an eligible post-secondary institution. These include: educational institutions affiliated with, or those that deliver post-secondary programs by arrangement with a post-secondary institution and First Nations-designated and directed institutions

Financial Funding

Government of Canada

Government of Canada University and College Entrance Preparation Program

University and College Entrance Preparation Program (UCEPP) aims to enable First Nations students to attain the academic level required for entrance into degree and diploma credit programs, as prioritized and directed by First Nations. This program provides non-repayable financial support for First Nations (Registered Status First Nations) students who are enrolled in accepted university and college entrance preparation programs. Eligible costs covered by the program may include tuition, books, travel support and living allowances.

Financial Funding

Indigenous Chamber of Commerce

Indigenous Chamber Manitoba

It all started with a small group of business owners meeting over a cup of coffee to discuss areas of common concern and from that meeting, in 2004, the Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce was created by bringing northern and southern businesses together to work on common issues. Throughout the years, our membership has continued to grow, as Manitoba businesses recognize the value of working as a collective on key issues concerning Indigenous business initiatives. Today, our membership is open to both the Indigenous and Non-Indigenous business community. Over the years, we have grown to understand that our Chamber can create the partnerships and synergies important to the growth and development of all business in this province.

Financial Funding

Government of Canada

Indigneous People and Communities

Here you can find Government of Canada programs and services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis. There is also information listed to learn more about Indigenous peoples and communities.

Academic Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Mental Health

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Inc.

Representing 7 Communities in the Interlake Region. Working together to advance our collective well-being of our member Communities.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Government of Canada

Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy

Financial assistance to support Inuit students pursuing postsecondary education.Eligible expenses that can be applied for include: transcript and application fees, tuition and other students fees,initial professional certification and examination fees, books and supplies, supplemental Tutoring, guidance and counseling services, living expenses including for dependents, if applicable, transportation supports when needed, expenses associated with travel home including for dependents, as applicable, child care as needed. Funding is also allocated for activities based on local needs assessments to promote students’ pursuit of post-secondary education and the attainment of a credential. These include:information technology and remote location access to allow students the opportunity to complete distance education or online courses from their home communities.

Academic Tutoring / Peer Support Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Cost of Living Funding Health Mental Health Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Ishkwaawinaaning – Skownan First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

Skownan is a Cree and Ojibway name meaning “to turn around the point or turning point. Our people respect the lands and waters. We work to ensure that the land and water are clean and healthy for our children and the animals. Our people strive for higher education. We complete high school, excel at our jobs, achieve our goals, and bring meaningful employment requiring skills and education back to Skownan First Nation. Our children are educated in our traditional values, and we have the skills, knowledge and respect needed to survive on the land. Our people speak Ojibway.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

P: 800-665-6212

The mandate of KTC is to promote, advance and protect the interests of its ten member First Nations, and is intended to maintain, strengthen, enhance, lobby for and defend the rights of northern Manitoba First Nations people within its jurisdiction. KTC maintains an office in Thompson with a sub-office in Winnipeg.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation – Treaty Territory 2

The Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation is a band of Chippewa Indigenous Peoples in the Interlake Region of Manitoba. The Reserves associated with this band are Jackhead 43 and Jackhead 43A.

Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Kinosawi Sipi - Norway House Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Kinosawi Sipi – Norway House Cree Nation

P: 204-732-2490

NHCN is one of the largest Indigenous communities in Manitoba with a growing population of 7,500 community members and an additional 500 community council members. NHCN has long been recognized as a progressive and vibrant community, boasting a large number of amenities as its serves as a gateway to Northern and Eastern communities of Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Exercise Facilities Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Kischewaskahegan – York Landing – York Factory – Treaty 5 Territory

P: 204-341-2180

The York Factory First Nation (YFFN) Ininéwak have lived on the land that is now northeastern Manitoba for thousands of years – since the glaciers melted. During this time, we developed an intimate relationship with the land that represents an unbroken cultural thread transmitted from our ancestors to current members of the community. To be Ininéwak was, and still is, to be part of an ancient tradition that mastered and specialized in life through the most challenging environments. Through our cultural teachings & practices, our relationship to the land has supported our health and well-being since before recorded history. York Landing (Kawéchiwásik) is now home to our community, but our ancestral home at York Factory (Kischi Wáskáhikan) continues to be at the coast. We remain deeply connected to our traditional territory. At every opportunity, we return to the coast to celebrate our community, land, and culture.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Kisematawa – Shamattawa First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Shamattawa is a community in Northern Manitoba, Canada and the location of the Shamattawa First Nation[1] (55°51′30″N 92°05′46″W). It is located on the banks of the Gods River where the Echoing River joins as a right tributary. Shamattawa is a remote, isolated community, only connected to the rest of the province by winter and ice roads. Winter roads also extend east of the community towards Fort Severn, Ontario, and Peawanuck, Ontario. It can also be reached via Shamattawa Airport.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Kisipakakamak – Barren Lands (Brochet) First Nation – Treaty 10

The Barren Lands First Nation inhabits the Brochet Reserve No. 197, situated on the northern shore of Reindeer Lake. The community is 928 kilometres north of Winnipeg and 19 kilometres east of the Saskatchewan border. The First Nation is signatory to Treaty 10 signed in 1906. Part of the Barren Lands First Nation separated to become the Northlands First Nation which relocated to Lac Brochet, 70 kilometres north of Brochet I.R. No. 197. The native languages spoken are Cree and Dene.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Anisininew Okimawin Island Lake Tribal Council Member Nations

Kistiganwacheeng – Garden Hill First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Makadewaagamijiwanoonsing – Black River First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Black River is located 138 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg and approximately 36 kilometres north of the community of Powerview/Pinefalls, Manitoba. The population of the First Nation is 980 and the primary language used is Ojibwe. The Community has a window plant, water treatment facility, truss plant, health centre, Head Start Program and a general store/gas bar. The Majority of homes are single detached and located within a one-mile radius of the government offices and schools. The community is accessible year round by a paved road, which intersects PTH 304 (6.4 km to the east).

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Makaso Sakikan – Fox Lake (Bird) – Treaty 5 Territory

P: Home Office: (204) 486-2463 / Toll free: (866) 498-2746 / Winnipeg Office: (204) 953-2760 / Gillam Office: (204) 652-5423
E: Online Contact Form

Fox Lake Cree Nation is located 750 kilometres (1200kms by road) North East of Winnipeg, Manitoba. There are approximately 1300 members, of which approximately 200 live on the Fox Lake reserve land in Bird, as well as on a small piece of reserve land in Gillam. Approximately 1000 members live off reserve, including about 300 in the Town of Gillam, with the remaining living primarily in Winnipeg, Thompson, and Churchill, Manitoba.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Manitoba Moon Voices

Manitoba Moon Voices – ISET Program

Empowered Indigenous women are the foundation for strong and healthy families and communities. That is why Manitoba Moon Voices Inc. (MMVI) is proud to deliver the Indigenous Skills & Employment Training program (ISET) in Manitoba. ISET helps Indigenous women and gender diverse individuals fully participate in economic opportunities by supporting education and skills training that can help them achieve economic independence.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Funding

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Manto Sakikan – God’s Lake Narrows – Treay 5 Territory

God’s Lake Narrows is located 1037 kilometres Northeast of Winnipeg. The reserve is signatory to the 1909 adhesion Treaty No.5. The First Nation has two communities: the reserve side and the Metis side and the main dialect spoken is Cree and English. God’s Narrows First Nation Administration consists of one Chief and six Council members who are elected through Band custom.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Manto Sipi Cree Nation – God’s River – Treaty 5 Territory

P: 204-366-2011

The community of God’s River was originally part of the God’s Lake First Nation. It was in the mid 1940’s that people moved from the God’s Lake Narrows to form the community of God’s River. Manto Sipi Cree Nation is a signatory to the Adhesion of Treaty 5, which was signed in 1909. The God’s River First Nation is located 585 air kilometers northeast of Winnipeg. The community is located at the mouth of the God’s River along the north shoreline of God’s Lake.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Marcel Colomb Cree Nation – Black Sturgeon – Treaty 5 Territory

Marcel Colomb First Nation (Black Sturgeon) is located on Hughes Lake, near Lynn Lake and is part of the Swampy Cree Tribal Council.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Mathias Colomb Cree Nation – Pukatawagan – Treaty 5 Territory

The Mathias Colomb Cree Nation is a remote northern Manitoba Cree Community, located 210 km north of the Town of The Pas and 819 km northwest of the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, which has two reserves under its jurisdiction, IR 198 and IR No. 199. Situated beautifully in the heart of the Manitoba’s North, the community has plenty of opportunities and much to offer.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources Urgent Services Basic Needs Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Mememwi-ziibiing – Berens River First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Berens River First Nation has two reserves: Berens River 13 and Pigeon River 13A, located in the boreal forest east of Lake Winnipeg. Berens River offers many community supports and services and has a very active Facebook page. Our membership is 3,106 strong. Our primary language is Saulteaux. We administer our own Health Care, On-Reserve Social Services & Student Services.

Academic Academic Advisors Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Government of Canada

Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategy

Financial assistance to support Métis Nation students pursuing post-secondary education. Funding is allocated annually for direct financial support for Métis Nation post-secondary students. Eligible expenses include: transcript and application fees, tuition and other students fees, initial professional certification and examination fees, books and supplies, supplemental tutorial, guidance and counseling services, living expenses including for dependents, if applicable, transportation supports when needed, expenses associated with travel home including for dependents, as applicable, and child care as needed. Programs and services available include: academic readiness and support, wraparound services to students and their families such as; student-peer mentorship, career counselling, clinical and mental health services, Elder guidance, Knowledge-keeper, student cultural support, outreach and navigation services, cultural education and life-skills development, including fostering awareness and cultural belongings as a citizen of the historic Métis Nation, and information technology and remote locations access to allow students the opportunity to complete distance education or online courses from their home communities.

Academic Tutoring / Peer Support Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Financial Cost of Living Funding Health Mental Health Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Minegoziibe Anishinabe – Pine Creek First Nation- Treaty 4 Territory

The original members of Minegoziibe Anishinabe were of Saulteaux descent and hailed from the Ontario Lake Superior area of Sault Ste. Marie. The name “Saulteaux” is derived from the French language meaning “people of the rapids”; they are also formally recognized as Plains Ojibwe or Anishinaabe. Minegoziibe Anishinabe is a healthy, safe and progressive community, balanced and harmonious with all creation.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

Anisininew Okimawin Island Lake Tribal Council Member Nations

Minithayinikam – St. Theresa Point First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Mishi-baawitigong – Little Grand Rapids First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Our vision is to be a safe, healthy, prosperous, successful and united community where individuals can realize their aspirations and goals while honoring our beliefs, language, values and traditions.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Senior Services Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Workshops

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Misipawastik Cree Nation – Grand Rapids – Treaty 5 Territory

P: (204) 639-2219 / Toll Free: 1 (866) 281 9873
E: Online Contact Form

Most programs and administration delivered with funding from Indigenous Services Canada. MCN manages reserve lands under the MCN Land Code, effective June 1, 2017. Cree people have occupied the territory for thousands of years, most recently since the retreat of the last glaciers from the area. Cree culture and language reveal the relationships between our people, our territory, and our world, and are the foundations of our nationhood.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Misko-ziibiing – Bloodvein First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Bloodvein First Nation is 210 kilometres north of Winnipeg on the east shore of Lake Winnipeg, directly north of the Bloodvein River. The community is situated along three kilometres of shoreline at the mouth of the river. There is a 3,000 foot gravel airstrip maintained in the community. A ferry/ barge service (39 passenger vehicle) is operated by the Marine Division of the Department of Highways. The ferry/ barge is used during the summer months.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Anisininew Okimawin Island Lake Tribal Council Member Nations

Mithkwamepin Thaakkahikan – Red Sucker Lake First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Red Sucker Lake Reserve No. 1976 is located on a peninsula on the northeast shore of Red Sucker Lake close to the Ontario border, approximately 709 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Moosocoot – Ilford – War Lake – Treaty 5 Territory

War Lake First Nation is located at Ilford, Manitoba. Ilford is located along the Bay line, now owned and operated by OmniTrax, 144 air km northeast of Thompson, 416 km northeast by rail from The Pas and 688 air km north of Winnipeg.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Mosakahiken Cree Nation – Moose Lake – Treaty 5 Territory

Mosakahiken Cree Nation (MCN) is located at Moose Lake, Manitoba, approximately 700 Kilometers North of Winnipeg.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Neyaashiing - Buffalo Point First Nation - Treaty 3 Territory

Neyaashiing – Buffalo Point First Nation

Buffalo Point First Nation is located on the shores of beautiful Lake of the Woods, in the southeastern corner of Manitoba. It is situated right on the Canada and United States international boundary across from Warroad, Minnesota. The Buffalo Point First Nation members live and abide by their own hereditary system of government. In the heart of Buffalo Point community is the unmistakable tipi shape of the Cultural Centre with the traditional thunderbirds gracing the entrance.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation - Nelson House - Treaty 5 Territory

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation – Nelson House

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation is a vibrant and thriving First Nation based in Nelson House, Manitoba, about 800 kilometres north of Winnipeg and 80 kilometres west of Thompson. We’re focused on providing education and opportunities that can help assure a positive tomorrow for our youth, our families and our Elders.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Basic Needs Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation - South Indian Lake - Treaty 5 Territory

O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation – South Indian Lake

O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation of South Indian Lake, became an independent First Nation in 2005,
after years of being amalgamated with Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Obashkodeyaang – Lake St. Martin – Treaty 2 Territory

Located 225 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg, this Ojibway Kasba Reservation community was located along shores of Lake St. Martin, in Manitoba. That was until May 2011, when a massive flood hit Manitoba. Our community was flooded & destroyed from the diverted Assiniboine River to Lake St. Martin to prevent flooding to Winnipeg. There was extensive damage to housing and infrastructure in 2011. All housing and infrastructure needed replacement. To prevent future flooding, the entire community has been rebuilt in a new location at a higher elevation.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Housing Housing Resources

Ochekwi Sipi - Fisher River Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Ochekwi Sipi – Fisher River Cree Nation

Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Ojijaako-ziibiing – O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation – Crane River – Treaty 2 Territory

O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation consists of over 3500 hectares of land on the shore of Lake Manitoba; it is approximately 225 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg and adjacent to the settlement of Crane River. O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation has an active community Facebook page. The OCC Health Centre has it’s own Facebook page as well for local healthcare information.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Parenting Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Workshops

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Okwewanashko-ziibiing – Roseau River Anishnabe First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation is a rural community located approximately one hour south of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation has three physical reserves. Roseau River No. 2 is the main reserve located 98 kilometers south of the city of Winnipeg. Roseau Rapids No. 2A is considerably geographically smaller. It is located off Highway 218 north (80 kilometers south of Winnipeg). Roseau River No. 2B, even smaller, is located at the junctions of Highways 6 & 236 and the Perimeter Highway on the northwest side of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Opaskwayak Cree Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Opaskwayak Cree Nation is over 6,000 people strong, more than 1/2 of whom live on the 15,002 acres of Opaskwayak Cree Nation land. In our culture, Living the Good Life includes wellness, strong relationships and respect for all of creation. It means living in all the ways that are right with your soul. We exist to heal and strengthen our community, deepening our culture and advancing our independence, so each person can walk their own path. We see a strong, united, self-governing, self-sustaining Opaskwayak Cree Nation of Mino Pimâtisiwin, living our rich culture and beliefs, protecting our land and our language. We are on a mission to improve the lives of the Opaskwayak Ininew, every day.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Emergency Services Mental Health Physical Health Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Clothing Resources Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Oshki-ishkonigan – Peguis First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

Peguis First Nation is a Treaty 1 First Nation, located in Manitoba, Canada. With a population of approximately 10,246 members of Ojibway and Cree descent, it is the largest First Nation community in Manitoba. The main community of Peguis First Nation, Peguis 1B, is located approximately 196 kilometres north of Winnipeg, MB. Peguis First Nation has a rich culture, strong traditions and a significant history within Canada. The community is named after Chief Peguis. Peguis led the band of Saultaux people from present day Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario to a settlement at Netley Creek, Manitoba, and later to St.Peter’s (present day East Selkirk, Manitoba). After an illegal land transfer in 1907, Peguis First Nation was moved to its present location at Peguis 1B. Severe flooding in Manitoba in 2011 caused serious damage to housing and infrastructure and led to people evacuating from 18 First Nations communities. Peguis First Nation was one of the First Nations affected by this flooding.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Pimicikamak Cree Nation - Cross Lake Band - Treaty 5 Territory

Pimicikamak Cree Nation – Cross Lake Band

P: 204-646-2218
E: Online Contact Form

The Cross Lake Indian Reserve consists of Reserve No. 19, 19A, 19B, 19C, 19D, and 19E. All are adjacent to each other and located approximately 190 air kilometers (118.5 miles) south of Thompson and 520 air kilometers (325 miles) north of Winnipeg along the shore of the Nelson River, where it enters into Cross Lake. According to the regional population statistics as of August 2016; the Band has an on-reserve population is 6,047 and an off-reserve population of 2,399. The total Band population is 8,446.There are individuals of non-aborginal origin, as well as a number of Metis residing on-reserve. The majority of the population is treaty status.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Parenting Senior Services Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Sapotaweyak Cree Nation – Pelican Rapids – Treaty 5 Territory

P: 204-587-2010 / Toll Free: 1-888-294-2476

Sapotaweyak Cree Nation is located in beautiful West-Central Manitoba, just under 600 km north-west of Winnipeg along the south/southeast shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Settlement is primarily centered on either side of Shoal River and extends approximately 5 kilometers northeast along Lake Winnipegosis to a point known as Nee-ack or Beardy’s Point and adjacent to the Metis community of Pelican Rapids located just to the west. Sapotaweyak Cree Nation has a population of approximately 1,000 people on-reserve, total population of 2206. In addition to the new school, the community has several organizations in operation including the SCN Band Office, SCN Health Centre, Northern Convenience Store & Gas Bar, Bertha Gott Daycare Centre, SCN Arena Complex, SCN Community Centre, SCN Loonie Bin, and the 96.9 FM Radio Station broadcasting both NCI-FM and daily local programming. The community also has many small home based businesses that sell beadwork, sweetgrass braids and traditional moccasins.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Mental Health

Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO)

SCO Education & Resources

P: Toll Free 1-866-876-9701
E: [email protected]

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 34 First Nations and more than 80,000 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process. Some services include: Child and family welfare, youth council, environment, health, justice and rights, funding, and employment opportunities. SCO’s website has a a section dedicated to Education & Resources which has information on the following: Indian Residential Schools, Indian Day Schools, Sixties Scoop, MMIWG2S and Violence Prevention, Anti-racism, support on getting benefits, Education, Scholarships, and Funding info, a curated list of Indigenous books, podcasts, movies, and reports, and information on Treaties.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Community Community Activism Financial Funding Health Mental Health Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Southern Chiefs Organization SCO

SCO Survivors Healing Supports Program (SHSP)

P: PHONE: 204-946-1869 /TOLL FREE: 1-866-876-9701
E: [email protected]

Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO) is pleased to announce the launch of two new programs leading up to the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation by honouring Survivors, Intergenerational Survivors and remembering the children who did not return home. The Survivors Healing Supports Program (SHSP) will focus on healing for those dealing with ongoing traumas associated with Indian Residential Schools and Indian Day Schools (IRS/ISD), the Sixties Scoop and child welfare system and the issue of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls and Gender Diverse People. The SHSP will have liaisons ready to assist families interacting with various colonial systems, and to help in the coordination of events and gatherings while providing emotional support for Survivors and their families. The Harm Reduction Awareness and Land-Based Healing Fund will promote a First Nations, strengths-based, destigmatized and inclusive harm reduction approach based on truth, love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom and humility.

Financial Funding Health Mental Health

P: 204-855-2671

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation SVDN, formerly called the Oak River Reserve, is located on the banks of the Assiniboine River in Southwestern Manitoba. The Oak River Reserve was created by an Order in Council of the Government of Canada in 1876. Sioux Valley Dakota Nation is the largest Dakota Nation in Canada with a membership of approximately 2500. SVDN is not a signatory to a Treaty.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Housing Housing Resources

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Swampy Cree Tribal Council

P: The Pas: 204-623-3423 / Winnipeg Office: 204-989-4800
E: [email protected]

Swampy Cree Tribal Council will pursue the social, economic and political well being and development of member First Nations. Swampy Cree Tribal Council (SCTC) is comprised of 8 First Nations in northwest central Manitoba with a membership of more than 19,000.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Work Placement Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Funding Housing House Maintenance

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Tataskweyak Cree Nation – Split Lake – Treaty 5 Territory

Tataskweyak First Nation is located in the community of Split Lake, Manitoba. It is located 169 kilometers (105 miles) west of Gillam, Manitoba and 143 kilometers (89 miles) west of Thompson, Manitoba on Provincial Road 280 in Manitoba’s far north. It is considered the half-way point on the dangerous winter drive on MB 280.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Tes-He-Olie Twe -Tadoule Lake – Sayisi Dene – Treaty 5 Territory

The Sayisi Dene, (People of the East), a Dene First Nation in northern Manitoba. They are members of the “Sayisi Dene First Nation (Tadoule Lake, Manitoba)”.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak MKO

Thompson Urban Aboriginal Strategy (TUAS)

P: Toll Free: 1-800-442-0488
E: Online Contact Form

Established in 2005 TUAS, operates as a community-based strategic planning committee that provides an environment for collaboration, dialogue, and alignment for strategic efforts and investments focused on improving social and economic opportunities of Aboriginal people living in Thompson.

Advocacy Community Activism Housing Advocacy Human Rights Community Connection to Home Community Urban Transition Financial Funding

True North Aid

True North Aid – Stones of Support

P: Phone or TEXT: 1-226-444-3385
E: [email protected]

True North Aid is dedicated to serving and supporting northern and remote Indigenous communities in Canada through practical humanitarian support. Our Stones of Support help us to define projects based on various levels of need and support. This includes self-determination, health, food, reconciliation, housing, water, education and culture.

Advocacy Human Rights Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Disability Services Housing Housing Resources Urgent Services Basic Needs Food Banks / Subsidized Grocery Services

University of Manitoba

UM BookStore & Sponsored Student Info

P: 204-474-8321
E: [email protected]

140 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

We’re here to help you get the most out of your education. The University of Manitoba BookStore has everything you need, from course materials and supplies to UM branded merchandise. Through the UM BookStore there is an option for Sponsored Students: A sponsor is a third-party entity – such as a First Nations band, non-profit organization or government department – that agrees to pay the University of Manitoba BookStore for a student’s educational books and supplies. If you are a sponsored student, confirm with your sponsor that they have completed the necessary paperwork on your behalf. Then you can visit the BookStore with your Student ID/Number and shop for your textbooks. When you are ready to check-out, go to the Customer Service Desk at the front of the store and inform the clerk that you are a Sponsored Student and the eligible items will be charged to your sponsor.

Academic Study Space / Computer Usage Financial Funding

University of Manitoba

UM EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program. The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) is committed to providing students with the knowledge, skills and resources to make confident, responsible financial decisions. With busy academic schedules, jobs and family commitments it can be difficult to devote time to managing money. Recognizing that these demands can be stressful (and impact studies) we are here to let you know it’s never too late to begin developing financially smart habits!

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Financial Workshops / Skill Development Funding

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Waanibiigaaw – Hollow Water First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Hollow Water first Nation is approximately 190 kilometres north of Winnipeg and within the Precambrian shield region of Manitoba.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care

Anisininew Okimawin Island Lake Tribal Council Member Nations

Wasagamack First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

The Wasagamack First Nation is located on the western shore of Island Lake, about 12 kilometers to the north of St. Theresa Point, 281 kilometers southeast of Thompson, and 607 kilometers northeast of Winnipeg.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Wewezhigaabawing – Waywayseecappo First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

P: 204-859-2879
E: [email protected]

Winnipeg Office: 1424 Notre Dame Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3E 3G5
Waywayseecappo, Manitoba Canada
R0J 1S0

Waywayseecappo First Nation is proximate to the town of Russell and the Rural Municipality of Rossburn and, it is approximately 344 kilometres northwest of the City of Winnipeg. Waywayseecappo First Nation is conveniently located on Highway 45 just 20 miles east of Russell and just a few miles from the south-western corner of Riding Mountain National Park. As of March 31, 2013, the total population is 2568 persons of which 1500 persons reside on the reserve. The community language is Anishinaabemowin.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation – Birch River – Treaty 5 Territory

Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation (WSFN) is located Northeast of Birch River, Manitoba along the western shores of Swan Lake, approximately 554 Kilometers Northwest of Winnipeg.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Zaagiing - Sagkeeng Anicinabe - Fort Alexander - Treaty 1 Territory

Zaagiing – Sagkeeng Anicinabe – Fort Alexander

P: 204-367-2287 / Toll Free: 1-866-878-2911
E: [email protected]

Sagkeeng is comprised of Anicinabe people who have resided at or near the Fort Alexander Indian Reserve #3 located along the Winnipeg River and Traverse Bay, since time immemorial. The ancestors of the Anicinabe people of Sagkeeng signed Treaty 1 in 1871. The Fort Alexander Indian Reserve of approximately 21,674 acres was surveyed in 1874 and has a current band membership of 7,637 people with approximately 3,352 living on reserve.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Senior Services Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Zaaskajiwaning – Dauphin River First Nation – Treaty Territory 2

Dauphin River First Nation is an Ojibway First Nation band government in Manitoba, Canada. Its landbase is the Dauphin River First Nation Reserve 48A, located at the outlet of the Dauphin River into Lake Winnipeg. Severe flooding in Manitoba in 2011 caused serious damage to housing and infrastructure and led to people evacuating from 18 First Nations communities. Dauphin River First Nation was one of the First Nations affected by this flooding.

Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care

P: Toll-Free 1-888-463-6232
E: Online Contact Form

BDC services are made available through a broad network of more than 100 business centres across Canada. To maximize BDC’s reach, smaller and more remote communities are served through offices, travelling account managers and consultants. Various locations listed on the website. Manitoba has offices in Brandon, Steinbach, Winkler, and Winnipeg.

Financial Financial Advisors Funding Lending

Booth University College

Booth University College Info

P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684

We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.

Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services Work-integrated Learning Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Insurance / Health Coverage

City of Dauphin

Dauphin Entrepreneurship Assistance

Are you thinking of starting a business? We can help! The Hubs – Dauphin – At the Hub in Dauphin, you’ll have access to support services for all of your entrepreneurial needs, some of what you’ll find includes: The flagship program of Manitoba Entrepreneurial Hubs: The Women’s Entrepreneurship Strategy Program. This program provides women-centered programming and support services for people throughout rural Manitoba. A satellite office for Community Futures Parkland- a program that provides both business and community development support. The Rural Opportunities Fund- the program responsible for the Side Hustle Microgrant Program with specific offerings for youth, women, Indigenous peoples, and Newcomers; and the Side Hustle Juniors Day Camp.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Funding

Child Day Care Branch - Early Child Care Program

Early Learning and Child Care Program

The Early Learning and Child Care Program licenses and monitors child care centres and family/group child care homes according to The Community Child Care Standards Act and Regulations. It provides grants and program assistance to eligible licensed early learning and child care facilities and works to support children with additional support needs in child care settings through the Inclusion Support Program. The Early Learning and Child Care Program classifies all child care assistants and early childhood educators who work in licensed child care centres. It assigns a child care coordinator to work with each licensed facility and provides child care subsidies to eligible families to help with the cost of care through the Subsidy Program.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Parenting Financial Funding

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC)

Manitoba Southeast Commerce Group Inc

P: (204) 270-0116
E: Online Contact Form

The Manitoba Southeast Commerce Group Inc is a non for profit entity serving the Ritchot, Ste. Anne and Taché regions. Comprised of a board of directors, the Manitoba Southeast Commerce Group Inc encourages and fosters economic and community growth through its leadership in stimulating a competitive business environment, putting in place entrepreneurial supports, creating meaningful connections, all while promoting existing and attracting new business.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Financial Advisors Funding

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Student Aid

Manitoba Student Aid provides funding for qualifying full-time and part-time Indigenous students to attend college or university. You may be eligible to receive funding even if you have other sources of money such as: band funding, Métis funding, employment insurance or income assistance. Grants, bursaries and scholarships do not have to be paid back. Student loans do need to be paid back.

Financial Funding

P: (204) 785-9755
E: [email protected]

SDCF is a charitable organization registered with Revenue Canada and incorporated in 1995. The Selkirk & District Community Foundation (SDCF) brings people together from all walks of life to make our communities vital places to live, work and play, for all. The Foundation helps everything from the region’s library and hospital; daycares to senior centres and cultural dance troupes to women’s shelters and so much more.

Financial Funding

The Winnipeg Foundation

The Winnipeg Foundation Info

P: 204-944-9474 / Toll Free 1-877-974-3631
E: [email protected]

What do you care about? We care about it too! No matter what you’re passionate about you can support it through The Winnipeg Foundation. We want to help you give back to our community by connecting you with the causes you care about For Good. We are an endowment-based organization, so your gift continues to give Forever. The Winnipeg Foundation also lists Job Postings on their website stating that “We are committed to diversity, accessibility and inclusiveness both within our organization and in our work with the community.”

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Community Activism Financial Funding

University of Winnipeg

UW Opportunity Fund

P: 204-987-8661 ext. 672
E: [email protected]

614 - 294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0B9

There are three different Opportunity Fund programs: the Youth-in-Care Tuition Waivers, the Bursary Program, and the Tuition Credit Program. The University of Winnipeg is committed to breaking down the barriers to university education for Youth in Care. The Youth-In-Care Tuition Waiver Program is a part of the Opportunity Fund, and it is intended to cover undergraduate tuition fees. Tuition Waivers are based on applicants’ individual financial need. Recipients will be selected by the Awards and Financial Aid Office in partnership with the Child and Family Service Authorities and the Province of Manitoba..

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding


Bank of Montreal

Bank of Montreal Indigenous Banking

BMO Bank of Montreal has 13 branches and 1 community banking outlets that provide Indigenous communities with customized solutions to meet their financial needs. We offer personalized support and special pricing for Indigenous communities. We’re committed to serving the needs of our First Nations, Inuit and Métis customers.

Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending

(BDC) Business Development Bank of Canada

BDC Indigenous Entrepreneur

BDC has a long history of working with Indigenous entrepreneurs and appreciates your unique histories, cultures and contributions in Canada. We stand in solidarity with you and all Indigenous peoples and are committed to listening, learning and taking action towards Reconciliation. We are also dedicated to help you succeed on your business journey through dedicated loans to help you grow, free resources and training and connections to organizations that support Indigenous entrepreneurship.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Lending

Government of Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) – Funding for Indigenous Housing

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is Canada’s national housing agency. Discover funding and financing opportunities for Indigenous housing construction and renovation in Canada. We offer a range of low-cost repayable and non-repayable loans and contributions for qualified projects. Find out what program is right for you.

Financial Funding Lending Housing Family Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB)

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) Programs

CCAB delivers programs that facilitate the growth of Indigenous business, build relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous business, and ensure life-long learning for Indigenous entrepreneurs, and other Canadian business leaders. These efforts recognize the central role that Indigenous business and communities hold in the future of Canada.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Community Community Activism Financial Lending


Cando – Youth & Post Secondary Initiatives

Cando has information sessions for students and student advisors on the following topics:Netmaker Coaching,Economic Development Youth Summit, Youth Connect, NIEEF + CIBC / NIEEF Scholarships, Cando Conference National Youth Panel, and TAED application process & Cando Accredited Institutions.

Academic Academic Workshops Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Community Activism Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending


CIBC Indigenous Markets

CIBC is dedicated to providing tailored and accessible financial services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis clients in Canada. Our experienced frontline staff and Indigenous Markets Team will work with you to bring services and solutions that meet the changing and diverse needs of your Nation and its members and citizens.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Advisors Lending

First Nations Bank of Canada

First Nations Bank of Canada – Educational Borrowing

As costs continue to rise, more and more students find it necessary to borrow money to pay for their education. At First Nations Bank, we believe that the last thing you should be worried about the night before a big exam is whether or not you can afford to enroll for another term. Fortunately, from government student loans to credit lines designed to meet the needs of students, there are a number of financial solutions available to you.

Financial Lending

First Nations Bank of Canada

First Nations Bank of Canada – Student Lines of Credit

For students that need access to funds while attending an accredited Canadian university or college this line of credit features a low interest rate specific to you. You pay interest only on the amount you actually use while you are in school, and the year following your graduation or residency.

Financial Lending

First Peoples Economic Growth Fund

First Peoples Economic Growth Fund Inc.

P: 204-942-6026
E: Online Contact Form

A joint economic development initiative between the Manitoba government and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) saw the creation of the First Peoples Economic Growth Fund Inc. The collaborative process between AMC and Government of Manitoba identified the following seven program areas for the fund: Business plan assistance, Skills development, Entrepreneur loans, Community economic expansion loans, Joint-venture investments, and Professional support aftercare, and Resource & Energy Investment.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Lending

Founded in 1992 by the economic development initiatives of the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), Louis Riel Capital Corporation (LRCC) is a Manitoba Métis-owned lending institution created to finance the start-up, acquisition and/ or expansion of viable Métis controlled small businesses based in Manitoba. If you are a Manitoba Métis looking at the possibility of owning your own business, LRCC can help you find business information, identify skills training and provide access to financing for the business start-up, acquisition and expansion of viable businesses.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Lending Housing Housing Resources

Me-Dian Credit Union

Me-Dian Credit Union Info

P: 204-943-9111 / Toll Free: 888-955-9558 / Grand Rapids 204-639-2501
E: [email protected]

Me-Dian Credit Union is the first Indigenous full-service financial institution to be founded in Canada. As a co-operative, the people who use our services-our members are also owners and shareholders. Members have a say in how Me-Dian Credit Union operates. They also share in the profits of the credit union, usually in the form of lower rates on loans and higher rates on deposits than they could ordinarily get at any other financial institutions. Me-Dian Credit Union is responsive to the needs of members, no matter where they live or how they choose to access our services. Me-Dian Credit Union has locations in both Winnipeg and Grand Rapids Manitoba.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

P: 204-589-0772 / Toll Free: 1-800-387-6004
E: [email protected]

The Métis Economic Development Fund is an equity investment fund intended to stimulate economic development activities of the Métis people throughout Manitoba by providing equity and capital for Métis entrepreneurs and businesses to support economic development initiatives. As a non-profit self-sustaining entity, all revenue generated by the fund will be reinvested back into the fund to grow its supply of capital for investment in other Métis-owned enterprises.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Mentorship / Networking Financial Lending Housing Housing Resources


Scotiabank – Services for Indigenous peoples

P: Indigenous Financial Services: 416-945-5386
E: Indigenous Financial Services: [email protected]

Receive the services you need knowing your traditions will be respected. With a team dedicated to cultural awareness, we understand the unique needs of Indigenous communities, businesses and individuals. We have the expertise to provide a variety of customized banking solutions.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Financial Financial Advisors Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust – TD and Indigenous Peoples

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

At TD, we recognize there is more work to be done on our collective journey towards Truth and Reconciliation. That’s why, we’re supporting community initiatives that promote a connection to the land, enhance financial literacy, and foster a sense of belonging. We believe society is stronger when we work together, and we can help be a catalyst for dialogue to bring people, communities, and cultures together.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

P: 204-943-0888 / Toll Free: 1-800-568-8488

419 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1R3

Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corporation (TWCC) was established in 1993 to provide financial resources to qualified member Aboriginal entrepreneurs and businesses in Manitoba.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending

Access Credit Union

Access Credit Union Student Line of Credit

Borrow what you need, when you need it to help fund the cost of post-secondary education.

Financial Lending

Assiniboine Credit Union

ACU Student Lines of Credit

P: 204-958-8588 / Toll Free: 1-877-958-8588
E: [email protected]

Post-secondary students can use this Line of Credit to cover tuition costs and living expenses. Standard Student Lines of Credit start at $5,000.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Belgian-Alliance Credit Union

BACU Educational Borrowing

As costs continue to rise, more and more students find it necessary to borrow money to pay for their education. At Belgian-Alliance Credit Union, we believe that the last thing you should be worried about the night before a big exam is whether or not you can afford to enroll for another term. Fortunately, from government student loans to credit lines designed to meet the needs of students, there are a number of financial solutions available to you.

Financial Lending

Belgian-Alliance Credit Union

BACU Student Loans

P: 204-927-0460 / 204-982-3400 / 204-927-0450
E: [email protected]

If you are going back to school to further your education, talk to us about a Student Loan or Line of Credit. We understand the importance of flexibility in your finances and are happy fo offer repayment terms that can be modified to best suit your needs.

Financial Lending

Bank of Montreal

Bank of Montreal Student Banking

To help you focus on what’s important, we have chequing and savings accounts, credit cards and borrowing options specifically designed for you.

Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending

P: Toll-Free 1-888-463-6232
E: Online Contact Form

BDC services are made available through a broad network of more than 100 business centres across Canada. To maximize BDC’s reach, smaller and more remote communities are served through offices, travelling account managers and consultants. Various locations listed on the website. Manitoba has offices in Brandon, Steinbach, Winkler, and Winnipeg.

Financial Financial Advisors Funding Lending

Casera Credit Union

Casera Credit Union – Higher Education Lines of Credit

P: 204-958-6600 / 204-958-6300 / 204-958-6320
E: Online Contact Form

When your financial resources limit your ability to further your education, a line of credit will cover your expenses, such as tuition, books or equipment. Payments are interest-only while you are enrolled in school and six months after you are no longer a student. Interest is calculated on the daily closing balance at prime rate +1% and charged to your account at the end of every month.

Financial Lending


CIBC Banking Manitoba Locations

CIBC has many branches and ATMs across the entire province. Here is a map and list of all CIBC branch locations and ATMs within the province of Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake regions: Baden, Barrows, Bellsite, Big Eddy, Birch River, Carrot Valley, Chemawawin Cree, Cormorant, Dawson Bay, Easterville, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids First Nation, Kelsey (Excluding Cranberry Portage), Lenswood, Mafeking, Moose Lake, Mosakahiken Cree Nation, Mountain, National Mills, Novra, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Overflowing River, Pelican Rapids, Powell, Ralls Island, Red Deer Lake, Sapotaweyak Cree Nation, The Pas, Umperville, Wanless, Westgate, Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation, and Youngs Point.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Dakota Ojibway

P: (204) 988-5373 or Toll-Free 1-866-988-5373
E: [email protected]

Dakota Ojibway regions: Birdtail Sioux First Nation, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation, Dakota Plains Wahpeton Nation, Long Plain First Nation, Roseau River First Nation, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, Swan Lake First Nation, and Waywayseecappo First Nation.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures East Interlake

P: 204-378-5106 or Toll-Free1-800-378-5106
E: [email protected]

East Interlake regions: Arborg, Argyle, Armstong, Arnes, Balmoral, Bifrost, Broad Valley, Camp Morton, Chatfield, Dallas, Dunnottar(Matlock,Whytewold,Ponemah), Erinview, Fisher, Fisher Branch, Fisher Rive, Fraserwood, Gimli, Grindstone Point, Gunton, Harwill, Hecla Island, Hnausa, Hodgson, Inwood, Jackhead, Komarno, Malonton, Matheson Island, Matlock (Dunnottar), Meleb, Morweena, Narcisse, Peguis, Pine Dock, Ponemah (Dunnottar), Poplarfield, Red Rose, Rembrandt, Riverton, Rockwood, Rosser, Sandridge, Sandy Hook, Shorncliffe, Silver, Stonewall, Stony Mountain, Sylvan, Teulon, Whytewold (Dunnottar), Winnipeg Beach, and Zbaraz.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Greenstone

Greenstone regions: Bakers Narrows, Channing, Flin Flon, Cranberry Portage, Sherridon, and Snow Lake.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Heartland

Heartland regions: Alonsa, Altamont, Amaranth, Arden, Austin, Bacon Ridge, Bagot, Blumenfeld, Cardinal, Carman, Cypress River, Darlingford, Deerwood, Dufferin, Elm Creek, Gladstone, Glenella, Graysville, Grey, Haskett, Haywood, Hochfeld/Reinland, Holland, Kaleida, Katrime, Kinosota, Lakeland, Lakeview, Langruth, Lansdowne, LaRiviere, Lavenham, Lorne, MacGregor, Manitou, Miami, Morden, North Norfolk, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Osterwick, Pembina, Plumas, Portage la Prairie, Rathwell, Roland,, Rosebank, Roseisle, Rossendale, Schanzenfeld, Sidney, Silver Ridge, Snowflake, Somerset, South Norfolk, St. Claude, St. Leon, St. Lupicin, Stanley, Swan Lake, Tenby, Thompson, Thornhill, Treherne, Waldersee, Westbourne, Windygates, Winkler, and Woodside.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Kitayan

Kitayan regions: Garden Hill, God’s Lake Narrows, Gods River (Manto Sipi Cree Nation), Island Lake, Oxford House, Red Sucker Lake, Shamattawa, St. Theresa Point, and Wasagamack.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures North Central Development

P: (204) 677-1490 or Toll-Free 1-888-303-2232
E: [email protected]

North Central Development regions: Churchill, Incorporated Community of Cross Lake, Cross Lake First Nation, Fox Lake, Gillam, Ilford, Nelson House Community, Nelson House First Nation, Norway House Community, Norway House Cree Nation, Pikwitonei, Split Lake, Thicket Portage, Thompson, Wabowden, War Lake, and York Landing.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures North Red

North Red regions: City of Selkirk, RM of St. Andrews, RM of St. Clements, RM of East St. Paul, and RM of West St. Paul.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Northwest

P: (204) 356-2489 or Toll-Free 888-696-2332
E: [email protected]

Northwest regions: Barren Lands, Brochet, Charles, Drybrough, Fox Mine, Granville Lake, Heaman, Herriot, Highrock, Hone, Kinoosao, Leaf Rapids, Lynn Lake, Marcel Colomb, Mathis Colomb, McVeigh, North Lands, O-pipon-Na-Piwin, Pawistik, Rafter, Ruddock, Sayisi Dene and South Indian Lake.

Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Parkland

P: (204) 546-5100 or Toll-Free (888) 303-2232
E: [email protected]

Parkland regions: Angusville, Ashville, Benito, Bield, Binscarth, Birdtail, Boggy Creek, Boulton, Bowsman, Camperville, Cayer, Cowan, Crane River, Dauphin, Deepdale, Dropmore, Duck Bay, Duck River, Durban, Ebb & Flow, Eddystone, Ethelbert, Fishing River, Fork River, Gambler, Garland, Gilbert Plains, Grandview, Harrowby, HillsburgInglis, Kelwood, Kenville, Laurier, Lawrence, Makaroff, Makinak, Mallard, McCreary, Meadow Portage, Millwood, Minitonas, Mossey River, Mountain, Norgate, Ochre River, Olha, Onanole, Park North, Park South, Pine Creek, Pine River, Pulp River, Renwer, Roblin, Rock Ridge, Rorketon, Rossburn, Russell, San Clara, Sclater, Shell River, Shellmouth, Shellmouth-Boulton, Shergrove, Shortdale, Sifton, Silver Creek, Silverton, Skownan, Spence Lake, Ste. Amelie, Ste. Rose, Ste. Rose du Lac, Swan River, Takipy, Toutes Aides, Trembowla, Tummel, Ukraina, Valley River, Venlaw, Vista, Wasagaming, Waterhen,Waywayseecappo, and Winnipegosis.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Southeast

Southeast regions: Berens River First Nation, Black River First Nation, Bloodvein First Nation, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation, Buffalo Point First Nation, Hollow Water First Nation, Little Grand Rapids First Nation, Pauingassi First Nation, and Poplar River First Nation.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Triple R

P: (204) 746-6180 or Toll-Free and TTY1-888-303-2232
E: [email protected]

Triple R regions: Altona, Arnaud, Aubigny, Badger, Blumenort, Brunkild, Caliento, Carey, Carlowrie, Carrick, De Salaberry, Domain, Dominion City, Dufrost, Emerson, Franklin, Friedensfeld, Gardenton, Glenlea, Grande Pointe, Green Ridge, Gretna, Grunthal, Halbstadt, Hanover, Horndean, Ile des Chenes, Kane, Kleefeld, La Rochelle, La Salle, Letellier, Lorette, Lowe Farm, La Broquerie, Macdonald, McTavish, Menisino, Middlebro, Mitchell, Montcalm, Morris, Neubergthal, New Bothwell, Niverville, Oak Bluff, Osborne, Otterburne, Pansy, Piney, Plum Coulee, Randolph, Rhineland, Ridgeville, Ritchot, Riverside, Rosa, Roseau River, Rosenfeld, Rosenort, Rosetown, Sandilands, Sanford, Sarto, Sommerfeld, South Junction, Sperling, Sprague, Steinbach, St. Adolphe, St. Jean Baptiste, St. Joseph, St. Malo, St. Pierre-Jolys, Ste Anne, Starbuck, Ste. Agathe, Ste. Elizabeth, Stuartburn, Sundown, Tache, Tolstoi, Tourand, Vassar, Vita, Wampum, and Woodridge.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures West Interlake

P: 204-768-3351 or Toll-Free1-888-496-8932
E: [email protected]

West Interlake regions: Ashern, Camper, Clarkleigh, Coldwell, Dauphin River, Deerhorn, Eriksdale, Fairford, Faulkner, Grahamdale, Gypsumville, Hilbre, Lake Francis, Lake Manitoba, Lake St. Martin, Little Saskatchewan, Lundar, Marquette, Moosehorn, Mulvihill, Oak Point, Oakview, Spearhill, St. Laurent, St. Martin, St. Martin Junction, Steep Rock, The Narrows, Vogar, Warren, and Woodlands.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Westman

P: 204-726-1513 or Toll-Free 1-888-303-2232
E: [email protected]

Westman regions: Albert, Alexander, Archie, Argyle, Arrow River, Arthur, Baldur, Basswood, Belmont, Beresford, Bethany, Beulah, Birnie, Birtle, Blanshard, Boissevain, Bradwardine, Brandon, Brenda, Brookdale, Broomhill, Cameron, Carberry, Cardale, Carroll, Cartwright, Chater, Clanwilliam, Clearwater, Cornwallis, Coulter, Cromer, Crystal City, Dalny, Daly, Dand, Decker, Deleau, Deloraine, Douglas, Dunrea, Ebor, Edward, Elgin, Elkhorn, Ellice, Elphinstone, Elton, Elva, Erickson, Fairfax, Forrest Station, Foxwarren, Franklin, Glenboro, Glenora, Glenwood, Goodlands, Grandall, Grande Clairiere, Griswold, Hallboro, Hamiota, Harding, Hargrave, Harrison, Hartney, Holmfield, Isabella, Justice, Keeseekoowenin, Kelloe, Kemnay, Kenton, Killarney, Kirkella, Langford, Lauder, Lavinia, Lena, Lenore, Louise,Lyleton, Manson, Margaret, Mariapolis, Mather, McAuley, McConnell, Medora, Melita, Menzie, Miniota, Minnedosa, Minto, Moore Park, Morton, Mountain Road, Napinka, Neelin, Neepawa, Nesbitt, Newdale, Ninette, Ninga, North Cypress, Oak Lake, Oak River, Oakburn, Oakland, Oakner, Odanah, Pierson, Pilot Mound, Pipestone, Polonia, Purves, Rackham, Rapid City, Regent, Reston, Rivers, Riverside, Roblin, Rolling River, Rosedale, Rounthwaite, Sandy Lake, Saskatchewan, Scarth, Shilo, Shoal Lake, Sifton, Sinclair, Solsgirth, Souris, South Cypress, Sprucewoods, St. Lazare, Stockton, Strathclair, Strathcona, Tilston, Treesbank, Turtle Mountain, Underhill, Virden, Wakopa, Wallace, Waskada, Wawanesa, and Wellwood.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures White Horse Plains

White Horse Plains regions: Cartier, Dacotah, Delta Beach, Edwin, Elie, Headingley, High Bluff, Macdonald, Newton, Oakland, Oakville, Poplar Point, Portage La Prairie, Southport, Springstein, St. Ambroise, St. Eustache, and St. Francois Xavier.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Community Futures

Community Futures Winnipeg River

P: (204) 345-2514 or (204) 345-8691
E: [email protected]

Winnipeg River regions: RM of Alexander, RM of Brokenhead , Town of Beausejour, RM of Lac du Bonnet, Town of Lac du Bonnet, Local Government District of Pinawa, Town of Powerview-Pine Falls, RM of Reynolds, RM of Springfield, RM of Victoria Beach, RM of Whitemouth, Sagkeeng First Nation , Community of Seymourville, Community of Manigotagan , Community of Bissett, Nopiming Provincial Park, and Whiteshell Provincial Park.

Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Compass Credit Union

Compass Credit Union Student Line of Credit

P: (204) 729-4800 / (204) 636-7771 / Toll Free: 1-866-922-7771
E: [email protected]

The Compass StudentLine helps you get through school better managing your money making low monthly interest payments.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Flin Flon Credit Union

Flin Flon Credit Union Student Bank Accounts

At Flin Flon Credit Union, we understand how important financial services are to students. We also understand how difficult it can be to manage your finances while attending a college or university. Whether you’re paying for your education with student loans, working long hours over the summer to save for the rest of the year, or holding down a part-time job while attending classes, we’re here to help you find the financial solutions you need.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Fusion Credit Union

Fusion Credit Union Locations

P: 1 877-226-7957
E: Online Contact Form

Map search tool page for all Fusion Credit Union branch locations and ATMs within the province of Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Fusion Credit Union

Fusion Credit Union Student Financing

P: 1 877-226-7957
E: Online Contact Form

You have enough to think about these days. The right student financing can help you better manage your money and your time.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Rosenort Credit Union

Rosenort Credit Union Info for Post-Secondary Students

P: R: p 204.746.2355 | 1.800.265.7925 / A: p 204.324.8074 / W: p 204.325.9810 | 1.855.821.8120
E: [email protected]

Are you attending or considering College or University? Don’t let the lack of dispensable funds hold you back from your dreams of post secondary education. We can offer you a number of different financing options.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Steinbach Credit Union

SCU StudentFLEX Line of Credit

The StudentFLEX Line of Credit is available for full-time and part-time students enrolled in an accredited Canadian university or college.

Financial Lending

Stride Credit Union

Stride – Find a Branch or ATM

Map search tool for branch and ATM locations OR click the contact and transit information drop down for a list of locations in Manitoba.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Stride Credit Union

Stride Personal Accounts – Student Accounts

Student accounts for students 18–24 years old include 60 FREE transactions every month, including cash withdrawals, cheques, debit card purchases and more. Additional transactions pay-as-you-go, with NO monthly fee.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Sunrise Credit Union

Sunrise Credit Union Locations

Sunrise Credit Union now boasts 19 branches and about 34,000 members across the Parkland and Western Manitoba region. The branches are in the following communities: Baldur, Boissevain, Brandon, Cypress River, Deloraine, Grandview, Hartney, Holland, Laurier, Melita, Minnedosa, Reston, Sandy Lake, Shoal Lake, Ste. Rose du Lac, Strathclair, Treherne, Virden, and Waskada.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Sunrise Credit Union

Sunrise Credit Union StudentLine

Sunrise Credit Union’s StudentLine can help to reduce the debt load by the time of graduation. The flexible line of credit offered by Sunrise Credit Union not only allows a student-member to borrow what only they need, but it also allows for the ability to pay back a portion of their student debt throughout their post-secondary education. StudentLine can make it easier for students to manage their debt and can even help them reduce their interest costs.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Swan Valley Credit Union

Swan Valley Credit Union Personal Borrowing

P: Tel. 204.734.7828 / Toll Free: 1.877.218.7828 / Benito Tel. 204.539.2400
E: Online Contact Form

SVCU offers a wide range of financing options to meet the needs of your unique financial picture. Thinking about an RV, new vehicle, looking to travel, renovate a space or reduce your current debt load? We have a product and the expert advice to support you in how you would like to live your life. Some of these services are great for students.

Financial Cost of Living Lending

Toronto Dominion Canada Trust

TD Canada Trust Student Banking

P: Toll Free: 1-866-222-3456
E: Online Contact Form

Discover TD banking solutions and resources to help you gain confidence about staying on top of your finances while in school. Take advantage of our chequing accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and lines of credit available for students. TD can help you feel ready for the future you want.

Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Westoba Credit Union

Westoba Credit Union Student Banking

Going back to school? Keep your finances well managed. Guide to saving, Student Line of Credit, Student Credit Card, WestobaONE FREE Chequing Account, Building Credit 101, How to save for your down payment, and how to budget.

Financial Cost of Living Financial Workshops / Skill Development Lending

Urgent Financial Aid

Legal Help Centre

Legal Help Centre Process

P: 204-258-3096
E: [email protected]

202-393 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3H6

Legal Help Centre is a place you can come to if you have a legal problem. Services are provided at no cost, to all individuals who qualify.

Advocacy Legal Advocacy Financial Urgent Financial Aid

University of Manitoba

UM Dept. of Community Health Services – Get Your Benefits GYB!

P: 204-789-3657
E: [email protected]

Get Your Benefits! Manitoba Centre for Health Policy - 408 - 727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 3P5

A plain language booklet designed specifically for Manitobans, Get Your Benefits! lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals may be eligible for including prenatal benefits, disability benefits, Canada Child Benefit, Old Age Security and more. Such benefits and supports can provide more income and contribute to an individual or a family’s better health and well-being.

Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Urgent Financial Aid Health Disability Services Insurance / Health Coverage Local Health Care
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