Supports for Students


This area has resources for navigating  the education system from high school through to post-secondary graduation.

Search this section based on the need you have or type of support you are looking for to see a listing of all the organizations that provide this type or service. 

* Some categories are broken down into more specific needs/service.

Click on the service you require.

For each listing:

  • Click on the (+) symbol for details, contact information and links where available.

Academic Advisors

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Indigenous Affairs

P: 204-573-3690
E: [email protected] / [email protected]

Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9

Assiniboine College recognizes the unique history of Indigenous peoples and commits to an active role in Reconciliation. We foster a respectful and engaging learning environment for all students to grow through the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and experiences. Assiniboine believes that Indigenization is a commitment to instill Indigenous worldviews, knowledge, and perspectives from the diverse Indigenous cultures we are united with at every level of our organization. We support cultural competency and decolonization of our institution through renewed respect and appreciation of traditional ways of being and doing. Our Indigenous Affairs team offers a wide range of support and services to assist students along their post-secondary journey. We liaise with academic advisors, connect students with important community resources and provide guidance to First Nations, Métis and Inuit students from a holistic perspective to support their academic goals. We act as a resource for all students and faculty in their efforts to acquire a true understanding of Indigenous cultures and ways of knowing.

Academic Academic Advisors Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Family Accessing Supports / Services

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Mememwi-ziibiing – Berens River First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Berens River First Nation has two reserves: Berens River 13 and Pigeon River 13A, located in the boreal forest east of Lake Winnipeg. Berens River offers many community supports and services and has a very active Facebook page. Our membership is 3,106 strong. Our primary language is Saulteaux. We administer our own Health Care, On-Reserve Social Services & Student Services.

Academic Academic Advisors Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)

MITT Student Advising – Indigenous Student Advisor

MITT Student Advisors are the best resource on campus for future and current students to talk to about their academic and personal plan. In addition to general advising topics common to all students, MITT advisors have specific areas of interest or focus: Indigenous Student Advisor – Ryan Bruyere.

Academic Academic Advisors

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Indigenous Liaison Advisor -Weeshengaawin

P: 204-632-2333 / 204-632-2177
E: Online Contact Form

NOTRE DAME CAMPUS - Building F – Room 209 -2055 Notre Dame Ave. / EXCHANGE DISTRICT CAMPUS - Princess Building – Room P407 - 160 Princess Street
Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9

The Indigenous Liaison Advisor is a point of first contact for students of First Nation, Métis and Inuit ancestry. We can help you with your questions and find your way around so you can start your education with confidence. Indigenous Liaison Advisors also build relationships by working cooperatively with Indigenous communities and band councils, consulting with faculty, liaising with Indigenous organizations, and connecting with employers. These relationships are developed to assist students in their career connections, funding sponsorship, urban adjustment, and familiarity with Red River College Polytechnic.

Academic Academic Advisors Community Urban Transition

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Indigenous Student Advising

P: 204-632-2327
E: Online Contact Form

2055 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

The Indigenous Liaison/Advisor is a resource for students of Indigenous ancestry to assist you in finding your way around the campus and to know where and how to access supports and services. At times, it is comforting to have a point of first contact to respond to inquiries and point you in the right direction. Find out the exciting opportunities available to you through RRC Polytech’s School of Indigenous Education.

Academic Academic Advisors

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech RRC Polytech Indigenous Student Support Centres

P: 204-632-2333 / 204-632-2177
E: Online Contact Form

NOTRE DAME CAMPUS - Building F – Room 209 -2055 Notre Dame Ave. / EXCHANGE DISTRICT CAMPUS - Princess Building – Room P407 - 160 Princess Street
Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9

Located at the Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses, our Indigenous Support Centres provide a home away from home where you can smudge, participate in events, cultural teachings and ceremonies, or spend time with friends. The welcoming atmosphere of our centres include a computer lab, kitchen, telephone, study area and lounge. We promote respectful cultural awareness for all students and staff.

Academic Academic Advisors Study Space / Computer Usage Advocacy Student Rights

University of Manitoba

UM Access Program

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

Room 221 – 114 Sidney Smith St
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Access Program provides holistic support to students choosing to begin an academic journey. Students may qualify for Access if there is a demonstrated personal, academic or financial need. This program is open to Manitoba residents who have experienced barriers to post-secondary education due to residence in remote locations, economic and/or cultural reasons. Preference is given to Indigenous peoples (Status, Non-Status, Inuit and Métis), residents of Northern Manitoba, low-income earners and newcomers.

Academic Academic Advisors Flexible Learning

University of Manitoba

UM Blankstein Momentum Program

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Indigenous Student Centre is pleased to offer the Blankstein Momentum Program (Momentum) for returning Indigenous students. The program is designed to provide you with access to supports that contribute to your post-secondary persistence, overall well-being and personal success. Momentum uses a holistic approach that includes advisor meetings, access to tutors, learning workshops, group activities and cultural/spiritual care. The program runs late August to March, with a celebration wind-up in April. There is no cost to participate. *Maximum intake is 20 students per academic year and priority will be given to those who have not been a part of the program before.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Tutoring / Peer Support Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

University of Manitoba

UM Indigenous Graduate Student Support

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

424 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Ashley Edson is the Indigenous graduate student success coordinator of the Supporting Indigenous Graduate Student Enhancement (SAGE) programming through the Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous), Scholarship, Research and Curriculum. She is committed to working alongside students throughout their journeys in graduate studies – including guidance around admissions, clarifying University policies, connecting students to important services, programming, supports and more. These supports are available to all self-identifying Indigenous students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program of any Indigenous students considering graduate studies. Students can stay connected and updated about the upcoming opportunities available through SAGE by joining the mailing list or private Facebook Group (SAGE-Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement-University of Manitoba).

Academic Academic Advisors Career Pathways Graduate Studies/Student Support Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development

University of Manitoba

UM Mahkwa omushki kiim: Pathway to Indigenous Nursing Education (PINE)

P: 204-474-7493
E: [email protected]

89 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Mahkwa omushki kiim: Pathway to Indigenous Nursing Education (PINE), offers a combination of academic, personal and cultural supports to prepare First Nations, Métis and Inuit students for entrance into our Bachelor of Nursing (BN) degree program and to assist them throughout the program.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Tutoring / Peer Support Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

University of Winnipeg

UW Indigenous UWinnipeg

The Office of Indigenous Engagement at the University of Winnipeg provides a number of different events, programs, and supports for faculty, staff, students, and community members. We are a senior administrative unit that provides programming through the Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre, offers direct support to faculty through the Academic Lead, and works with a variety of stakeholders and Senior Administration to ensure Indigenous presence across the campus through the Associate Vice President of Indigenous Engagement.

Academic Academic Advisors Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Peer Support

Accessibility Services (AS) & Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)

P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The University of Winnipeg, Accessibility Services (AS) and Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) facilitate and promote the ongoing development of an accessible learning environment which provides students with disabilities, mental health concerns, medical conditions and temporary injuries the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of campus life.

Academic Academic Advisors Disability Accommodations

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Student Advising

Student Success Advisors actively support students in developing proactive plans to seamlessly transition into, and thrive within the college learning environment. Alongside offering crucial information about courses, programs, and the institution, they provide valuable referrals to address learning, personal, and financial barriers.

Academic Academic Advisors

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Student Supports – Student Services

Assiniboine helps students achieve success by providing guidance, support, encouragement, advice, information and assistance wherever needed. We strive to provide a warm and friendly environment where students feel comfortable raising questions or concerns. While many students make a smooth transition to college on their own, some may benefit from additional supports. Assiniboine’s goal is to help students plan for a successful college experience.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College The Learning Curve

P: 204-725-8700 or Toll Free 1-800-862-6307
E: [email protected]

Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9

The Learning Curve/Learning Hub in Brandon are one-stop shops for your academic support needs; you can also find us at the Parkland and Winnipeg campuses. Our staff offer individualized academic support to help you meet your goals while you attend Assiniboine. Students can drop by or schedule appointments with Learning Curve staff before classes even start! If you are even a little bit worried about your college courses, contact the Learning Curve early to see what kind of help is available. There’s no need to wait; you can book online at your convenience. Our secure booking site is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. You even get text and email reminders once you book (just make sure to select the right person at the right campus).

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations

Booth University College

Booth University College Info

P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684

We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.

Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services Work-integrated Learning Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Insurance / Health Coverage

Brandon University

BU Academic Advising

P: 204-727-9737
E: [email protected]

270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9

Academic Advisors help Arts, Science, Physical Education, Fine Arts, and Environmental Science students explore and pursue their personal academic, educational, and career goals. Appointments with Student Services will be by phone, Zoom (if able), or Moodle chatroom.

Academic Academic Advisors

Brandon University

BU Recruitment and Retention Team

P: 204-571-7847/204-573-1324
E: Online Contact Form

105 McKenzie Building - 270 - 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9

Interested in becoming a Brandon University student? Connect with a member of our Recruitment & Retention team. Our team will help you explore your options at BU and get ready to complete your application.

Academic Academic Advisors Post-Secondary Preparation

From the first industrial boom in Canada, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) has been advocating for and representing member interests. 150 years strong, we have earned an extensive and effective track record of working for and with 2,500 leading manufacturers from coast to coast to help their businesses grow. For more information on CME’s DEI Training please see Foundation of Reconciliation.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Manitoba Sector Council

Canadian Mennonite University

CMU Academic Advising and Other Academic Services

At CMU, academic advising is more than choosing courses that fit your timetable. We take a holistic approach to advising, which includes conversations about academic interests and career/vocational goals. The Coordinator of Student Advising assigns each student a Faculty Advisor who is their academic mentor. In addition to faculty, the Coordinator of Student Advising is on hand to consider CMU degree and pre-professional options with students. There are also academic supports such as peer tutoring, academic tutoring, writing workshops and study rooms.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Study Space / Computer Usage Tutoring / Peer Support Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking

Inter-Universities Services (IUS)

P: 1-866-627-8500 / 1-866-677-6450
E: [email protected]

Inter-Universities Services (IUS) is a consortium of the four Manitoba universities – Brandon University, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and University College of the North. IUS mandate is to deliver university credit courses to residents living north of the 53rd parallel. We are in constant contact with partnering universities to ensure the transferability of courses that are offered through IUS.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Academic Advising

P: 204-632-2327
E: Online Contact Form

2055 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

Academic advisors are here to provide you with information about RRC Polytech’s full-time, part-time and online programs, plus their admission requirements. Our advisors will help you select the right program to meet your career and academic goals, while connecting you with helpful people, resources, and supports. Together, we’ll come up with a plan for your next steps.

Academic Academic Advisors

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Academic Preparation and Essential Skills

P: 204-632-2327
E: Online Contact Form

2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

Need credits to finish high school or to gain access to a program at Red River College Polytechnic? Are you new to Canada and want to improve your English? Our Academic Preparation and Essential Skills programs can help you get the education and training you need to prepare yourself for a successful career.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Post-Secondary Preparation

L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)

Service d’orientation pédagogique / Academic Advising Services

P: 204-237-1818 ext 469 /204-237-1818 ext 419
E: 204-237-1818 ext 469 /204-237-1818 ext 419

Le service d’orientation pédagogique offre des services d’appui et des conseils sur les choix de cours nécessaires pour mener à bonne fin votre programme d’études. 

Academic Advising Services offers support and advice on the choice of courses necessary for the completion of your study program.

Academic Academic Advisors

The Canadian Beauty Academy

The Canadian Beauty Academy Info

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a fulfilling career in beauty, The Canadian Beauty Academy is here to help. Our hairstyling, esthetics, nail tech, and lash tech programs are taught by experienced professionals and feature hands-on training to give you the skills you need to succeed.

Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Learner’s Assistance Centre

P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8541 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]

The Pas Campus Learners' Assistance Centre (LAC) Room 130 B / Thompson Campus Room 107A - located in the library
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada

The LAC offers free and confidential learning assistance provided to all students attending UCN. At the LAC we want our students to become better writers and critical thinkers. The goal is to help students develop their academic writing in a friendly and collaborative environment. To access services; students can walk-in, or make an appointment (preferred).

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations

University of Manitoba

UM Case Management

P: 204-474-7423
E: [email protected]

65 Chancellor's Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Our team in the Case Management Office cares about your health, safety and emotional and physical well-being. We understand that it can be hard to find the right resources when you are facing a crisis or emergency in your life. We are your connection to emergency crisis support at UM. Everything you tell us is completely confidential and we will use the information you give us to connect you with support on and off campus. The University of Manitoba is committed to supporting those who have experienced sexual assault by providing information, referral to counselling and medical care and appropriate accommodations. If you are facing addiction or mental health issues, we can point you in the direction of resources that can help you on and off campus. If you are being stalked, harassed, or if you feel unsafe in your residence, we can help. We work closely with Student Advocacy and can help you if you are worried about your academic career. If you are struggling with challenging personal or health circumstances, we can connect you with a counsellor, a doctor, a support group, housing and financial aid.

Academic Academic Advisors Health Mental Health

University of Manitoba

UM Office of Legal Counsel

P: 204-474-7843
E: [email protected]

E3-250 Engineering Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Office of Legal Counsel provides and coordinates all legal services required by the University of Manitoba and helps facilitate projects and partnerships, which are critical to the functioning and strategic priorities of the UM. The Office of Legal Counsel provides and coordinates all legal services required by UM. We have conducted legal affairs for 23 different faculties and schools, dozens of administrative units and nearly 9,000 faculty and staff.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Advocacy Legal Advocacy Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors Health Mental Health

University of Winnipeg

UW Accessibility Services

P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

Assistance and academic accommodations are available to students with eligible disabilities or medical conditions. If you are interested in learning more about these accommodations and supports, please contact Accessibility Services to make an appointment with an Accessibility Advisor.

Academic Academic Advisors Disability Accommodations

University of Winnipeg

UW Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)

P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]

Room 1M35 NW Manitoba Hall, Main Floor, 515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The University of Winnipeg, Accessibility Services (AS) and Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) facilitate and promote the ongoing development of an accessible learning environment which provides students with disabilities, mental health concerns, medical conditions and temporary injuries the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of campus life.

Academic Academic Advisors Disability Accommodations

University of Winnipeg

UW Transition Year Program

P: 204-786-9818
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Avenue
Lockhart Hall
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The transition to full-time academic study in an urban post-secondary institution may be challenging and difficult for some high-school students and mature adult learners. The Transition Year Program (TYP) has been created to assist many new Indigenous students build the academic and personal coping skills that will foster post-secondary success. A mandatory orientation is held prior to the beginning of the fall term. During orientation students will be introduced to additional university support services and community resources.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Post-Secondary Preparation

Academic Workshops

University of Manitoba

AISES University of Manitoba Chapter

AISES is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers. AISES administers many programs, services, and events for pre-college, undergraduate and graduate students designed to increase their access to college and support their success in preparation for careers in STEM fields. Native college students need professional mentorship and peer support in addition to scholarship support. Students are most successful when they have a network of other Native students, as well as professionals who can provide ongoing support while they are pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies. AISES provides exactly this critically needed support through its programming.

Academic Academic Workshops Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Community Community Groups / Community on Campus

University of Winnipeg

AISES University of Winnipeg Chapter

AISES stands for American Indian Science and Engineering Society. There are Canadian Chapters. AISES has 40 years of Indigenous STEM learning and community-building experience, and provides networking, peer support and mentorship to Indigenous peoples in STEM at all levels of their educational and professional experience. Students are given opportunities to explore undergraduate and graduate opportunities, engage with Indigenous STEM professionals, as well as network with scholarship granting organizations and corporations looking to hire. STEM professionals and corporations have the opportunity to meet bright, accomplished young Indigenous STEM students looking to establish a career in STEM. AISES gives Canadian Indigenous STEM students and professionals an opportunity to gather, connect, and create long-lasting relationships within Canada through national gatherings, and across the continent at AISES regional and national gatherings.

Academic Academic Workshops Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Community Community Groups / Community on Campus

Akiing Onji Foundation

Akiing Onji – From the Land

P: 204-336-0554 / 431-275-1107
E: [email protected]

The Akiing Onji Foundation is an Indigenous-led charity that was founded to promote and preserve Indigenous languages and cultures through culturally appropriate education activities, programs, training, and workshops for the Indigenous community in Manitoba.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Language Rights & Revitalization

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Library

P: 204-725-8727 | 1-800-862-6307 ext. 6638
E: [email protected]

Victoria Avenue E. Campus / North Hill Campus (staff available on request)
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9

Assiniboine Library offers the following services and resources to students: borrowing, interlibrary loan, database access, research help, academic skills building, services for persons with disabilities, computers, equipment lending, printing & copying, and study spaces. Assiniboine Library also has an Elder’s Collection: The Elders Collection is Assiniboine Library’s collection of Indigenous materials. It began as a small collection of books donated by two former Assiniboine staff members, but over the years, has grown into a gathering of all the library’s Indigenous materials prominently featured in one location. The Library continues to revise its subject headings for searching so they are as culturally sensitive as possible. Available to all, this collection includes books, streaming videos, DVDs, and other materials.

Academic Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage


CAHRD Aboriginal Community Campus

P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form

ACC is a stand-alone, Adult learning centre that provides a holistic learning environment with year-round quality educational programming. Classes run Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and full time attendance is required for all programs. Accredited through Manitoba’s Adult Learning and Literacy Branch, programming at ACC ranges from academic preparation to assisting adult students to achieve their mature student diploma.

Academic Academic Workshops Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage Tutoring / Peer Support


Cando – Youth & Post Secondary Initiatives

Cando has information sessions for students and student advisors on the following topics:Netmaker Coaching,Economic Development Youth Summit, Youth Connect, NIEEF + CIBC / NIEEF Scholarships, Cando Conference National Youth Panel, and TAED application process & Cando Accredited Institutions.

Academic Academic Workshops Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Community Activism Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Lending

National Screen Institute (NSI)

CBC New Indigenous Voices

P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form

Build your career and learn the essential elements of working in film, TV and digital media. There is no cost to apply or participate. Tuition and application fees have been generously covered by CBC.

Academic Academic Workshops Work-integrated Learning

University of Manitoba Community Engaged Learning

Community Engaged Learning – Working in Good Ways

Creative Manitoba

Creative Manitoba Indigenous Programs

Creative Manitoba’s Indigenous programs provide workshops and programs for and by Indigenous cultural workers, artists and art enthusiasts.

Academic Academic Workshops Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports

Indigenous Parents Community IPC

Indigenous Parents Community IPC – Workshops

Join IPC founder, Kelly Kristin, on her guided workshops to aid you in personal and professional development ranging from student, parental, and professional advice.

Academic Academic Workshops Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking

P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form

Customized training and mentorship for Indigenous storytellers to produce a broadcast-ready film for APTN. There is no cost to apply or participate. The application fee of $50 and tuition of $250 have been waived through the generous contribution of program partners.

Academic Academic Workshops Work-integrated Learning


Indspire Programs

P: 1-855-463-7747
E: [email protected]

Box 5, Suite 100, 50 Generations Drive
Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken, Ontario Canada
N0A 1M0

From bursaries, scholarships and awards to mentoring programs to youth conferences and educator support, Indspire provides vital resources to help students graduate and go on to fulfil their potential.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Library Services Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre has many programs and resources for both parents and educators. The programs include Early Learning, Inclusive Education, Numeracy and Literacy, Physical Education & Health and the Training Institute for professional development.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Library Services Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization Family Parenting

National Screen Institute (NSI)

New Northern Voices

P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form

Learn the fundamentals of short fiction writing for web series and film from award-winning storyteller Jordan Wheeler. Building on NSI New Northern Voices 2019 and the National Screen Institute’s commitment to growing capacity within the screen industry in The Pas, Manitoba and surrounding areas, the NSI New Northern Voices 2021 writers edition has been developed. Program partners have covered the application and tuition costs.

Academic Academic Workshops Work-integrated Learning



Winnipeg, Manitoba, Treaty 1 Territory, October 28, 2020: The Winnipeg Art Gallery is excited to announce that a circle of language keepers has given an Inuktitut name to what was formerly known as the Inuit Art Centre: Qaumajuq [HOW-ma-yourq or sometimes heard KOW-ma-yourk], meaning “It is bright, it is lit,” which celebrates the light that flows into the new building connected to the WAG. This naming initiative is an important step on the WAG’s Indigenization journey, as is free admission for all Indigenous Peoples to WAG-Qaumajuq starting with the landmark opening, expected to launch in February 2021. It is the first time an Indigenous naming of this kind has occurred at a major art institution in Canada.

Academic Academic Workshops Family Youth Activities

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Swampy Cree Tribal Council

P: The Pas: 204-623-3423 / Winnipeg Office: 204-989-4800
E: [email protected]

Swampy Cree Tribal Council will pursue the social, economic and political well being and development of member First Nations. Swampy Cree Tribal Council (SCTC) is comprised of 8 First Nations in northwest central Manitoba with a membership of more than 19,000.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Work Placement Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Funding Housing House Maintenance

National Screen Institute (NSI)

TikTok Accelerator for Indigenous Creators

P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form

Grow your TikTok presence by learning the key elements of storytelling and discover essential building blocks for a successful digital career. There is no application fee or tuition cost

Academic Academic Workshops Work-integrated Learning

University of Manitoba

UM Blankstein Momentum Program

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Indigenous Student Centre is pleased to offer the Blankstein Momentum Program (Momentum) for returning Indigenous students. The program is designed to provide you with access to supports that contribute to your post-secondary persistence, overall well-being and personal success. Momentum uses a holistic approach that includes advisor meetings, access to tutors, learning workshops, group activities and cultural/spiritual care. The program runs late August to March, with a celebration wind-up in April. There is no cost to participate. *Maximum intake is 20 students per academic year and priority will be given to those who have not been a part of the program before.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Tutoring / Peer Support Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

University of Manitoba

UM Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program (IYMP)

Formerly called Rec and Read Mentorship Program for All Nations, IYMP is an after school program that provides healthy snacks, sports and games plus education. The program creates safe, relevant and meaningful sport spaces for Indigenous youth and young people living in diverse communities. The program encompasses nutrition, physical activity, education, building meaningful intercultural relationships and play. IYMP also runs summer programming and has resources and opportunities for youth and young adult employment.

Academic Academic Workshops Mentorship Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Peer Support Family Youth Activities

University of Manitoba

UM Mahkwa omushki kiim: Pathway to Indigenous Nursing Education (PINE)

P: 204-474-7493
E: [email protected]

89 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Mahkwa omushki kiim: Pathway to Indigenous Nursing Education (PINE), offers a combination of academic, personal and cultural supports to prepare First Nations, Métis and Inuit students for entrance into our Bachelor of Nursing (BN) degree program and to assist them throughout the program.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Tutoring / Peer Support Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

Yellowquill University College

Yellowquill University College Programs

Full-time programs. The first step in success is identifying your career goal. Here you will find a variety of programs and courses that will help you reach your career goal. The website also lists Modular Programs and Professional Development Workshops.

Academic Academic Workshops Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Student Supports – Student Services

Assiniboine helps students achieve success by providing guidance, support, encouragement, advice, information and assistance wherever needed. We strive to provide a warm and friendly environment where students feel comfortable raising questions or concerns. While many students make a smooth transition to college on their own, some may benefit from additional supports. Assiniboine’s goal is to help students plan for a successful college experience.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College The Learning Curve

P: 204-725-8700 or Toll Free 1-800-862-6307
E: [email protected]

Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9

The Learning Curve/Learning Hub in Brandon are one-stop shops for your academic support needs; you can also find us at the Parkland and Winnipeg campuses. Our staff offer individualized academic support to help you meet your goals while you attend Assiniboine. Students can drop by or schedule appointments with Learning Curve staff before classes even start! If you are even a little bit worried about your college courses, contact the Learning Curve early to see what kind of help is available. There’s no need to wait; you can book online at your convenience. Our secure booking site is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. You even get text and email reminders once you book (just make sure to select the right person at the right campus).

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations

Brandon University

BU Academic Skills Centre

P: 204-729-9737
E: [email protected]

270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9

Students are encouraged to access the Centre’s services through either individual appointments designed to address specific learning issues or group workshops that deal with some of the most common learning issues facing students. There are tutors in various subject areas.

Academic Academic Workshops Tutoring / Peer Support

Community Education Development Association (CEDA)

CEDA Pathways to Education Program

Pathways to Education’s innovative, community-based Program locations help communities across Canada reach their full potential through academic achievement, high school graduation, and post-secondary opportunities. Pathways to Education partners with well-established local organizations who deliver programming directly to students in the community using its proven combination of academic, financial, social, and one-on-one supports. In Winnipeg, Pathways to Education partners with the Community Education Development Association (CEDA). CEDA Pathways to Education provides students in the Lord Selkirk Park, William Whyte, Dufferin, and North Point Douglas neighbourhoods with dynamic and progressive programming that reflects our community’s current needs.

Academic Academic Workshops Mentorship Post-Secondary Preparation Tutoring / Peer Support

P: (204) 943-2382
E: Online Contact Form

Community Legal Education Association is a charitable organization that provides Manitobans with information about the law through several services. We have existed since 1984.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Advocacy Legal Advocacy

Canadian Mennonite University

CMU Academic Advising and Other Academic Services

At CMU, academic advising is more than choosing courses that fit your timetable. We take a holistic approach to advising, which includes conversations about academic interests and career/vocational goals. The Coordinator of Student Advising assigns each student a Faculty Advisor who is their academic mentor. In addition to faculty, the Coordinator of Student Advising is on hand to consider CMU degree and pre-professional options with students. There are also academic supports such as peer tutoring, academic tutoring, writing workshops and study rooms.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Study Space / Computer Usage Tutoring / Peer Support Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking

Inter-Universities Services (IUS)

P: 1-866-627-8500 / 1-866-677-6450
E: [email protected]

Inter-Universities Services (IUS) is a consortium of the four Manitoba universities – Brandon University, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and University College of the North. IUS mandate is to deliver university credit courses to residents living north of the 53rd parallel. We are in constant contact with partnering universities to ensure the transferability of courses that are offered through IUS.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Sector Council Program

The Manitoba government recognizes that a skilled, adaptable and productive workforce is essential for employers to compete locally and in the global market. The Sector Council Program supports organizations in key Manitoba sectors to develop and deliver workforce training for new and existing employees to support business growth and prosperity. Sector organizations collaborate with employers, industry associations, labour groups, educational institutions and other stakeholders to identify needs and deliver effective programming. They offer joint programs that enable employers to benefit from cross-sector opportunities, learning from one another and identifying potential cooperative business ventures. All ten sector councils have programing and information for Indigenous students. Each of the Sector councils are listed on the Sector Council Program site. We also have each Sector Council in it’s own entry in the Industry Sector & Business Councils page of our site so we can showcase their resources more broadly.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Manitoba Sector Council Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Academic Preparation and Essential Skills

P: 204-632-2327
E: Online Contact Form

2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

Need credits to finish high school or to gain access to a program at Red River College Polytechnic? Are you new to Canada and want to improve your English? Our Academic Preparation and Essential Skills programs can help you get the education and training you need to prepare yourself for a successful career.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Post-Secondary Preparation

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech ASC: Supports for Students – Writing Centre

P: 204-632-2233
E: [email protected]

Building C - 2055 Notre Dame Avenue
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

Welcome to the Writing Centre! We’re here to support all Red River College Polytechnic students with their writing needs. Here you will find information about our tutoring options: drop-in tutoring, online tutoring, in-person tutoring, and support through email. You will also find information and resources for studying on your own and recorded workshops. Finally, you will find the contact information for the Writing Centre.

Academic Academic Workshops Tutoring / Peer Support

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Learner’s Assistance Centre

P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8541 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]

The Pas Campus Learners' Assistance Centre (LAC) Room 130 B / Thompson Campus Room 107A - located in the library
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada

The LAC offers free and confidential learning assistance provided to all students attending UCN. At the LAC we want our students to become better writers and critical thinkers. The goal is to help students develop their academic writing in a friendly and collaborative environment. To access services; students can walk-in, or make an appointment (preferred).

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Online Writing Centre

E: Online Contact Links

FABS Online Writing Support. You can book a live Online Tutoring appointment by clicking on the Tutor’s Zoom link during the time slot of the Tutor. Arrange for your request ahead of time by making an appointment with the Tutor by email. You may book at 30 or 60 minute session.

Academic Academic Workshops Tutoring / Peer Support

University of Manitoba

UM Academic Learning Centre

P: 204-480-1481
E: [email protected]

173 Dafoe Rd.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M9

Looking for ways to be successful this term? Study smarter, not harder! Attend one our virtual sessions where you’ll learn practical strategies that you can put into action right away. We’ll introduce you to proven approaches that help you to: improve time management and avoid procrastination, more easily read and understand textbooks, take good notes and study more effectively, write academic papers and use source material properly, and prepare for tests and exams

Academic Academic Workshops

University of Manitoba

UM Office of Legal Counsel

P: 204-474-7843
E: [email protected]

E3-250 Engineering Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Office of Legal Counsel provides and coordinates all legal services required by the University of Manitoba and helps facilitate projects and partnerships, which are critical to the functioning and strategic priorities of the UM. The Office of Legal Counsel provides and coordinates all legal services required by UM. We have conducted legal affairs for 23 different faculties and schools, dozens of administrative units and nearly 9,000 faculty and staff.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Advocacy Legal Advocacy Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors Health Mental Health

University of Winnipeg

UW Academic Advising

P: 204-786-9257
E: [email protected]

489 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3

Academic Advisors and Adult Learner Services staff can provide information about programs, courses, and university requirements, provide feedback on your course selection and assist with the registration process, and help you with the appeal process. Website registration. Study Skills Workshops are designed to improve your learning skills and help you achieve your academic goals. Organized by Academic and Career Services, this series of workshops is FREE to all students.

Academic Academic Workshops Post-Secondary Preparation

University of Winnipeg

UW Study Skills Workshops

P: 204-786-9257
E: Online Contact Form

1st Floor, Rice Centre - 489 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3

Study Skills Workshops are designed to improve your learning skills and help you achieve your academic goals. Organized by Academic and Career Services, this series of workshops is FREE to all students.

Academic Academic Workshops Work-integrated Learning

University of Winnipeg

UW Transition Year Program

P: 204-786-9818
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Avenue
Lockhart Hall
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The transition to full-time academic study in an urban post-secondary institution may be challenging and difficult for some high-school students and mature adult learners. The Transition Year Program (TYP) has been created to assist many new Indigenous students build the academic and personal coping skills that will foster post-secondary success. A mandatory orientation is held prior to the beginning of the fall term. During orientation students will be introduced to additional university support services and community resources.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Post-Secondary Preparation

Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

ATEC – Intake Education and Training Pathway (IETP)

P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form

The IETP is a prerequisite to all training in a student’s journey whether academic or trades training. The IETP is a living document created at the grassroots level which incorporates a distinct approach in assisting the learners’ journey. Based on the performance of the applicant a basic understanding of where the student may fall academically is documented by the IETP staff member and is put into the individuals training plan. The intake process and programs at ATEC offer the following supports: Traditional Teaching, In House Therapists, Access to all post-secondary, technical and access to industry, Mature Student Diploma Program, Adult Education Program, Literacy and Essential Skills, Essential Skills upgrading and Training, Social Job Readiness, Career Coaching and Screening and Assessment called SASSI (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory) with referrals to a partner Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation treatment center called the Medicine Lodge if any students need those referrals.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Mental Health

Atik Mason Indigenous Pilot Pathway

Atik Mason Indigenous Pilot Pathway – Thompson MB Base Program

Indigenous Pilot Pathway is honoured to join forces with Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. (MKO). Together, we are committed to shaping the future of Indigenous talent in aviation. With unparalleled support, we guide aspiring pilots through a transformative journey toward a fulfilling and rewarding career in aviation.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Brandon University

BU PENT Program – Education

PENT is a community-based teacher education program of the Faculty of Education of Brandon University. Students combine paraprofessional work in their community schools from September to April with courses at Brandon University from April to July. The new program of studies is the Brandon University After Degree B.A./B.Ed. program in either the early or middle years area. Student teaching is carried out during the school year in conjunction with paraprofessional work.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Core First Aid & CPR Training

Core First Aid & CPR Training Courses

P: Ron Ducharme - 204-999-4514
E: [email protected]

Core First Aid has a primary goal to provide training programs that empower individuals and communities to save lives and improve health and safety standards. We are a certified Canadian Red Cross training partner and have delivered first aid and CPR courses since 2010. We have a natural rapport with our participants and have experience delivering this program to communities and organizations that are both urban and rural. The courses offer the latest first aid and CPR guidelines and meet legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards. This training will give your organization core safety requirements for achieving organizational health. Additionally, the participants will be more prepared to help someone in need, which keeps our communities safer.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)

Cours USB avec contenu autochtone / USB Courses with Indigenous Content

L’intégration de connaissances autochtones au curriculum constitue une priorité stratégique pour l’Université de Saint-Boniface. L’Université offre désormais du contenu autochtone dans le cadre de certaines formations non-créditées, ainsi que dans une soixantaine de cours crédités répartis dans plusieurs programmes d’études. The integration of Indigenous knowledge into the curriculum represents a strategic priority for Université de Saint-Boniface. The University now offers Indigenous content within certain non-credit training packages, as well as in 60-odd credit courses spread across several programs of study.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

First Nations Health Managers Association

First Nations Health Managers Association Courses

Current listings for courses and workshops.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Kinosawi Sipi - Norway House Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Kinosawi Sipi – Norway House Cree Nation

P: 204-732-2490

NHCN is one of the largest Indigenous communities in Manitoba with a growing population of 7,500 community members and an additional 500 community council members. NHCN has long been recognized as a progressive and vibrant community, boasting a large number of amenities as its serves as a gateway to Northern and Eastern communities of Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Exercise Facilities Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Louis Riel Institute

Louis Riel Vocational College

The Louis Riel Vocational College offers a wide range of educational and training opportunities that allow our students to enhance their skill sets and put on the right path to advance their careers.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

P: Emergency 911 / 204-856-5370 / MFNP Tip Line: 1-833-978-0048
E: [email protected]

It is the goal of the Manitoba First Nations Police Service to position itself as the police service of choice to First Nations seeking alternatives in policing. The Manitoba First Nations Police Service has support for expansion within the Province of Manitoba from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Assembly of First Nations both at the Provincial and Federal level.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

P: Emergency 911 / 204-856-5370 / MFNP Tip Line: 1-833-978-0048
E: [email protected]

Manitoba First Nations Police Service is in search of motivated, energetic persons with high integrity to fill vacancies with the Police Service. The recruitment is open to new recruits and experienced constables through the Lateral Entry Police Officers Program.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

NPower Canada

NPower Canada – Free Tech Training and Employment Programs

P: Manitoba Office: 204-285-2188 / Toll Free: 1-877-204-9219
E: [email protected]

NPower Canada is now offering no-cost tech training programs in partnership with Google and Microsoft to Manitobans who are unemployed or underemployed. Each program is 15-weeks long, completely free, 100% virtual, and is accompanied by support from an Alumni Placement Specialist who will help you land a job upon graduation from the program as an entry-point into a career in tech. A laptop is provided for the duration of the program, with other Wraparound supports available. Current program offerings include: Junior IT Analyst Program, Junior Data Analyst Program, and Security Operations Analyst Program.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

Nu Media Films

Nu-Media Program

The highly successful Nu-Media Program in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada aims to increase the capacity within Indigenous youth residing on First Nation reserves across Manitoba to create job-ready, career driven individuals. This program draws upon the many centuries of storytelling within the Indigenous communities while developing a new, modern age storyteller. It is the hope and dream of our team that one day, every Indigenous community will have individuals who can utilize modern video, film, and Internet mediums to tell their stories, the stories that need to be told, all from an Indigenous perspective.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Opaskwayak Cree Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Opaskwayak Cree Nation is over 6,000 people strong, more than 1/2 of whom live on the 15,002 acres of Opaskwayak Cree Nation land. In our culture, Living the Good Life includes wellness, strong relationships and respect for all of creation. It means living in all the ways that are right with your soul. We exist to heal and strengthen our community, deepening our culture and advancing our independence, so each person can walk their own path. We see a strong, united, self-governing, self-sustaining Opaskwayak Cree Nation of Mino Pimâtisiwin, living our rich culture and beliefs, protecting our land and our language. We are on a mission to improve the lives of the Opaskwayak Ininew, every day.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Emergency Services Mental Health Physical Health Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Clothing Resources Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Indigenous Education

P: 204-632-3773
E: Online Contact Form

Building F - Room 209 - 2055 Notre Dame
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

Fostering community, new paths forward, and an exploration of career options, Indigenous Education at Red River College Polytechnic prepares you to succeed and achieve your personal, educational and career goals. Build a deeper understanding of cultures, languages, and histories, while developing the skills needed to join Manitoba’s growing workforce.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Scholastic Orientation Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Indigenous Education – Social Innovation and Community Development

E: [email protected]

Notre Dame Campus / Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Social innovation brings new perspectives to existing ways of decision-making in today’s world. In this program, you will discover the tremendous capacities of communities and individuals looking to initiate systems change. In your second year of studies, specialize in either Community Development or Social Entrepreneurship.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Manitou a bi Bii daziigae

E: [email protected]

Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3A 0K4

Manitou a bi Bii daziigae (in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe)) is Red River College Polytechnic’s expansion of the Exchange District Campus, and the first RRC Polytech building to receive an Indigenous name. Manitou a bi Bii daziigae was previously known as the Innovation Centre project. This building houses The Digital Media Production room, The Game Design Studio, The Communication Management room, two Information Technology classrooms and The Indigenous Entrepreneurship Classroom and Studio. The Indigenous Entrepreneurship Classroom and Studio is used as a learning space, collaboration space and a studio to work on entrepreneur-driven, community-based projects. In the Social Innovation and Community Development program, students learn to transform their values and passions into ventures and become agents of change in communities experiencing barriers to development.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Indigenous and Northern Counselling Skills Program

P: (204) 627-8802 (messages only)
E: [email protected]

Box 3000 436 - 7th Street East
The Pas Campus
The Pas, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7

The Indigenous and Northern Counselling Skills Program provides the knowledge and skills required to provide guidance and support in a culturally proficient and professional way for Indigenous and northern peoples. All courses reflect Indigenous worldviews, ways of knowing, and culture. Theories of healing and health also include Cognitive Behavioural, Strengths Based, and Solution Focused Counselling.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program

P: 204-627-8244
E: [email protected]

Thompson Campus 55 UCN Drive
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada

The Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program is a research‐based pilot project that works to address gaps and barriers preventing northern women from entering IT jobs. More than 20 Indigenous women have been involved in introductory IT entry level training with seven of those proceeding into the full‐time Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program at UCN.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Kenanow Bachelor Of Education Program

P: 1-866-627-8500 / 1-866-677-6450
E: [email protected]

The Pas Campus / Thompson Campus
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7 / R8N 1L7

The Kenanow Bachelor of Education is a northern-based and Aboriginal-focused teacher education program. The program melds the wisdom and guidance provided by Elders in northern Manitoba with the certification standards and academic expectations of Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. University College of the North offers a Kenanow Bachelor of Education. This teacher education program combines the guidance and wisdom of northern Manitoba Elders with the academic expectations and certification standards of Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Asper School of Business – Indigenous Business Studies (BComm) (Honours)

P: 204-474-6388
E: [email protected]

181 Freedman Cres
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4

Join the only Indigenous Business Studies major of its kind in Canada. Gain a better understanding of the economic landscape and business opportunities with Indigenous partners.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Department of Indigenous Studies

P: 204-474-9266
E: [email protected]

University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

For more than 40 years, the Department of Indigenous Studies (formerly Native Studies) has been an international leader in the field, committed to creating outstanding research, teaching and service relating to the historical and contemporary position of the Indigenous peoples of Canada.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Faculty of Law – Canadian Indigenous category Admission

P: 204-480-1485
E: [email protected]

224 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Juris Doctor (JD) is a three-year degree program. There are three categories of admission to First Year Law. There are three categories of admission to First Year Law. The University of Manitoba Faculty of Law is concerned about systemic racism within the legal system and in particular the disproportionate impacts on Indigenous peoples. As part of promoting diverse and inclusive legal education, the Canadian Indigenous Category considers applications of Indigenous peoples in Canada (Metis, First Nations and Inuit) in a more holistic fashion.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Indigenous Governance (BA)

P: 204-474-9266
E: [email protected]

Program inquiries - Department of Indigenous Studies - Room 215 Isbister Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Our Indigenous governance program (formerly Aboriginal governance) is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the study of traditional knowledge, political governance and Indigenous business and economics. Students in the program will also complete a Minor in Business.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Master of Social Work Indigenous Knowledges

P: 204-474-7050
E: [email protected]

173 Dafoe Rd. W
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Faculty of Social work at UM developed the Master of Social work based in Indigenous Knowledges to address the need for a social work program that is directly relevant to Indigenous peoples, communities, perspectives and practices.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Community

University of Manitoba

UM Wawatay – Faculty of Science

E: [email protected]

University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

As a Wawatay Scholar, Faculty of Science professors and staff are completely vested in your success. This dedication begins the summer before your first fall semester. You will feel that support through to graduation and even beyond—as you launch a career, start a business, or continue your education. If staying close to your roots is important to you, the Wawatay path helps you maintain your connection to home. Through community engagement and intercultural learning activities, this program helps you relate classroom learning to meaningful community life and work.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Community Connection to Home Community

Urban Circle Training Centre Inc.

Urban Circle Training Centre Inc. Programs

At Urban Circle, our goal is to provide culturally appropriate education and training to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women and men in Winnipeg. Since 1991, we have offered certified programming that connects to both our cultural teachings and labour-market demands. At our Centre, students are provided with a sense of belonging and community, and we are committed to enriching the quality of their educational experience by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and success.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Health Mental Health

WHEAT Institute 

WHEAT Institute Programs

Germinated on the Central Canadian plains, WHEAT Institute’s love of the land is at the heart of our programs, which lead to accreditation as art and expressive arts therapists and consultant educator/practitioners. We appreciate our head office location on Treaty 1 Territory and value the presence, history, culture, languages, and knowledge of the First Peoples and Metis of this territory including the Ininew, Anishnaabe, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Métis peoples. Our institute offers compulsory Indigenous language classes as well as Indigenous storytelling classes to reflect our commitment to Indigenous resurgence, along with the offering first Indigenized therapeutic arts diploma programs in Canada.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

Yellowquill University College

Yellowquill University College Programs

Full-time programs. The first step in success is identifying your career goal. Here you will find a variety of programs and courses that will help you reach your career goal. The website also lists Modular Programs and Professional Development Workshops.

Academic Academic Workshops Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning

Adult Learning Centre - Seven Oaks School Division

Adult Learning Centre – Seven Oaks School Division Info

At Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre we offer a Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma of Provincially approved curriculum that is recognized by employers, community colleges and universities. Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre provides a no cost, flexible schedule, with experienced and qualified instruction in a number of subject areas. Computers are available for the use of registered students. Many are linked to the Internet, and have a variety of programs available for student use. The Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre offers courses needed to complete a Mature Student Diploma, the regular High School Diploma or to upgrade credits for post-secondary education or work. Courses are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening to allow working students to schedule around their work and family lives. We are committed to helping students learn the study skills and work skills that adults need to succeed in our studies and work place. We offer a friendly, helpful staff in an adult climate.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation

P: 204-459-0054 / (204) 478-8884 / (204) 785-8223 / (204) 582-9400 / (204) 326-4188
E: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

Over 50 Academy of Learning® College campuses, from British Columbia to Prince Edward Island, have helped students successfully completed over one million training courses. Depending on the province or territory, program offerings have expanded to Diploma-level and Certificate-level programs in the areas of Accounting, Business, Community Support Worker, Customer Service, Healthcare, Home Inspection, Hospitality, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Office Administration, and Web Design. AOLCC has 5 campuses in Manitoba with programs available. The campuses are in Pine Falls, Winnipeg South, Selkirk, Winnipeg North and Steinbach.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Booth University College

Booth University College Info

P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684

We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.

Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services Work-integrated Learning Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Insurance / Health Coverage

Brandon Flight Centre

Brandon Flight Centre Flight Academy – Brandon

Brandon Flight Academy offers programming for private pilot licenses, Commercial pilot licenses, and Aviation Management certificates. Brandon Flight Centre has operated from the Brandon Municipal Airport (McGill Field) since 1936! Find our main base at: Hangar 2: 425 Agnew Drive (east of the terminal).

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Brandon Flight Centre

Brandon Flight Centre Flight Academy – Dauphin

Brandon Flight Academy offers programming for private pilot licenses, Commercial pilot licenses, and Aviation Management certificates. The Dauphin Flight Training Centre opened to students in August 2021. Training operates out of the main terminal building at the LT. Col. W. G. (Billy) Barker VC Memorial Airport in Dauphin.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

CDI College

CDI College Winnipeg Manitoba

The CDI Winnipeg campus is available to everyone in the area looking to further their education or upgrade their skills. Choose from programs in business, healthcare, and technology.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Tutoring / Peer Support Work-integrated Learning

Centre for Christian Studies

Centre for Christian Studies Programs

P: 204-783-4490
E: [email protected]

60 Maryland Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 1K7

The Centre for Christian Studies offers various programs to help you develop into the faith-filled transformative leader you are called to be.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

CHN College

CHN College Info

P: 204-947-5237
E: Online Contact Form

Great careers begin with excellent training, train in 21 weeks for a rewarding and fulfilling career in Health Care

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Commonwealth College

Commonwealth College Programs

P: 204-944-8202
E: Online Contact Form

Commonwealth College offers programs in the following areas: Culinary Arts, Hospitality, Vocational Preparatory Program, Esthetics, Nail Technician, Skin Care Technician, and Logistics & Supply Chain Management.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Continuing Education - St. James-Assiniboia School Division

Continuing Education – St. James-Assiniboia School Division Programs and Services

St. James-Assiniboia School Division offers a wide array of programs and services in an effort to achieve our strategic outcomes. Please find a comprehensive list on the webpage.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Criti Care

Criti Care Paramedic Academy

As professionals in the field, our staff at Criti Care understand the high level of training paramedics require in order to meet the challenges they face in a fast paced and demanding environment. That is why, when it comes to the quality of training we provide there is no room for compromise. Our comprehensive and world class training gets the very best out of our students and we have over 25 years of history producing some of the very best paramedics in the province to prove it.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Our EMR program is for Manitoba students that wish to begin their journey into emergency services and successful students are able to obtain their EMT license through the MB College of Paramedics. Successful completion of the EMR course provides the student with an accredited Emergency Medical Responder certificate. Many students go on to write the provincial emergency medical technician exam and start working on the ambulance, or go on to higher levels of Paramedic training, fire fighting, 911 dispatch, law enforcement, etc. The provincial exam needs to be taken within one year of completing the program.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning

Evolve College

Evolve College Info

P: 204-772-8999
E: Online Contact Form

Both challenging and progressive, our courses feature a blend of theory and practical hands-on experience. While understanding the science of our work is imperative, this knowledge is of little use if administered without sensitivity and compassion. At the Evolve College of Massage Therapy (formerly the Massage Therapy College of Manitoba), we explore all aspects of touch and how, through science and art, we can change people’s lives.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

What is required? Every city fire department has a little different requirements, but the most common across Canada is NFPA 1001: Firefighter Level I&II and NFPA 472: Hazmat Awareness and Hazmat Operations certifications. The program we recommend is the Training Division Fire Academy which bundles the 4 basic certificates into a program called Basic Fire Academy and successful candidates leave with what they need to apply to most Canadian Fire Departments. Once combined with an EMR program, this covers the basic Fire & Medical certifications to apply with departments such as the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service as well as cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Surrey, Edmonton, etc. etc.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning

H & Co. Academy - Esthetics-Hair-Nails

H & Co. Academy – Esthetics-Hair-Nails Info

At H&CO Academy you will learn the skills needed to become a qualified multi-service provider, ready for your journey into the professional world of beauty.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking

Harv's Air

Harv’s Air Courses

P: Toll-Free +1-800 HARV AIR / 1-800 - 427-8247 (Rings in Steinbach)
E: [email protected]

33149 33 Road North Box 1056
Steinbach & St. Andrews, Manitoba Canada
R5G 1M8

Get started in aviation! Become a pilot! Add a rating to your pilot licence! Our courses are flexible and can be conducted full time or part time. Flight training is one on one with a flight instructor, thus the schedule and pace is entirely up to you. If you don’t find a course for what you need, please contact us and ask!

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Harv's Air

Harv’s Air St. Andrews

The St. Andrew’s base is located at the St. Andrews Airport Inc. Both St. Andrews and Steinbach bases for Harv’s Air have student accommodation options on site.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Housing Student Housing Student Residence

Harv's Air

Harv’s Air Steinbach

Our Steinbach base is located 2 miles south of Steinbach on highway 12. We are NOT at the Steinbach North airport. Best way to get to Steinbach from Winnipeg is via highway 52/59 or highway 1/12. If you need directions call 204 326 2434. Both St. Andrews and Steinbach bases for Harv’s Air have student accommodation options on site.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Housing Student Housing Student Residence

Safety Shelly Consulting Services

Heavy Equipment Operator Training Certification Program (HEO)

Whether you’re an experienced operator looking to refine your skills, or if you’re brand new to the field your timing is perfect. The construction, forestry, civil, mining, oil and gas industries are experiencing a heavy demand for equipment operators. This program is geared towards hands on, must know industry specific knowledge. We ensure you’ll know more then expected and wanting to get more seat time after this training! How do we know this? Because our trainers are industry experts, the best in what they do. They have years of experience operating heavy equipment, hiring and training operators, and project management.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Herzing College

Herzing College Programs

Herzing offers diploma and certificate programs in a variety of in-demand industries. Learn at your convenience; courses offered on-campus, online, and in a hybrid format. Study full-time, part time, or in the evenings.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning

Highway King

Highway King Info

P: 204-952-1329
E: Online Contact Form

Highway King Class 1 Training Centre is a Manitoba-owned-and-operated company serving the public since August 2013.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

IBEW Local

IBEW Local Info

IBEW 2085 represents construction electricians across Manitoba and parts of Nunavut and is governed by an executive elected by and from our members. IBEW hosts many training programs and resources for electricians and electricians to be in Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Advocacy Legal Advocacy Health Insurance / Health Coverage

Inter-Universities Services (IUS)

P: 1-866-627-8500 / 1-866-677-6450
E: [email protected]

Inter-Universities Services (IUS) is a consortium of the four Manitoba universities – Brandon University, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and University College of the North. IUS mandate is to deliver university credit courses to residents living north of the 53rd parallel. We are in constant contact with partnering universities to ensure the transferability of courses that are offered through IUS.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services

Lakeside Aviation - Lakeside Flight School

Lakeside Aviation – Lakeside Flight School Info

P: (204) 276-2410 / Toll Free: (888)642-4799
E: [email protected]

Lakeside Aviation Services offers a choice of planes to match your needs. Whether it be flight training or charter, you can choose from single and multiengine landplanes, or floatplanes. The flight school at the company owned hanger at the Gimli Airport conducts flight training for people from all over the world.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

P: 204-745-2095 or 204-312-1614 (cell) / Toll free: 1-866-800-6594
E: [email protected]

MAEC is a Certified Adult Learning and Literacy Centre offering self-paced online high school courses to Manitoba adults. Our self-paced courses allow you to work on your own schedule within the school year.  Fit learning into your busy life! Study full time or part time, days or evenings, in the comfort of your home.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Manitoba Emergency Services College

Manitoba Emergency Services College Info

Manitoba’s premier leader in firefighter, paramedic and emergency services training.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

MC College

MC College Winnipeg

P: 204-786-5081
E: Online Contact Form

At MC College, we empower Students for the Beauty and Fashion Industry with skills to change their lives and enjoy rewarding careers.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres Erin Campus

P: 204-989-6488
E: [email protected]

Erin Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 2W1

Erin Campus is designed to assist learners in completing their Mature Student High School Diploma, or upgrading in order to gain admission to post-secondary institutions. Our program offers daytime classes delivered on a semester system (18 weeks) at each of our three sites. Optional courses offered are automated office, career development, psychology, law, family studies, physics, chemistry, biology, and global issues. Our summer school program (40S Transactional English and 40S Math Essentials) runs through July and August every year. For more information on programming and class times, call our Main Office at 204 989 6488.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres McPhillips Campus

P: 204-953- 2030
E: [email protected]

McPhillips Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2V 3M5

McPhillips Campus is committed to providing adult learners with the opportunities, experiences, and academic preparation essential for both post-secondary education and employment prospects. We primarily serve residents of Garden City, West Kildonan, the Maples, and North Winnipeg, as well as students who are referred through EI, Workers’ Comp, and First Nations educational authorities. Our day program has two terms that run for 18 weeks, with classes running Monday to Thursday while our evening program also has two terms that run for 18 weeks but with classes running on alternate evenings (M/W; T/Th). A wide range of credit courses is offered, enabling students to earn their Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma or upgrade for college and university programs. Courses offered each year depend upon demand but typically include pre-calculus, applied math, essential math, language arts, biology, chemistry, physics, and computers, along with a variety of option courses.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres Portage La Prairie Campus

P: 204-857-6304
E: [email protected]

Portage La Prairie Campus
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada
R1N 0M1

Through the Portage Learning and Literary Centre Inc. As a certified Adult Learning Centre, we offer a structured classroom credit program for individuals who would like to obtain their Grade 12 Diploma or require specific courses to apply to a post-secondary institution. n order to register for high school courses at the Centre, you will need to be out of school for 6 months or more and be at least 19 years old, or will reach the age of 19 before the completion of the courses in which you are enrolled. Before starting classes, you will complete an initial assessment to determine your current Math and English levels. For more information or to book an intake appointment, please call our front desk at 204-857-6304, drop by the centre or email our Intake & Case Coordinator at [email protected]. The Portage Learning and Literacy Centre offers an on-site daycare for our students with children needing this service while attending classes at our Centre.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Daycare / Preschool

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Norbert Campus

P: 204-261-3312
E: [email protected]

St. Norbert Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3V 1M7

St. Norbert Campus provides educational services for students from the communities of St. Vital, Fort Garry and St. Norbert. This adult learning centre is located behind the main building of the Behavioural Health Foundation (BHF) in St. Norbert and operates on a semester system (September/June). Classes are available in three-hour blocks twice a week (9-12/1-4/6-9) for 16 weeks. The programs offered for adult students include: Mature Student High School Diploma, High School Diploma, and Literacy and Academic Upgrading. Some of the optional credits may also be used for credit in MITT programs. Classes are held days and evenings, Monday through Friday. For more information on programs and class times, call 204-261-3312.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Vital Campus

P: 204- 254 -1618 ext. 206
E: [email protected]

St. Vital Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2M 3E8

St. Vital Campus provides a program that leads to a Mature Student High School Diploma. The program operates out of the Teen Stop Centre in South St. Vital at 533 St. Anne’s Road, and is under the direction of the Board of that centre in partnership with MITT. It has classrooms and computer lab space for approximately 50 adult students. Classes are held Monday to Thursday between 9:00am and 3:45 pm in a semester format, and are 75 minutes in length. Core courses available include Transaction and Comprehensive English 40S, and Essential Mathematics 40S. In addition, options courses available include: Auto Office 40S, Biology 40S, Family Studies 40S, Law 40S, Psychology 40S, as well as Chemistry 40S which is an Independent Learning Option. For more information please contact the centre at 204 254 1618, ext. 206

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres Thames Campus

P: 204-772-1234
E: [email protected]

Thames Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2L 0V4

Thames Campus is designed to assist learners in completing their Mature Student High School Diploma, or upgrading in order to gain admission to post-secondary institutions. Our program offers daytime classes delivered on a semester system (18 weeks) at each of our three sites. Optional courses offered are automated office, career development, psychology, law, family studies, physics, chemistry, biology, and global issues. Our summer school program (40S Transactional English and 40S Math Essentials) runs through July and August every year. For more information on programming and class times, call our Main Office at 204-772-1234.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres UFCW Campus

P: 204-989-6443 / 204 989 7748

UFCW Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0P1

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Campus is located at Portage Avenue and Arlington Street. The Centre operates primarily to serve the needs of the members and their families. UFCW will accept all applicants who meet program requirements for the adult high school program. The program is offered on a semester system, and all of their classes are offered in the evening and on Saturday mornings. Classes are held in a clean, bright facility and new computer labs. Tutorial support is available. All courses offered can be credited towards a Regular or Mature Student High School Diploma.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)

MITT Post-Secondary Certificate and Diploma Programs

We offer more than 25 post-secondary certificate and diploma programs to learners looking to start or continue their career training or education. Our strong industry relationships enable us to develop programs that teach in-demand skills, including work practicum placements, and position our students for successful employment upon graduation.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning


MOSMA Programs

P: 204-775-3308
E: [email protected]

Exchange District (ED) Campus 245 McDermot Ave 4th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 2T1 / R3B 0S8

MOSMA’s programs include full time diploma programs, limited class sizes, and part time evening courses. “We believe that irrelevant of the avenue a student pursues in their career; they require the essential building blocks of capturing sound. Whether they are capturing a musical sound, spoken word, or a sound effect; the discipline of these tasks require grounded knowledge of the fundamentals which define Audio Production as a whole.”

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage

Mountain City Aviation

Mountain City Aviation Facebook Page

At Mountain City Aviation our mission is to open the skies to everyone. Whether you would like to fly for hobby or recreation, or if your aspirations are for commercial aviation, we are the people that get you flying as soon as economically possible. The website listed on the Facebook page is not active but there is course info on this page:

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University College of the North (UCN)

Northern Manitoba Mining Academy (NMMA)

Our mission to provide innovative and responsible solutions for the creation of a knowledgeable, skilled, and sustainable workforce within a vibrant, mineral-rich resource industry. The Northern Manitoba Mining Academy facilitates strategic training initiatives and research activities to strengthen the social, economic, and environmental benefits of a robust mining sector.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Work-integrated Learning

Northwest Law Enforcement Academy

Northwest Law – Law, Protection And Safety Diploma Program

The Academy’s Instructors include current and former employees of: Winnipeg Police Service, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Police College, and the Ontario Provincial Police. This post secondary program is for persons who intend to seek employment with law enforcement agencies across Canada. Students attending our Diploma Program can apply for a Student Loan or a Canada Student Grant.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Perfect One Driving School

Perfect One Driving School Courses

P: 204-774-1609
E: [email protected]

Box 118, Group 200 RR2
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2R 0H9

Class 1 truck training is a high demand occupation and we train the best for the trucking industry who are ready to be the truck drivers of the future. Our students show high levels of satisfaction and are a positive influence in our growth. The key factor in Class 1 training is to gain confidence in truck handling and understand the road rules to comply with driving laws and regulations. Additionally, it is important to know and handle shipments that range from regular cargo to dangerous goods and follow all safety procedures during the delivery process.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Prairie Arctic Trades Training Centre

Prairie Arctic Trades Training Centre Programs

Prairie Arctic Trades Training Centre partners with First Nations and non-profit organizations, industry, trade unions and government to provide quality training in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. We offer classes on behalf of our training partners and typically do not recruit students directly. Individuals with program inquiries should contact the partnering agency directly.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Professional Transport Driver Training School

Professional Transport Driver Training School Programs

Welcome to Professional Transport Driver Training School. Manitoba’s most reputable center for Class 1 and Class 3 truck driver training. Our semi-truck driving school in Winnipeg offers several programs to suit all learning styles and works around your availability and current work schedule. We pride ourselves in providing world-class instruction with all-inclusive courses that will get you on your way to a Class 1 or 3 licenses in no time.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Red River Aviation Service

Red River Aviation – Seaplane Endorsements & Advanced Float Courses

Whether you enjoy trying new things or have a zest to fly float planes for your career, the seaplane endorsement is one of the lower costing, shorter and in some opinions the most enjoyable training you’ll have in your flying endeavors. It is also a great way to stay current if you haven’t flown for a while. Explore Manitoba and all of its back country lake and river  destinations. Take your known skills, learn some new ones and apply them to water flying. Commercial Pilot Students- all hours after your basic endorsement can count as PIC time for time building towards your 200 hour requirements! Build time while having a blast on floats!

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Robertson College

Robertson College Winnipeg Programs

P: 204-943-5661
E: Email through website

Get hands-on experience in a collaborative environment. Study on campus at 180 Main Street. Learn in the classroom and apply your skills in the lab. Earn a recognized diploma in 1 year or less. Until further notice, all on-campus classes are being held remotely through our Virtual Classroom. All Robertson Online and Virtual Classroom students will use Brightspace, our online learning hub, to access lectures and course materials. All students enrolled in campus programs must be able to attend on-campus once they reopen.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Exchange District Campus

E: Online contact form

Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1K9

The Exchange District Campus is nestled in the heart of downtown Winnipeg and is home to RRC Polytech’s business, creative arts, IT, culinary arts and hospitality programs. Featuring modern classrooms, relaxing study spaces, and state-of the-art equipment, the Exchange District Campus also has a wide variety of services and amenities, applied research labs and two student-run dining options. The Exchange District Campus Buildings include Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, Paterson GlobalFoods Institute, and The Roblin Centre.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campus

P: 204-785-5328 / Toll-free: 1-866-946-3241
E: Online contact form

Mailing Address: Box 304 Selkirk, MB R1A 2B3
Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campuses
Selkirk, Manitoba Canada
R1A 0Z3

Red River College Polytechnic’s Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campuses serve the communities in the Interlake and North Eastman region by providing a variety of community-based programs and part-time courses.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Paterson GlobalFoods Institute

P: 204-632-3960
E: Online contact form

Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0T1

RRC Polytech’s Paterson GlobalFoods Institute is the home to the College’s culinary and hospitality programs, as well as a 100-room student residence. As part of the Hospitality and Culinary Arts programs, the students run an upscale restaurant called Jane’s and a public food court known as the Culinary Exchange, both of which are located in the building.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Portage la Prairie Campus

P: 204-856-1914
E: Online contact form

Red River College Polytechnic – Portage Campus
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada
R1N 1J2

Red River College Polytechnic’s Portage Campus is located in the Central Plains region of Manitoba and offers a broad range of full-time diploma and certificate programs, as well as a variety of part-time courses and workshops, providing opportunities for personal and professional development for students at various stages in their lives and careers.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Steinbach Campus

P: 204-320-2500
E: Online contact form

Red River College Polytechnic Steinbach Campus
Steinbach, Manitoba Canada
R5G 0B3

Red River College Polytechnic’s Steinbach Campus is located in the Eastman Education Centre on Loewen Boulevard in Steinbach. This state-of-the-art facility gives Red River College Polytechnic the ability to expand the post-secondary education and training opportunities that we are able to provide to our city and surrounding rural communities.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Stevenson (Airport) Campus

P: 204-945-6001 / Toll-free: 1-866-706-5833
E: [email protected]

Stevenson Campus - Winnipeg
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3J 3Y9

Manitoba is home to the third largest aerospace sector in Canada – and Red River College Polytechnic’s Stevenson Campus is an active partner, training our workforce to participate in all aspects of the aviation and aerospace sector. Our grads are found throughout industry – overhauling aircraft engines, maintaining aircraft, building components, or in management positions such as Directors of Maintenance and Quality Assurance.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Stevenson (Southport) Campus

P: 204-428-6300 / Toll-free: 1-800-665-9864
E: [email protected]

Stevenson Campus - Southport
Southport, Manitoba Canada
R0H 1N1

Manitoba is home to the third largest aerospace sector in Canada – and Red River College Polytechnic’s Stevenson Campus is an active partner, training our workforce to participate in all aspects of the aviation and aerospace sector. Our grads are found throughout industry – overhauling aircraft engines, maintaining aircraft, building components, or in management positions such as Directors of Maintenance and Quality Assurance.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Winkler Campus

P: 204-325-9672
E: Online contact form

Red River College Polytechnic Winkler Campus
Winkler, Manitoba Canada
R6W 1E8

RRC Polytech’s Winkler Campus provides access to education in the Pembina Valley by offering several full-time programs as well as a variety of part-time courses. We also offer the Mature Student diploma program and academic upgrading courses through the Winkler Community Learning Centre.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning

Systems Beauty College Ltd.

Systems Beauty College Programs

Our College is small and we are much like family. We insist on a low drama atmosphere where people can feel happy and relaxed. It is believed that the best way to learn is when you are comfortable, respecting what and who you are learning with and from. In turn we will respect your individuality and need to learn while doing the best we can to help you become successful. Based on availability, Brandon University residences are available to our students. Please ask for the contact information.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning

The Canadian Beauty Academy

The Canadian Beauty Academy Info

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a fulfilling career in beauty, The Canadian Beauty Academy is here to help. Our hairstyling, esthetics, nail tech, and lash tech programs are taught by experienced professionals and feature hands-on training to give you the skills you need to succeed.

Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]

Locations Listed on weblink
, Manitoba Canada

University College of the North serves a region roughly the size of France! There are two main campuses in The Pas and Thompson as well as learning centres in 12 other Northern Manitoba communities. The centres offer recognized certificate, diploma, and degree programs right in the community, as well as a broad range of continuing education courses during evenings, daytime and weekends. The centres also customize or create courses that meet the specific needs of each community.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Asper School of Business

P: 204-474-6390
E: [email protected]

181 Freedman Cres
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4

Both in and out of the classroom, the Asper School of Business is committed to providing students with experiential learning opportunities to enhance their degrees. The Co-op program allows undergraduate students to get paid and earn academic credit while using the use knowledge learned in the classroom in real-world, productive work environments. The program gives students the opportunity to explore different career paths and build a professional network to kick-start their career.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Bannatyne Campus

P: 204-789-3792

Bannatyne Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 0W2

The University of Manitoba’s downtown campus is a vibrant urban community adjacent to the Health Sciences Centre. Serving our province’s future health professionals, this nine-building complex focuses on collaboration across disciplines — and trains the doctors, nurses and other health care professionals that go on to serve throughout Manitoba and beyond.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Faculties, colleges and schools

P: 1-800-432-1960

University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus & Bannatyne)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

With two main campuses in Winnipeg and over 100 programs across multiple faculties and schools, the University of Manitoba offers more learning, teaching and research opportunities than any other post-secondary institution in the province.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Fort Garry Campus

P: 1-800-432-1960

66 Chancellors Cir
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

Cradled in a bow of the Red River in a treed, green setting 20 minutes from the city centre, the historic Fort Garry campus encompasses more than 280 hectares. More than 60 major buildings host a range of world-class facilities including four colleges, laboratories, teaching and learning spaces, administrative and service offices, recreation facilities, research agencies, libraries and residences with open spaces and an interwoven network of streets, pedestrian pathways and plazas.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

University of Manitoba

UM Registrar’s Office

P: 204-474-9420 / 1-877-474-9420 (toll free)
E: Online Contact Form

400 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Registrar’s Office provides services related to registration and academic records. Students are encouraged to explore this website and all related pages; the information here will help you through your academic journey!

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

United Transportation Driver Training

United Transportation Driver Training Info

P: 204-326-4200
E: Online Contact Form

Our team of instructors has 375 years of combined experience, accumulating an immense amount of knowledge about trucking, safety and the industry that they gladly share with new drivers wanting a career behind the wheel. They also have over 85 years of combined Class 1 instructing experience. Most importantly, we offer a friendly learning environment where every student is encouraged and their achievements are celebrated. We want to see our students succeed in the trucking industry, whether they are company drivers, owner-operators or farmers hauling their own produce, and we do our best to make that happen. United has training locations in Blumenort, Brandon and Winkler Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Wellington College

Wellington College Info

Become one of the most sought-after massage therapists at Manitoba’s oldest massage therapy college.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Willis College

Willis College Info

PrairieView School of Photography in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is now Willis College! For the last 20 years, PrairieView School of Photography has helped Winnipegers develop a passion for photography and start the careers of many well-known Winnipeg photographers. In 2019, PrairieView School of Photography was acquired by Willis College. Expanding upon its original program offerings, Willis College in Winnipeg now offers career training in business, technology, and health along with the newly created Faculty of Design & Photography.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Work-integrated Learning

Winnipeg Aviation

Winnipeg Aviation Courses

Whether you are looking to enroll in one of our Private, Recreational or Commercial Programs to pursue your passion for flying, or are looking to enhance your skills with a Night Endorsement, Instrument Rating, Multi-Engine Rating or Instructor Rating, Winnipeg Aviation can help.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees

Disability Accommodations

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs AMC

AMC Jordan’s Principle

P: 204-956-0610 (main line) /1-888-324-5483 (toll free)
E: [email protected]

Jordan’s Principle is a child-first and needs-based principle that applies equally to all First Nations children resident on or off reserve. It ensures there is no denial or delay for First Nations children in receiving essential public services that are available to all other children by having the government department of first contact pay for the service.

Academic Disability Accommodations Advocacy Health Advocacy Family Accessing Supports / Services Youth Activities Health Disability Services Mental Health Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Library

P: 204-725-8727 | 1-800-862-6307 ext. 6638
E: [email protected]

Victoria Avenue E. Campus / North Hill Campus (staff available on request)
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9

Assiniboine Library offers the following services and resources to students: borrowing, interlibrary loan, database access, research help, academic skills building, services for persons with disabilities, computers, equipment lending, printing & copying, and study spaces. Assiniboine Library also has an Elder’s Collection: The Elders Collection is Assiniboine Library’s collection of Indigenous materials. It began as a small collection of books donated by two former Assiniboine staff members, but over the years, has grown into a gathering of all the library’s Indigenous materials prominently featured in one location. The Library continues to revise its subject headings for searching so they are as culturally sensitive as possible. Available to all, this collection includes books, streaming videos, DVDs, and other materials.

Academic Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)

MITT Women of Steel: Forging Forward Program

E: Add your name to the waiting list through the webpage

This tuition free program is for First Nations people who are women, who identify as women or are non-binary to choose careers in welding and welding-related industries.. It is geared toward designated equity groups such as 2SLGBTQIA+, women with disabilities, and those with prolonged detachment from the labour force. Please note that this program has a waiting list.

Academic Disability Accommodations Work-integrated Learning Community Two Spirit & LGBTQ+

Southern Chiefs Organization SCO

SCO Jordan’s Principle Program

The SCO Jordan’s Principle Coordinators assist First Nation children and youth (up to 18 years of age) and their families at the Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg – Children’s Hospital, the Specialized Services for Children and Youth (SSCY) Centre, the Winnipeg School Division, and the Brandon School Division to access programs, services, and supports to improve health, education and social outcomes for First Nation children.

Academic Disability Accommodations Advocacy Health Advocacy Legal Advocacy Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation

Accessibility Services (AS) & Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)

P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The University of Winnipeg, Accessibility Services (AS) and Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) facilitate and promote the ongoing development of an accessible learning environment which provides students with disabilities, mental health concerns, medical conditions and temporary injuries the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of campus life.

Academic Academic Advisors Disability Accommodations

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Accessibility and Disability Services

P: 204-725-8700 ext. 6052 / Toll Free: 800-862-6307 ext. 6052
E: [email protected]

The primary objective of Accessibility and Disability Services is to provide assistance to students with disabilities and foster their academic success. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any help or support during your student journey. We highly recommend contacting a student success advisor prior to beginning your program to allow ample time for arranging academic accommodations and support, and to facilitate a smooth transition into college.

Academic Disability Accommodations

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Student Supports – Student Services

Assiniboine helps students achieve success by providing guidance, support, encouragement, advice, information and assistance wherever needed. We strive to provide a warm and friendly environment where students feel comfortable raising questions or concerns. While many students make a smooth transition to college on their own, some may benefit from additional supports. Assiniboine’s goal is to help students plan for a successful college experience.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College The Learning Curve

P: 204-725-8700 or Toll Free 1-800-862-6307
E: [email protected]

Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9

The Learning Curve/Learning Hub in Brandon are one-stop shops for your academic support needs; you can also find us at the Parkland and Winnipeg campuses. Our staff offer individualized academic support to help you meet your goals while you attend Assiniboine. Students can drop by or schedule appointments with Learning Curve staff before classes even start! If you are even a little bit worried about your college courses, contact the Learning Curve early to see what kind of help is available. There’s no need to wait; you can book online at your convenience. Our secure booking site is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. You even get text and email reminders once you book (just make sure to select the right person at the right campus).

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations

Brandon University

BU Student Accessibility Coordinator

P: 204-727-9759
E: [email protected]

Room 106, A.E. McKenzie Building, 270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9

Do you have a disability or chronic medical condition and require academic accommodations or assistive technology? Contact Student Accessibility Services before the start of the school year to discuss the services and supports that you may access during the upcoming school year.

Academic Disability Accommodations Tutoring / Peer Support Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Financial Financial Advisors

Canadian Mennonite University

CMU Accessibility Services

CMU strives to provide a fair and supportive learning environment for academically qualified students with disabilities. CMU is committed to helping students succeed in their university studies and is continually developing resources to provide a supportive environment for students with disabilities.

Academic Disability Accommodations

Eden Health Care Services

Eden Health Care Employment Services – Segue Career Options

P: (204) 325-8988 / (204) 320-6034
E: Instagram: @seguewinkler / Instagram: @seguesteinbach

Segue (pronounced “segway”) Career Options is the employment services branch of Eden Health Care Services. With our main office located in Winkler and a satellite office in Steinbach, we are a supportive employment agency assisting individuals with challenges and barriers to obtaining employment. Segue Career Options Inc. (formerly The Trainex Centre) was established in 1982 with a mandate to provide opportunities for people unemployed, underemployed, or lacking the skills to become employable through a sheltered workshop environment. It was originally developed as a transitional employment program for patients discharged from Eden Mental Health Centre in Winkler. During 2004-2005, the sheltered workshop and day programs transitioned to supportive community-based employment services. Initial funding was primarily through the Province of Manitoba’s marketAbilities Program. At that time Segue became a provincially recognized Employment Training Centre providing vocational assessments, community-based work training/job placements, and employment follow-up services for residents living within the Southern Health Santé Sud Health Authority region in South-Central Manitoba. Segue now has services in both Winkler and Steinbach.

Academic Disability Accommodations Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Work Placement

Inclusion Winnipeg

Inclusion Winnipeg – Info

Inclusion Winnipeg serves three primary roles: to help adults and children living with intellectual disabilities, and their families, navigate areas such as health, education, housing, employment and finance, to advocate on the behalf of people living with intellectual disabilities, and their families, to influence policy and legislation that affects their lives, and to build capacity across all environments: recreational, educational and employment, recognizing that an inclusive community means a welcoming environment for everyone.

Academic Disability Accommodations Advocacy Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Accessing Supports / Services

Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba (ldam)

Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba (ldam) Programs

P: (204) 774-1821
E: Online Contact Form.

617 Erin Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 2W1

Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba empowers individuals impacted by learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders by providing programming, support, and advocacy. We strive to ensure that everyone has the right to learn and the power to achieve.

Academic Disability Accommodations Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Peer Support Family Accessing Supports / Services Youth Activities Health Disability Services

Advocacy is at the heart of all activities conducted by the office of the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth. In all forms our advocacy takes, working towards the best interests of the child and supporting the voices of children, youth, and young adults guides us in being effective advocates in individual cases and on a larger systemic scale.

Academic Disability Accommodations Advocacy Human Rights Family Accessing Supports / Services

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Central Regional Office (Morden)

P: (204) 822-7412 or Toll-Free 1-800-269-5451

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes, Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Eastman Regional Office (Steinbach)

P: (204) 326-5336 or Toll-Free 1-800-497-8196

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Transition Supports for Clients 18+, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Interlake Regional Office (Selkirk)

P: (204) 785-9338 or Toll-Free 1-888-831-4213

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, Disability awareness training, Communication Centre for Children and Provincial Outreach Therapy for Children.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Northern Regional Office (Thompson)

P: (204) 778-4277 or Toll-Free 1-888-367-0268

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: TSEP – Employment Services and Supports, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Intake for Northern Children’s Therapy , Children Service Coordination for Families, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Parkland Regional Office (Dauphin)

P: (204) 622-2293 or Toll-Free 1-800-844-2307

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Westman Regional Office (Brandon)

P: (204) 726-6157 or Toll-Free 1-800-813-3325

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Recreation and Leisure: Children and Adult, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

MITT is dedicated to building a culture of inclusion and a campus environment where universal access to our programs and services, and dignified, independent participation in career-focused education exists for people of all abilities.

Academic Disability Accommodations

Inclusion Winnipeg

Ready Willing & Able (RWA)

Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is a national partnership of Inclusion Canada (formerly the Canadian Association for Community Living), the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA) and their member organizations. Funded by the Government of Canada, RWA is designed to increase the labour force participation of people with an intellectual disability or on the autism spectrum. The Winnipeg chapter and location is partnered with the office and work of Inclusion Winnipeg.

Academic Disability Accommodations Advocacy Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Academic Success Centre (ASC) Academic Support for Students with Disabilities

P: 204-632-2233
E: Online form

2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

If you are a student with a disability, you may be eligible to access free, weekly tutoring or academic coaching support with an ASC staff tutor. To apply, contact Student Accessibility Services and book a consultation with an Red River College Polytechnic Accessibility Specialist. After meeting with an Accessibility Specialist, eligible students will be referred to the Academic Success Centre (ASC) along with a recommended academic support plan.When suitable tutors are available, you can expect an email from the ASC a few days after meeting with your counsellor. This email will include the number of weekly tutoring hours and contact information for your assigned tutor.

Academic Disability Accommodations Tutoring / Peer Support

Inclusion Winnipeg

RWA The Inclusive Workplace

P: (416)-661-9611 / Toll Free: (855)- 661-9611
E: [email protected]

The Inclusive Workplace is for people who are on the autism spectrum or have an intellectual disability. It helps them to find jobs or to work during COVID-19 and beyond. It helps companies hire good workers and build an inclusive workplace. It helps employment agencies support job seekers and employees too.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)

Service d’accessibilité aux études / Student Accessibility Services

L’Université offre un service adapté aux étudiantes et aux étudiants qui ont besoin de services particuliers ou de mesures d’adaptation. Une personne ayant des difficultés d’apprentissage, une incapacité physique, des troubles de santé mentale, une maladie chronique ou encore une incapacité temporaire peut recevoir un appui dès la présentation d’une preuve de son incapacité.

Université de Saint-Boniface offers support services for students with special needs. Students with learning difficulties, a physical or temporary disability, a mental health disorder or a chronic illness can receive support upon presentation of proof of their disability.

Academic Disability Accommodations Tutoring / Peer Support

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Accessibility Accommodations

P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]

UCN strives to ensure students who are registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) receive accommodations that they are entitled to in accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (Legislative Assembly of Manitoba) and Manitoba Human Rights Code.

Academic Disability Accommodations

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN Learner’s Assistance Centre

P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8541 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]

The Pas Campus Learners' Assistance Centre (LAC) Room 130 B / Thompson Campus Room 107A - located in the library
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada

The LAC offers free and confidential learning assistance provided to all students attending UCN. At the LAC we want our students to become better writers and critical thinkers. The goal is to help students develop their academic writing in a friendly and collaborative environment. To access services; students can walk-in, or make an appointment (preferred).

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations

University of Manitoba

UM Learning Disabilities Services Clinic

P: 204 474-8592

474 UMSU University Centre - 65 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Learning Disability Services Clinic (LDSC) is a service that provides assessments for learning disabilities related to reading, writing, and math as well as attention related problems to University of Manitoba students. The LDSC is operated jointly by the Student Counselling Centre (SCC) and the Psychological Service Centre (PSC), University of Manitoba.

Academic Disability Accommodations Tutoring / Peer Support Health Disability Services

University of Manitoba

UM Libraries

P: 204-474-9881
E: [email protected]

Find all 11 locations through the website.
Univeristy of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

UM Libraries comprises libraries, study halls, archives and special collections;helping you succeed with the best information and advice for your research. UM libraries will accommodate users with disabilities to examine sources, retrieve materials and access services.

Academic Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

University of Winnipeg

UW Accessibility Services

P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

Assistance and academic accommodations are available to students with eligible disabilities or medical conditions. If you are interested in learning more about these accommodations and supports, please contact Accessibility Services to make an appointment with an Accessibility Advisor.

Academic Academic Advisors Disability Accommodations

University of Winnipeg

UW Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)

P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]

Room 1M35 NW Manitoba Hall, Main Floor, 515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The University of Winnipeg, Accessibility Services (AS) and Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) facilitate and promote the ongoing development of an accessible learning environment which provides students with disabilities, mental health concerns, medical conditions and temporary injuries the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of campus life.

Academic Academic Advisors Disability Accommodations

The Winnipeg Public Library supports people with special needs through a variety of collections and services including: titles in accessible formats, accessible programs and spaces in the libraries, assistive technology and devices, and accessible digital collections. Check with your local library branch for eligibility and accessible options.

Academic Disability Accommodations Library Services

Education & Training

Mother Earth Recycling (MER)

About Mother Earth Recycling

MER began in 2012 as a partnership between Neeginan Centre, the Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development, and the Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg, as a place for community members to find training and job opportunities, while providing a much-needed service to the City. The act of recycling has cultural significance for Indigenous communities. Embedded within traditional Indigenous worldviews is the concept of collective responsibility to respect and maintain the natural environment, and use only what is needed for sustenance. While we work with modern technologies, our commitment to environmental sustainability will allow our Indigenous employees to reconnect with an integral part of their culture.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Work Placement Community Community Activism

Akiing Onji Foundation

Akiing Onji – From the Land

P: 204-336-0554 / 431-275-1107
E: [email protected]

The Akiing Onji Foundation is an Indigenous-led charity that was founded to promote and preserve Indigenous languages and cultures through culturally appropriate education activities, programs, training, and workshops for the Indigenous community in Manitoba.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Language Rights & Revitalization

Albert McLeod Consulting

Albert McLeod Consulting – Indigenous Cultural Consulting

Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We also offer a suite of quality products that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. That’s how we ensure your success.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

P: 204-956-0610 (main line) /1-888-324-5483 (toll free)
E: [email protected]

The Department of Gaming Development continues to focus on casino development, First Nations gaming policy and other forms of gaming initiatives. In 2005, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Government of Manitoba signed a Letter of Understanding which established the First Peoples Economic Growth Fund. The Fund provides provincial net gaming revenue to First Nations’ economic development opportunities in a number of areas including: Job creation, Business development, Education and training, and Responsible gaming initiatives.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports


AMIK – Cultural Sensitivity Training & Other Services

To ensure the successful integration of an Indigenous workforce, its critical to gain a proper understanding of our cultural nuances. Indigenous Engagement starts with a solid foundation upon which to cultivate and nourish a team based on understanding and acceptance. Without a holistic approach, you will miss a key piece of the puzzle.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Parenting Financial Financial Workshops / Skill Development

Anish Corporation

Anish Cultural Teachings & Ceremonies and Video Library

P: 204-334-9395 / 1-866-640-5441
E: [email protected]

Here you can access the Anish Corporation Video Library where you will find recorded teachings and information. Cultural Teachings & Ceremonies are scheduled throughout the year as public events. Personal requests will be considered on a case by case basis and will depend on Elder/Spiritual Caregiver/Knowledge Keeper/Facilitator availability.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Health Mental Health

Anish Corporation

Anish Services & Workshops

Resolution Health Support Services: Resolution Health Support Workers, also known as R.H.S.W.’s, provide a variety of flexible “front-line” mental health safety & support, coordination services, and cultural programs & workshops to former Indian Residential School (I.R.S.) survivors and their families and/or supports. R.H.S.W. services and programming can be accessed by contacting the Regional Coordinator Office at 1-866-818-3505, or by contacting Anish Corporation directly. Workshops: Indian Residential Schools Effects & Impacts Presentation, Internalized Oppression – Lateral Violence & Lateral Kindness Workshop, Understanding Trauma Workshop, Domestic Violence & Healthy Relationships Workshop, Traditional Family Parenting Workshop, Cultural Awareness Workshop, Financial Wellness Workshop, Reigniting Our Identity Workshop, Loss & Grief Workshop, and the Smart Work Ethics Training Course.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Community Activism Human Rights Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Health Mental Health

Ensures that Indigenous peoples have access – in accordance with transparent service standards and the needs of each Indigenous Implements the gradual transfer of departmental responsibilities to Indigenous organizations, groups, communities or people – to services for which those individuals are eligible, takes into account socioeconomic gaps that persist between Indigenous individuals and other Canadians with respect to a range of matters as well as social factors having an impact on health and well-being, recognizes and promotes Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing, collaborates and cooperates with Indigenous peoples and with the provinces and territories and implements the gradual transfer of departmental responsibilities to Indigenous organizations.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

The Aboriginal School of Dance offers a multitude of cultural workshops and has created many different styles of cultural programs for schools and organizations across Canada and the US. Our team has been heavily involved with program development in schools and organizations for over ten years and constantly strives to exceed clients’ expectations with our high quality standards for programming and instructing. Our instructors have been hand-selected, trained in working with large numbers of students and people of all ages, from daycare level to teachers and staff.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

We offer Pow Wow classes for beginners and advanced dancers, usually divided by age group. Our Pow Wow classes also incorporate cultural education and skills, such as beading and regalia making. On occasion we also offer cultural classes such as beading and drum group as well as multicultural dance, such as Samba, based on demand. We welcome anyone interested in learning about Aboriginal dance and culture, no matter their age, skill level, gender, size or ethnicity.

Academic Education & Training Family Youth Activities

Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

ATEC – Intake Education and Training Pathway (IETP)

P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form

The IETP is a prerequisite to all training in a student’s journey whether academic or trades training. The IETP is a living document created at the grassroots level which incorporates a distinct approach in assisting the learners’ journey. Based on the performance of the applicant a basic understanding of where the student may fall academically is documented by the IETP staff member and is put into the individuals training plan. The intake process and programs at ATEC offer the following supports: Traditional Teaching, In House Therapists, Access to all post-secondary, technical and access to industry, Mature Student Diploma Program, Adult Education Program, Literacy and Essential Skills, Essential Skills upgrading and Training, Social Job Readiness, Career Coaching and Screening and Assessment called SASSI (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory) with referrals to a partner Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation treatment center called the Medicine Lodge if any students need those referrals.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Mental Health

Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

ATEC First Nation Youth Build Connection

FIRST NATION YOUTHBUILD CANADA (FNYBC). YOUTHBUILD INTERNATIONAL RECOGNIZES ATOSKIWIN TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE AS A NATIONAL SITE. The mission of YouthBuild International is to unleash the intelligence and positive energy of low-income young people to rebuild their communities and their lives. First Nation YouthBuild Canada has now joined with others to help build a movement toward a more just society in which respect, love, responsibility, and cooperation are the dominant unifying values, and sufficient opportunities are available for all people in all communities to fulfill their own potential and contribute to the well-being of others.

Academic Education & Training Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Baaskaandibewi-ziibiing – Brokenhead Ojibway Nation – Treaty Territory 1

Bear Paw Tipi

Bear Paw Teaching & Healing

Kunsi Pahan Pte San Win is an expert storyteller who intertwines lived experience with training in Social Work and Indigenous Ceremony to form a powerful, authentic and loving voice. Unkan Wanbdi Wakita is a captivating storyteller who utilizes song and lecture-style presentations to share his knowledge. Keynotes, workshops & presentations, Reconciliation & Indigenous knowledge, and other work.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

Brandon Friendship Centre (BFC) Inc

Brandon Friendship Centre Programs

We serve as a meeting place for anyone wanting a place to relax and have coffee during the day, Programs include: Adult Upgrading, Aboriginal Healing & Wellness, Gakina Abinoojiiyag – Youth Reconnect, Brandon Aboriginal Youth Activity Centre (BAYAC), Brandon Access/Exchange Service (B.A.E.S), Brandon Friendship Housing Authority, Brandon Bear Clan Patrol, Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program, Community Liaison Program, Cultural Programs, In a Good Way, Kokum’s Early Enrichment Program (KEEP), Kokum’s Early Enrichment Program 2 (KEEP 2), Little Teaching Lodge Head Start Program, Portage Aboriginal Head Start Program, Project Hope Transitional Housing, Stepping Out on Saturdays, BFC & MB Housing, Healing the Family Within , and BFC Tutor Program.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Friendship Centres Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Youth Activities

With a population of over 300 people, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation is located in southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Located along the #83 highway, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation has a gaming centre with VLT’s and some convenience items. The community’s Band Office is located centrally between the Health Services building and the Gaming Centre.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Chan Kagha Otina Dakhóta Oyáte – Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation

P: (204) 568-4540
E: [email protected]

Mailing Address: Box 130, Beulah, Manitoba R0M 0B0
Beulah, Manitoba Canada
R0M 0B0

Birdtail Sioux Dakhóta Oyáte (Dakota Nation) is a modern and progressive First Nation located approximately 50 km north of Virden, Manitoba and has a population of about 500 people on approximately 7,128 acres (28.85 km2) of land. It is bordered by the Rural Municipality of Miniota and the Rural Municipality of Archie.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Mental Health Physical Health Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Chemawawin Cree Nation – Easterville – Treaty 5 Territory

Chemawawin Cree Nation (CCN) is located next to Easterville, Manitoba: on the south shores of Cedar lake, approximately 440 Kilometers North of Winnipeg on highway 60. Chemawawin Cree Nation is home to a population of approximately 1200 residents. The First Nation is located with Treaty Five territory and is a distance of 440 kilometers north of Winnipeg.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Community Activism Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

Clan Mothers Healing Village

Clan Mothers Construction Company

Clan Mothers first social enterprise is an all women, 2-spirit and trans construction company. We offer the Lived Experience community an opportunity to receive training and employment in carpentry. In addition to classroom and on-site training in the trade, the holistic training program includes cultural teachings, sharing circles, personal awareness, and healing.

Academic Education & Training Mentorship Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Work Placement

University of Manitoba Community Engaged Learning

Community Engaged Learning – Working in Good Ways

Core First Aid & CPR Training

Core First Aid & CPR Training Courses

P: Ron Ducharme - 204-999-4514
E: [email protected]

Core First Aid has a primary goal to provide training programs that empower individuals and communities to save lives and improve health and safety standards. We are a certified Canadian Red Cross training partner and have delivered first aid and CPR courses since 2010. We have a natural rapport with our participants and have experience delivering this program to communities and organizations that are both urban and rural. The courses offer the latest first aid and CPR guidelines and meet legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards. This training will give your organization core safety requirements for achieving organizational health. Additionally, the participants will be more prepared to help someone in need, which keeps our communities safer.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council

DOTC is responsible and obligated to provide services and programs to its member First Nations and members. While functioning primarily within the mandated area, the Tribal Council does work in partnership with other relevant entities within and outside the DOTC region as determined by DOTC Administration or directed by the DOTC Council of Chiefs.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Local Health Care Mental Health Workshops Housing Housing Resources

Government of Canada Rights & Reconciliation Initiatives

Departmental Plans for Indigenous Services Canada

These reports provide details on departmental priorities expected results and related resource requirements for the upcoming fiscal year and two subsequent years. They form the basis against which year-end performance is assessed and reported on via Departmental Results Reports and they are tabled by the President of Treasury Board in the House of Commons on a date determined by Parliament.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

The Winnipeg Police Service has a long and storied tradition. Some of our customs have evolved; others have carried over from the British system upon which we are founded. It is time to recognize and pay tribute to the Indigenous community in our province, city and within our ranks by incorporating Indigenous ceremony into our police customs as members of Treaty One Territory which includes the traditions of community protectors. On May 19, 2019 the Winnipeg Police Service was presented with a new eagle staff at the Manito Ahbee Festival’s 2019 pow wow. An eagle staff is a flag to an Indigenous nation – a symbol of the nation’s identity and principles. Each eagle staff is one-of-a-kind to the people who created it, to the people to whom it is given, and to the time and place where it was made. The eagle staff is a sacred symbol that is held in high esteem and used for ceremonial purposes. Our Service Eagle Staff honours and protects Winnipeg Police Service members, members who have been killed or injured in the line of duty and those who have passed on. It honours the Indigenous community we are sworn to protect and is a reflection of the respect the Indigenous community has for the hard work and care that the Winnipeg Police Service provides.

Academic Education & Training Community Community Activism

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre

Employment, Volunteer & Training Opportunities

Employment – Join our Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre family and share in our vision of safe, healthy, happy and interdependent community and our mission of strengthening children, families and community…investing in our future. Volunteer – In keeping with the philosophy of the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, which is “We All Work Together To Help One Another,” we work alongside volunteers to empower their gifts and strengths in order to gain a sense of belonging and involvement in their own community. Training – Everyone has inherent strengths and it is our role to create opportunities to realize these strengths within our community. Our mission is grounded within this understanding and our belief in the roles we play in the care and nurturing of future generations. Become a Care Provider – Care Providers (otherwise known as Foster Parents) who are part of the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Caring for Our Relatives Program provide culturally appropriate, safe and nurturing homes for individual and sibling groups based on a community care model.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Peer Support Family Accessing Supports / Services Parenting

First Peoples Development Inc.

First Peoples Development Inc. Programs & Initiatives

P: 204-987-9570
E: Online Contact Form

Winnipeg Sub Office: 101-1355 Mountain Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2X 3B6

Programs: Class 1 Driver Training Program, Construction Electrician Pre-Employment Program, Powerline Technician Training, Plumbing Program, FPDI Robotics Program, Heavy Equipment Operator Program, Practical Nursing Program, Child Care Program, and the Welding Program. Initiatives: Apprenticeship Support Project, Drone Project – Digital Agriculture Field Data Collection, Food Security Project, First Nations Youth Summit, Labour Market Survey Initiative, Traditional Drums for All, and the Tech for Seniors Workshop.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Senior Services Youth Activities

A database and related links that provides access to a variety of education resources, information sheets, annotated literature reviews, reports, guides, films, booklets, studies, journal articles and presentations all related to Aboriginal children and families in Canada and similar countries.

Academic Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Member Nations

Gaa-ginooshkodeyaag – Long Plain First Nation – Treaty 1 Territory

P: 204.252.2731 • Toll Free Number: 1.888.268.6438

Mailing Address: Box 430 Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, R1N 3B7
Long Plain Reserve No. 6, Manitoba Canada
R1N 3B7

A signatory to Treaty One, Long Plain First Nation is a proud Ojibway and Dakota community in the central plains region of Manitoba, situated on a land base of 10,800 acres. Long Plain is comprised of a main reserve and urban economic zones, situated along the city limits of Portage la Prairie, and in the city of Winnipeg, resulting from treaty land entitlement under a 2011 settlement.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources

Indigenous Corporate Training

Indigenous Corporate Training Course List

This isn’t a talking head conference – we’re talking about interactive training that will help you be more confident and competent in your work with Indigenous Peoples. The ICT mission is to provide training to get everyone Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® in their day-to-day jobs and lives. We do this by providing a safe training environment for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitude required to be effective.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

Indigenous Languages of Manitoba (ILMB)

Indigenous Languages of Manitoba Inc.

Indigenous Languages of Manitoba Inc. is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to ensuring the strength and survival of our Indigenous Languages. We are committed to maintaining the interconnectedness of culture and language, which have been severely impacted by the Indian Act, Residential Schools, colonialism, and intergenerational trauma. The importance of preserving and promoting these languages is key to strengthening a sense of identity and belonging in everyday life.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization

Winnipeg Police Services

Indigenous Partnerships

The Indigenous Partnerships Section works with Winnipeg’s Indigenous citizens, to provide information on public safety issues and help create partnerships which encourage social development. It also assists the City of Winnipeg with recruitment and initiatives for hiring and promoting a more diverse workforce.

Academic Education & Training Community Community Activism

Government of Canada

Indigenous Services Canada

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) works collaboratively with partners to improve access to high quality services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis. Our vision is to support and empower Indigenous peoples to independently deliver services and address the socio-economic conditions in their communities. Indigenous Services Canada covers Indian Status, Indigenous Health, Education, Social Programs, Funding Programs, Water in First Nations, First Nations Housing, First Nations community infrastructure, Governance, Community Economic Development, Emergency Management and environment and natural resources.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Family Accessing Supports / Services Housing Housing Resources Urgent Services Resources / Hot Lines


Indspire Programs

P: 1-855-463-7747
E: [email protected]

Box 5, Suite 100, 50 Generations Drive
Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken, Ontario Canada
N0A 1M0

From bursaries, scholarships and awards to mentoring programs to youth conferences and educator support, Indspire provides vital resources to help students graduate and go on to fulfil their potential.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Member Nations

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council IRTC Inc.

Representing 7 Communities in the Interlake Region. Working together to advance our collective well-being of our member Communities.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Ishkwaawinaaning – Skownan First Nation – Treaty 2 Territory

Skownan is a Cree and Ojibway name meaning “to turn around the point or turning point. Our people respect the lands and waters. We work to ensure that the land and water are clean and healthy for our children and the animals. Our people strive for higher education. We complete high school, excel at our jobs, achieve our goals, and bring meaningful employment requiring skills and education back to Skownan First Nation. Our children are educated in our traditional values, and we have the skills, knowledge and respect needed to survive on the land. Our people speak Ojibway.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

P: 800-665-6212

The mandate of KTC is to promote, advance and protect the interests of its ten member First Nations, and is intended to maintain, strengthen, enhance, lobby for and defend the rights of northern Manitoba First Nations people within its jurisdiction. KTC maintains an office in Thompson with a sub-office in Winnipeg.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Kejic Productions

Kejic Productions Mentoring

Are you passionate about creating and want to gain more hands-on experience in all things video production? Here at Kejic Productions, we want to help train the next generation of storytellers. Whether you are a complete beginner or have been in the industry for a while, you will get hands-on experience in the industry, from camera operator to editing. You will get access to industry-standard equipment as well as mentors to help guide you in developing the craft that is video production.

Academic Education & Training Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking

Kinosawi Sipi - Norway House Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Kinosawi Sipi – Norway House Cree Nation

P: 204-732-2490

NHCN is one of the largest Indigenous communities in Manitoba with a growing population of 7,500 community members and an additional 500 community council members. NHCN has long been recognized as a progressive and vibrant community, boasting a large number of amenities as its serves as a gateway to Northern and Eastern communities of Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Cost of Living Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Exercise Facilities Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Keewatin Tribal Council Member First Nations

Kischewaskahegan – York Landing – York Factory – Treaty 5 Territory

P: 204-341-2180

The York Factory First Nation (YFFN) Ininéwak have lived on the land that is now northeastern Manitoba for thousands of years – since the glaciers melted. During this time, we developed an intimate relationship with the land that represents an unbroken cultural thread transmitted from our ancestors to current members of the community. To be Ininéwak was, and still is, to be part of an ancient tradition that mastered and specialized in life through the most challenging environments. Through our cultural teachings & practices, our relationship to the land has supported our health and well-being since before recorded history. York Landing (Kawéchiwásik) is now home to our community, but our ancestral home at York Factory (Kischi Wáskáhikan) continues to be at the coast. We remain deeply connected to our traditional territory. At every opportunity, we return to the coast to celebrate our community, land, and culture.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources

Life's Journey Inc. - Miikana Pimatiziwin

Life’s Journey Inc. Careers

Life’s Journey Inc. is staffed by dedicated and compassionate team members providing collaborative and dynamic supports in a range of environments. We provide respectful, holistic, and culturally competent service to individuals with a positive, strength-based, conflict prevention approach.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Louis Riel Institute

Louis Riel Vocational College

The Louis Riel Vocational College offers a wide range of educational and training opportunities that allow our students to enhance their skill sets and put on the right path to advance their careers.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Makadewaagamijiwanoonsing – Black River First Nation – Treaty Territory 5

Black River is located 138 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg and approximately 36 kilometres north of the community of Powerview/Pinefalls, Manitoba. The population of the First Nation is 980 and the primary language used is Ojibwe. The Community has a window plant, water treatment facility, truss plant, health centre, Head Start Program and a general store/gas bar. The Majority of homes are single detached and located within a one-mile radius of the government offices and schools. The community is accessible year round by a paved road, which intersects PTH 304 (6.4 km to the east).

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS)

Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS) Resources

From its inception, MALS has collected various Indigenous language resources in order to make them available to practitioners and to provide an overview of existing language practices. These resources are updated on an ongoing basis.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization

Manitoba Aerospace

Manitoba Aerospace Community Engagement

Manitoba Aerospace and defence companies are committed to helping our people and communities achieve success. This includes New World Ideas: Indigenous Innovations That Changed the World. Manitoba Aerospace, the Engineering Access Program (ENGAP) at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba and Birch Bark Productions have partnered to work on a series of documentaries/teachers’ guides designed to be used in Manitoba classrooms to honour the contributions of First Nations and Métis peoples.

Academic Education & Training

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Mathias Colomb Cree Nation – Pukatawagan – Treaty 5 Territory

The Mathias Colomb Cree Nation is a remote northern Manitoba Cree Community, located 210 km north of the Town of The Pas and 819 km northwest of the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, which has two reserves under its jurisdiction, IR 198 and IR No. 199. Situated beautifully in the heart of the Manitoba’s North, the community has plenty of opportunities and much to offer.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Financial Funding Health Local Health Care Mental Health Housing Housing Resources Urgent Services Basic Needs Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Mememwi-ziibiing – Berens River First Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Berens River First Nation has two reserves: Berens River 13 and Pigeon River 13A, located in the boreal forest east of Lake Winnipeg. Berens River offers many community supports and services and has a very active Facebook page. Our membership is 3,106 strong. Our primary language is Saulteaux. We administer our own Health Care, On-Reserve Social Services & Student Services.

Academic Academic Advisors Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Library Services Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre has many programs and resources for both parents and educators. The programs include Early Learning, Inclusive Education, Numeracy and Literacy, Physical Education & Health and the Training Institute for professional development.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Library Services Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization Family Parenting

P: Emergency 911 / 204-856-5370 / MFNP Tip Line: 1-833-978-0048
E: [email protected]

It is the goal of the Manitoba First Nations Police Service to position itself as the police service of choice to First Nations seeking alternatives in policing. The Manitoba First Nations Police Service has support for expansion within the Province of Manitoba from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Assembly of First Nations both at the Provincial and Federal level.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

P: Emergency 911 / 204-856-5370 / MFNP Tip Line: 1-833-978-0048
E: [email protected]

Manitoba First Nations Police Service is in search of motivated, energetic persons with high integrity to fill vacancies with the Police Service. The recruitment is open to new recruits and experienced constables through the Lateral Entry Police Officers Program.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

Minegoziibe Anishinabe – Pine Creek First Nation- Treaty 4 Territory

The original members of Minegoziibe Anishinabe were of Saulteaux descent and hailed from the Ontario Lake Superior area of Sault Ste. Marie. The name “Saulteaux” is derived from the French language meaning “people of the rapids”; they are also formally recognized as Plains Ojibwe or Anishinaabe. Minegoziibe Anishinabe is a healthy, safe and progressive community, balanced and harmonious with all creation.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Misipawastik Cree Nation – Grand Rapids – Treaty 5 Territory

P: (204) 639-2219 / Toll Free: 1 (866) 281 9873
E: Online Contact Form

Most programs and administration delivered with funding from Indigenous Services Canada. MCN manages reserve lands under the MCN Land Code, effective June 1, 2017. Cree people have occupied the territory for thousands of years, most recently since the retreat of the last glaciers from the area. Cree culture and language reveal the relationships between our people, our territory, and our world, and are the foundations of our nationhood.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

National Indigenous Residential School Museum of Canada Inc.

National Indigenous Residential School Museum of Canada Inc. Info

P: 1-204-239-6464
E: Online Contact Form

212-5000 Crescent Rd W
Keeshkeemaquah, Manitoba Canada
R1N 0X7

The former Portage Indian Residential School is now home to the National Indigenous Residential School Museum of Canada Inc.

Academic Education & Training Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Mental Health

New Directions

New Directions – Opikihiwawin

Opikihiwawin responds to the needs of Indigenous adoptees and foster people in all stages of their lives by providing cultural education, supports and advocacy. We believe that it is every Indigenous adoptee and foster person’s inherent right to know and experience their culture. Our cultural programs create a positive sense of identity and belonging and help adoptees and foster people build relationships in the Indigenous community.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Mental Health

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation - Nelson House - Treaty 5 Territory

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation – Nelson House

Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation is a vibrant and thriving First Nation based in Nelson House, Manitoba, about 800 kilometres north of Winnipeg and 80 kilometres west of Thompson. We’re focused on providing education and opportunities that can help assure a positive tomorrow for our youth, our families and our Elders.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Basic Needs Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

P: 204-627-8685 / 204-778-6052 / 204-687-5032
E: [email protected]

The Northern Manitoba Sector Council (NMSC) is a not-for-profit corporation representing the region’s major employers in the Mining, Forestry, Energy and Health sectors. It was developed in response to northern employers’ expressed interests and challenges in the recruitment, training and retention of northern and Aboriginal people for northern employment opportunities.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Manitoba Sector Council

NPower Canada

NPower Canada – Free Tech Training and Employment Programs

P: Manitoba Office: 204-285-2188 / Toll Free: 1-877-204-9219
E: [email protected]

NPower Canada is now offering no-cost tech training programs in partnership with Google and Microsoft to Manitobans who are unemployed or underemployed. Each program is 15-weeks long, completely free, 100% virtual, and is accompanied by support from an Alumni Placement Specialist who will help you land a job upon graduation from the program as an entry-point into a career in tech. A laptop is provided for the duration of the program, with other Wraparound supports available. Current program offerings include: Junior IT Analyst Program, Junior Data Analyst Program, and Security Operations Analyst Program.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training

Ochekwi Sipi - Fisher River Cree Nation - Treaty 5 Territory

Ochekwi Sipi – Fisher River Cree Nation

Fisher River Cree Nation is a community in which our history, language, traditions, and culture are paramount to who we are as a people. We will protect and maintain the spirit and intent of the treaties and our inherent rights. Fisher River will be a self-sustaining progressive community with a strong and accountable government. We will provide an environment where all people are healthy, safe, and respected.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Head Start Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Housing Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation


Okimaw Community & HR Solutions

Our community and HR solutions are designed to be flexible to suit your unique needs and accommodate your schedule. In addition to being respectful, Okimaw believes that training & advisory services must be practical, solve problems and demonstrate real results. We want to partner with you to help your Nation to lead people into a prosperous and bright future.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Opaskwayak Cree Nation – Treaty 5 Territory

Opaskwayak Cree Nation is over 6,000 people strong, more than 1/2 of whom live on the 15,002 acres of Opaskwayak Cree Nation land. In our culture, Living the Good Life includes wellness, strong relationships and respect for all of creation. It means living in all the ways that are right with your soul. We exist to heal and strengthen our community, deepening our culture and advancing our independence, so each person can walk their own path. We see a strong, united, self-governing, self-sustaining Opaskwayak Cree Nation of Mino Pimâtisiwin, living our rich culture and beliefs, protecting our land and our language. We are on a mission to improve the lives of the Opaskwayak Ininew, every day.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Emergency Services Mental Health Physical Health Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Accessing Supports / Services Clothing Resources Daycare / Preschool Head Start Parenting Senior Services Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Pimicikamak Cree Nation - Cross Lake Band - Treaty 5 Territory

Pimicikamak Cree Nation – Cross Lake Band

P: 204-646-2218
E: Online Contact Form

The Cross Lake Indian Reserve consists of Reserve No. 19, 19A, 19B, 19C, 19D, and 19E. All are adjacent to each other and located approximately 190 air kilometers (118.5 miles) south of Thompson and 520 air kilometers (325 miles) north of Winnipeg along the shore of the Nelson River, where it enters into Cross Lake. According to the regional population statistics as of August 2016; the Band has an on-reserve population is 6,047 and an off-reserve population of 2,399. The total Band population is 8,446.There are individuals of non-aborginal origin, as well as a number of Metis residing on-reserve. The majority of the population is treaty status.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Study Space / Computer Usage Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Work Placement Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Parenting Senior Services Financial Funding Health Disability Services Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Project of Heart POH

Project of Heart POH Manitoba

Project of Heart is a national organization based in Ottawa, Ontario. Many educators across Canada have used the resources and platform to create their own POH projects locally. Here is the list of Manitoba schools and post-secondary institutions that have engaged.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Community Activism

Rainbow Resource Centre

Rainbow Resource Centre Programming

P: (204) 474-0212 / 1 (855) 437-8523
E: [email protected]

545 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0W3

Rainbow Resource Centre offers support to the 2SLGBTQ+ community in the form of counselling, education, and programming for individuals ranging from children through to 55±. It also supports families, friends, and employers of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals. (204-474-0212). Rainbow Resource Centre offers the following programs: Camp Aurora – Manitoba’s only summer camp experience for 2SLGBTQ+ youth! Counselling – The Rainbow Resource Centre provides free short-term counselling (up to 8 sessions) and single-sessions to 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, Education programs, a Library in a safe affirming space, Over The Rainbow program – designed to connect, inspire, and empower 2SLGBTQ+ folks aged 55± – many of the activities of Over the Rainbow listed on the calendar are Indigenous led, and a Youth Program for ages 10-21. Rainbow Resource Centre hosts Trans ID Clinics so transgender individuals in Manitoba can updating their name or gender marker on their ID documents. They host a Trans Feminine Circle; a social group that meets twice a month and is a space exclusive for trans feminine people to connect, and to share resources and experiences. Rainbow Resource Centre also hosts a Parents Family & Friends of Trans Individuals group which meets monthly at Klinic. BLiNK is a play group for ages 12 and under with a name meant to signify that it is “not only blue and not only pink.” BLiNK is a monthly opportunity for families with gender-creative and trans kids to make friends and participate in fun activities; to be proud of themselves and accepting of each other in an affirming environment, no matter their style.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Community Activism Human Rights Legal Advocacy Community Community Activism Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Two Spirit & LGBTQ+ Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Mental Health

Reconciliation Education

Reconciliation Education – Online Courses and Films

These online courses and films provide a comprehensive, customized anti-racist education in line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. With you, we aim to promote a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Settlers through transformative multi-media learning.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

Red Rising Magazine

Red Rising Education

E: Online Contact form

As educators ourselves, the Red Rising Education team knows how important and also how daunting it can be to integrate Indigenous pedagogy and ways of knowing into traditional learning spaces. The inspiration for this project came from consultation with local educators in Winnipeg, Manitoba, who said they wanted to teach Indigenous topics but didn’t know how to begin and were afraid of getting it ‘wrong’. After hearing these concerns, the Red Rising Education team focused on developing resources to help educators incorporate Indigenous perspectives into their classrooms in an Indigenous way.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Community Activism Community Community Activism

Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO)

SCO Education & Resources

P: Toll Free 1-866-876-9701
E: [email protected]

The Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 34 First Nations and more than 80,000 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process. Some services include: Child and family welfare, youth council, environment, health, justice and rights, funding, and employment opportunities. SCO’s website has a a section dedicated to Education & Resources which has information on the following: Indian Residential Schools, Indian Day Schools, Sixties Scoop, MMIWG2S and Violence Prevention, Anti-racism, support on getting benefits, Education, Scholarships, and Funding info, a curated list of Indigenous books, podcasts, movies, and reports, and information on Treaties.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Community Community Activism Financial Funding Health Mental Health Urgent Services Personal Safety / Violence Prevention

Southern Chiefs Organization SCO

SCO Member First Nations & Chiefs

Southern Chiefs’ Organization represents 34 Anishinaabe and Dakota First Nation communities and more than 81,500 citizens in what is now called southern Manitoba. SCO is an independent political organization that, by following the direction of the 34 Chiefs, protects, preserves, promotes, and enhances First Nations peoples’ inherent rights, languages, customs, and traditions through the application and implementation of the spirit and intent of the Treaty-making process.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy Human Rights Legal Advocacy Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Connection to Home Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Urban Transition Family Accessing Supports / Services Parenting Youth Activities Health Disability Services Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Insurance / Health Coverage Mental Health

Southeast Resource Development Council Member First Nations

Southeast Resource Development Council

P: 204-956-7500

Over the last few years, some of our First Nations have taken over program delivery in various areas, e.g. Poplar River First Nation has taken over local control of education and run their own school; Berens River First Nation and Poplar River First Nation have taken over delivery of their own Student Services. Both Berens River and Brokenhead Ojibway Nation now deliver their own Training & Employment Programs. First Nations take over delivery of services when they feel it is beneficial to their communities. In other areas, because of economies of scale, the First Nations believe it is in their best interests to have Southeast Resource Development Council Corp. deliver the services. Each First Nation will deliver local services at their own pace and in tune with their level of development.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Head Start Health Local Health Care

Stepping Forwards’ program objectives are to create a sense of belonging in the Centre and within the community, to provide onsite resources that will bridge the gap to current services, to assist individuals to rediscover their strengths and develop healthier lifestyles, and to offer services that enhance community and social participation.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Mentorship / Networking Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Nutrition Workshops Urgent Services Basic Needs

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Swampy Cree Tribal Council

P: The Pas: 204-623-3423 / Winnipeg Office: 204-989-4800
E: [email protected]

Swampy Cree Tribal Council will pursue the social, economic and political well being and development of member First Nations. Swampy Cree Tribal Council (SCTC) is comprised of 8 First Nations in northwest central Manitoba with a membership of more than 19,000.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Work Placement Family Accessing Supports / Services Financial Funding Housing House Maintenance

Full Circle for Indigenous Education

The Full Circle Library

The Full Circle Library provides, clarity, confidence and effiacy for educators.

Academic Education & Training Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

The Manitoba Construction Sector Council (MCSC)

The Manitoba Construction Sector Council – Indigenous Engagement Strategy

An Indigenous Engagement Strategy (IES) serves to provide guidance to Industry as organizations strive to increase the participation of Indigenous people in all aspects of the employment cycle. The IES also provides opportunities for Manitoba Construction Sector Council (MCSC) to share information, discuss common challenges, address systemic barriers, promote Indigenous employment and provide support to one another.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Community Connection to Home Community

University of Manitoba

UM Community Engaged Learning – Land and Water: Land-based Education

All students are welcome to apply; Indigenous students will be prioritized. Indigenous youth (18-35) who are not enrolled at the UM are also encouraged to apply. The Land and Water program runs from November to June. During November, December and January, we’ll participate in immersive urban land-based experiences, as well as engaging online workshops and activities with Indigenous elders, knowledge holders and artists. From February to June, we’ll share what we’ve learned with high school youth in classrooms and on the land, as COVID-19 policies allow! This program is a great opportunity for urban Indigenous youth and students, 2S/LGBTQ+ youth and students, UM students and others to learn about Indigenous peoples enduring relationships with urban land and place.

Academic Education & Training Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

P: 204-831-1224
E: Online Contact Form

For more than a decade, WVC helps First Nation communities in Manitoba by offering online course options to high school students to complete their Senior-year education. Students expand their horizons and skillsets by joining an interactive cohort of First Nation students registered in the online class. A variety of high school subjects are available and are delivered online in a safe, secure environment. WVC offers an expanded calendar of courses, some not available at local schools, which ensures students attain the proper credits needed for high school graduation or post-secondary entrance requirements at either university or college (industry-specific trades). Our teachers and staff are incredibly supportive in ensuring all WVC students receive the best educational experience possible.

Academic Education & Training Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

West Region Tribal Council Member Nations

West Region Tribal Council

P: 204-622-9450
E: [email protected]

Mailing Address: PO Box 207, Erickson, MB, R0J 0P0
Dauphin, Manitoba Canada
R7N 0Y5

The Member First Nations of West Region Tribal Council are; Ebb & Flow First Nation; Gambler First Nation; Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation; O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation; Pine Creek First Nation; Skownan First Nation; Rolling River First Nation; Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve. The West Region Tribal Council provides advisory services to the member First Nations in the areas of: Governance, Education, Social Development, Fire Safety, Housing, the Circuit Rider Training Program, and services to the Manitoba First Nations Water and Wastewater Program for the First Nations in Manitoba.

Academic Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Local Health Care

WHEAT Institute 

WHEAT Institute Cree Language Programs

Cree classes with Dr. Kevin Lewis offered online through Zoom. Contact Stephanie at [email protected] for more information and to register.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

WRHA Indigenous Health

WRHA Indigenous Health works with Regional programs and facilities in helping identify, develop and implement culturally safe environments, practices and services. WRHA Indigenous Health also provides a range of services for staff, community members, patients and patients’ families through its Patient Services, Workforce Development and Cultural Initiatives programs.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Swampy Cree Tribal Council Member Nations

Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation – Birch River – Treaty 5 Territory

Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation (WSFN) is located Northeast of Birch River, Manitoba along the western shores of Swan Lake, approximately 554 Kilometers Northwest of Winnipeg.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Youth Activities Financial Funding Health Local Health Care

Zaagiing - Sagkeeng Anicinabe - Fort Alexander - Treaty 1 Territory

Zaagiing – Sagkeeng Anicinabe – Fort Alexander

P: 204-367-2287 / Toll Free: 1-866-878-2911
E: [email protected]

Sagkeeng is comprised of Anicinabe people who have resided at or near the Fort Alexander Indian Reserve #3 located along the Winnipeg River and Traverse Bay, since time immemorial. The ancestors of the Anicinabe people of Sagkeeng signed Treaty 1 in 1871. The Fort Alexander Indian Reserve of approximately 21,674 acres was surveyed in 1874 and has a current band membership of 7,637 people with approximately 3,352 living on reserve.

Academic Education & Training Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Emergency Services Police / Fire / Ambulance Family Head Start Senior Services Financial Employment Income Assistance Funding Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Local Health Care Mental Health Housing House Maintenance Housing Resources Transportation Medical / Medical Appointment Transportation

Government of Manitoba


AccessManitoba is a secure online service that provides access to business, employment and training-related government services and information. AccessManitoba also allows online payment for some services.

Academic Education & Training

Bioscience Association Manitoba

Bioscience Association Manitoba (BAM)

We are the Bioscience Association Manitoba (BAM). We are passionate advocates for the province’s bioscience community.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Manitoba Sector Council

P: (204) 943-2382
E: Online Contact Form

Community Legal Education Association is a charitable organization that provides Manitobans with information about the law through several services. We have existed since 1984.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Advocacy Legal Advocacy

From the first industrial boom in Canada, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) has been advocating for and representing member interests. 150 years strong, we have earned an extensive and effective track record of working for and with 2,500 leading manufacturers from coast to coast to help their businesses grow. For more information on CME’s DEI Training please see Foundation of Reconciliation.

Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Manitoba Sector Council

P: (204) 949-1454

CME works wherever you are – with regional chapters in every province, championed by local manufacturers just like you. This multi-pronged approach has provided us with the credibility to confidently speak as the voice of manufacturing in Canada. This is the regional chapter for Manitoba.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME)


CME strives to provide youth and adult learners the opportunity to discover their potential outside of school and other academic settings. We do this by connecting them with industry professionals and building bridges from the classrooms to industry. We help learners of all ages to apply their knowledge in real life and all possible career pathways manufacturing has to offer.

Academic Education & Training Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

An advisory body of 32 community leaders, diversity and inclusion practitioners, individuals with lived experience and allied stakeholders, providing strategic oversight and guidance to CODE in designing and delivering CODE information and programming.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

Criti Care

Criti Care EMS & Special Operations

Criti Care provides Paramedics and continuity of service staffing to various Regional Health Authorities in Manitoba, staffing municipal EMS services and responding to community 911 calls. Criti Care EMS also provides 24/7 Emergency Medical Services and ambulance service to the northern Hydro communities of Keeyask and KeewatInoow. (Service delivery at Keeyask is a joint venture between Criti Care EMS and Cree Nation Partners). In addition to providing around the clock emergency response at these sites, Criti Care operates a robust community paramedicine program and works closely with the Northern Region Health Authority providing expanded services such as health monitoring, TB DOT programs, hypertension screening, and influenza immunization. Community/workplace First Aid and CPR training is also offered regularly at these sites.

Academic Education & Training Emergency Services Mental Health Physical Health Health Local Health Care

Eden Health Care Services

Eden Health Care – The Wellness Library

The Wellness Library provides resources on mental health and wellness topics free of charge to interested individuals. The Wellness Library has been made possible thanks to generous grant funding from The Kliewer Foundation and Eden Foundation.

Academic Education & Training Study Space / Computer Usage

Eden Health Care Services

Eden Health Care – Training & Education

Upcoming workshops ans trainings are listed on this page.

Academic Education & Training Health Workshops

City of Flin Flon

Flin Flon Residents Services

On this page you will find information for Flin Flon residents about the following services: Utilities, Property Taxes, Property For Sale, Animal Control, Garbage and Recycling, Transportation, Lottery Licenses, Education, Employment, Cemeteries, and E-Service Requests.

Academic Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

IBEW Local

IBEW Local Info

IBEW 2085 represents construction electricians across Manitoba and parts of Nunavut and is governed by an executive elected by and from our members. IBEW hosts many training programs and resources for electricians and electricians to be in Manitoba.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Advocacy Legal Advocacy Health Insurance / Health Coverage

Lead with Diversity

Lead with Diversity (Dr. Rehman Abdulrehman)

Dr. Abdulrehman is a consulting and clinical psychologist, & speaker with specialist training and experience in cognitive psychology and behavioral change, with a special focus on diversity and inclusion. His passionate yet calm and approachable style allows him to address complex and difficult topics with comfort, ease, and practicality. He has well over 15 years of experience in the innovative application of psychology to help create effective and practical change to a variety of sectors including health, business, education, non-government and government sectors. He has worked with both individuals and organizations in consultation and training roles.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

One of the operating goals within the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism Initiative is to develop and implement a multi-year, equity-based professional learning plan focused on anti-racism/anti-oppression education, trauma-informed practice and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

MACY is legislated to be involved in public education on the interests and well-being of children. MACY provides education and engagement all over Manitoba and our mandate regularly takes us across the province’s nearly 650,000 square kilometres. It is important to us to provide our advocacy services throughout the entire province, including in northern, rural, and remote communities. Service equity is an issue to which we hold other systems accountable, and it is important that we also demonstrate our own commitment to this ideal.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Legal Advocacy

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Central Regional Office (Morden)

P: (204) 822-7412 or Toll-Free 1-800-269-5451

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes, Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Eastman Regional Office (Steinbach)

P: (204) 326-5336 or Toll-Free 1-800-497-8196

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Transition Supports for Clients 18+, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Interlake Regional Office (Selkirk)

P: (204) 785-9338 or Toll-Free 1-888-831-4213

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, Disability awareness training, Communication Centre for Children and Provincial Outreach Therapy for Children.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Northern Regional Office (Thompson)

P: (204) 778-4277 or Toll-Free 1-888-367-0268

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: TSEP – Employment Services and Supports, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Intake for Northern Children’s Therapy , Children Service Coordination for Families, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Parkland Regional Office (Dauphin)

P: (204) 622-2293 or Toll-Free 1-800-844-2307

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children, and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Manitoba Possible

Manitoba Possible Westman Regional Office (Brandon)

P: (204) 726-6157 or Toll-Free 1-800-813-3325

Manitoba Possible; formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. We believe an inclusive and accessible society is possible. Manitoba Possible provides programs and services throughout the province – explore the site to see what’s available in your community. Services Offered: Children Service Coordination for Families, Vocational Rehabilitation for Adults, Wheelchair Services & Parking Permits, Recreation and Leisure: Children and Adult, American Sign Language (ASL) Classes , Outreach Therapy for Children and Disability awareness training.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Family Accessing Supports / Services Health Disability Services Transportation Transportation Resources / Assistance

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Sector Council Program

The Manitoba government recognizes that a skilled, adaptable and productive workforce is essential for employers to compete locally and in the global market. The Sector Council Program supports organizations in key Manitoba sectors to develop and deliver workforce training for new and existing employees to support business growth and prosperity. Sector organizations collaborate with employers, industry associations, labour groups, educational institutions and other stakeholders to identify needs and deliver effective programming. They offer joint programs that enable employers to benefit from cross-sector opportunities, learning from one another and identifying potential cooperative business ventures. All ten sector councils have programing and information for Indigenous students. Each of the Sector councils are listed on the Sector Council Program site. We also have each Sector Council in it’s own entry in the Industry Sector & Business Councils page of our site so we can showcase their resources more broadly.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Manitoba Sector Council Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

Manitoba Tourism Education Council (MTEC)

Manitoba Tourism Education Council Training

P: (204) 957-7437 / Toll Free: (800) 820-6832
E: Online Contact Form

A comprehensive list of all trainings offered by MTEC. There is also a job board on the MTEC site.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Government of Canada

National Film Board of Canada – NFB

Welcome to, the National Film Board of Canada’s award-winning online Screening Room, featuring over 5,000 productions. Films on this site can be streamed free of charge, or downloaded for your personal use for a small fee. We also offer educational works on a subscription basis to schools and institutions. Our Collection includes documentaries, animations, experimental films, fiction and interactive works. We showcase films that take a stand on issues of global importance that matter to Canadians—stories about the environment, human rights, international conflict, the arts and more.

Academic Education & Training

University College of the North (UCN)

Northern Manitoba Mining Academy (NMMA)

Our mission to provide innovative and responsible solutions for the creation of a knowledgeable, skilled, and sustainable workforce within a vibrant, mineral-rich resource industry. The Northern Manitoba Mining Academy facilitates strategic training initiatives and research activities to strengthen the social, economic, and environmental benefits of a robust mining sector.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Work-integrated Learning

Inclusion Winnipeg

RWA The Inclusive Workplace

P: (416)-661-9611 / Toll Free: (855)- 661-9611
E: [email protected]

The Inclusive Workplace is for people who are on the autism spectrum or have an intellectual disability. It helps them to find jobs or to work during COVID-19 and beyond. It helps companies hire good workers and build an inclusive workplace. It helps employment agencies support job seekers and employees too.

Academic Disability Accommodations Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Supply Chain Canada - Manitoba

Supply Chain Manitoba Facebook Page

The Manitoba Institute of Supply Chain Canada is the largest association of supply chain management professionals in Manitoba.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

The Manitoba Environmental Industries Association (MEIA)

The Manitoba Environmental Industries Association

The Manitoba Environmental Industries Association (MEIA) serves as an information and opportunity hub, equipping members with the information they need to stay current on governmental policy and legislation, increase their knowledge of environmental practices, and gain business development knowledge. Through learning sessions, training programs, conferences, special events, e-news, and project partnerships, members can find the solutions they need to very real environmental challenges.

Academic Education & Training Career Pathways Manitoba Sector Council Mentorship / Networking

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce- Code

Truth and Reconciliation Roadmap

An advisory board of 36 community leaders from the Indigenous community and/or organizations provides strategic oversight and guidance to our efforts to advance reconciliation. They also inform our truth and reconciliation information and programming that we make available internally and externally.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Human Rights

University of Manitoba

UM Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre

The Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre is a hands-on interpretive centre that allows children of all ages explore the ways food is grown, raised, and made in Canada.

Academic Education & Training

University of Manitoba

UM James W. Burns Executive Education Centre

The James W. Burns Executive Education Centre develops forward-thinking leaders who are prepared to meet the challenges of the future. We provide the executive training and professional development you need – when and where you need it.

Academic Education & Training

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce WCC

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce uses its position as a community leader, a member business supporter and a public policy influencer to build a city where industry prosperity and community wellness grow. *For more information about the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce’s CODE Collaborative and Truth and Reconciliation Roadmap, please see Foundations of Reconciliation.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Community Activism Career Pathways Entrepreneurial Supports Mentorship / Networking

City of Winnipeg

Winnipeg Public Library – Government Listing

For a full listing of the programs and services, please see the Winnipeg Public Library listings under Social Service Organizations.

Academic Education & Training Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

WRHA Population & Public Health Centres

Population and Public Health works with you, your family, community and partners. We work with all to promote health, prevent disease and injury, as well as to create healthy places and relationships. Our goal is to educate, advocate and work with people and communities to reduce health differences and to improve everyone’s health.

Academic Education & Training Advocacy Health Advocacy

YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg

YMCA-YWCA Mental Health Services

P: 204-989-5890 or 204-989-4194
E: Online Contact Form

The Mental Health: Learning and Leisure Centre is a community initiative of the YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg that provides skills teaching and leisure programming for adults who live with mental illness, are now in recovery and require supports to participate fully in the community and work toward personal mental health goals.

Academic Education & Training Community Peer Support Health Mental Health

Flexible Learning

Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

ATEC – Intake Education and Training Pathway (IETP)

P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form

The IETP is a prerequisite to all training in a student’s journey whether academic or trades training. The IETP is a living document created at the grassroots level which incorporates a distinct approach in assisting the learners’ journey. Based on the performance of the applicant a basic understanding of where the student may fall academically is documented by the IETP staff member and is put into the individuals training plan. The intake process and programs at ATEC offer the following supports: Traditional Teaching, In House Therapists, Access to all post-secondary, technical and access to industry, Mature Student Diploma Program, Adult Education Program, Literacy and Essential Skills, Essential Skills upgrading and Training, Social Job Readiness, Career Coaching and Screening and Assessment called SASSI (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory) with referrals to a partner Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation treatment center called the Medicine Lodge if any students need those referrals.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Education & Training Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning Career Pathways Mentorship / Networking Health Elder Services / Traditional Healing / Language Interpretation Mental Health

R.B. Russell Vocational High School

R.B. Russell Vocational High School Info

R.B. Russell is a vocational high school. The school offers 10 Vocational Programs: Level One Apprenticeship Standing – Culinary Arts, Building Construction, Hairstyling Sr. Years Technology High School Diploma Mature Student Diploma Pre-Industry Training Program Indigenous Leadership Development Institute Construction Program Active Parent/Community Council World Of Work Centre. Cross curricular unit and lesson plan development/ delivery between academic and vocational programs is a priority. Students develop electronic online academic & vocational learning portfolios for self assessment and ongoing learning. Students learn about and plan for the future in regards to work and post-secondary opportunities, including the High School Apprenticeship Program. Aboriginal perspectives are integrated into academic and vocational curricula to strengthen student learning outcomes. Respect/Belonging/Responsibility are the foundation words on which we build our school community. We have an active student voice (council) to build leadership capacity within the student body. Technology is a resource embedded in current curriculum and assessment practices. New technology supports instructional strategies. R.B. Russell has a student group called the Rainbow Eagle Feather; R. B. Russell’s Gay-Straight Alliance.

Academic Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Tutoring / Peer Support Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings Two Spirit & LGBTQ+ Family Daycare / Preschool Health Local Health Care Mental Health

University of Manitoba

UM Access Program

P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]

Room 221 – 114 Sidney Smith St
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Access Program provides holistic support to students choosing to begin an academic journey. Students may qualify for Access if there is a demonstrated personal, academic or financial need. This program is open to Manitoba residents who have experienced barriers to post-secondary education due to residence in remote locations, economic and/or cultural reasons. Preference is given to Indigenous peoples (Status, Non-Status, Inuit and Métis), residents of Northern Manitoba, low-income earners and newcomers.

Academic Academic Advisors Flexible Learning

University of Manitoba

UM William Norrie Centre – Inner City Bachelor of Social Work Program

The Willian Norrie Centre on Selkirk Avenue is the campus for social work education for inner city residents. The Centre is the focal point for social work education, teaching students to serve the community with the same compassion Dr. Norrie showed throughout his life. The Inner City Social Work BSW Access Program at the William Norrie Centre is for mature students (21 and older) who have inner city or similar social service experience who have traditionally faced systemic barriers common to inner city life experience such as poverty, racism, school failure and marginalization.

Academic Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

University of Winnipeg

UW Community-based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP)

P: 204-789-1415
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

If you share a passion for education and fostering the development of children and teens, the opportunity to take your career one step further is available. You can attain a university degree and become a certified teacher while working in a school as an Educational Assistant through the Community-based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP). It has long been recognized that there is an under-representation of Aboriginal people in the teaching profession. CATEP is designed to provide Aboriginal Educational Assistants with the opportunity to complete the requirements of the Integrated BA/BEd, while continuing to work full-time in a partner school division. Students accepted into CATEP will work in their school division from September to April, while attending classes part-time in the evenings. During the spring they will be released from their positions to attend university classes full-time. The program takes an average of 6 years to complete. Students will graduate with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees. Their teaching major will be English, and they will focus on Early and Middle Years (K-8) education. All course content will have an emphasis on Aboriginal perspectives.

Academic Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning

The WAEC offers high school educational opportunities to adult students seeking to complete a grade 12 diploma, upgrade for post-secondary education and/or strengthen employment opportunities. Since 1968, the WSD has operated the WAEC as a strategy to improve graduation rates in the WSD. It also serves as an anti-poverty strategy, improving educational outcomes for hundreds of Indigenous and Newcomer students. Primarily offering the Mature Student Diploma, approximately 200 students graduate per year from WAEC and hundreds more upgrades to meet post-secondary requirements. Many students also use their diploma to improve their prospects for entering the work force. The Adolescent Parent Centre provides high school education to pregnant and parenting adolescents and young women and provides childcare for students while they attend school. We are committed to attaining our overall goals of credit attainment and student engagement. We strive to maintain an inclusive environment for students by offering a true continuous intake model, an RPL (Recognizing Prior Learning) program and allowing students to access content in a variety of ways. WAEC offers continuous intake which allows students to enroll in school at any point throughout the school year.

Academic Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation

Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)

WAEC ALC – Kaakiyow li moond likol

Kaakiyow li moond likol Adult Learning Centre is a satellite school of Winnipeg Adult Education Centre. It is located inside Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre, at 510 King Street. The name Kaakiyow li moond likol is from the Michif language, meaning “All peoples’ school.” Our learning centre was created in 2007 as response to the community members’ voices stating the need for a place to learn, to earn a high school diploma, and to continue moving toward their dreams. Kaakiyow li moond likol is an adult learning centre that offers approved Manitoba curriculum courses to adults so that they can achieve their high school diploma. Kaakiyow li moond likol is open to all people aged 19 or older. We may ask you to do a math and English assessment so that we can help you choose the courses that will best suit your skill level.

Academic Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation

Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)

WAEC ALC River Osborne Campus

Located inside the River Osborne Community Centre at 101 Pembina Highway, R.O.O.C.S is easily accessible to almost everyone. A wide array of bus routes right outside the front door makes getting to and from school a breeze.The courses are taught with a small student-to-teacher ratio, which allows for relief from one of the biggest stresses associated with going to school: not being able to get help. Students and certified teachers interact on an adult-to-adult basis. The classes offered and environment make for a successful combination. Anyone who is 19 years of age or older can attend. Potential students must register, in person, at the WAEC main campus at 310 Vaughan Street. Call 204-947-1674 to find out what you need to bring.

Academic Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation

P: 204-831-1224
E: Online Contact Form

For more than a decade, WVC helps First Nation communities in Manitoba by offering online course options to high school students to complete their Senior-year education. Students expand their horizons and skillsets by joining an interactive cohort of First Nation students registered in the online class. A variety of high school subjects are available and are delivered online in a safe, secure environment. WVC offers an expanded calendar of courses, some not available at local schools, which ensures students attain the proper credits needed for high school graduation or post-secondary entrance requirements at either university or college (industry-specific trades). Our teachers and staff are incredibly supportive in ensuring all WVC students receive the best educational experience possible.

Academic Education & Training Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Yellowquill University College

Yellowquill University College Programs

Full-time programs. The first step in success is identifying your career goal. Here you will find a variety of programs and courses that will help you reach your career goal. The website also lists Modular Programs and Professional Development Workshops.

Academic Academic Workshops Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning

Adult Learning Centre - Seven Oaks School Division

Adult Learning Centre – Seven Oaks School Division Info

At Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre we offer a Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma of Provincially approved curriculum that is recognized by employers, community colleges and universities. Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre provides a no cost, flexible schedule, with experienced and qualified instruction in a number of subject areas. Computers are available for the use of registered students. Many are linked to the Internet, and have a variety of programs available for student use. The Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre offers courses needed to complete a Mature Student Diploma, the regular High School Diploma or to upgrade credits for post-secondary education or work. Courses are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening to allow working students to schedule around their work and family lives. We are committed to helping students learn the study skills and work skills that adults need to succeed in our studies and work place. We offer a friendly, helpful staff in an adult climate.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Adult Learning and Upgrading – Centre for Adult Learning

P: 204-725-8735 or toll-free 1-800-862-6307 ext 7134 / 204-622-2222
E: [email protected] / [email protected]

Centre for Adult Learning - Brandon -Victoria Avenue East campus | 1420 Victoria Avenue East / Centre for Adult Learning - Parkland - Parkland campus | 520 Whitmore Avenue
Brandon / Dauphin, Manitoba Canada

Open the door to a world of exciting careers by upgrading your skills, completing your high school diploma or entering into one of our integrated programs. Take courses to suit your schedule! We have flexible learning options and different access points so you have the ability to balance family and work commitments. There are two intakes a year at Centre for Adult Learning – Brandon (located at our Victoria Avenue East campus) and at our Centre for Adult Learning – Parkland, located at our Parkland campus in Dauphin. Earn your Mature Student High School diploma, upgrade your marks or complete required prerequisite courses for entrance into post-secondary programs. We offer several courses that are integrated with a college program, meaning you earn your high school diploma and a college certificate at the same time! A personalized education plan is developed individually with each student to address your specific needs and future goals.

Academic Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation

CDI College

CDI College Winnipeg Manitoba

The CDI Winnipeg campus is available to everyone in the area looking to further their education or upgrade their skills. Choose from programs in business, healthcare, and technology.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Tutoring / Peer Support Work-integrated Learning

Our EMR program is for Manitoba students that wish to begin their journey into emergency services and successful students are able to obtain their EMT license through the MB College of Paramedics. Successful completion of the EMR course provides the student with an accredited Emergency Medical Responder certificate. Many students go on to write the provincial emergency medical technician exam and start working on the ambulance, or go on to higher levels of Paramedic training, fire fighting, 911 dispatch, law enforcement, etc. The provincial exam needs to be taken within one year of completing the program.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning

What is required? Every city fire department has a little different requirements, but the most common across Canada is NFPA 1001: Firefighter Level I&II and NFPA 472: Hazmat Awareness and Hazmat Operations certifications. The program we recommend is the Training Division Fire Academy which bundles the 4 basic certificates into a program called Basic Fire Academy and successful candidates leave with what they need to apply to most Canadian Fire Departments. Once combined with an EMR program, this covers the basic Fire & Medical certifications to apply with departments such as the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service as well as cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Surrey, Edmonton, etc. etc.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning

Harv's Air

Harv’s Air St. Andrews

The St. Andrew’s base is located at the St. Andrews Airport Inc. Both St. Andrews and Steinbach bases for Harv’s Air have student accommodation options on site.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Housing Student Housing Student Residence

Harv's Air

Harv’s Air Steinbach

Our Steinbach base is located 2 miles south of Steinbach on highway 12. We are NOT at the Steinbach North airport. Best way to get to Steinbach from Winnipeg is via highway 52/59 or highway 1/12. If you need directions call 204 326 2434. Both St. Andrews and Steinbach bases for Harv’s Air have student accommodation options on site.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Housing Student Housing Student Residence

Herzing College

Herzing College Programs

Herzing offers diploma and certificate programs in a variety of in-demand industries. Learn at your convenience; courses offered on-campus, online, and in a hybrid format. Study full-time, part time, or in the evenings.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres Erin Campus

P: 204-989-6488
E: [email protected]

Erin Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 2W1

Erin Campus is designed to assist learners in completing their Mature Student High School Diploma, or upgrading in order to gain admission to post-secondary institutions. Our program offers daytime classes delivered on a semester system (18 weeks) at each of our three sites. Optional courses offered are automated office, career development, psychology, law, family studies, physics, chemistry, biology, and global issues. Our summer school program (40S Transactional English and 40S Math Essentials) runs through July and August every year. For more information on programming and class times, call our Main Office at 204 989 6488.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres McPhillips Campus

P: 204-953- 2030
E: [email protected]

McPhillips Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2V 3M5

McPhillips Campus is committed to providing adult learners with the opportunities, experiences, and academic preparation essential for both post-secondary education and employment prospects. We primarily serve residents of Garden City, West Kildonan, the Maples, and North Winnipeg, as well as students who are referred through EI, Workers’ Comp, and First Nations educational authorities. Our day program has two terms that run for 18 weeks, with classes running Monday to Thursday while our evening program also has two terms that run for 18 weeks but with classes running on alternate evenings (M/W; T/Th). A wide range of credit courses is offered, enabling students to earn their Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma or upgrade for college and university programs. Courses offered each year depend upon demand but typically include pre-calculus, applied math, essential math, language arts, biology, chemistry, physics, and computers, along with a variety of option courses.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres Portage La Prairie Campus

P: 204-857-6304
E: [email protected]

Portage La Prairie Campus
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada
R1N 0M1

Through the Portage Learning and Literary Centre Inc. As a certified Adult Learning Centre, we offer a structured classroom credit program for individuals who would like to obtain their Grade 12 Diploma or require specific courses to apply to a post-secondary institution. n order to register for high school courses at the Centre, you will need to be out of school for 6 months or more and be at least 19 years old, or will reach the age of 19 before the completion of the courses in which you are enrolled. Before starting classes, you will complete an initial assessment to determine your current Math and English levels. For more information or to book an intake appointment, please call our front desk at 204-857-6304, drop by the centre or email our Intake & Case Coordinator at [email protected]. The Portage Learning and Literacy Centre offers an on-site daycare for our students with children needing this service while attending classes at our Centre.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing Family Daycare / Preschool

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Norbert Campus

P: 204-261-3312
E: [email protected]

St. Norbert Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3V 1M7

St. Norbert Campus provides educational services for students from the communities of St. Vital, Fort Garry and St. Norbert. This adult learning centre is located behind the main building of the Behavioural Health Foundation (BHF) in St. Norbert and operates on a semester system (September/June). Classes are available in three-hour blocks twice a week (9-12/1-4/6-9) for 16 weeks. The programs offered for adult students include: Mature Student High School Diploma, High School Diploma, and Literacy and Academic Upgrading. Some of the optional credits may also be used for credit in MITT programs. Classes are held days and evenings, Monday through Friday. For more information on programs and class times, call 204-261-3312.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Vital Campus

P: 204- 254 -1618 ext. 206
E: [email protected]

St. Vital Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2M 3E8

St. Vital Campus provides a program that leads to a Mature Student High School Diploma. The program operates out of the Teen Stop Centre in South St. Vital at 533 St. Anne’s Road, and is under the direction of the Board of that centre in partnership with MITT. It has classrooms and computer lab space for approximately 50 adult students. Classes are held Monday to Thursday between 9:00am and 3:45 pm in a semester format, and are 75 minutes in length. Core courses available include Transaction and Comprehensive English 40S, and Essential Mathematics 40S. In addition, options courses available include: Auto Office 40S, Biology 40S, Family Studies 40S, Law 40S, Psychology 40S, as well as Chemistry 40S which is an Independent Learning Option. For more information please contact the centre at 204 254 1618, ext. 206

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres Thames Campus

P: 204-772-1234
E: [email protected]

Thames Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2L 0V4

Thames Campus is designed to assist learners in completing their Mature Student High School Diploma, or upgrading in order to gain admission to post-secondary institutions. Our program offers daytime classes delivered on a semester system (18 weeks) at each of our three sites. Optional courses offered are automated office, career development, psychology, law, family studies, physics, chemistry, biology, and global issues. Our summer school program (40S Transactional English and 40S Math Essentials) runs through July and August every year. For more information on programming and class times, call our Main Office at 204-772-1234.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

MITT Adult Learning Centres

MITT Adult Learning Centres UFCW Campus

P: 204-989-6443 / 204 989 7748

UFCW Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0P1

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Campus is located at Portage Avenue and Arlington Street. The Centre operates primarily to serve the needs of the members and their families. UFCW will accept all applicants who meet program requirements for the adult high school program. The program is offered on a semester system, and all of their classes are offered in the evening and on Saturday mornings. Classes are held in a clean, bright facility and new computer labs. Tutorial support is available. All courses offered can be credited towards a Regular or Mature Student High School Diploma.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Career Pathways Job Banks / Resource Centre / Resume Writing

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Flexible Online Delivery Learning

Online learning experiences will be part of all program delivery methods, including face-to-face (in-person) delivery. As there is no one-size-fits-all approach to program delivery, the amount of online learning required will vary across courses. Flexible online delivery means that instead of meeting with your instructor and classmates on campus, you’ll connect with your class and access course materials on a virtual platform. You’ll complete and submit assignments and assessments using online tools and apps.

Academic Flexible Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campus

P: 204-785-5328 / Toll-free: 1-866-946-3241
E: Online contact form

Mailing Address: Box 304 Selkirk, MB R1A 2B3
Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campuses
Selkirk, Manitoba Canada
R1A 0Z3

Red River College Polytechnic’s Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campuses serve the communities in the Interlake and North Eastman region by providing a variety of community-based programs and part-time courses.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Steinbach Campus

P: 204-320-2500
E: Online contact form

Red River College Polytechnic Steinbach Campus
Steinbach, Manitoba Canada
R5G 0B3

Red River College Polytechnic’s Steinbach Campus is located in the Eastman Education Centre on Loewen Boulevard in Steinbach. This state-of-the-art facility gives Red River College Polytechnic the ability to expand the post-secondary education and training opportunities that we are able to provide to our city and surrounding rural communities.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Winkler Campus

P: 204-325-9672
E: Online contact form

Red River College Polytechnic Winkler Campus
Winkler, Manitoba Canada
R6W 1E8

RRC Polytech’s Winkler Campus provides access to education in the Pembina Valley by offering several full-time programs as well as a variety of part-time courses. We also offer the Mature Student diploma program and academic upgrading courses through the Winkler Community Learning Centre.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Work-integrated Learning

Steinbach Bible College

Steinbach Bible College Academic Programs

P: Toll Free 1-800-230-8478

SBC believes that you can’t separate your faith from your career. Whether you are called to go into full-time ministry or a career in the marketplace, SBC will help you develop a solid Biblical foundation so that you can be confident in your faith.

Academic Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning Housing Student Residence

Systems Beauty College Ltd.

Systems Beauty College Programs

Our College is small and we are much like family. We insist on a low drama atmosphere where people can feel happy and relaxed. It is believed that the best way to learn is when you are comfortable, respecting what and who you are learning with and from. In turn we will respect your individuality and need to learn while doing the best we can to help you become successful. Based on availability, Brandon University residences are available to our students. Please ask for the contact information.

Academic Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Flexible Learning

University of Manitoba

UM Extended Education – Flexible Delivery and Intensive Programs

P: 204-474-8800
E: [email protected]

406 University Crescent
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

A diverse selection of short courses/programs, certificates, diplomas, and post baccalaureate certificates and diplomas are offered for professional and personal development, in Education, Management and Leadership, Science/Environment, University Skills courses, Higher Education, as well as Health and Social Services. Programs can be completed on a part-time or full-time basis. Currently Extended Education offers 12-month Intensive packages and collaborative partner programs. Also, study with us online from anywhere in Canada, with a variety of excellent programs. Education provides education for students and professionals who come to learn in Canada with us at the U of M.

Academic Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation

University of Manitoba

UM Northern Social Work Program – Thompson

P: 204-677-1450

3 Station Road
Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R8N 0N3

Located in Thompson, Manitoba, the students complete all the university courses required for a Bachelor of Social Work Degree. The curriculum is designed to meet the specific needs of northern social work students. It includes field placements in northern communities. The program is designed for northern Manitoba residents who have been denied educational opportunities because of financial, social, and/or cultural reasons, second language difficulties, and lack of formal education or remote residence

Academic Flexible Learning Scholastic Orientation Career Pathways Work Placement Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships

University of Manitoba

UM Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship

P: 204-474-8808
E: [email protected]

181 Freedman Cres
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

The Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship’s mission is to “Spark the Entrepreneurial Spirit” in all University of Manitoba students, and enable students to realize that entrepreneurship is a viable career choice regardless of their area of study or faculty.

Academic Flexible Learning

University of Winnipeg

UW Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE)

P: 204-982-6633
E: [email protected]

2nd floor, Buhler Centre - 460 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0E8

The University of Winnipeg is pleased to offer Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) programs across an array of disciplines. PACE enriches students’ lives with the knowledge, skills, and professional relationships they need to thrive in their fields.PACE offers exceptional, industry-aligned certificates and diplomas that prepare our graduates for success. Our hybrid full time programs blend the best of online and in-class learning experiences while our part time programs are offered in our online classrooms. offering you the flexiblity to learn at your own pace.

Academic Flexible Learning

University of Winnipeg

UW Work Study Program

P: 204-786-9459
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The Work-Study Program assists you with meeting your expenses during the academic year. It offers you valuable life and work experience with flexible hours that work around your school schedule. It also often provides work experience in your area of study, as a number of the positions are program related.

Academic Flexible Learning Work-integrated Learning Financial Cost of Living

Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)

WAEC Adolescent Parent Centre

The Adolescent Parent Centre, located at 136 Cecil Street, is a program of the Winnipeg Adult Education Centre. This school provides academic courses for parenting and pregnant women through junior and senior high years. Individualized instruction and continuous intake allow students to continue their schooling while they are pregnant. Students can remain at the centre until their child reaches two years of age or they reach 21. Senior high students obtain graduate standing or credits towards graduation following Manitoba Education curricula. Infant labs, which are maintained collaboratively between professional staff and students, provide a supervised and educative environment for mother and child. Any teenager who is pregnant or who already has a child may register.

Academic Flexible Learning Post-Secondary Preparation Family Accessing Supports / Services Daycare / Preschool Parenting

Library Services

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Library

P: 204-725-8727 | 1-800-862-6307 ext. 6638
E: [email protected]

Victoria Avenue E. Campus / North Hill Campus (staff available on request)
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9

Assiniboine Library offers the following services and resources to students: borrowing, interlibrary loan, database access, research help, academic skills building, services for persons with disabilities, computers, equipment lending, printing & copying, and study spaces. Assiniboine Library also has an Elder’s Collection: The Elders Collection is Assiniboine Library’s collection of Indigenous materials. It began as a small collection of books donated by two former Assiniboine staff members, but over the years, has grown into a gathering of all the library’s Indigenous materials prominently featured in one location. The Library continues to revise its subject headings for searching so they are as culturally sensitive as possible. Available to all, this collection includes books, streaming videos, DVDs, and other materials.

Academic Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Library Services Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre has many programs and resources for both parents and educators. The programs include Early Learning, Inclusive Education, Numeracy and Literacy, Physical Education & Health and the Training Institute for professional development.

Academic Academic Workshops Education & Training Library Services Advocacy Language Rights & Revitalization Family Parenting

Full Circle for Indigenous Education

The Full Circle Library

The Full Circle Library provides, clarity, confidence and effiacy for educators.

Academic Education & Training Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN/Chemawawin Public Library

P: 204-329-2995
E: [email protected]

14 Cree Crescent
Easterville, Manitoba Canada
R0C 0V0

The Regional Libraries strive to be their community’s information hub, as well as a strong partner with UCN, local Education Authorities, and Public Library Services of Manitoba. The libraries continue to grow their presence in each community, as well as the services provided to community patrons, UCN students and staff, and school students and staff. By hosting a variety of events and programs, a wide-range of patrons are encouraged to visit their local public library.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN/Norway House Public Library

P: 204-359-6296 ext: 5
E: [email protected]

P.O. Box 880
Norway House, Manitoba Canada
R0B 1B0

The Regional Libraries strive to be their community’s information hub, as well as a strong partner with UCN, local Education Authorities, and Public Library Services of Manitoba. The libraries continue to grow their presence in each community, as well as the services provided to community patrons, UCN students and staff, and school students and staff. By hosting a variety of events and programs, a wide-range of patrons are encouraged to visit their local public library.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

University College of the North (UCN)

UCN/Pukatawagan Public Library

P: 204-553-2027
E: [email protected]

P.O. Box 319
Pukatawagan, Manitoba Canada
R0B 1G0

The Regional Libraries strive to be their community’s information hub, as well as a strong partner with UCN, local Education Authorities, and Public Library Services of Manitoba. The libraries continue to grow their presence in each community, as well as the services provided to community patrons, UCN students and staff, and school students and staff. By hosting a variety of events and programs, a wide-range of patrons are encouraged to visit their local public library.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

The Millennium Library has two specially-designed spaces that house Indigenous Resources Collections for children and adults. Both spaces were designed by Anishinaabe interior designer Destiny Seymour; Ah kha koo gheesh (Groundhog Place ~ children emerge from learning) and Wii ghoss (Birch Bark Centre). Ah kha koo gheesh welcomes children and families to explore books, movies and music about the histories, traditions, stories and languages of Indigenous peoples throughout Manitoba and Turtle Island (North America). The space also hosts storytellers and other Knowledge Keepers. Wii ghoss welcomes adults and students to learn about the histories, traditions, stories and languages of Indigenous peoples through its collections and programs.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Elder Services / Cultural Events / Circle Meetings

Assiniboine College

Assiniboine College Student Supports – Student Services

Assiniboine helps students achieve success by providing guidance, support, encouragement, advice, information and assistance wherever needed. We strive to provide a warm and friendly environment where students feel comfortable raising questions or concerns. While many students make a smooth transition to college on their own, some may benefit from additional supports. Assiniboine’s goal is to help students plan for a successful college experience.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Disability Accommodations Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage Community Community Groups / Community on Campus Financial Financial Advisors

L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)

Bibliothèque Alfred-Monnin / USB Alfred Monnin Library

Notre bibliothèque dessert la population étudiante et le personnel de l’Université de Saint-Boniface, ainsi que les diplômés et diplômées de l’USB et les membres de la communauté. Notre collection est principalement axée sur le contenu francophone en formats numérique et imprimé, et contient un bon nombre de documents en lien avec les communautés francophones et métisses du Manitoba. Nous offrons un service d’aide à la recherche ainsi que des formations en développement des compétences informationnelle dans le contexte des cours. Our library serves Université de Saint-Boniface students and faculty, as well as alumni and community users. Our primarily French-language collection includes both print and electronic resources, including significant resources related to Manitoba’s Francophone and Métis communities. Research assistance and in-class information literacy instruction are also provided.

Academic Library Services Post-Secondary Preparation

Booth University College

Booth University College Info

P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684

We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.

Academic Academic Advisors Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services Work-integrated Learning Financial Bursaries / Grants / Scholarships Funding Health Insurance / Health Coverage

Brandon University

BU John E. Robbins Library

Our library serves Brandon University faculty and students, as well as alumni and the greater Westman community. We provide access to resources physically as well as through various databases, and offer services such as reference and research help or instruction.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

The CMU Library is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. ID/prox card required. Call the library (204.594.0514) or email us for details. CMU students, staff, and faculty will also need a CMU ID/prox card to enter the Library.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

Inter-Universities Services (IUS)

P: 1-866-627-8500 / 1-866-677-6450
E: [email protected]

Inter-Universities Services (IUS) is a consortium of the four Manitoba universities – Brandon University, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and University College of the North. IUS mandate is to deliver university credit courses to residents living north of the 53rd parallel. We are in constant contact with partnering universities to ensure the transferability of courses that are offered through IUS.

Academic Academic Advisors Academic Workshops Certifications / Licenses / Degrees Library Services

Red River College Polytechnic

RRC Polytech Library & Academic Services

P: Notre Dame Service Desk: 204-632-2233 / Exchange District Service Desk: 204-949-8371
E: Online Contact Form

Notre Dame Campus & Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Red River College Polytechnic has 2 Library locations – one at the main Notre Dame Campus and one at the Exchange District Campus. In addition to our expansive eBook collection we hold over 50,000 print titles. We have a robust streaming and physical DVD and video collection with more than 5000 titles and over 2,000 items of equipment, including laptops, data video projectors, visual presenters, digital cameras and more. Both Library locations feature open access computers, study space and knowledgeable staff.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

E: [email protected]

Locations Listed on Weblink
, Manitoba Canada

UCN Libraries Information Gateway. The University College Libraries mission is to: support the curriculum of the University College of the North; provide resources to support the educational communities of Northern Manitoba; and to develop a research library to support the needs of the Aboriginal Studies Centre of the University. Promoting academic success by providing library services to users located not only on our campuses, but at remote community sites as needed. There are six physical locations where library materials are distributed, and an on-line presence to provide access to our electronic resources.

Academic Library Services Study Space / Computer Usage

University of Manitoba

UM Libraries

P: 204-474-9881
E: [email protected]

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