This section includes:
Post-Secondary Institutions is divided into universities, junior colleges, technical/vocational institutions, and private institutions based on the Government of Canada’s classification system that can be found here:
Preparatory Institutions/Programs that are designed to prepare a student for post-secondary institutions.
Education & Training contains many additional organizations and education programs.
In this section, organizations that offer supports that may benefit students have been broken into categories.
Click on the listings of individual organizations and explore which supports they offer.
For each listing:
- Click on the (+) symbol for organization details, contact information and links where available.
- You will find links to the services the organization offers.
Education & Training
Foundation of Reconciliation
Albert McLeod Consulting
We offer a broad range of Indigenous cultural knowledge and resources that be customized to your needs. Send us a message today, and we can start you on a path to success.
Albert McLeod Consulting
Albert McLeod Consulting – Indigenous Cultural Consulting
P: 204-330-8671
E: [email protected]
Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We also offer a suite of quality products that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. That’s how we ensure your success.
Foundation of Reconciliation

P: 204-336-0554
E: [email protected]
110-200 Alpine Way
Swan Lake First Nation (Headingley), Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8
Professional Indigenous Engagement Services. Canada’s #1 Source for Indigenous Turn–Key Solutions: Indigenous Job Board, Recruitment & Retention, Cultural Sensitivity Training, and Smart Work Ethics.
AMIK – Cultural Sensitivity Training & Other Services
P: 204-336-0554
E: [email protected]
To ensure the successful integration of an Indigenous workforce, its critical to gain a proper understanding of our cultural nuances. Indigenous Engagement starts with a solid foundation upon which to cultivate and nourish a team based on understanding and acceptance. Without a holistic approach, you will miss a key piece of the puzzle.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Anish Corporation

P: 204-334-9395 / 1-866-640-5441
E: [email protected]
110-200 Alpine Way
Swan Lake First Nation (Headingley), Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8
We deliver culturally appropriate health & wellness related programs and services to primarily Indigenous people regardless of residence, sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Our work includes advancing gender equality for Indigenous womxn in Manitoba.
- Anish Cultural Teachings & Ceremonies and Video Library
- Anish Services & Workshops
- Indian Residential Schools Thrivers Group – IRS Thrivers
Anish Corporation
Anish Cultural Teachings & Ceremonies and Video Library
P: 204-334-9395 / 1-866-640-5441
E: [email protected]
Here you can access the Anish Corporation Video Library where you will find recorded teachings and information. Cultural Teachings & Ceremonies are scheduled throughout the year as public events. Personal requests will be considered on a case by case basis and will depend on Elder/Spiritual Caregiver/Knowledge Keeper/Facilitator availability.
Anish Corporation
Anish Services & Workshops
P: 204-334-9395 / 1-866-640-5441
E: [email protected]
Resolution Health Support Services: Resolution Health Support Workers, also known as R.H.S.W.’s, provide a variety of flexible “front-line” mental health safety & support, coordination services, and cultural programs & workshops to former Indian Residential School (I.R.S.) survivors and their families and/or supports. R.H.S.W. services and programming can be accessed by contacting the Regional Coordinator Office at 1-866-818-3505, or by contacting Anish Corporation directly. Workshops: Indian Residential Schools Effects & Impacts Presentation, Internalized Oppression – Lateral Violence & Lateral Kindness Workshop, Understanding Trauma Workshop, Domestic Violence & Healthy Relationships Workshop, Traditional Family Parenting Workshop, Cultural Awareness Workshop, Financial Wellness Workshop, Reigniting Our Identity Workshop, Loss & Grief Workshop, and the Smart Work Ethics Training Course.
Anish Corporation
Indian Residential Schools Thrivers Group – IRS Thrivers
P: 204-334-9395 / 1-866-640-5441
E: [email protected]
The I.R.S. Thrivers Group began in 2014 with a group of Indian Residential School (IRS) survivors who didn’t know each other but they were all interested in learning how to cope with and heal from the effects of the traumas they experienced at I.R.S.
Private Institution
Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form
ATEC is a 27,000-square foot, non-profit, community led initiative, post-secondary labor-Market-Intermediary training to employment facility. It was originally built to provide job training opportunities for work on the Wuskwatim hydroelectric generation project. ATEC’s long-term focus is to offer a wide range of post-secondary and trades training opportunities to address the skills needed for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and other First Nations in Canada. post-secondary opportunities training and employment centre of excellence First Nations workforce leadership Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence
Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC
ATEC – Intake Education and Training Pathway (IETP)
P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form
The IETP is a prerequisite to all training in a student’s journey whether academic or trades training. The IETP is a living document created at the grassroots level which incorporates a distinct approach in assisting the learners’ journey. Based on the performance of the applicant a basic understanding of where the student may fall academically is documented by the IETP staff member and is put into the individuals training plan. The intake process and programs at ATEC offer the following supports: Traditional Teaching, In House Therapists, Access to all post-secondary, technical and access to industry, Mature Student Diploma Program, Adult Education Program, Literacy and Essential Skills, Essential Skills upgrading and Training, Social Job Readiness, Career Coaching and Screening and Assessment called SASSI (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory) with referrals to a partner Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation treatment center called the Medicine Lodge if any students need those referrals.
Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC
ATEC First Nation Youth Build Connection
FIRST NATION YOUTHBUILD CANADA (FNYBC). YOUTHBUILD INTERNATIONAL RECOGNIZES ATOSKIWIN TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE AS A NATIONAL SITE. The mission of YouthBuild International is to unleash the intelligence and positive energy of low-income young people to rebuild their communities and their lives. First Nation YouthBuild Canada has now joined with others to help build a movement toward a more just society in which respect, love, responsibility, and cooperation are the dominant unifying values, and sufficient opportunities are available for all people in all communities to fulfill their own potential and contribute to the well-being of others.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Bear Paw Tipi
Our business name, BearPawTipi, is to honour Unkan Wanbdi Wakita’s own grandfather, whose name was Wa Sicuna (Bear Paw). We strive to practice integrity, honesty and kindness in all we do to honour Unkan Wa Sicuna and show gratitude to Creator for the work that has been given to us.
Bear Paw Tipi
Bear Paw Teaching & Healing
P: 204-250-5637
E: [email protected]
Kunsi Pahan Pte San Win is an expert storyteller who intertwines lived experience with training in Social Work and Indigenous Ceremony to form a powerful, authentic and loving voice. Unkan Wanbdi Wakita is a captivating storyteller who utilizes song and lecture-style presentations to share his knowledge. Keynotes, workshops & presentations, Reconciliation & Indigenous knowledge, and other work.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Circles for Reconciliation
The aim of Circles for Reconciliation is to establish trusting, meaningful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples as part of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The means to achieve this is the creation of small gatherings of an equal number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in discussion circles.
Circles for Reconciliation
Circles for Reconciliation Inc.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Indigenous Awareness Canada
Indigenous Awareness Canada offers Online Indigenous Awareness Training and facilitates in-person workshops. Our mission is to assist you, and all Canadians, to learn about Canada’s Indigenous People and to help non-indigenous Canadians and Indigenous peoples move toward reconciliation.
Indigenous Awareness Canada
Indigenous Awareness Canada training course
Foundation of Reconciliation
Indigenous Corporate Training

2300-2850 Shaughnessy Street
Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada
V3C 6K5
The ICT mission is to provide training to get everyone Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® in their day-to-day jobs and lives. We do this by providing a safe training environment for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitude required to be effective.
Indigenous Corporate Training
Indigenous Corporate Training Course List
This isn’t a talking head conference – we’re talking about interactive training that will help you be more confident and competent in your work with Indigenous Peoples. The ICT mission is to provide training to get everyone Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® in their day-to-day jobs and lives. We do this by providing a safe training environment for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitude required to be effective.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Indigenous Languages of Manitoba (ILMB)
ILMB is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the strength and survival of our Indigenous Languages.
Indigenous Languages of Manitoba Inc.
Indigenous Languages of Manitoba Inc.
P: 204-989-6392
E: [email protected]
Indigenous Languages of Manitoba Inc. is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to ensuring the strength and survival of our Indigenous Languages. We are committed to maintaining the interconnectedness of culture and language, which have been severely impacted by the Indian Act, Residential Schools, colonialism, and intergenerational trauma. The importance of preserving and promoting these languages is key to strengthening a sense of identity and belonging in everyday life.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Indigenous Leadership Development Institute

P: 855-940-1700
E: [email protected]
206-1075 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0R8
Actively promoting good governance by identifying needed training, and by providing unique education and capacity building opportunities. We prepare Indigenous people for the challenges of the 21st century.
Indigenous Leadership Development Institute
Indigenous Leadership Development Institute Inc.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Indigenous Works
For over 20 years, we have worked with companies and organizations to strengthen their performance and results in Indigenous employment, workplace engagement and inclusion. Partnerships are key to developing the right relationships and generating better results. Indigenous Works is addressing relationship building and responding to the growing need for stronger partnership development between Indigenous-owned enterprises and corporate Canada. This is timely given calls by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Government of Canada to renew relationships with Indigenous peoples for the betterment of Canadian society and our economy
Indigenous Works
Indigenous Works Canada
Foundation of Reconciliation
Indspire—Climbing the Mountain

P: 855-463-7747
E: [email protected]
Box 5, Sutie 100 50 Generations Drive
Six Nations of the Grand River, Ohsweken, Ontario Canada
N0A 1M0
Climbing the Mountain offers workshops that aim to create healthy educational spaces rooted in the principles of reconciliation. For educators, the workshop assists with training on teaching curriculum related to Indigenous history. This workshop will empower educators to engage the TRC’s 94 Calls to Action and practice reconciliation in their educational communities.
Indspire—Climbing the Mountain
Indspire—Climbing the Mountain series (Niigaanwewidam Sinclair)
Foundation of Reconciliation
Jackie Hogue And Associates
Cultural Competency & Dismantling Racism: We use an anti-oppression framework to help support organizations in dismantling racism and building cultural competency in an effort to have strong, authentic relationships.
Jackie Hogue And Associates
J.Hogue & Associates
Foundation of Reconciliation
Jessica Dumas Coaching and Consulting
Jessica is the President of Jessica Dumas Coaching and Training. She is a known facilitator and Indigenous Advisor who uses her passion and knowledge to help businesses create more diverse and inclusive teams. Her solution-based training focuses on understanding the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, specifically number 92, and strategies for Indigenous engagement and employment.
Jessica Dumas Coaching and Consulting
Jessica Dumas
Foundation of Reconciliation
Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS)
The Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS) was created to revitalize, retain and promote the seven Aboriginal Languages of Manitoba. MALS is committed to sharing, developing, and promoting Aboriginal language resources throughout the province.
Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS)
Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS) Resources
From its inception, MALS has collected various Indigenous language resources in order to make them available to practitioners and to provide an overview of existing language practices. These resources are updated on an ongoing basis.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
MFNERC Programs
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre has many programs and resources for both parents and educators. The programs include Early Learning, Inclusive Education, Numeracy and Literacy, Physical Education & Health and the Training Institute for professional development.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
MFNERC Job Bank – Employment Postings
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Job postings for MFNERC, Manitoba First Nations School System (MFNSS) and External postings. Please be advised that the Successful candidates for MFNERC positions must provide satisfactory criminal and child abuse registry checks. Incomplete applications will not be considered. No phone calls will be accepted, and only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate
P: 204-831-1224
E: Online Contact Form
For more than a decade, WVC helps First Nation communities in Manitoba by offering online course options to high school students to complete their Senior-year education. Students expand their horizons and skillsets by joining an interactive cohort of First Nation students registered in the online class. A variety of high school subjects are available and are delivered online in a safe, secure environment. WVC offers an expanded calendar of courses, some not available at local schools, which ensures students attain the proper credits needed for high school graduation or post-secondary entrance requirements at either university or college (industry-specific trades). Our teachers and staff are incredibly supportive in ensuring all WVC students receive the best educational experience possible.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre
MICEC is a provincial, not-for-profit, charitable and educational organization that works to promote awareness and understanding of Indigenous culture for all Manitobans.
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre MICEC
Foundation of Reconciliation
Reconciliation Education

2010 – 11th Avenue 7th Floor
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
S4P 0J3
Our unique three-hour training looks different for every client: From the moment you commit to working with us, we will develop a custom educational experience to suit the needs of your learners and your institution, whether you’re a small private school in British Columbia or a bank located on Bay Street.
Reconciliation Education
Reconciliation Education – Online Courses and Films
These online courses and films provide a comprehensive, customized anti-racist education in line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. With you, we aim to promote a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Settlers through transformative multi-media learning.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Strong Heart Consultation
P: 204-799-2303
E: [email protected]
Strong Heart Consultation will provide presentations, workshops, and will facilitate respectful access to ceremonial teachings/gatherings to bridge good relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Strong Heart is the name of Grandmother Turtle whose spirit teaches us to welcome all relatives into the teaching lodge and share wisdom with all the people who will then pass the gift of healing to their children and grandchildren. In so doing Strong Heart Consultations is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning environment that is respectful for all who seek to learn and grow towards the spirit of treaty relationships in Canada. We seek to find inner strength and a sense of serenity with the sharing of factual information, traditional teachings and dialogue. Strong heart Consultations welcomes you to this opportunity of learning and hopes to play a role towards self-empowerment and a means to living a good life for all who reside upon Turtle Island and Mother Earth.
Strong Heart Consultation
Strong Heart Consultation – Brian McLeod
P: 204-799-2303
E: [email protected]
Foundation of Reconciliation
University of Winnipeg Indigenous Insights
The program educates Canadians and clarifies commonly held misconceptions about the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. It is ideal for educators, public health workers, employees in the public and private sectors, NGOs, faith-based and spiritual organizations, and those seeking to enhance their knowledge and understanding of Indigenous Peoples. It is an overview of Indigenous Peoples’ history, cultures, and relationship with Canada.
University of Winnipeg Indigenous Insights
University of Winnipeg Indigenous Insights Program (Indigenous Developed)
Foundation of Reconciliation
Winnipeg Indigenous Accord
To show our commitment to and progress on the MMIWG Calls for Justice and to enhance the opportunities for our Accord partners to further participate in reconciliation, the City of Winnipeg is now including the MMIWG Calls for Justice in the Accord commitment and reporting process. It is our hope that including the MMIWG Calls for Justice within the Accord framework will provide an opportunity for other organizations to become Accord partners. The change is meant to show our commitment to and progress on the MMIWG Calls for Justice and to enhance the opportunities for our Accord partners to further participate in reconciliation.
Winnipeg Indigenous Accord
Winnipeg Indigenous Accord Commitment and Progress
Foundation of Reconciliation
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
Our mission is to help those we work with be inclusive, free of prejudice and discrimination – and to generate the awareness, dialogue and action for people to recognize diversity as an asset and not an obstacle.
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
Foundation of Reconciliation
CME & Manitoba Start Partnership

P: 905-672-3466
E: [email protected]
67 Yonge Street Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario Canada
M5E 1J8
The need for diversity and inclusion training is supported by the numbers. Labour and skills shortages are the most pressing challenges facing manufacturers today. More than 85 per cent of manufacturers struggle to fill vacancies. Access to a large, high-quality workforce is critical to manufacturing success. It boosts output, productivity and profitability. It also drives innovation and is vital to taking the fullest advantage of new technologies and production methods. With immigration high on the Provincial government’s agenda, professional, highly talented and skilled newcomers will continue to be an important source for your future staffing initiatives. Manufacturers of all sizes are encouraged to join CME and Manitoba Start for a series of four Diversity and Intercultural Training modules for management and frontline staff to meet workplace needs and support organizations in building cultural competence.
CME & Manitoba Start Partnership
Manitoba Start Diversity and Intercultural Training Program
Foundation of Reconciliation
Diversity Essentials
As more media footage highlight the historical truths of systemic of racism, the harm will continue without immediate and consistent systemic change. We are ALL called to action to interrupt, confront and dismantle system racism. As service providers and organizations this means calling inward, unlearning, re-learning and action. Diversity Essentials is committed to examining all our content and deliveries and to be held accountable by our communities and colleagues otherwise we too are complicit, participate and perpetuate systems of oppression and white supremacy.
Diversity Essentials Training
Foundation of Reconciliation
Lead with Diversity
Dr. Rehman Abdulrehman. What if our success in an increasingly diverse world is tied to improving our cultural competence? Well…it is.
Lead with Diversity
Lead with Diversity (Dr. Rehman Abdulrehman)
P: 204-471-8771
E: [email protected].
Dr. Abdulrehman is a consulting and clinical psychologist, & speaker with specialist training and experience in cognitive psychology and behavioral change, with a special focus on diversity and inclusion. His passionate yet calm and approachable style allows him to address complex and difficult topics with comfort, ease, and practicality. He has well over 15 years of experience in the innovative application of psychology to help create effective and practical change to a variety of sectors including health, business, education, non-government and government sectors. He has worked with both individuals and organizations in consultation and training roles.
Foundation of Reconciliation
Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties

P: 204-946-0905
500 Shaftesbury Blvd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3P 2N2
The Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties takes action in education and advocacy for human rights and civil liberties toward greater social justice in the province.
Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties MARL
Foundation of Reconciliation
Praxis Consulting
PRAXIS Consulting provides a full range of services, combining legal knowledge with cross-cultural understanding. We specialize in providing organizations and individuals with affordable and effective dispute resolution, facilitation and training & development services. Priti Shah is a Facilitator, Trainer, Speaker, Coach, Mentor, Consultant, Expert, Mediator, Arbitrator, Lawyer, Workplace Investigator, Strategist and the CEO of PRAXIS Consulting in Winnipeg. Since 1997 PRAXIS clients have had access to a full range of services which focus upon empowering individuals and organizations to problem solve as well and to build inclusive and respectful environments.
Praxis Consulting
Praxis Consulting Training & Development
Post-Secondary Institutions
Private Institution
Aboriginal School of Dance ASOD

P: 204-956-2095
E: [email protected]
Mailing Address: c/o Buffy Handel, 106-1075 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0R8
The Aboriginal School of Dance offers a multitude of cultural workshops and has created many different styles of cultural programs for schools and organizations across Canada and the US. Our team has been heavily involved with program development in schools and organizations for over ten years and constantly strives to exceed clients’ expectations with our high quality standards for programming and instructing. Our instructors have been hand-selected, trained in working with large numbers of students and people of all ages, from daycare level to teachers and staff.
Aboriginal School of Dance ASOD
ASOD Education
P: 204-956-2095
E: [email protected]
The Aboriginal School of Dance offers a multitude of cultural workshops and has created many different styles of cultural programs for schools and organizations across Canada and the US. Our team has been heavily involved with program development in schools and organizations for over ten years and constantly strives to exceed clients’ expectations with our high quality standards for programming and instructing. Our instructors have been hand-selected, trained in working with large numbers of students and people of all ages, from daycare level to teachers and staff.
Aboriginal School of Dance ASOD
ASOD Entertainment
P: 204-956-2095
E: [email protected]
The Aboriginal School of Dance is known for energetic and innovative choreography that provokes an intense emotional experience for audiences of all ages and cultural backgrounds. We provide high quality Aboriginal artistic entertainment and educational programming and presentations. By fusing traditional styles with contemporary fields and educational value, our presentations foster empathy and understanding while teaching about Aboriginal culture. Our distinct and engaging performances feature song, dance, and storytelling, with a unique way of expressing multiculturalism through art and history.
Aboriginal School of Dance ASOD
ASOD Training
P: 204-956-2095
E: [email protected]
We offer Pow Wow classes for beginners and advanced dancers, usually divided by age group. Our Pow Wow classes also incorporate cultural education and skills, such as beading and regalia making. On occasion we also offer cultural classes such as beading and drum group as well as multicultural dance, such as Samba, based on demand. We welcome anyone interested in learning about Aboriginal dance and culture, no matter their age, skill level, gender, size or ethnicity.
Private Institution
Atik Mason Indigenous Pilot Pathway

P: 1-506-857-3080 ex 4807
E: [email protected]
Exchange Income Corporation (EIC) 101-990 Lorimer Blvd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3P 0Z9
The Atik Mason Indigenous Pilot Pathway offers fully-funded, world-class flight training to Indigenous people who are inspired to become professional pilots.
Atik Mason Indigenous Pilot Pathway – Thompson MB Base Program
P: 1-506-857-3080 ex 4807
E: [email protected]
Indigenous Pilot Pathway is honoured to join forces with Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. (MKO). Together, we are committed to shaping the future of Indigenous talent in aviation. With unparalleled support, we guide aspiring pilots through a transformative journey toward a fulfilling and rewarding career in aviation.
Private Institution
Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form
ATEC is a 27,000-square foot, non-profit, community led initiative, post-secondary labor-Market-Intermediary training to employment facility. It was originally built to provide job training opportunities for work on the Wuskwatim hydroelectric generation project. ATEC’s long-term focus is to offer a wide range of post-secondary and trades training opportunities to address the skills needed for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and other First Nations in Canada. post-secondary opportunities training and employment centre of excellence First Nations workforce leadership Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence
Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC
ATEC – Intake Education and Training Pathway (IETP)
P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form
The IETP is a prerequisite to all training in a student’s journey whether academic or trades training. The IETP is a living document created at the grassroots level which incorporates a distinct approach in assisting the learners’ journey. Based on the performance of the applicant a basic understanding of where the student may fall academically is documented by the IETP staff member and is put into the individuals training plan. The intake process and programs at ATEC offer the following supports: Traditional Teaching, In House Therapists, Access to all post-secondary, technical and access to industry, Mature Student Diploma Program, Adult Education Program, Literacy and Essential Skills, Essential Skills upgrading and Training, Social Job Readiness, Career Coaching and Screening and Assessment called SASSI (Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory) with referrals to a partner Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation treatment center called the Medicine Lodge if any students need those referrals.
Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC
ATEC First Nation Youth Build Connection
FIRST NATION YOUTHBUILD CANADA (FNYBC). YOUTHBUILD INTERNATIONAL RECOGNIZES ATOSKIWIN TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE AS A NATIONAL SITE. The mission of YouthBuild International is to unleash the intelligence and positive energy of low-income young people to rebuild their communities and their lives. First Nation YouthBuild Canada has now joined with others to help build a movement toward a more just society in which respect, love, responsibility, and cooperation are the dominant unifying values, and sufficient opportunities are available for all people in all communities to fulfill their own potential and contribute to the well-being of others.
Private Institution

P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form
304-181 Higgins Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3G1
The Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc. The mission of CAHRD is “To relieve and prevent unemployment among Aboriginal people in Winnipeg, and help them to achieve self-sufficiency by providing education and training, employment services, and support programs, such as counselling, daycare, and housing; and to do all such things ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above purpose.”
- CAHRD Employment Services
- CAHRD Aboriginal People with Disabilities
- CAHRD Aboriginal Community Campus
- CAHRD Kookum’s Place Daycare
- CAHRD Neeginan Village
- CAHRD Healthy Living Program
- CAHRD Neeginan Learning & Literacy Centre
CAHRD Employment Services
P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form
CAHRD Aboriginal People with Disabilities
P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form
CAHRD Aboriginal Community Campus
P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form
CAHRD Kookum’s Place Daycare
P: 204-989-6246 or 204-949-0753
E: Online Contact form
134 1/2 Higgins Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
CAHRD Neeginan Village
P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form
Housing Locations 145, 149 & 155 Higgins Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3G1
CAHRD Healthy Living Program
P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form
CAHRD Neeginan Learning & Literacy Centre
P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form
Private Institution
CBC Indigenous Pathways Program

CBC Manitoba, 541 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 2H1
Indigenous candidates may apply for this paid development opportunity in journalism. This is a full-time, 9-month learning and development opportunity for six First Nations, Inuit and Métis candidates who want to develop practical skills as a storyteller in a CBC newsroom. There is no requirement for prior journalism experience.
CBC Indigenous Pathways Program
CBC Indigenous Pathways Program Online Application
Indigenous Pathways placements are available in 15 CBC newsrooms across Canada. In the application form, you will be asked to indicate which location you are applying for.
Private Institution
Core First Aid & CPR Training

P: Ron Ducharme – 204-999-4514
E: [email protected]
315 – 200 Alpine Way
Headingley, Manitoba Canada
R4H 0B7
Core First Aid has a primary goal to provide training programs that empower individuals and communities to save lives and improve health and safety standards. We are a certified Canadian Red Cross training partner and have delivered first aid and CPR courses since 2010. We have a natural rapport with our participants and have experience delivering this program to communities and organizations that are both urban and rural. The courses offer the latest first aid and CPR guidelines and meet legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards. This training will give your organization core safety requirements for achieving organizational health. Additionally, the participants will be more prepared to help someone in need, which keeps our communities safer.
Core First Aid & CPR Training
Core First Aid & CPR Training Courses
P: Ron Ducharme – 204-999-4514
E: [email protected]
Core First Aid has a primary goal to provide training programs that empower individuals and communities to save lives and improve health and safety standards. We are a certified Canadian Red Cross training partner and have delivered first aid and CPR courses since 2010. We have a natural rapport with our participants and have experience delivering this program to communities and organizations that are both urban and rural. The courses offer the latest first aid and CPR guidelines and meet legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards. This training will give your organization core safety requirements for achieving organizational health. Additionally, the participants will be more prepared to help someone in need, which keeps our communities safer.
Private Institution
First Nations Health Managers Association
The First Nations Health Managers Association (FNHMA) is committed to excellence in expanding health management capacity for First Nations organizations. We are responsible for providing training, certification, and professional development opportunities in health management in Canada as a national, professional association exclusively serving the needs of individuals working for or aspiring to positions with First Nations organizations.
First Nations Health Managers Association Courses
P: Toll Free 1-800-218-0440
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
Kejic Productions
Kejic Productions is a Winnipeg-based company owned and operated by Cree/Ojibway Producer and Director, Erica Daniels. Erica has been an entrepreneur for several years and founded the company in 2017. Kejic Productions creates, develops and produces films, community and corporate videos; as well, provides event photography and marketing services.
Kejic Productions
Kejic Productions Mentoring
P: 204-558-1515
E: [email protected]
Are you passionate about creating and want to gain more hands-on experience in all things video production? Here at Kejic Productions, we want to help train the next generation of storytellers. Whether you are a complete beginner or have been in the industry for a while, you will get hands-on experience in the industry, from camera operator to editing. You will get access to industry-standard equipment as well as mentors to help guide you in developing the craft that is video production.
Private Institution
Louis Riel Institute
As the Educational Authority for the Manitoba Métis Federation, the Louis Riel Institute promotes, builds capacity and supports the heritage and history of Métis in Manitoba through efficient, effective, culturally sensitive programs and activities.
Louis Riel Institute
Louis Riel Institute Adult Learning Centre
P: 204-984-9480
E: [email protected]
Louis Riel Institute
Louis Riel Vocational College
P: 204-984-9480
E: [email protected]
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
MFNERC Programs
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre has many programs and resources for both parents and educators. The programs include Early Learning, Inclusive Education, Numeracy and Literacy, Physical Education & Health and the Training Institute for professional development.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
MFNERC Job Bank – Employment Postings
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Job postings for MFNERC, Manitoba First Nations School System (MFNSS) and External postings. Please be advised that the Successful candidates for MFNERC positions must provide satisfactory criminal and child abuse registry checks. Incomplete applications will not be considered. No phone calls will be accepted, and only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate
P: 204-831-1224
E: Online Contact Form
For more than a decade, WVC helps First Nation communities in Manitoba by offering online course options to high school students to complete their Senior-year education. Students expand their horizons and skillsets by joining an interactive cohort of First Nation students registered in the online class. A variety of high school subjects are available and are delivered online in a safe, secure environment. WVC offers an expanded calendar of courses, some not available at local schools, which ensures students attain the proper credits needed for high school graduation or post-secondary entrance requirements at either university or college (industry-specific trades). Our teachers and staff are incredibly supportive in ensuring all WVC students receive the best educational experience possible.
Private Institution
Manitoba First Nations School System
MFNSS provides a quality, holistic, and culturally relevant education for First Nations students by nurturing each child’s growth and encouraging their development as lifelong learners. MFNSS manages Nursery to Grade 12 education, the Private Home Placement Program (PHP), and tuition for high school students attending schools off-reserve. MFNSS also administers school transportation, facilities, and operations.
Manitoba First Nations School System
Manitoba First Nations School System Info
P: 204-594-6507
E: [email protected]
MFNSS provides a quality, holistic, and culturally relevant education for First Nations students by nurturing each child’s growth and encouraging their development as lifelong learners. MFNSS manages Nursery to Grade 12 education, the Private Home Placement Program (PHP), and tuition for high school students attending schools off-reserve. MFNSS also administers school transportation, facilities, and operations.
Private Institution
National Screen Institute (NSI)

P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form
Suite 400 – 141 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0R3
The power of story. Our path to an equitable, inclusive culture is revealed to us through stories. Storytellers allow us to enter unfamiliar lives and landscapes, create understanding and show us how our world can be better. That’s why we relentlessly work to remove barriers so underrepresented creators from anywhere in Canada can access our film, television and digital media training.
National Screen Institute (NSI)
P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form
Customized training and mentorship for Indigenous storytellers to produce a broadcast-ready film for APTN. There is no cost to apply or participate. The application fee of $50 and tuition of $250 have been waived through the generous contribution of program partners.
National Screen Institute (NSI)
New Northern Voices
P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form
Learn the fundamentals of short fiction writing for web series and film from award-winning storyteller Jordan Wheeler. Building on NSI New Northern Voices 2019 and the National Screen Institute’s commitment to growing capacity within the screen industry in The Pas, Manitoba and surrounding areas, the NSI New Northern Voices 2021 writers edition has been developed. Program partners have covered the application and tuition costs.
National Screen Institute (NSI)
TikTok Accelerator for Indigenous Creators
P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form
Grow your TikTok presence by learning the key elements of storytelling and discover essential building blocks for a successful digital career. There is no application fee or tuition cost
National Screen Institute (NSI)
CBC New Indigenous Voices
P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form
Build your career and learn the essential elements of working in film, TV and digital media. There is no cost to apply or participate. Tuition and application fees have been generously covered by CBC.
Technical and Vocational
Neeginan College of Applied Technology

P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact Form
Room 304 -181 Higgins Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3G1
Neeginan College offers a variety of full-time training programs that deliver hands-on work experience in a sustainable career. We provide free information sessions on the current programs followed by a tour of our college facilities. These sessions run every Friday at 9:00 a.m. in room 304. Please call ahead via (204) 989-7110 since the sessions fill up quickly. Neeginan College of Applied Technology is CAHRD’s in-house technical and vocational post-secondary training division. CAHRD works closely in partnership with industry, business and training institutions to ensure that our students are prepared for jobs in high-demand industries.
Neeginan College of Applied Technology Program Supports
P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact Form
Technical and Vocational
NPower Canada

P: Manitoba Office: 204-285-2188 / Toll Free: 1-877-204-9219
E: [email protected]
NPower Canada is a national employment program that provides participants with free in-demand digital and professional skills training, and connects them to new and rewarding career opportunities with some of Canada’s largest employers. NPower Canada creates pathways to economic prosperity for Canada’s underserved youth and adults by launching them into meaningful and sustainable digital careers. NPower Canada envisions a diverse technology workforce, where people from any cultural ethnicity, gender or socio-economic background can succeed in our digital economy.
NPower Canada
NPower Canada – Free Tech Training and Employment Programs
P: Manitoba Office: 204-285-2188 / Toll Free: 1-877-204-9219
E: [email protected]
NPower Canada is now offering no-cost tech training programs in partnership with Google and Microsoft to Manitobans who are unemployed or underemployed. Each program is 15-weeks long, completely free, 100% virtual, and is accompanied by support from an Alumni Placement Specialist who will help you land a job upon graduation from the program as an entry-point into a career in tech. A laptop is provided for the duration of the program, with other Wraparound supports available. Current program offerings include: Junior IT Analyst Program, Junior Data Analyst Program, and Security Operations Analyst Program.
Private Institution
Nu Media Films
Nu Media Films is a community driven video production company proudly owned and operated in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with a vision to work on community driven projects on all media platforms.
Nu Media Films
Nu-Media Program
The highly successful Nu-Media Program in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada aims to increase the capacity within Indigenous youth residing on First Nation reserves across Manitoba to create job-ready, career driven individuals. This program draws upon the many centuries of storytelling within the Indigenous communities while developing a new, modern age storyteller. It is the hope and dream of our team that one day, every Indigenous community will have individuals who can utilize modern video, film, and Internet mediums to tell their stories, the stories that need to be told, all from an Indigenous perspective.
Private Institution
Urban Circle Training Centre Inc.
At Urban Circle, our goal is to provide culturally appropriate education and training to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women and men in Winnipeg. Since 1991, we have offered certified programming that connects to both our cultural teachings and labour-market demands. At our Centre, students are provided with a sense of belonging and community, and we are committed to enriching the quality of their educational experience by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and success.
Urban Circle Training Centre Inc.
Urban Circle Training Centre Inc. Programs
P: 204-589-4433
E: [email protected]
At Urban Circle, our goal is to provide culturally appropriate education and training to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women and men in Winnipeg. Since 1991, we have offered certified programming that connects to both our cultural teachings and labour-market demands. At our Centre, students are provided with a sense of belonging and community, and we are committed to enriching the quality of their educational experience by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and success.
Private Institution
WHEAT Institute
Winnipeg Holistic Expressive Arts Therapy Institute. WHEAT is the only therapeutic arts training centre in Central Canada, and operates on Treaty 1 Territory in Manitoba. WHEAT’s holistic approach to education incorporates connections with history, nature, culture, and respect for Indigenous Ways of Knowing into its settings, philosophies and curriculum. WHEAT is the only school of its kind to provide Indigenous language courses within its programs, and it upholds its commitment of excellence in education by working with the most knowledgeable and in-demand educators from across North America. Please explore the site to learn more about WHEAT’s programs, and how pursuing a career in the therapeutic arts through the WHEAT Institute can be transformative for your life, and the lives of others.
WHEAT Institute
WHEAT Institute Programs
P: 431-887-2787
E: [email protected]
Germinated on the Central Canadian plains, WHEAT Institute’s love of the land is at the heart of our programs, which lead to accreditation as art and expressive arts therapists and consultant educator/practitioners. We appreciate our head office location on Treaty 1 Territory and value the presence, history, culture, languages, and knowledge of the First Peoples and Metis of this territory including the Ininew, Anishnaabe, Oji-Cree, Dakota, Dene and Métis peoples. Our institute offers compulsory Indigenous language classes as well as Indigenous storytelling classes to reflect our commitment to Indigenous resurgence, along with the offering first Indigenized therapeutic arts diploma programs in Canada.
WHEAT Institute
WHEAT Institute Cree Language Programs
P: 431-887-2787
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
Yellowquill University College
Mandated and established in 1984 by the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council, Yellowquill University College embraces all learners and provides holistic education and training. The institution encompasses a team of dedicated and supportive professionals guiding our learners to achieve excellence and success in education, employment, and economic development.
- Yellowquill University College Programs
- Vickar Automotive Group Southern Chiefs’ Organization Educational Scholarship
Yellowquill University College Programs
P: 204-953-2800
E: [email protected]
Vickar Automotive Group Southern Chiefs’ Organization Educational Scholarship
P: Yellowquill 204-953 -2800 or MITT 204-989-6512
E: [email protected] or [email protected]
Scholarships will be awarded annually to a student attending Yellowquill College and a student attending the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). The scholarship recipients must be a member of one of SCO’s 34 member First Nations. The recipients must also be active in their community, either contributing to their school community or the community-at-large. Scholarship recipients will be chosen annually by Yellowquill College and MITT.
Private Institution
Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC)

P: 204-459-0054 / (204) 478-8884 / (204) 785-8223 / (204) 582-9400 / (204) 326-4188
E: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
37 Maple Street / 297 St. Mary’s Road / 389 Eveline Street / 2nd Floor-77 Redwood Avenue / Clearspring Centre, 178 PTH 12 North
Pine Falls / Winnipeg / Selkirk / Winnipeg / Steinbach, Manitoba Canada
R0E 1M0 / R2H 1J5 / R1A 1N7 / R2W 5J5 / R5G 1T7
Over 50 Academy of Learning® College campuses, from British Columbia to Prince Edward Island, have helped students successfully completed over one million training courses. Depending on the province or territory, program offerings have expanded to Diploma-level and Certificate-level programs in the areas of Accounting, Business, Community Support Worker, Customer Service, Healthcare, Home Inspection, Hospitality, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Office Administration, and Web Design. AOLCC has 5 campuses in Manitoba with programs available. The campuses are in Pine Falls, Winnipeg South, Selkirk, Winnipeg North and Steinbach.
Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC)
AOLCC Programs
P: 204-459-0054 / (204) 478-8884 / (204) 785-8223 / (204) 582-9400 / (204) 326-4188
E: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Over 50 Academy of Learning® College campuses, from British Columbia to Prince Edward Island, have helped students successfully completed over one million training courses. Depending on the province or territory, program offerings have expanded to Diploma-level and Certificate-level programs in the areas of Accounting, Business, Community Support Worker, Customer Service, Healthcare, Home Inspection, Hospitality, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Office Administration, and Web Design. AOLCC has 5 campuses in Manitoba with programs available. The campuses are in Pine Falls, Winnipeg South, Selkirk, Winnipeg North and Steinbach.
Technical and Vocational
Assiniboine College

P: General Inquiries: 204-725-8700
E: [email protected]
See website for all locations.
Brandon / Dauphin / Winnipeg / Southport Portage La Prairie, Manitoba Canada
At Assiniboine, we immerse you in authentic situations and encourage you to spend more time away from the textbooks. Our college knows real-world skills and experiences are important. That’s why our programs connect you with industries and communities through projects, conferences, cooperative work placements and practicums. All of this prepares you for a meaningful and interesting career.
- Assiniboine College Adult Learning and Upgrading – Centre for Adult Learning
- Assiniboine College Ancillary Services – Student Residences
- Assiniboine College Daycare Assiniboine Early Learning Centre
- Assiniboine College Bookstore
- Assiniboine College Fitness Centre
- Assiniboine College Indigenous Supports – Cultural Centres
- Assiniboine College Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers
- Assiniboine College Daycare Parkland Campus Kids Inc.
- Assiniboine College Student Advising
- Assiniboine College Work Integrated Learning
- Assiniboine College Accessibility and Disability Services
- Assiniboine College Student Aid Awards – Scholarships & Bursaries
- Assiniboine College Student and Graduate Job Board
- Assiniboine College Student Supports – Student Services
- Assiniboine College Students’ Association
- Assiniboine College The Learning Curve
- Assiniboine College Indigenous Affairs
- Assiniboine College Library
- Assiniboine College Medical Clinic
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Adult Learning and Upgrading – Centre for Adult Learning
P: 204-725-8735 or toll-free 1-800-862-6307 ext 7134 / 204-622-2222
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Centre for Adult Learning – Brandon -Victoria Avenue East campus | 1420 Victoria Avenue East / Centre for Adult Learning – Parkland – Parkland campus | 520 Whitmore Avenue
Brandon / Dauphin, Manitoba Canada
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Ancillary Services – Student Residences
P: 204-727-9761
E: [email protected]
Ancillary Services, McMaster Complex – 270 – 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Daycare Assiniboine Early Learning Centre
P: 204-725-8713
1430 Victoria Avenue East
Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Bookstore
P: (204) 725-8721
E: [email protected]
Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Fitness Centre
1430 Victoria Ave East
Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Indigenous Supports – Cultural Centres
P: 204-573-3690
E: [email protected]
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers
P: 204-573-3690
E: [email protected]
Victoria Avenue East Campus / North Hill Campus
Brandon , Manitoba Canada
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Daycare Parkland Campus Kids Inc.
P: 204-622-2222
520 Whitmore Avenue East
Dauphin, Manitoba Canada
R7N 2V5
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Student Advising
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Work Integrated Learning
P: (204) 725-8700
E: [email protected]
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Accessibility and Disability Services
P: 204-725-8700 ext. 6052 / Toll Free: 800-862-6307 ext. 6052
E: [email protected]
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Student Aid Awards – Scholarships & Bursaries
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Student and Graduate Job Board
E: Online Contact Form
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Student Supports – Student Services
P: 204-725-8723
E: [email protected]
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Students’ Association
P: 204-725-8710
E: [email protected]
ACCSA Office, Room 413 – 1430 Victoria Avenue East
Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College The Learning Curve
P: 204-725-8700 or Toll Free 1-800-862-6307
E: [email protected]
Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Indigenous Affairs
P: 204-573-3690
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Assiniboine College recognizes the unique history of Indigenous peoples and commits to an active role in Reconciliation. We foster a respectful and engaging learning environment for all students to grow through the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and experiences. Assiniboine believes that Indigenization is a commitment to instill Indigenous worldviews, knowledge, and perspectives from the diverse Indigenous cultures we are united with at every level of our organization. We support cultural competency and decolonization of our institution through renewed respect and appreciation of traditional ways of being and doing. Our Indigenous Affairs team offers a wide range of support and services to assist students along their post-secondary journey. We liaise with academic advisors, connect students with important community resources and provide guidance to First Nations, Métis and Inuit students from a holistic perspective to support their academic goals. We act as a resource for all students and faculty in their efforts to acquire a true understanding of Indigenous cultures and ways of knowing.
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Library
P: 204-725-8727 | 1-800-862-6307 ext. 6638
E: [email protected]
Victoria Avenue E. Campus / North Hill Campus (staff available on request)
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Assiniboine Library offers the following services and resources to students: borrowing, interlibrary loan, database access, research help, academic skills building, services for persons with disabilities, computers, equipment lending, printing & copying, and study spaces. Assiniboine Library also has an Elder’s Collection: The Elders Collection is Assiniboine Library’s collection of Indigenous materials. It began as a small collection of books donated by two former Assiniboine staff members, but over the years, has grown into a gathering of all the library’s Indigenous materials prominently featured in one location. The Library continues to revise its subject headings for searching so they are as culturally sensitive as possible. Available to all, this collection includes books, streaming videos, DVDs, and other materials.
Assiniboine College
Assiniboine College Medical Clinic
P: 204-725-8723
E: [email protected]
Rm. 234, 2nd Floor, Victoria Avenue East campus – 1430 Victoria Avenue East
Victoria Avenue East Campus
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 2A9
Beginning June 1, 2022 Assiniboine students can pre-book or take advantage of walk-in primary health care appointments with Nurse Practitioner, Berly Belsar-Lawrence, Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The clinic operates on an alternating weekly basis between Assiniboine and Brandon University. All students can book and attend the clinic on either campus. Virtual appointments are available upon request and will take place through Microsoft Teams or by phone. When booking an appointment students must physically be located in Manitoba and will need to provide their name, student number, phone number and email address.
Private Institution
Booth University College

P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684
290 Vaughan Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2N8
We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.
Booth University College
Booth University College Info
P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684
We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.
Private Institution
Brandon Flight Centre
Since 1936 we have trained pilots, maintained and fueled aircrafts and assisted the local aviation community. Thousands of pilots have passed through our doors and gone on to service in Canada’s military or civil aviation. We are extremely proud of our roots and our important role in aviation history. Our team of professional experts are here and ready to assist you with any of your aviation needs. We look forward to seeing you soon in CYBR!
Brandon Flight Centre
Brandon Flight Centre Flight Academy – Brandon
P: 204-728-7691
E: [email protected]
Brandon Flight Academy offers programming for private pilot licenses, Commercial pilot licenses, and Aviation Management certificates. Brandon Flight Centre has operated from the Brandon Municipal Airport (McGill Field) since 1936! Find our main base at: Hangar 2: 425 Agnew Drive (east of the terminal).
Brandon Flight Centre
Brandon Flight Centre Flight Academy – Dauphin
P: 204-728-7691
E: [email protected]
Brandon Flight Academy offers programming for private pilot licenses, Commercial pilot licenses, and Aviation Management certificates. The Dauphin Flight Training Centre opened to students in August 2021. Training operates out of the main terminal building at the LT. Col. W. G. (Billy) Barker VC Memorial Airport in Dauphin.
Brandon University
Brandon University offers a wide range of degree programs including Arts, Education, Music, Health Studies, and Science.
- BU Academic Advising
- BU Academic Skills Centre
- Brandon University Indigenous Peoples’ Centre (IPC)
- BUSU Health & Dental
- BU/ACC Medical Clinic
- BU Early Learning Centre
- BU Bookstore
- BU Healthy Living Centre
- BU Recruitment and Retention Team
- BU Residence
- BU Scholarships and Awards
- BU Sexualized Violence Support and Information
- BU Student Accessibility Coordinator
- BU Counselling Services
- BU PENT Program – Education
- BU John E. Robbins Library
Brandon University
BU Academic Advising
P: 204-727-9737
E: [email protected]
270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU Academic Skills Centre
P: 204-729-9737
E: [email protected]
270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University Indigenous Peoples’ Centre (IPC)
P: 204-727-9623
E: [email protected]
Brandon University
BUSU Health & Dental
P: 204-727-9960
E: [email protected]
270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU/ACC Medical Clinic
P: (204) 727-9737
E: Online Booking System
Knowles Douglas Student Union Building – lower level – 270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
BU Early Learning Centre
P: 204-725-0968
Brandon University
BU Bookstore
P: (204) 727-9732
Knowles-Douglas Building, 270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU Healthy Living Centre
P: 204-727-9756
E: [email protected]
2010 Louise Ave
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7B 0L4
Brandon University
BU Recruitment and Retention Team
P: 204-571-7847/204-573-1324
E: Online Contact Form
105 McKenzie Building – 270 – 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU Residence
P: 204-727-9761
E: [email protected]
Ancillary Services – McMaster Complex – 270 – 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU Scholarships and Awards
P: 204-727-9737
E: [email protected]
102 McKenzie Building – 270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU Sexualized Violence Support and Information
P: 204-727-7498
E: [email protected]
Room 227, Health Studies Complex – 270 – 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU Student Accessibility Coordinator
P: 204-727-9759
E: [email protected]
Room 106, A.E. McKenzie Building, 270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
BU Counselling Services
P: 204-727-9737
E: [email protected]
207-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9
Brandon University
BU PENT Program – Education
P: (204) 727-7371
E: [email protected]
PENT is a community-based teacher education program of the Faculty of Education of Brandon University. Students combine paraprofessional work in their community schools from September to April with courses at Brandon University from April to July. The new program of studies is the Brandon University After Degree B.A./B.Ed. program in either the early or middle years area. Student teaching is carried out during the school year in conjunction with paraprofessional work.
Brandon University
BU John E. Robbins Library
P: (204) 727-9646
E: [email protected]
Our library serves Brandon University faculty and students, as well as alumni and the greater Westman community. We provide access to resources physically as well as through various databases, and offer services such as reference and research help or instruction.
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU offers comprehensive university education within a dynamic and diverse Christian community. Exemplary academic studies across the arts and sciences are distinguished by interdisciplinary interaction, experiential learning, and mentoring relationships between students and faculty. At CMU ‘service, leadership and reconciliation’ are personal and communal learning outcomes that are encountered within academic, personal and interpersonal, theological, artistic, physical, and environmental contexts. Education involves “building understandings” in ways that are about relationships as much as knowledge, for the sake of enabling us to see, engage, and share in a world that is as wondrous as it is strained, and that ever calls for our best care and innovative capacities.
- CMU Academic Advising and Other Academic Services
- CMU Accessibility Services
- CMU Centre for Career and Vocation
- CMU Indigenous Student Bursary
- CMU Common Word Bookstore & Resource Centre
- CMU Residence
- CMU Orientation
- CMU Student Life – Health and Wellness
- CMU Counselling
- CMU Financial Aid – Indigenous Students
- CMU Library
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Academic Advising and Other Academic Services
P: 204-487-3300
E: [email protected]
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Accessibility Services
P: 204-487-3300
E: [email protected]
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Centre for Career and Vocation
P: 204-487-3300
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Indigenous Student Bursary
P: 204-487-3300
E: [email protected]
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Common Word Bookstore & Resource Centre
P: Tel: 204.487.3300 (ask for CommonWord)/ Toll-free: 1.877.231.4570
E: [email protected]
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Residence
P: 204-478-3300
E: [email protected]
Student Residence: Katherine Friesen Apartments, 2320 Grant Ave, Poettcker Hall, 2316 Grant Ave and Concord Hall, 2318 Grant Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3P 2N2
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Orientation
P: 204-478-3300
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Student Life – Health and Wellness
P: 204-487-3300
E: [email protected]
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Counselling
P: 204-487-3300 ext 377
E: [email protected]
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Financial Aid – Indigenous Students
500 Shaftesbury Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3P 2N2
CMU offers a $1,000 Indigenous Student Bursary each year to two new incoming students that qualify. Qualifications include submitting a personal statement of need, a letter of nomination, and meeting CMU’s admission requirements. |
Canadian Mennonite University
CMU Library
P: 204-594-0514
E: [email protected]
The CMU Library is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. ID/prox card required. Call the library (204.594.0514) or email us for details. CMU students, staff, and faculty will also need a CMU ID/prox card to enter the Library.
Private Institution
CDI College
As one of Canada’s premier career-training providers for the past 50 years, we offer solid, market-driven programs that focus on helping our students develop the skills that are in demand by the leading employers in art and design, business, dental, early childhood education, healthcare, legal, and technology. Our students enter the workforce quickly, and many land jobs before they graduate. At CDI College, our Financial Advisors are able to help you find the best way to finance your education.
CDI College
CDI College Winnipeg Manitoba
P: 1-800-889-1712
E: Online Contact Form
Private Institution
Centre for Christian Studies

P: 204-783-4490
E: [email protected]
Woodsworth House
60 Maryland Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 1K7
The Centre for Christian Studies is a Canadian theological school that has been training people for ministry since 1892. It specializes in the education of diaconal ministers for the United Church and Anglican Church of Canada. It also offers lifelong learning and continuing education for anyone who want to deepen their faith-in-action.
Centre for Christian Studies
Centre for Christian Studies Programs
P: 204-783-4490
E: [email protected]
60 Maryland Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 1K7
The Centre for Christian Studies offers various programs to help you develop into the faith-filled transformative leader you are called to be.
Private Institution
CHN College

P: 204-947-5237
E: Online Contact Form
678 Main St
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1E4
Great careers begin with excellent training, train in 21 weeks for a rewarding and fulfilling career in Health Care
CHN College
CHN College Info
P: 204-947-5237
E: Online Contact Form
Great careers begin with excellent training, train in 21 weeks for a rewarding and fulfilling career in Health Care
Private Institution
Commonwealth College

P: 204-944-8202
E: Online Contact Form
294 William Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0R1
We offer career training Hospitality, Business and Beauty & Wellness Diploma Programs. Our courses are focused and intensive, helping you become job ready in less than a year. Our investment in our students does not end with teaching and training, but goes a long way beyond that. Our real contribution comes in the shape of helping our students understand themselves and their strengths, and then leverage that understanding to identify and pursue a career path. This method has proven successful, repeatedly. And we’re proud to say many of our students have gone on to greater achievements. By offering career training at as less as CAD 15.00 per hour to train our students to excel in a career of their choice we aim at becoming one of the most affordable colleges in Canada. Besides that, since 1986 we have become known for our commitment to community projects, including working with organizations such as Siloam Mission, Women in Second Stage Housing (WISH), Opportunities for Employment (OFE), John Howard Society, Probation Services and National Aboriginal Day Selkirk Avenue Committee. These partnerships have helped build relationships that bring real change to peoples’ lives.
Commonwealth College
Commonwealth College Programs
P: 204-944-8202
E: Online Contact Form
Commonwealth College offers programs in the following areas: Culinary Arts, Hospitality, Vocational Preparatory Program, Esthetics, Nail Technician, Skin Care Technician, and Logistics & Supply Chain Management.
Private Institution
Construction Safety Association of Manitoba
The Construction Safety Association of Manitoba (CSAM) is a non-profit organization run by and for the building construction industry in Manitoba, with governance provided by the Winnipeg Construction Association’s Board of Directors and the CSAM Advisory Committee. Established in 1989, CSAM has earned the reputation as a leader in the safety landscape of Manitoba, as well as within the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations. This reputation has been fueled by the association’s focus on providing exceptional customer service, quality, and value for its clients.
Construction Safety Association of Manitoba Training
P: 204-779-3505
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
Criti Care
Criti Care EMS serves a pivotal role in the delivery of Emergency Medical Services training and education in Manitoba. As an industry leading elite training facility, we bring together industry knowledge delivered by emergency services professionals working in the field and intense practical training, graduating career prepared individuals most sought after by municipal emergency services in Winnipeg and Manitoba. Criti Care has a Paramedic Academy as well as being the centre for EMS & Special Operations.
Criti Care
Criti Care Paramedic Academy
P: 204-989-3671
E: [email protected]
As professionals in the field, our staff at Criti Care understand the high level of training paramedics require in order to meet the challenges they face in a fast paced and demanding environment. That is why, when it comes to the quality of training we provide there is no room for compromise. Our comprehensive and world class training gets the very best out of our students and we have over 25 years of history producing some of the very best paramedics in the province to prove it.
Criti Care
Criti Care EMS & Special Operations
P: 204-989-3671
E: [email protected]
Criti Care provides Paramedics and continuity of service staffing to various Regional Health Authorities in Manitoba, staffing municipal EMS services and responding to community 911 calls. Criti Care EMS also provides 24/7 Emergency Medical Services and ambulance service to the northern Hydro communities of Keeyask and KeewatInoow. (Service delivery at Keeyask is a joint venture between Criti Care EMS and Cree Nation Partners). In addition to providing around the clock emergency response at these sites, Criti Care operates a robust community paramedicine program and works closely with the Northern Region Health Authority providing expanded services such as health monitoring, TB DOT programs, hypertension screening, and influenza immunization. Community/workplace First Aid and CPR training is also offered regularly at these sites.
Private Institution
Evolve College

P: 204-772-8999
E: Online Contact Form
5th Floor – 1445 Portage Ave in the Clarion Hotel & Suites
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 3P4
Both challenging and progressive, our courses feature a blend of theory and practical hands-on experience. While understanding the science of our work is imperative, this knowledge is of little use if administered without sensitivity and compassion. At the Evolve College of Massage Therapy (formerly the Massage Therapy College of Manitoba), we explore all aspects of touch and how, through science and art, we can change people’s lives.
Evolve College
Evolve College Info
P: 204-772-8999
E: Online Contact Form
Both challenging and progressive, our courses feature a blend of theory and practical hands-on experience. While understanding the science of our work is imperative, this knowledge is of little use if administered without sensitivity and compassion. At the Evolve College of Massage Therapy (formerly the Massage Therapy College of Manitoba), we explore all aspects of touch and how, through science and art, we can change people’s lives.
Private Institution
H & Co. Academy – Esthetics-Hair-Nails
At H&CO Academy you will learn the skills needed to become a qualified multi-service provider, ready for your journey into the professional world of beauty.
H & Co. Academy – Esthetics-Hair-Nails
H & Co. Academy – Esthetics-Hair-Nails Info
P: 204-717-1700
E: [email protected]
At H&CO Academy you will learn the skills needed to become a qualified multi-service provider, ready for your journey into the professional world of beauty.
Private Institution
Harv’s Air

P: Toll-Free +1-800 HARV AIR / 1-800 – 427-8247 (Rings in Steinbach)
E: [email protected]
Head Office: Steinbach South Airport
33149 33 Road North Box 1056
Steinbach & St. Andrews, Manitoba Canada
R5G 1M8
Harv’s Air is a family owned and operated air service with locations near Steinbach and St. Andrews, both in the Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada area. Our air service offers flight training, air taxi, and aircraft maintenance service since 1973 with the current owner and operator. Having two locations allows us to offer amazing resources for flight training including examiners, instructors, aircraft maintenance engineers. We offer accelerated but very comprehensive courses for pilot licences both for a career in aviation and for personal enjoyment.
Harv’s Air
Harv’s Air Courses
P: Toll-Free +1-800 HARV AIR / 1-800 – 427-8247 (Rings in Steinbach)
E: [email protected]
33149 33 Road North Box 1056
Steinbach & St. Andrews, Manitoba Canada
R5G 1M8
Get started in aviation! Become a pilot! Add a rating to your pilot licence! Our courses are flexible and can be conducted full time or part time. Flight training is one on one with a flight instructor, thus the schedule and pace is entirely up to you. If you don’t find a course for what you need, please contact us and ask!
Harv’s Air
Harv’s Air Steinbach
P: 1-204-326-2434
E: [email protected]
Our Steinbach base is located 2 miles south of Steinbach on highway 12. We are NOT at the Steinbach North airport. Best way to get to Steinbach from Winnipeg is via highway 52/59 or highway 1/12. If you need directions call 204 326 2434. Both St. Andrews and Steinbach bases for Harv’s Air have student accommodation options on site.
Harv’s Air
Harv’s Air St. Andrews
P: 1-204-339-6186
E: [email protected]
The St. Andrew’s base is located at the St. Andrews Airport Inc. Both St. Andrews and Steinbach bases for Harv’s Air have student accommodation options on site.
Private Institution
Herzing College
Herzing College offers many diploma programs online and has campus locations in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Winnipeg. Develop the practical skills employers want. The majority of our programs include internships that enable you to apply your skills in a real-life setting and gain valuable experience for your resume.
Herzing College
Herzing College Programs
P: 204-775-8175
E: [email protected]
Herzing offers diploma and certificate programs in a variety of in-demand industries. Learn at your convenience; courses offered on-campus, online, and in a hybrid format. Study full-time, part time, or in the evenings.
Private Institution
Highway King

P: 204-952-1329
E: Online Contact Form
350 Keewatin St Unit 5
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2X 2R9
Highway King Class 1 Training Centre is a Manitoba-owned-and-operated company serving the public since August 2013.
Highway King
Highway King Info
P: 204-952-1329
E: Online Contact Form
Highway King Class 1 Training Centre is a Manitoba-owned-and-operated company serving the public since August 2013.
Private Institution
IBEW Local

P: (204) 982-2085
E: [email protected]
IBEW 2085 Main Office – 2181 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3J 0L7
IBEW 2085 represents construction electricians across Manitoba and parts of Nunavut and is governed by an executive elected by and from our members. IBEW hosts many training programs and resources for electricians and electricians to be in Manitoba.
IBEW Local
IBEW Local Info
P: (204) 957-0025
E: [email protected]
IBEW 2085 represents construction electricians across Manitoba and parts of Nunavut and is governed by an executive elected by and from our members. IBEW hosts many training programs and resources for electricians and electricians to be in Manitoba.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
P: 204-233-0210
E: [email protected]
200 De la Cathédrale Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2H 0H7
L’Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) est le plus ancien établissement d’enseignement postsecondaire de l’Ouest canadien et est l’université de langue française au Manitoba. Elle est située dans le quartier francophone, au cœur même de la ville de Winnipeg, et abrite à la fois une université et deux écoles collégiales, dont l’École technique et professionnelle (ETP) et l’École des sciences infirmières et des études de la santé (ESIES).
Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) is the only French-language university in the province of Manitoba, Canada, and was the first post-secondary educational institution to be established in Western Canada. Today, it offers first-class general and specialized university degree programs as well as technical and professional training that enhances employability in the current job market.
- Réconciliation / Reconciliation
- Bourses pour étudiants autochtones / Bursaries for Indigenous Students
- Service de soutien psychologique / Mental Health Support
- Assurance maladie et dentaire / Student Insurance
- Banque alimentaire Chez Norma / Chez Norma Food Bank
- L’Association étudiante / Student Association
- Services à la population étudiante / Student Life and Services
- Droits et recours des étudiants / Student Advocacy
- Centre étudiant Étienne-Gaboury / Étienne Gaboury Student Centre
- Bourses et aide financière / Scholarships and Financial Aid
- Service d’accessibilité aux études / Student Accessibility Services
- Résidences étudiantes / Student Housing
- Service d’orientation pédagogique / Academic Advising Services
- Tutorat / Tutoring
- Centre D’apprentissage et de garde d’enfants de Saint-Boniface
- Centre de conditionnement Sportex / Sportex Gym
- Garderie Espace pour grandir / Espace pour grandir On-Campus Daycare
- Aînés USB/USB Elders
- Bibliothèque Alfred-Monnin / USB Alfred Monnin Library
- Cours USB avec contenu autochtone / USB Courses with Indigenous Content
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Réconciliation / Reconciliation
P: 204-233-0210
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Bourses pour étudiants autochtones / Bursaries for Indigenous Students
P: 204-233-0210
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Service de soutien psychologique / Mental Health Support
P: Text 204-794-3450
E: Make an appointment on the MyUSB portal!
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Assurance maladie et dentaire / Student Insurance
P: 204-233-0210 ext 303
E: [email protected]
200 De la Cathédrale Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2H 0H7
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Banque alimentaire Chez Norma / Chez Norma Food Bank
P: 204-233-0210 ext 303
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
L’Association étudiante / Student Association
P: 204-233-0210 ext 303
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Services à la population étudiante / Student Life and Services
P: 204-233-0210
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Droits et recours des étudiants / Student Advocacy
P: 204-237-1818 ext 419
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Centre étudiant Étienne-Gaboury / Étienne Gaboury Student Centre
P: 204-233-0210
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Bourses et aide financière / Scholarships and Financial Aid
P: 204-233-0210
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Service d’accessibilité aux études / Student Accessibility Services
P: 204-237-1818 ext 314
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Résidences étudiantes / Student Housing
P: 204-233-0210 ext 333
E: [email protected]
200 De la Cathédrale Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2H 0H7
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Service d’orientation pédagogique / Academic Advising Services
P: 204-237-1818 ext 469 /204-237-1818 ext 419
E: 204-237-1818 ext 469 /204-237-1818 ext 419
Le service d’orientation pédagogique offre des services d’appui et des conseils sur les choix de cours nécessaires pour mener à bonne fin votre programme d’études.
Academic Advising Services offers support and advice on the choice of courses necessary for the completion of your study program.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Tutorat / Tutoring
P: 204-233-0210 ext 440
E: [email protected]
L’Université de Saint-Boniface offre à la population étudiante un appui à l’apprentissage sous forme de tutorat. Vous pouvez obtenir de l’aide pour vos cours, peu importe la matière, en rédaction de textes et en expression orale.
Université de Saint-Boniface offers learning support in the form of tutoring to students who need it. Students can receive help with writing texts and speaking practice regardless of the subject, course or program.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Centre D’apprentissage et de garde d’enfants de Saint-Boniface
Notre programme d’apprentissage et de garde se base sur un curriculum émergent qui relève des intérêts, des besoins et du développement des enfants. Nous croyons que les enfants apprennent mieux lorsqu’ils participent activement à une grande variété d’activités ludiques qui permettent leur exploration et leur pensée créative.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Centre de conditionnement Sportex / Sportex Gym
P: 204-235-4407
E: [email protected]
Un centre d’entrainement pour tous et toutes! Moderne, accueillant et chaleureux, le Sportex propose une gamme de programmation et d’équipements pour répondre à tous vos besoins en matière d’activité physique.
A gym for everybody! Modern, warm and welcoming, Sportex offers a range of programming and equipment to meet all of your fitness needs.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Garderie Espace pour grandir / Espace pour grandir On-Campus Daycare
Ayant une superficie de plus de 7 000 pi2, la garderie sur le campus de l’Université de Saint-Boniface peut accueillir 80 enfants, soit 16 poupons et 64 enfants d’âge préscolaire.
USB’s on-campus daycare, Espace pour grandir (meaning “a place to grow”) can accommodate 80 children.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Aînés USB/USB Elders
P: 204-237-1818
E: [email protected]
L’USB compte maintenant trois Ainées et un Ainé métis qui sont généreusement disposés à partager leurs apprentissages et connaissances sur le campus tout au long de l’année universitaire. Chacun apporte sa contribution unique aux séances dans les cours et aux évènements. USB now has four Métis Elders who are generously willing to give of their time to share knowledge with our students, faculty ,and staff throughout the academic year. All are eager to make their unique contribution to learning Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing, especially from a Métis perspective.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Bibliothèque Alfred-Monnin / USB Alfred Monnin Library
P: 204-237-1818
E: [email protected]
Notre bibliothèque dessert la population étudiante et le personnel de l’Université de Saint-Boniface, ainsi que les diplômés et diplômées de l’USB et les membres de la communauté. Notre collection est principalement axée sur le contenu francophone en formats numérique et imprimé, et contient un bon nombre de documents en lien avec les communautés francophones et métisses du Manitoba. Nous offrons un service d’aide à la recherche ainsi que des formations en développement des compétences informationnelle dans le contexte des cours. Our library serves Université de Saint-Boniface students and faculty, as well as alumni and community users. Our primarily French-language collection includes both print and electronic resources, including significant resources related to Manitoba’s Francophone and Métis communities. Research assistance and in-class information literacy instruction are also provided.
L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
Cours USB avec contenu autochtone / USB Courses with Indigenous Content
L’intégration de connaissances autochtones au curriculum constitue une priorité stratégique pour l’Université de Saint-Boniface. L’Université offre désormais du contenu autochtone dans le cadre de certaines formations non-créditées, ainsi que dans une soixantaine de cours crédités répartis dans plusieurs programmes d’études. The integration of Indigenous knowledge into the curriculum represents a strategic priority for Université de Saint-Boniface. The University now offers Indigenous content within certain non-credit training packages, as well as in 60-odd credit courses spread across several programs of study.
Private Institution
Lakeside Aviation – Lakeside Flight School

P: (204) 276-2410 / Toll Free: (888)642-4799
E: [email protected]
Gimli Industrial Park Airport
Gimli, Manitoba Canada
R0C 1B0
Lakeside Aviation Services offers a choice of planes to match your needs. Whether it be flight training or charter, you can choose from single and multiengine landplanes, or floatplanes. The flight school at the company owned hanger at the Gimli Airport conducts flight training for people from all over the world.
Lakeside Aviation – Lakeside Flight School
Lakeside Aviation – Lakeside Flight School Info
P: (204) 276-2410 / Toll Free: (888)642-4799
E: [email protected]
Lakeside Aviation Services offers a choice of planes to match your needs. Whether it be flight training or charter, you can choose from single and multiengine landplanes, or floatplanes. The flight school at the company owned hanger at the Gimli Airport conducts flight training for people from all over the world.
Private Institution
Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) – Arts and Technology Centre

P: 204-237-8951
5 deBourmont Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2J 1J9
Louis Riel Arts & Technology Centre (ATC) is a leader in career and technical education dedicated to excellence, inspiring individual success, and community prosperity. ATC empowers students to fulfill their goals related to skilled careers, post-secondary education, and personal success. It places a priority on quality, industry-driven training in a professional culture defined by high expectations and supportive relationships.
Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) – Arts and Technology Centre
Arts & Technology Centre (ATC)
Private Institution
Made Safe
At Made Safe, we believe that creating a safety culture is crucial to the continuous success of your business, and to the health of your employees and consumers as your company grows. But, like most things, this is easier said than done. Manufacturing work environments often face complex needs and challenges. This is where Made Safe comes in – we offer valuable, manufacturing-focused health and safety expertise. As an industry-specific health and safety association, our services are tailored for the needs of the manufacturing workplace. Guided by an industry-led safety council, the association offers training, access to events and resources, consulting and certification – by manufacturers, for manufacturers.
Made Safe Training Programs
P: 204-949-1454
E: [email protected]
Technical and Vocational
Manitoba Emergency Services College
Manitoba’s premier leader in firefighter, paramedic and emergency services training.
Manitoba Emergency Services College
Manitoba Emergency Services College Info
P: 204-726-6855
E: [email protected]
Manitoba’s premier leader in firefighter, paramedic and emergency services training.
Technical and Vocational
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
Kick-start your career at the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). We offer more than 30 post-secondary programs leading to diplomas and certificates in the areas of health care, human services, business and information technology, and skilled trades, with many of our skilled trades programs accredited by Apprenticeship Manitoba.
- MITT High School Options
- MITT Accessibility Services
- MITT Career Development Services
- MITT Fort Garry Child Care Co-op
- MITT Aazhogan Indigenous Student Centre
- MITT Student Advising – Indigenous Student Advisor
- MITT Student Group – Indigenous Student’s Circle (ISC)
- MITT Textbooks
- MITT Post-Secondary Certificate and Diploma Programs
- MITT Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards
- MITT Vickar Automotive Group Southern Chiefs’ Organization Educational Scholarship
- MITT Women of Steel: Forging Forward Program
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT High School Options
P: 204-989-8328
E: [email protected]
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Accessibility Services
P: 204-989-6512
E: [email protected]
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Career Development Services
P: 204-989-6500
E: [email protected]
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Fort Garry Child Care Co-op
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Aazhogan Indigenous Student Centre
P: 204-989-6512
E: [email protected]
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Student Advising – Indigenous Student Advisor
P: 204-989-6512
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
MITT Student Advisors are the best resource on campus for future and current students to talk to about their academic and personal plan. In addition to general advising topics common to all students, MITT advisors have specific areas of interest or focus: Indigenous Student Advisor – Ryan Bruyere.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Student Group – Indigenous Student’s Circle (ISC)
P: 204-989-6512
E: [email protected]
MITT’s Indigenous Student’s Circle (ISC) is open to all students who wish to participate in Indigenous cultural events and share similar experiences while attending MITT.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Textbooks
P: (204) 258-2909
Unit 1 – 471 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3
All MITT students—whether they are domestic and international post-secondary students starting a new program or beginning year two of a program, or secondary students requiring workbooks for their program—are responsible for the purchase of their textbooks. Thanks to a partnership between MITT and the University of Winnipeg, this can now be done online or in-person through the University of Winnipeg Bookstore. Check out the Bookstore hours of operation before you visit in-person.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Post-Secondary Certificate and Diploma Programs
P: 204-989-6500
E: [email protected]
We offer more than 25 post-secondary certificate and diploma programs to learners looking to start or continue their career training or education. Our strong industry relationships enable us to develop programs that teach in-demand skills, including work practicum placements, and position our students for successful employment upon graduation.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards
P: 204-989-6512
E: [email protected]
Bursaries provide support to current MITT students for living expenses while studying. Bursaries are available each year for domestic students with a demonstrated financial need and minimum academic standing. Indspire Indigenous Education Awards MITT is a proud Indspire donor and supports four $2,500 awards each year for Indigenous post-secondary students. Apply through the Business Council of Manitoba or MITT’s Indigenous Student Advisor.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Vickar Automotive Group Southern Chiefs’ Organization Educational Scholarship
P: 204-989-6512
E: [email protected]
Scholarships will be awarded annually to a student attending the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). The scholarship recipients must be a member of one of SCO’s 34 member First Nations. The recipients must also be active in their community, either contributing to their school community or the community-at-large. Scholarship recipients will be chosen annually by MITT.
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
MITT Women of Steel: Forging Forward Program
E: Add your name to the waiting list through the webpage
This tuition free program is for First Nations people who are women, who identify as women or are non-binary to choose careers in welding and welding-related industries.. It is geared toward designated equity groups such as 2SLGBTQIA+, women with disabilities, and those with prolonged detachment from the labour force. Please note that this program has a waiting list.
Private Institution
MC College

P: 204-786-5081
E: Online Contact Form
575 Wall Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 2T5
At MC College, we empower Students for the Beauty and Fashion Industry with skills to change their lives and enjoy rewarding careers.
MC College
MC College Winnipeg
P: 204-786-5081
E: Online Contact Form
At MC College, we empower Students for the Beauty and Fashion Industry with skills to change their lives and enjoy rewarding careers.
Private Institution

P: 204-775-3308
E: [email protected]
Erin Campus 1588 Erin St
Exchange District (ED) Campus 245 McDermot Ave 4th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 2T1 / R3B 0S8
MOSMA: Mid-Ocean School of Media Arts. Over 25 Years of Sound Education. Since offering our first full-time programme and part-time courses in 1995, MOSMA has enrolled students from all over Canada and around the world. Our curriculum is built to deliver “career standard” skillsets through intense hands-on training with small class sizes and individual attention from our faculty. Our resources are always available to our students during their studies and for the duration of their careers as alumni.
MOSMA Programs
P: 204-775-3308
E: [email protected]
Exchange District (ED) Campus 245 McDermot Ave 4th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 2T1 / R3B 0S8
Private Institution
Mountain City Aviation
At Mountain City Aviation our mission is to open the skies to everyone. Whether you would like to fly for hobby or recreation, or if your aspirations are for commercial aviation, we are the people that get you flying as soon as economically possible.
Mountain City Aviation
Mountain City Aviation Facebook Page
P: 204-823-0423
E: [email protected]
At Mountain City Aviation our mission is to open the skies to everyone. Whether you would like to fly for hobby or recreation, or if your aspirations are for commercial aviation, we are the people that get you flying as soon as economically possible. The website listed on the Facebook page is not active but there is course info on this page:
Private Institution
Northwest Law Enforcement Academy
Established in 2001 by Herb Stephen, retired Chief of Police for Winnipeg Police Service, the Northwest Law Enforcement Academy is designed to provide training for people seriously interested in a career in law enforcement. It is specifically tailored toward developing competent applicants to police and other law enforcement agencies.
Northwest Law Enforcement Academy
Northwest Law – Law, Protection And Safety Diploma Program
P: 204-953-8300
E: [email protected]
The Academy’s Instructors include current and former employees of: Winnipeg Police Service, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Police College, and the Ontario Provincial Police. This post secondary program is for persons who intend to seek employment with law enforcement agencies across Canada. Students attending our Diploma Program can apply for a Student Loan or a Canada Student Grant.
Private Institution
Perfect One Driving School

P: 204-774-1609
E: [email protected]
2040 Logan Avenue
Box 118, Group 200 RR2
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2R 0H9
PerfectOne Class1 Training School is the right place for you to gain quality Class1 Training in Winnipeg and make a career in the Transportation Industry as a professional truck driver.
Perfect One Driving School Courses
P: 204-774-1609
E: [email protected]
Box 118, Group 200 RR2
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2R 0H9
Private Institution
Prairie Arctic Trades Training Centre
PATTC is a private vocational institute with head offices in Saskatoon, and training centres in Saskatoon, Regina. and Winnipeg. Wholly owned by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, we provide contract training for our customers. We provide ALL apprenticeship scaffold training for the province of Saskatchewan. Our clients recruit trainees for either our stand-alone courses, or custom designed training programs. Our trade courses cover a wide range of content, and vary in length from 2 weeks to 20 weeks. We also provide safety training courses to meet work site requirements.
Prairie Arctic Trades Training Centre Programs
P: 204-774-1609
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
Professional Transport Driver Training School
Training Tomorrow’s Drivers for the Past 30 Years.
Professional Transport Driver Training School Programs
P: 204-925-1580
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
Providence University College
We are a leading Canadian Christian university located in the province of Manitoba with a 100-acre main campus in Otterburne and a downtown site in Winnipeg where you can gain the spiritual and educational tools needed to become a difference-maker!
Providence University College
Providence University College Information
P: (431) 815-4352
E: [email protected]
We are a leading Canadian Christian university located in the province of Manitoba with a 100-acre main campus in Otterburne and a downtown site in Winnipeg where you can gain the spiritual and educational tools needed to become a difference-maker!
Private Institution
Red River Aviation Service
Whether you enjoy trying new things or have a zest to fly float planes for your career, the seaplane endorsement is one of the lower costing, shorter and in some opinions the most enjoyable training you’ll have in your flying endeavors. It is also a great way to stay current if you haven’t flown for a while. Explore Manitoba and all of its back country lake and river destinations. Take your known skills, learn some new ones and apply them to water flying. Commercial Pilot Students- all hours after your basic endorsement can count as PIC time for time building towards your 200 hour requirements! Build time while having a blast on floats!
Red River Aviation Service
Red River Aviation – Seaplane Endorsements & Advanced Float Courses
P: 204-406-8326
E: [email protected]
Whether you enjoy trying new things or have a zest to fly float planes for your career, the seaplane endorsement is one of the lower costing, shorter and in some opinions the most enjoyable training you’ll have in your flying endeavors. It is also a great way to stay current if you haven’t flown for a while. Explore Manitoba and all of its back country lake and river destinations. Take your known skills, learn some new ones and apply them to water flying. Commercial Pilot Students- all hours after your basic endorsement can count as PIC time for time building towards your 200 hour requirements! Build time while having a blast on floats!
Technical and Vocational
Red River College Polytechnic

P: 204-632-2327
2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech) is Manitoba’s largest institute of applied learning and research, with more than 200 full- and part-time degree, diploma and certificate options. Through hands-on and online learning opportunities and state-of-the-art instruction, we prepare our students to become leaders in their fields — while also ensuring they can meet changing industry demands, and contribute to the province’s economic growth.
- RRC Polytech Academic Preparation and Essential Skills
- RRC Polytech Academic Success Centre (ASC) Academic Support for Students with Disabilities
- RRC Polytech Apprenticeship
- RRC Polytech ASC: Supports for Students – Writing Centre
- RRC Polytech Child Care
- RRC Polytech Counselling Services
- RRC Polytech Sport and Fitness
- RRC Polytech Health Services
- RRC Polytech Indigenous Education
- RRC Polytech Library & Academic Services
- RRC Polytech Flexible Online Delivery Learning
- RRC Polytech – Students’ Health & Dental Plan
- RRC Polytech Students’ Association – Appeals
- RRC Polytech – Campus Living Office
- RRC Polytech Campus Store
- RRC Polytech Academic Advising
- RRC Polytech Work-Integrated Learning and Career Services
- RRC Polytech Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries
- RRC Polytech Tutoring Services
- RRC Polytech Indigenous Liaison Advisor -Weeshengaawin
- RRC Polytech Adult Learning Centres
- RRC Polytech Exchange District Campus
- RRC Polytech Paterson GlobalFoods Institute
- RRC Polytech Manitou a bi Bii daziigae
- RRC Polytech Indigenous Education – Social Innovation and Community Development
- RRC Polytech Stevenson (Airport) Campus
- RRC Polytech Stevenson (Southport) Campus
- RRC Polytech Portage la Prairie Campus
- RRC Polytech Steinbach Campus
- RRC Polytech Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campus
- RRC Polytech Winkler Campus
- RRC Polytech Elders-in-Residence and Knowledge Keepers
- RRC Polytech Indigenous Student Advising
- RRC Polytech RRC Polytech Indigenous Student Support Centres
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Academic Preparation and Essential Skills
P: 204-632-2327
E: Online Contact Form
2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Academic Success Centre (ASC) Academic Support for Students with Disabilities
P: 204-632-2233
E: Online form
2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Apprenticeship
P: 204-632-3960
E: [email protected]
2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech ASC: Supports for Students – Writing Centre
P: 204-632-2233
E: [email protected]
Building C – 2055 Notre Dame Avenue
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Child Care
P: 204-632-2244
E: [email protected]
A101 – 2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Counselling Services
P: 204-632-3966
E: Online Contact Form
D102/P210 – 2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Sport and Fitness
P: Exchange: 204-949-8499 / Notre Dame: 204-632-2399
E: Online Contact Form
Notre Dame Campus & Exchange Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Health Services
P: 204-632-2238
E: [email protected]
HM08 – 2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Indigenous Education
P: 204-632-3773
E: Online Contact Form
Building F – Room 209 – 2055 Notre Dame
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Library & Academic Services
P: Notre Dame Service Desk: 204-632-2233 / Exchange District Service Desk: 204-949-8371
E: Online Contact Form
Notre Dame Campus & Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Flexible Online Delivery Learning
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech – Students’ Health & Dental Plan
P: 204-632-2503 / 204-949-8537
E: [email protected]
Notre Dame Campus – Room CM75C – 2055 Notre Dame Ave / Roblin Centre EDC – SA Office P-110 – 160 Princess Street
Notre Dame Campus & Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Students’ Association – Appeals
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech – Campus Living Office
P: 204-631-3371
E: [email protected]
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Campus Store
CM52 – 2055 Notre Dame Avenue
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Academic Advising
P: 204-632-2327
E: Online Contact Form
2055 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Work-Integrated Learning and Career Services
P: 204-632-3966
E: Online Contact Form
Notre Dame Campus -D102 – 2055 Notre Dame Avenue / Exchange District Campus – Roblin Centre – P210 – 160 Princess Street
Notre Dame & Exchange District Campuses
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Tutoring Services
E: Online Contact Form
TLAS Learning Centre (in Notre Dame Campus Library) – CM-35 2055 Notre Dame Ave. / Exchange District Campus Library – PG-214 160 Princess St.
Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Indigenous Liaison Advisor -Weeshengaawin
P: 204-632-2333 / 204-632-2177
E: Online Contact Form
NOTRE DAME CAMPUS – Building F – Room 209 -2055 Notre Dame Ave. / EXCHANGE DISTRICT CAMPUS – Princess Building – Room P407 – 160 Princess Street
Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Adult Learning Centres
E: Online Contact Form
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Exchange District Campus
E: Online contact form
Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1K9
The Exchange District Campus is nestled in the heart of downtown Winnipeg and is home to RRC Polytech’s business, creative arts, IT, culinary arts and hospitality programs. Featuring modern classrooms, relaxing study spaces, and state-of the-art equipment, the Exchange District Campus also has a wide variety of services and amenities, applied research labs and two student-run dining options. The Exchange District Campus Buildings include Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, Paterson GlobalFoods Institute, and The Roblin Centre.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Paterson GlobalFoods Institute
P: 204-632-3960
E: Online contact form
Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0T1
RRC Polytech’s Paterson GlobalFoods Institute is the home to the College’s culinary and hospitality programs, as well as a 100-room student residence. As part of the Hospitality and Culinary Arts programs, the students run an upscale restaurant called Jane’s and a public food court known as the Culinary Exchange, both of which are located in the building.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Manitou a bi Bii daziigae
Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3A 0K4
Manitou a bi Bii daziigae (in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe)) is Red River College Polytechnic’s expansion of the Exchange District Campus, and the first RRC Polytech building to receive an Indigenous name. Manitou a bi Bii daziigae was previously known as the Innovation Centre project. This building houses The Digital Media Production room, The Game Design Studio, The Communication Management room, two Information Technology classrooms and The Indigenous Entrepreneurship Classroom and Studio. The Indigenous Entrepreneurship Classroom and Studio is used as a learning space, collaboration space and a studio to work on entrepreneur-driven, community-based projects. In the Social Innovation and Community Development program, students learn to transform their values and passions into ventures and become agents of change in communities experiencing barriers to development.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Indigenous Education – Social Innovation and Community Development
Notre Dame Campus / Exchange District Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Social innovation brings new perspectives to existing ways of decision-making in today’s world. In this program, you will discover the tremendous capacities of communities and individuals looking to initiate systems change. In your second year of studies, specialize in either Community Development or Social Entrepreneurship.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Stevenson (Airport) Campus
P: 204-945-6001 / Toll-free: 1-866-706-5833
E: [email protected]
Stevenson Campus – Winnipeg
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3J 3Y9
Manitoba is home to the third largest aerospace sector in Canada – and Red River College Polytechnic’s Stevenson Campus is an active partner, training our workforce to participate in all aspects of the aviation and aerospace sector. Our grads are found throughout industry – overhauling aircraft engines, maintaining aircraft, building components, or in management positions such as Directors of Maintenance and Quality Assurance.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Stevenson (Southport) Campus
P: 204-428-6300 / Toll-free: 1-800-665-9864
E: [email protected]
Stevenson Campus – Southport
Southport, Manitoba Canada
R0H 1N1
Manitoba is home to the third largest aerospace sector in Canada – and Red River College Polytechnic’s Stevenson Campus is an active partner, training our workforce to participate in all aspects of the aviation and aerospace sector. Our grads are found throughout industry – overhauling aircraft engines, maintaining aircraft, building components, or in management positions such as Directors of Maintenance and Quality Assurance.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Portage la Prairie Campus
P: 204-856-1914
E: Online contact form
Red River College Polytechnic – Portage Campus
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada
R1N 1J2
Red River College Polytechnic’s Portage Campus is located in the Central Plains region of Manitoba and offers a broad range of full-time diploma and certificate programs, as well as a variety of part-time courses and workshops, providing opportunities for personal and professional development for students at various stages in their lives and careers.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Steinbach Campus
P: 204-320-2500
E: Online contact form
Red River College Polytechnic Steinbach Campus
Steinbach, Manitoba Canada
R5G 0B3
Red River College Polytechnic’s Steinbach Campus is located in the Eastman Education Centre on Loewen Boulevard in Steinbach. This state-of-the-art facility gives Red River College Polytechnic the ability to expand the post-secondary education and training opportunities that we are able to provide to our city and surrounding rural communities.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campus
P: 204-785-5328 / Toll-free: 1-866-946-3241
E: Online contact form
Mailing Address: Box 304 Selkirk, MB R1A 2B3
Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campuses
Selkirk, Manitoba Canada
R1A 0Z3
Red River College Polytechnic’s Interlake and Peguis – Fisher River Campuses serve the communities in the Interlake and North Eastman region by providing a variety of community-based programs and part-time courses.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Winkler Campus
P: 204-325-9672
E: Online contact form
Red River College Polytechnic Winkler Campus
Winkler, Manitoba Canada
R6W 1E8
RRC Polytech’s Winkler Campus provides access to education in the Pembina Valley by offering several full-time programs as well as a variety of part-time courses. We also offer the Mature Student diploma program and academic upgrading courses through the Winkler Community Learning Centre.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Elders-in-Residence and Knowledge Keepers
P: 204-632-2333 / 204-632-2177
E: Online Contact Form
NOTRE DAME CAMPUS – Building F – Room 209 -2055 Notre Dame Ave. / EXCHANGE DISTRICT CAMPUS – Princess Building – Room P407 – 160 Princess Street
Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9
Our Elders-in-Residence are here to support education through Indigenous ways of teaching, learning and leading. They play an important role in student and staff health, wellness, and cultural and spiritual development. They are here to support all students and staff at Red River College Polytechnic. Located in the Indigenous Student Support Centres at the Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses, Elders-in-Residence offer cultural teaching sessions, one-on-one appointments, classroom visits and lead ceremonies.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech Indigenous Student Advising
P: 204-632-2327
E: Online Contact Form
2055 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9
The Indigenous Liaison/Advisor is a resource for students of Indigenous ancestry to assist you in finding your way around the campus and to know where and how to access supports and services. At times, it is comforting to have a point of first contact to respond to inquiries and point you in the right direction. Find out the exciting opportunities available to you through RRC Polytech’s School of Indigenous Education.
Red River College Polytechnic
RRC Polytech RRC Polytech Indigenous Student Support Centres
P: 204-632-2333 / 204-632-2177
E: Online Contact Form
NOTRE DAME CAMPUS – Building F – Room 209 -2055 Notre Dame Ave. / EXCHANGE DISTRICT CAMPUS – Princess Building – Room P407 – 160 Princess Street
Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9 / R3B 1K9
Located at the Notre Dame and Exchange District Campuses, our Indigenous Support Centres provide a home away from home where you can smudge, participate in events, cultural teachings and ceremonies, or spend time with friends. The welcoming atmosphere of our centres include a computer lab, kitchen, telephone, study area and lounge. We promote respectful cultural awareness for all students and staff.
Private Institution
Robertson College

P: 204-943-5661
E: Email through website
180 Main Street
WInnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 1A6
To be Valued and Valuable -that is New Work. How we work and make a good living is changing. At Robertson, you’ll get the most relevant training and up-to-date industry insights to thrive in a modern work environment. We are the School of New Work.
Robertson College Winnipeg Programs
P: 204-943-5661
E: Email through website
Private Institution
Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB) Professional Division
Our internationally renowned training institute for aspiring professional dancers and dance teachers.
Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB) Professional Division
Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB) Professional Division Programs
P: 204-957-3467
E: [email protected]
Providing high caliber training to aspiring young dancers and teachers.
Private Institution
Safety Shelly Consulting Services
SWS Training & Consulting Inc. is an established training and consulting firm, specializing in Heavy Equipment Operator Training, located in Southern MB. SWS was formed in 2004 as Safety with Shelly – CONSULTING SERVICES Ltd. The company recently went through a name change to streamline what we focus on: Training! We are now SWS Training & Consulting Inc.
Safety Shelly Consulting Services
Heavy Equipment Operator Training Certification Program (HEO)
P: 204-799-4712
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
Southern Manitoba Academy for Response Training (SMART)
P: 204-979-9857
E: [email protected]
113-1100 Concordia Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2K 4B8
Almost all of our students over the past 14 years have had a dream and a passion to become first responders. The motivation varies a little between simply a drive to help others to wanting to work as part of a team to doing something different every day and even every hour. For many, full time programs were not affordable or achievable and that is where we come in. Our part time, flexible programs for both EMR and Firefighting allow students to complete certification while at the same time maintaining “normal life”.
Emergency Medical Responder
P: 204-979-9857
E: [email protected]
P: 204-979-9857
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
Steinbach Bible College
Steinbach Bible College is an evangelical, Anabaptist college empowering servant leaders to follow Jesus, serve the church and engage the world.
Steinbach Bible College Academic Programs
P: Toll Free 1-800-230-8478
Private Institution
Systems Beauty College Ltd.
P: 204-728-8843
E: [email protected]
C-763-13th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 4R6
Systems Beauty College’s systems and teaching styles are different from most and are designed to meet your learning needs. We have a very high employment rate among our graduates in all of our programs. This is due to solid foundations, our constant upgrading in industry and college classes in adult education. Our diverse clientele gives you experience in modern coloring, cutting techniques, nail trends as well as the classic styles. We have many male clients and some children, so you will be prepared for anything the salon has to offer.
Systems Beauty College Programs
P: 204-728-8843
E: [email protected]
Private Institution
The Canadian Beauty Academy
If you’re ready to take the first step towards a fulfilling career in beauty, The Canadian Beauty Academy is here to help. Our hairstyling, esthetics, nail tech, and lash tech programs are taught by experienced professionals and feature hands-on training to give you the skills you need to succeed.
The Canadian Beauty Academy
The Canadian Beauty Academy Info
P: 204-558-9023
E: [email protected]
If you’re ready to take the first step towards a fulfilling career in beauty, The Canadian Beauty Academy is here to help. Our hairstyling, esthetics, nail tech, and lash tech programs are taught by experienced professionals and feature hands-on training to give you the skills you need to succeed.
Private Institution
The School of Contemporary Dancers
P: 204-452-1239
E: [email protected]
104 – 211 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3P2
The School of Contemporary Dancers is recognized as a leading national centre for professional contemporary dance training in Canada. The School’s Professional Program is renowned across the country for the excellence of its training methods and high calibre of its students and graduates.
The School of Contemporary Dancers
The School of Contemporary Dancers – Professional Program
P: 204-452-1239
E: [email protected]
The Program focuses on developing dancers that are technically strong, and artistically dynamic and open. It is the objective of the Program to develop dancers that have the facility to manifest the diverse artistry required by different companies and choreographers. We view the essence of training to be the removal of obstacles limiting the emerging of the artist within. To be ‘technical’ is to be optimally unbounded and free.
Private Institution
United Transportation Driver Training

P: 204-326-4200
E: Online Contact Form
214 Centre Avenue / 132 Industrial Drive / 425 George Ave
Blumenort / Brandon / Winkler, Manitoba Canada
R0A 0C0 / R7A 7S5 / R6W 3N4
Our team of instructors has 375 years of combined experience, accumulating an immense amount of knowledge about trucking, safety and the industry that they gladly share with new drivers wanting a career behind the wheel. They also have over 85 years of combined Class 1 instructing experience. Most importantly, we offer a friendly learning environment where every student is encouraged and their achievements are celebrated. We want to see our students succeed in the trucking industry, whether they are company drivers, owner-operators or farmers hauling their own produce, and we do our best to make that happen. United has training locations in Blumenort, Brandon and Winkler Manitoba.
United Transportation Driver Training
United Transportation Driver Training Info
P: 204-326-4200
E: Online Contact Form
Our team of instructors has 375 years of combined experience, accumulating an immense amount of knowledge about trucking, safety and the industry that they gladly share with new drivers wanting a career behind the wheel. They also have over 85 years of combined Class 1 instructing experience. Most importantly, we offer a friendly learning environment where every student is encouraged and their achievements are celebrated. We want to see our students succeed in the trucking industry, whether they are company drivers, owner-operators or farmers hauling their own produce, and we do our best to make that happen. United has training locations in Blumenort, Brandon and Winkler Manitoba.
Junior College
University College of the North (UCN)

P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]
The Pas Campus Box 3000 – 436-7th Street East
Thompson Campus 55 UCN Drive
The Pas and Thompson Campuses
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7 / R8N 1L7
University College of the North (UCN) is the premier place for learning. Located in Northern Manitoba, our institution seeks to bring out the potential of our students and our local community, which consists of a young and growing population that is more than 70% Indigenous. UCN is positioned to contribute significantly to the social, cultural, and economic development in our region and the entire Manitoba province.
- UCN Learning Centres
- UCN Ininiwi kiskinwamakewin Centre
- UCN Mamawechetotan Centre
- UCN Indigenous and Northern Counselling Skills Program
- UCN Accessibility Accommodations
- UCN Bookstores
- UCN Centre for Career & Work Integrated Learning
- UCN Counsellors
- UCN Daycare Subsidy
- UCN Financial Aid and Awards Office
- UCN Student Housing
- UCN Library Services
- UCN Learner’s Assistance Centre
- UCN Tutoring Services
- UCN Online Writing Centre
- UCN Instructional Services
- UCN The Pas Campus Recreation Services
- UCN/Chemawawin Public Library
- UCN/Norway House Public Library
- UCN/Pukatawagan Public Library
- UCN Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program
- Northern Manitoba Mining Academy (NMMA)
- UCN Kenanow Bachelor Of Education Program
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Learning Centres
P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]
Locations Listed on weblink
, Manitoba Canada
University College of the North serves a region roughly the size of France! There are two main campuses in The Pas and Thompson as well as learning centres in 12 other Northern Manitoba communities. The centres offer recognized certificate, diploma, and degree programs right in the community, as well as a broad range of continuing education courses during evenings, daytime and weekends. The centres also customize or create courses that meet the specific needs of each community.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Ininiwi kiskinwamakewin Centre
P: 1-(866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]
Room 134A – 55 UCN Drive
Thompson Campus
Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R8N 1L7
The ininiwi kiskinwamakewin Centre nurtures a cultural environment that builds bridges and promotes balance to meet the needs of the UCN community. It can be found at UCN Thompson Campus, 55 UCN Drive in room 134A. “The people’s place of learning” is the interpretation of the name ininiwi kiskinwamakewin. The primary mandate of these Centres was and continues to be the promotion of Aboriginal culture and awareness as well as to support the incorporation of culturally proficient practices into all structures within the University College of the North. Activities and programs have included but have not been limited to: traditional drumming, traditional counseling, solstice potlucks, annual powwows, annual Elders gatherings, sharing circles and Traditional Persons Week presentations to support the incorporation of indigenous knowledge into the classroom.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Mamawechetotan Centre
P: 204-627-8698
E: [email protected]
436-7th Street East
The Pas Campus
The Pas, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7
The Mamawechetotan Centre is a beautiful space that provides a warm, welcoming environment for students to relax and socialize. It is an ideal place to interact with our resident and visiting Elders, fellow students, study, cook, utilize the computer lab, or just relax between classes. After hour’s accessibility are available please contact Centre Coordinator to make arrangements. The Mamawechetotan Centre located at The Pas Campus can be found next to the Enrolment Services Office inside the main entrance. We encourage and invite students to participate in the many Cultural, Family and Fun events that take place on campus, such as: ( posters and emails will be sent out prior to each event) Pipe Ceremonies (feast following pipe ceremony), Sweat Ceremonies, Craft Sessions, Baking in Cree Sessions, Acoustic Nights, Drumming/ Singing, Movie Nights, Lunch Guests – Sharing Knowledge Sessions, and much more. We also have the food pantry and Milk & Bread Coupons that can be used if needed.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Indigenous and Northern Counselling Skills Program
P: (204) 627-8802 (messages only)
E: [email protected]
Box 3000 436 – 7th Street East
The Pas Campus
The Pas, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7
The Indigenous and Northern Counselling Skills Program provides the knowledge and skills required to provide guidance and support in a culturally proficient and professional way for Indigenous and northern peoples. All courses reflect Indigenous worldviews, ways of knowing, and culture. Theories of healing and health also include Cognitive Behavioural, Strengths Based, and Solution Focused Counselling.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Accessibility Accommodations
P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]
UCN strives to ensure students who are registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) receive accommodations that they are entitled to in accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (Legislative Assembly of Manitoba) and Manitoba Human Rights Code.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Bookstores
P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: Online Contact Form
The Pas Campus 436 7th Street / Thompson Campus 55 UCN Drive
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7 / R8N 1L7
UCN has a bookstore at both The Pas Campus and the Thompson Campus. Purchases are accepted by cash, cheque, Interac, Visa or MasterCard and purchase order. If you are a sponsored student, we will invoice your sponsor for your textbooks; however, the Bookstore requires an authorization to invoice form indicating all pertinent information prior to releasing textbooks. If you do not have a copy of your authorization to invoice form, check with the Enrollment Services department.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Centre for Career & Work Integrated Learning
P: 204-627-8557 / 204-677-6473
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
The Pas Campus 436 7th Street / Thompson Campus 55 UCN Drive
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7 / R8N 1L7
Whether you’re a student seeking opportunities to earn while you learn, and gain professional workplace experience, or an employer seeking new talent, University College of the North Centre for Career & Work-Integrated Learning will get you connected to today’s workplace and tomorrow’s workforce. We offer a variety of programs, services and resources to meet your needs.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Counsellors
P: Toll Free: 1-866-627-8500 ext:8804 / Toll Free: 1-866-677-6450 ext:6459
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
The Pas Campus 436 7th Street / Thompson Campus 55 UCN Drive
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7 / R8N 1L7
University College of the North provides comprehensive counseling and referral services for students who may be going through a challenging time. The Student Counselling office is staffed by experienced counsellors and operate on a short term and confidential basis. Students in need of long-term counselling services can be provided with an appropriate referral.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Daycare Subsidy
P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]
Government subsidy for daycare and other services is available according to net family income. Talk to one of our counsellors for more information about subsidy applications. Email link through the main Student Resources Page.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Financial Aid and Awards Office
P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8517 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
University College of the North Financial Aid and Awards staff serve as a resource to students and prospective students seeking financial assistance-related information in the areas of sponsorship, awards, bursaries and scholarships and student loans. They offer personal assistance to students in completing various forms, including government financial aid documents and they also deliver informal training sessions related to student aid, awards and budgeting.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Student Housing
P: Toll Free: (866) 627-8500 / Toll Free: (866) 677-6450
Locations and applications online.
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
UCN offers three types of housing choices: Family Housing located in both Thompson and The Pas, Carroll Hall located in The Pas, and 11/21 Copper located in Thompson.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Library Services
UCN Libraries Information Gateway. The University College Libraries mission is to: support the curriculum of the University College of the North; provide resources to support the educational communities of Northern Manitoba; and to develop a research library to support the needs of the Aboriginal Studies Centre of the University. Promoting academic success by providing library services to users located not only on our campuses, but at remote community sites as needed. There are six physical locations where library materials are distributed, and an on-line presence to provide access to our electronic resources.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Learner’s Assistance Centre
P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8541 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
The Pas Campus Learners’ Assistance Centre (LAC) Room 130 B / Thompson Campus Room 107A – located in the library
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
The LAC offers free and confidential learning assistance provided to all students attending UCN. At the LAC we want our students to become better writers and critical thinkers. The goal is to help students develop their academic writing in a friendly and collaborative environment. To access services; students can walk-in, or make an appointment (preferred).
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Tutoring Services
P: Toll-free: 1-866-627-8500 Extension: 8541 / Toll-free: 1-866-677-6450 Extension: 6402
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
The Pas Campus Learners’ Assistance Centre (LAC) Room 130 B / Thompson Campus Room 107A – located in the library
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
The LAC utilizes peer tutors who are fellow students or recent graduates, who provide direct assistance in the college/university courses, at no cost to students. This provides opportunities for students to receive an honorarium for their invaluable work as a Peer Tutor. The Peer Tutor project is a joint venture between UCN’s Student Association Council and the UCN Learners’ Assistance Centre and is available for students who pay student association fees.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Online Writing Centre
E: Online Contact Links
FABS Online Writing Support. You can book a live Online Tutoring appointment by clicking on the Tutor’s Zoom link during the time slot of the Tutor. Arrange for your request ahead of time by making an appointment with the Tutor by email. You may book at 30 or 60 minute session.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Instructional Services
P: 204-620-5054 / 204 627-8563
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Instructional Services provides quality teaching and learning supports for distance, distributed and technology-mediated courses.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN The Pas Campus Recreation Services
P: 204-627-8535
E: [email protected]
The Pas Campus 436 7th Street
The Pas Campus
The Pas, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7
Recreation Services is comprised of one full time recreation coordinator and two part time student employees. The responsibilities cover many areas that directly relate to a student’s physical, mental, social and emotional health throughout their academic life at UCN. Services that are offered include intramural sports, competitive sports, special events that celebrate the seasons, personal training and nutritional services, group fitness classes, weight room/cardio room and other opportunities for skill development.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN/Chemawawin Public Library
P: 204-329-2995
E: [email protected]
14 Cree Crescent
Easterville, Manitoba Canada
R0C 0V0
The Regional Libraries strive to be their community’s information hub, as well as a strong partner with UCN, local Education Authorities, and Public Library Services of Manitoba. The libraries continue to grow their presence in each community, as well as the services provided to community patrons, UCN students and staff, and school students and staff. By hosting a variety of events and programs, a wide-range of patrons are encouraged to visit their local public library.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN/Norway House Public Library
P: 204-359-6296 ext: 5
E: [email protected]
P.O. Box 880
Norway House, Manitoba Canada
R0B 1B0
The Regional Libraries strive to be their community’s information hub, as well as a strong partner with UCN, local Education Authorities, and Public Library Services of Manitoba. The libraries continue to grow their presence in each community, as well as the services provided to community patrons, UCN students and staff, and school students and staff. By hosting a variety of events and programs, a wide-range of patrons are encouraged to visit their local public library.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN/Pukatawagan Public Library
P: 204-553-2027
E: [email protected]
P.O. Box 319
Pukatawagan, Manitoba Canada
R0B 1G0
The Regional Libraries strive to be their community’s information hub, as well as a strong partner with UCN, local Education Authorities, and Public Library Services of Manitoba. The libraries continue to grow their presence in each community, as well as the services provided to community patrons, UCN students and staff, and school students and staff. By hosting a variety of events and programs, a wide-range of patrons are encouraged to visit their local public library.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program
P: 204-627-8244
E: [email protected]
Thompson Campus 55 UCN Drive
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
The Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program is a research‐based pilot project that works to address gaps and barriers preventing northern women from entering IT jobs. More than 20 Indigenous women have been involved in introductory IT entry level training with seven of those proceeding into the full‐time Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) program at UCN.
University College of the North (UCN)
Northern Manitoba Mining Academy (NMMA)
P: (204) 687-7038
E: [email protected]
Our mission to provide innovative and responsible solutions for the creation of a knowledgeable, skilled, and sustainable workforce within a vibrant, mineral-rich resource industry. The Northern Manitoba Mining Academy facilitates strategic training initiatives and research activities to strengthen the social, economic, and environmental benefits of a robust mining sector.
University College of the North (UCN)
UCN Kenanow Bachelor Of Education Program
P: 1-866-627-8500 / 1-866-677-6450
E: [email protected]
The Pas Campus / Thompson Campus
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7 / R8N 1L7
The Kenanow Bachelor of Education is a northern-based and Aboriginal-focused teacher education program. The program melds the wisdom and guidance provided by Elders in northern Manitoba with the certification standards and academic expectations of Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning. University College of the North offers a Kenanow Bachelor of Education. This teacher education program combines the guidance and wisdom of northern Manitoba Elders with the academic expectations and certification standards of Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning.
University of Manitoba
We attract people from around the world who share our ideals and vision for positive change. We believe in embracing challenges and taking action. Our students, researchers and alumni bring their unique voices to learning and discovery, shaping new ways of doing things and contributing to important conversations in topics that matter most, from human rights to global health to climate change. We are where imagination and action collide.
- UM Fort Garry Campus
- UM Bannatyne Campus
- UM Academic Learning Centre
- UM Faculty of Law – Canadian Indigenous category Admission
- UM Faculty of Law – Manitoba Law School Foundation Entrance Scholarship
- UM Sport and Recreation Facilities
- UM Asper School of Business
- UM Asper School of Business – Experiential Learning
- UM Asper School of Business – Indigenous Business Studies (BComm) (Honours)
- UM Indigenous Business Education Partners (IBEP)
- UM Blankstein Momentum Program
- UM Campus Children’s Centre Inc.
- UM Career Services
- UM Career Resources for Indigenous Students
- UM Work-study program
- UM Indigenous Community Events
- UM Gaa-maamawabing – Gathering Place
- UM Faculty of Education Study Spaces and Labs
- UM Cooperative Education/ Integrated Work Program
- UM Crisis Support
- UM Engineering Access Program (ENGAP)
- UM Extended Education – Flexible Delivery and Intensive Programs
- UM Faculties, colleges and schools
- UM Resources for Bachelor of Education students
- UM Northern Social Work Program – Thompson
- UM Indigenous student awards
- UM Indigenous Graduate Student Support
- UM Indigenous Student Recruitment Team
- UM Mahkwa omushki kiim: Pathway to Indigenous Nursing Education (PINE)
- UM Mamawipawin – Indigenous Governance and Community Based Research Space
- UM Medicine Garden of Indigenous Learning
- UM – Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) – Migizii Agamik
- UM Office of Legal Counsel
- UM Ongomiizwin – Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing
- UM Qualico Bridge to Success
- UM Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship
- UM Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
- UM Student Advocacy
- UM Student Counselling Centre
- UM Student Peer Mentoring Program
- UM Student Housing – Residences Office
- UM Neechiwaken Indigenous Peer Mentor Program
- UM The Psychological Service Centre
- UM Learning Disabilities Services Clinic
- UM Food Bank – U of M Food Bank
- UM University Health Service
- UM Métis Students’ Association (MUSA)
- UM Student Union – UMSU
- UM Wawatay – Faculty of Science
- UM EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program
- UM Indigenous Circle of Empowerment
- UM Master of Social Work Indigenous Knowledges
- UM Department of Indigenous Studies
- UM Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Family Centre
- UM Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program (IYMP)
- UM Case Management
- UM Libraries
- UM Elder Profiles
- UM Computer Labs
- UM BookStore & Sponsored Student Info
- UM Dining Services – Meal Plans for Residence & Off Campus Students
- AISES University of Manitoba Chapter
- UM William Norrie Centre – Inner City Bachelor of Social Work Program
- UM Smartpark Research and Technology Park
- UM James W. Burns Executive Education Centre
- UM Glenlea Research Station
- UM Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre
- UM Ian N. Morrison Research Farm
- UM Community Engaged Learning – Working in Good Ways
- UM Community Engaged Learning – Land and Water: Land-based Education
- UM Sharing Circles with ISC Elders-in-Residence – For Students (In-Person)
- UM ZONGIIGABOWIN Men’s Sharing Circle
- UM Full Moon Ceremonies
- UM Career Mentor Program & Indigenous Career Mentor Program
- UM Access Program
- UM Indigenous Governance (BA)
- UM Sweat Lodge Prep Sessions and Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
- UM Monthly Beading Circle
- UM Parking
- UM Indigenous Faculty
- UM Indigenous Staff
- UM Centre for Human Rights Research
- UM Registrar’s Office
- UM Financial Aid and Awards
- UM Indigenous Students Association
- UM Indigenous Birding Club
- UM St. John’s College
- UM St. Paul’s College
- UM St. Andrew’s College
- UM Office of the VP Indigenous
- UM Fireside Chats: Talks on Indigenous Knowledges
- UM Dept. of Community Health Services – Get Your Benefits GYB!
- UM Bison Spirit Indigenous Leadership Program
University of Manitoba
UM Fort Garry Campus
P: 1-800-432-1960
66 Chancellors Cir
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Cradled in a bow of the Red River in a treed, green setting 20 minutes from the city centre, the historic Fort Garry campus encompasses more than 280 hectares. More than 60 major buildings host a range of world-class facilities including four colleges, laboratories, teaching and learning spaces, administrative and service offices, recreation facilities, research agencies, libraries and residences with open spaces and an interwoven network of streets, pedestrian pathways and plazas.
University of Manitoba
UM Bannatyne Campus
P: 204-789-3792
Bannatyne Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 0W2
The University of Manitoba’s downtown campus is a vibrant urban community adjacent to the Health Sciences Centre. Serving our province’s future health professionals, this nine-building complex focuses on collaboration across disciplines — and trains the doctors, nurses and other health care professionals that go on to serve throughout Manitoba and beyond.
University of Manitoba
UM Academic Learning Centre
P: 204-480-1481
E: [email protected]
173 Dafoe Rd.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M9
University of Manitoba
UM Faculty of Law – Canadian Indigenous category Admission
P: 204-480-1485
E: [email protected]
224 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Faculty of Law – Manitoba Law School Foundation Entrance Scholarship
P: 204-474-9531
E: [email protected]
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Award Number: 25133 Description: for a student who has accepted early admission to the Faculty of Law and has demonstrated both high academic achievement & the personal characteristics associated with the highest standards of the profession. Type: Scholarship Renewable: No Value: $5125 Number of awards: Variable. Open to all.
University of Manitoba
UM Sport and Recreation Facilities
P: Fort Garry: 204-474-6100 / Bannatyne: (204)789-3858
E: [email protected]
430 University Crescent
University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus & Bannatyne Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Asper School of Business
P: 204-474-6390
E: [email protected]
181 Freedman Cres
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4
University of Manitoba
UM Asper School of Business – Experiential Learning
P: 204-474-6390
E: [email protected]
181 Freedman Cres
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4
Benefit from our experiential approach to learning. Both in and out of the classroom, the Asper School of Business is committed to providing students with experiential learning opportunities to enhance their degrees. While tackling real issues, students build problem solving and leadership skills to prepare them for a rewarding career in business.
University of Manitoba
UM Asper School of Business – Indigenous Business Studies (BComm) (Honours)
P: 204-474-6388
E: [email protected]
181 Freedman Cres
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4
Join the only Indigenous Business Studies major of its kind in Canada. Gain a better understanding of the economic landscape and business opportunities with Indigenous partners.
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Business Education Partners (IBEP)
P: 204-474-7401
E: [email protected]
181 Freedman Cres.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4
University of Manitoba
UM Blankstein Momentum Program
P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]
114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Campus Children’s Centre Inc.
P: 204-474-9546
E: [email protected]
15 & 19 Dysart Rd
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M6
University of Manitoba
UM Career Services
P: 204-474-9456
E: [email protected]
65 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Career Resources for Indigenous Students
P: 204-474-9456
E: [email protected]
65 Chancellor’s Circle
Fort Garry Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
In addition to the services that exist on campus to support all students in their academic and career success, there are specific services that support Indigenous students in reaching their goals.
University of Manitoba
UM Work-study program
P: 204-474-9456
E: [email protected]
474 University Centre -65 Chancellor’s circle
Fort Garry Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Work-Study program offers part-time, on-campus employment for students with financial need during the school year. Apply to the program to gain valuable work experience and skills related to your field right on campus. The work-study program is coordinated by Financial Aid and Awards and Career Services. For more information about the program, contact us at [email protected] or 204-474-9456.
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Community Events
University of Manitoba
UM Gaa-maamawabing – Gathering Place
71 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Faculty of Education Study Spaces and Labs
P: 204-474-8574
E: [email protected]
71 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Faculty of Education is home to a number of shared spaces used by students, faculty and staff. Our computer lab has both Windows and Macintosh computers for daily use and offers photocopying and printing services.
University of Manitoba
UM Cooperative Education/ Integrated Work Program
P: 204-474-9432
E: [email protected]
212 John A. Russell Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M6
University of Manitoba
UM Crisis Support
P: FG: 204-474-8592 / B: 204-272-3190
Fort Garry Campus: Room 474 UMSU University Centre, 75A Chancellor’s Circle / Bannatyne Campus: Room S211 Medical Services Building, 750 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus & Bannatyne)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2 / R3E 0W2
University of Manitoba
UM Engineering Access Program (ENGAP)
P: 204-474-9872
E: [email protected]
75 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V6
University of Manitoba
UM Extended Education – Flexible Delivery and Intensive Programs
P: 204-474-8800
E: [email protected]
406 University Crescent
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Faculties, colleges and schools
P: 1-800-432-1960
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus & Bannatyne)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
With two main campuses in Winnipeg and over 100 programs across multiple faculties and schools, the University of Manitoba offers more learning, teaching and research opportunities than any other post-secondary institution in the province.
University of Manitoba
UM Resources for Bachelor of Education students
P: 204-474-9004
E: [email protected]
71 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Northern Social Work Program – Thompson
P: 204-677-1450
3 Station Road
Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R8N 0N3
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous student awards
P: 204-474-9531
E: [email protected]
65 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Graduate Student Support
P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]
424 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Student Recruitment Team
P: 204 474-8850
E: [email protected]
114 Sidney Smith Street
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Mahkwa omushki kiim: Pathway to Indigenous Nursing Education (PINE)
P: 204-474-7493
E: [email protected]
89 Curry Place
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Mamawipawin – Indigenous Governance and Community Based Research Space
183 Dafoe Rd
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M9
University of Manitoba
UM Medicine Garden of Indigenous Learning
University of Manitoba
UM – Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) – Migizii Agamik
P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]
114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
University of Manitoba
UM Office of Legal Counsel
P: 204-474-7843
E: [email protected]
E3-250 Engineering Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Ongomiizwin – Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing
P: 204-272-3167
E: [email protected]
P122 Pathology Building , 770 Bannatyne Ave
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3W 0W3
University of Manitoba
UM Qualico Bridge to Success
P: 204-474-8550
E: [email protected]
114 Sidney Smith St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship
P: 204-474-8808
E: [email protected]
181 Freedman Cres
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
P: 204-371-1069
E: [email protected]
65 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V4
University of Manitoba
UM Student Advocacy
P: 204-474-7423
E: [email protected]
65 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Student Counselling Centre
P: 204-474-8592
65 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Student Peer Mentoring Program
P: 204-474-9093
E: [email protected]
65 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Student Housing – Residences Office
P: 204-474-9922
E: [email protected]
120 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Neechiwaken Indigenous Peer Mentor Program
P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]
114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M6
University of Manitoba
UM The Psychological Service Centre
P: 204-474-9222
E: [email protected]
161 Dafoe Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Learning Disabilities Services Clinic
P: 204 474-8592
474 UMSU University Centre – 65 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Learning Disability Services Clinic (LDSC) is a service that provides assessments for learning disabilities related to reading, writing, and math as well as attention related problems to University of Manitoba students. The LDSC is operated jointly by the Student Counselling Centre (SCC) and the Psychological Service Centre (PSC), University of Manitoba.
University of Manitoba
UM Food Bank – U of M Food Bank
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM University Health Service
P: Fort Garry: 204-474-8411 / Bannatyne: 204-272-3148
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus & Bannatyne)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2 / R3E 0W2
University of Manitoba
UM Métis Students’ Association (MUSA)
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Student Union – UMSU
P: 204-474-8678
E: [email protected]
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Wawatay – Faculty of Science
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM EmpoweringU Financial Wellness Program
P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]
114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Circle of Empowerment
P: 204-915-8110
E: [email protected]
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Master of Social Work Indigenous Knowledges
P: 204-474-7050
E: [email protected]
173 Dafoe Rd. W
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Department of Indigenous Studies
P: 204-474-9266
E: [email protected]
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
For more than 40 years, the Department of Indigenous Studies (formerly Native Studies) has been an international leader in the field, committed to creating outstanding research, teaching and service relating to the historical and contemporary position of the Indigenous peoples of Canada.
University of Manitoba
UM Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Family Centre
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5V6
When you have family responsibilities, being a learner, educator or staff member can be a balancing act. The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Family Centre is here to help. We offer tools and resources to support you as you face life’s challenges and care for your loved ones while making the most of your time at Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. We’re also working hard to identify and address the family-related challenges our diverse community faces to provide a more family-friendly campus.
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program (IYMP)
Formerly called Rec and Read Mentorship Program for All Nations, IYMP is an after school program that provides healthy snacks, sports and games plus education. The program creates safe, relevant and meaningful sport spaces for Indigenous youth and young people living in diverse communities. The program encompasses nutrition, physical activity, education, building meaningful intercultural relationships and play. IYMP also runs summer programming and has resources and opportunities for youth and young adult employment.
University of Manitoba
UM Case Management
P: 204-474-7423
E: [email protected]
65 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Libraries
P: 204-474-9881
E: [email protected]
Find all 11 locations through the website.
Univeristy of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Elder Profiles
P: 204-474-8500
E: [email protected]
114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Computer Labs
See Website for all 13 locations.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
University of Manitoba
UM BookStore & Sponsored Student Info
P: 204-474-8321
E: [email protected]
140 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Dining Services – Meal Plans for Residence & Off Campus Students
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
AISES University of Manitoba Chapter
University of Manitoba
UM William Norrie Centre – Inner City Bachelor of Social Work Program
P: 204-668-8160
E: [email protected]
The Willian Norrie Centre on Selkirk Avenue is the campus for social work education for inner city residents. The Centre is the focal point for social work education, teaching students to serve the community with the same compassion Dr. Norrie showed throughout his life. The Inner City Social Work BSW Access Program at the William Norrie Centre is for mature students (21 and older) who have inner city or similar social service experience who have traditionally faced systemic barriers common to inner city life experience such as poverty, racism, school failure and marginalization.
University of Manitoba
UM Smartpark Research and Technology Park
P: 204-474-9720
E: [email protected]
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 6A8
Smartpark is a world-class research and technology park adjacent to the University of Manitoba, the most research-intensive university campus in the Province of Manitoba. The University of Manitoba’s Smartpark has the mandate to develop a designated 100 acres of university land as Smartpark Research & Technology Park. Smartpark’s vision is “Building a Community of Innovators” on the doorstep of the University of Manitoba.
University of Manitoba
UM James W. Burns Executive Education Centre
P: (204) 946-0232
E: [email protected]
The James W. Burns Executive Education Centre develops forward-thinking leaders who are prepared to meet the challenges of the future. We provide the executive training and professional development you need – when and where you need it.
University of Manitoba
UM Glenlea Research Station
P: 1 -204-883-2524
The Glenlea Research Station is located on Highway 75, approximately 20 km south of the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus. Glenlea was officially opened in June 1966 by then-premier Duff Roblin. The area consists of nine river lots which, when purchased in 1962, had comprised three separate farms. The station is operated by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences with financial support from Manitoba Agriculture and the University of Manitoba.
University of Manitoba
UM Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre
P: 1-204-883-2524
E: [email protected]
The Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre is a hands-on interpretive centre that allows children of all ages explore the ways food is grown, raised, and made in Canada.
University of Manitoba
UM Ian N. Morrison Research Farm
P: 204-474-8221
E: [email protected]
Located near Carman, Manitoba, this 406 acre facility provides the land base and equipment for plot field research.
University of Manitoba
UM Community Engaged Learning – Working in Good Ways
Please see the listing under Foundation of Reconciliation in the Cultural Awareness / Competency Training section of our website.
University of Manitoba
UM Community Engaged Learning – Land and Water: Land-based Education
P: 204-474-6992
E: [email protected]
All students are welcome to apply; Indigenous students will be prioritized. Indigenous youth (18-35) who are not enrolled at the UM are also encouraged to apply. The Land and Water program runs from November to June. During November, December and January, we’ll participate in immersive urban land-based experiences, as well as engaging online workshops and activities with Indigenous elders, knowledge holders and artists. From February to June, we’ll share what we’ve learned with high school youth in classrooms and on the land, as COVID-19 policies allow! This program is a great opportunity for urban Indigenous youth and students, 2S/LGBTQ+ youth and students, UM students and others to learn about Indigenous peoples enduring relationships with urban land and place.
University of Manitoba
UM Sharing Circles with ISC Elders-in-Residence – For Students (In-Person)
Indigenous Student Centre – 114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
[email protected]
All students are welcome to join (in person) the Sharing Circle with ISC Elder Norman Meade at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Sharing circles are safe spaces for students to share their experiences and receive teachings and support from an ISC Elder-in-Residence.
University of Manitoba
UM ZONGIIGABOWIN Men’s Sharing Circle
P: (204) 318-2928 / (204) 474-8618
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Circle Room – Migizii Agamik Bald Eagle Lodge -114 Sidney Smith St.
Fort Garry Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
A weekly gathering of Indigenous males coming together to explore their strengths and place in the university and society. The goal of the circle is to empower participants to achieve their academic and other personal goals. The meeting is a confidential and respectful space. Traditional knowledge and Western teachings will be called upon as guidelines. The group is open to those who: Are Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit), Identify as male, including those who are two-spirited, Connected to UM, e.g. as current students, alumni, prospective students and intimate partners, children (16-year or older), or family members of current students. For questions, please email: [email protected] or [email protected]
University of Manitoba
UM Full Moon Ceremonies
Circle Room – Migizii Agamik Bald Eagle Lodge -114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Welcome to a new cycle of Full Moon Ceremonies led by Vanessa Lillie. A Full moon Ceremony is a time to honour ourselves as women and gender diverse people and our relationship with Grandmother Moon. They are a time to come together and celebrate life. WHO IS IT FOR? Girls, Women, folks who identify as women and girls, gender diverse people and people who are on their Moon time. WHERE? Held in the Circle Room in the Indigenous Student Centre, 114 Sidney Smith Street. WHAT TO PREPARE? Please bring a piece of cloth for a tobacco offering and an item for the feast if you have the ability to do so. People have the option of wearing a skirt.
University of Manitoba
UM Career Mentor Program & Indigenous Career Mentor Program
The Career Mentor Program (CMP) helps students explore occupational options by connecting with industry professionals. Mentors provide advice and share experiences and knowledge to help students formulate their career plans. The Career Mentor Program runs through the academic year, from September to April. The 2021/22 application deadline is April 20th. The Indigenous Career Mentor Program (ICMP) commences Fall 2022 and supports indigenous students. Indigenous Career Mentors provide career guidance and industry information to support student success.
University of Manitoba
UM Access Program
P: 204-474-8850
E: [email protected]
Room 221 – 114 Sidney Smith St
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Governance (BA)
P: 204-474-9266
E: [email protected]
Program inquiries – Department of Indigenous Studies – Room 215 Isbister Building
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Our Indigenous governance program (formerly Aboriginal governance) is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the study of traditional knowledge, political governance and Indigenous business and economics. Students in the program will also complete a Minor in Business.
University of Manitoba
UM Sweat Lodge Prep Sessions and Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
Ceremony grounds behind Migizii Agamik – 114 Sidney Smith
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Sweat Lodge on the grounds of the Fort Garry Campus is ready! The Sweat Lodge ceremony is for cleansing and healing. This lodge has been built to holistically support Indigenous UM students, UM students, and UM community in culturally grounded ways that promote inclusive learning opportunities, understanding and reconciliation. Sweat Lodge Teaching Preparation Sessions are intended for people to learn more about the ceremony, teachings, and how to prepare to attend your first ceremony. It is mandatory to attend a session before entering the lodge for ceremony. Inclusive ceremonies will be held throughout the summer and upcoming academic year.
University of Manitoba
UM Monthly Beading Circle
Migizii Agamik – 114 Sidney Smith St
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Join in to foster community and kinship with a Monthly Beading Circle! This is a time for the Indigenous community on campus to gather, connect, and craft. Feel free to bring your lunch, a project, and yourself to Migizii Agamik on the last Monday of every month. Beading supplies will be provided, and all Indigenous students and staff are welcome! This will be in the Circle Room of Migizii Agamik.
University of Manitoba
UM Parking
P: 204-474-9483
E: [email protected]
Office of Parking & Transportation, Welcome Centre, 423 University Crescent
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
We’re committed to providing environmentally sustainable, innovative and professionally-managed parking & transportation options for our students, faculty, staff and visitors.
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Faculty
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus & Bannatyne)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Covering a wide-range of research and study, Indigenous faculty provide a diverse set of experiences and expertise to UM. Many Indigenous faculty produce and share knowledge(s) and research on matters that specifically impact Indigenous communities. Others are role models for Indigenous students and upcoming Indigenous researchers, creating interest in fields of study where Indigenous peoples have been historically underrepresented. All of these contributions are essential in shaping the landscape of learning at UM, as well as transforming the lives of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and communities.
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Staff
P: 204-474-8850 / 1-800-432-1960, ext. 8850 (Toll-free in Manitoba)
E: [email protected] / [email protected]
Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge, 114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Indigenous Student Recruitment team, The Indigenous Student Centre team, Indigenous Student Centre advisors The Indigenous Leadership Programming team & Indigenous Engagement and Communications team.
University of Manitoba
UM Centre for Human Rights Research
P: 204-474-6453
E: [email protected]
442 Robson Hall
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Centre for Human Rights Research (CHRR) was established in 2012 to bring together people and organizations – both within and outside the University of Manitoba – to enhance interdisciplinary and collaborative research capacity, create richer training opportunities for students, and facilitate the fusion of research-driven knowledge, public policy and intellectual debate on issues related to human rights and social justice. The centre aims to facilitate research that is both academically rigorous and accessible to the public.
University of Manitoba
UM Registrar’s Office
P: 204-474-9420 / 1-877-474-9420 (toll free)
E: Online Contact Form
400 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Registrar’s Office provides services related to registration and academic records. Students are encouraged to explore this website and all related pages; the information here will help you through your academic journey!
University of Manitoba
UM Financial Aid and Awards
P: 204-474-9531
E: [email protected]
422 UMSU University Centre, 66 Chancellors Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The University of Manitoba issues more than $35 million to students each year in the form of scholarships and bursaries. Find out how you can access funding so you can focus on your studies.
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Students Association
Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge, 114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Connecting with other students is highly recommended as a way to gain a sense of community and belonging on campus. Several student groups have been established by, and for, Indigenous students. Through them, you can explore peer-to-peer support as well as the resources, events and activities they offer, including the opportunity to join a student council.
University of Manitoba
UM Indigenous Birding Club
Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge, 114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Our club is dedicated to promoting the profound benefits of connecting with nature for mental health and wellness. We believe that spending time in the great outdoors has a transformative impact on our well-being, and we strive to create opportunities for UM Indigenous students, staff, and faculty to get on the land and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. One of our primary objectives is to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indigenous knowledge of birds. Birds hold significant cultural and spiritual importance in Indigenous traditions, and through our club activities, we aim to honor and share this rich heritage. We seek to create a space where Indigenous knowledge of birds can be celebrated, preserved, and passed down to future generations.
University of Manitoba
UM St. John’s College
P: (204) 474-8531 / Toll Free: 1-800-432-1960 Ext: 8531
E: [email protected]
92 Dysart Road
92 Dysart Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M5
St John’s College is a small, close-knit community that features an active student association, additional scholarships and bursaries and student supports. For only $10 a term, students will find their home away from home.
University of Manitoba
UM St. Paul’s College
P: 204-474-8575
E: [email protected]
70 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M6
St. Paul’s College at the University of Manitoba is the only Catholic higher education institution in Manitoba and is endorsed by the Canadian Province of the Society of Jesus. The College offers a unique, small community experience within the larger University of Manitoba community and is a hub for your academic, social and spiritual needs. Membership benefits include access to scholarships and bursaries, student retreats, events, free lockers and study carrel rooms.
University of Manitoba
UM St. Andrew’s College
P: (204)474-8895
E: [email protected]
29 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2M7
St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg traces its beginnings to the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Seminary which was established in Winnipeg in 1932. The College exists to promote Orthodox spirituality, academic excellence, cultural awareness, and leadership within the Church, the Ukrainian Canadian Community and Canadian society.
University of Manitoba
UM Office of the VP Indigenous
P: 204-474-8904
E: [email protected]
Room 202C Administration building, 66 Chancellor’s Circle
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Vice-President (Indigenous) leads the development and implementation of a university-wide strategy that promotes reconciliation, advances UM’s commitment to Indigenous engagement and achievement through initiatives, programs, curriculum and research and addresses anti-Indigenous racism. Guided by Indigenous-focused principles, this work is done in partnership with executive leadership, deans and directors. The Vice-President (Indigenous) position was established in October 2019. Dr. Catherine Cook was appointed to the role for a period beginning Jan. 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022.
University of Manitoba
UM Fireside Chats: Talks on Indigenous Knowledges
Migizii Agamik Circle Room -Bald Eagle Lodge, 114 Sidney Smith St.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) is pleased to announce that Elder Carl Stone is hosting Fireside Chats during the Fall 2023 term. Fireside Chats will take place weekly and will be presented in a hybrid format with the in-person portion being held in the Circle Room in Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge or streamed via Zoom. The speaker list is subject to change. Please email [email protected] for the Zoom link. If you receive requests to share the link, please refer the request to this email address as well.
University of Manitoba
UM Dept. of Community Health Services – Get Your Benefits GYB!
P: 204-789-3657
E: [email protected]
Get Your Benefits! Manitoba Centre for Health Policy – 408 – 727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 3P5
A plain language booklet designed specifically for Manitobans, Get Your Benefits! lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals may be eligible for including prenatal benefits, disability benefits, Canada Child Benefit, Old Age Security and more. Such benefits and supports can provide more income and contribute to an individual or a family’s better health and well-being.
University of Manitoba
UM Bison Spirit Indigenous Leadership Program
P: 431-338-1998
E: [email protected]
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2
Bison Spirit is a dynamic co-curricular leadership development program specifically designed for new Indigenous UM students who have completed less than 30 credit hours of coursework. Bison Spirit gathers twice a month during the academic year. Each gathering begins with a shared dinner, followed by sessions on Indigenous leadership led by esteemed guests, engaging team-building activities, professional workshops, and/or check-ins to ensure the well-being and success of all participants.
University of Winnipeg
We offer high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs including several that are unique in Western Canada: for example, a Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights, and a Master’s degree in Development Practice with a focus on Indigenous Development. Our graduates value their educational experience, as UWinnipeg is known for small class sizes, academic excellence and commitment to Indigenous inclusion.
- UW Indigenous Student Services Centre (ISSC)
- UW ISSC Elders in Residence
- UW Transition Year Program
- UW Academic Advising
- UW Awards and Financial Aid
- UW Recreation Services
- UW Career Services
- UW Department of Criminal Justice
- UW Financial Advising
- UW Peer Educators
- UW Health Plan
- UW High School Enrichment Program
- UW Human Rights practicum (HR-3510) at the Global College
- UW Indigenous Orientation
- UW Model School
- UW Adjacent Muse Flats
- UW Opportunity Fund
- UW Orientation
- UW Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE)
- UW Human Rights and Diversity Office
- UW Sexual Violence Support
- UW Counselling Services
- UW Health Services
- UWSA Foodbank
- UW Study Skills Workshops
- University of Winnipeg Faculty of Graduate Studies Indigenous Pathway Programs
- UWSA – The University of Winnipeg Students Association
- UWSA U-Pass Bus Pass or Post-Secondary Semester Passes
- University of Winnipeg Bookstore
- UWSA Day Care
- UW Adjacent West Broadway Commons -167 Colony Street
- UW Adjacent Downtown Commons – 320 Colony Street
- UW Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre
- UW Work Study Program
- AISES University of Winnipeg Chapter
- UW Indigenous UWinnipeg
- UW Community-based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP)
- UWinnipeg Library
- UW Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)
- UW Accessibility Services
University of Winnipeg
UW Indigenous Student Services Centre (ISSC)
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW ISSC Elders in Residence
P: 204-786-9818
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Avenue
Lockhart Hall
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Transition Year Program
P: 204-786-9818
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Avenue
Lockhart Hall
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Academic Advising
P: 204-786-9257
E: [email protected]
489 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3
University of Winnipeg
UW Awards and Financial Aid
P: 204-779-8946
E: [email protected]
University of Winnipeg
UW Recreation Services
P: 204-786-9349/204-988-7634
E: [email protected]
400 Ellice Ave & 350 Spence Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
University of Winnipeg
UW Career Services
P: 204-988-7634
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Department of Criminal Justice
P: 204-786-9104
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Financial Advising
P: 204-779-8946
E: [email protected]
2nd Floor, Rice Building – 489 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3
University of Winnipeg
UW Peer Educators
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Health Plan
P: 204-786-9992
E: [email protected]
Bulman Students Centre, Room 0R04 – 515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW High School Enrichment Program
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Human Rights practicum (HR-3510) at the Global College
P: 204-988-7105
E: [email protected]
Menno Simons College Building Room 1MS20 – 520 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Indigenous Orientation
P: 204-786-9865
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Model School
P: 204-258-2961
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Adjacent Muse Flats
P: 204-262-1038
E: Online Contact Form
290 Colony St
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 1B5
University of Winnipeg
UW Opportunity Fund
P: 204-987-8661 ext. 672
E: [email protected]
614 – 294 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0B9
University of Winnipeg
UW Orientation
E: Online Contact Form
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE)
P: 204-982-6633
E: [email protected]
2nd floor, Buhler Centre – 460 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0E8
University of Winnipeg
UW Human Rights and Diversity Office
P: 204-988-7508
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Sexual Violence Support
P: 204-230-6660
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Counselling Services
P: 204-986-7811
E: [email protected]
University of Winnipeg
UW Health Services
P: 204-786-9496
1D24, Duckworth Centre – 400 Spence St
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
UWSA Foodbank
University of Winnipeg
UW Study Skills Workshops
P: 204-786-9257
E: Online Contact Form
1st Floor, Rice Centre – 489 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E3
University of Winnipeg Faculty of Graduate Studies Indigenous Pathway Programs
P: 204-786-9309
E: [email protected]
599 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2G3
UWSA – The University of Winnipeg Students Association
P: 204-786-9787
E: [email protected]
0R30-515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
UWSA U-Pass Bus Pass or Post-Secondary Semester Passes
0R30-515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg Bookstore
P: (204) 258-2909
E: [email protected]
University of Winnipeg
UWSA Day Care
P: 204-786-9898
E: [email protected]
University of Winnipeg
UW Adjacent West Broadway Commons -167 Colony Street
P: 204-262-1038
E: Online Contact Form
167 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 1B7
University of Winnipeg
UW Adjacent Downtown Commons – 320 Colony Street
P: 204-262-1038
E: [email protected]
320 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 0S8
University of Winnipeg
UW Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre
P: 204-258-2951
E: [email protected]
Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre, 511 Ellice Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
University of Winnipeg
UW Work Study Program
P: 204-786-9459
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
AISES University of Winnipeg Chapter
UW Indigenous UWinnipeg
P: 204-789-4281
E: [email protected]
The Office of Indigenous Engagement at the University of Winnipeg provides a number of different events, programs, and supports for faculty, staff, students, and community members. We are a senior administrative unit that provides programming through the Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre, offers direct support to faculty through the Academic Lead, and works with a variety of stakeholders and Senior Administration to ensure Indigenous presence across the campus through the Associate Vice President of Indigenous Engagement.
University of Winnipeg
UW Community-based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP)
P: 204-789-1415
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
If you share a passion for education and fostering the development of children and teens, the opportunity to take your career one step further is available. You can attain a university degree and become a certified teacher while working in a school as an Educational Assistant through the Community-based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP). It has long been recognized that there is an under-representation of Aboriginal people in the teaching profession. CATEP is designed to provide Aboriginal Educational Assistants with the opportunity to complete the requirements of the Integrated BA/BEd, while continuing to work full-time in a partner school division. Students accepted into CATEP will work in their school division from September to April, while attending classes part-time in the evenings. During the spring they will be released from their positions to attend university classes full-time. The program takes an average of 6 years to complete. Students will graduate with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees. Their teaching major will be English, and they will focus on Early and Middle Years (K-8) education. All course content will have an emphasis on Aboriginal perspectives.
University of Winnipeg
UWinnipeg Library
P: 204-786-9808
E: [email protected]
The Library’s mission is to sustainably develop, preserve and make accessible UWinnipeg’s knowledge and cultural resources in support of teaching and research. We are a core academic service that provides the spaces and services necessary for our students, faculty, and community researchers to discover, create, access and use these resources.
University of Winnipeg
UW Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)
P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]
Room 1M35 NW Manitoba Hall, Main Floor, 515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
The University of Winnipeg, Accessibility Services (AS) and Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) facilitate and promote the ongoing development of an accessible learning environment which provides students with disabilities, mental health concerns, medical conditions and temporary injuries the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of campus life.
University of Winnipeg
UW Accessibility Services
P: 204-786-9771
E: [email protected]
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9
Assistance and academic accommodations are available to students with eligible disabilities or medical conditions. If you are interested in learning more about these accommodations and supports, please contact Accessibility Services to make an appointment with an Accessibility Advisor.
Private Institution
Wellington College
Become one of the most sought-after massage therapists at Manitoba’s oldest massage therapy college.
Wellington College
Wellington College Info
P: 204-957-2402
E: [email protected]
Become one of the most sought-after massage therapists at Manitoba’s oldest massage therapy college.
Private Institution
Willis College

P: 204-956-4708
E: Online Contact Form
265 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1N9
PrairieView School of Photography in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is now Willis College! For the last 20 years, PrairieView School of Photography has helped Winnipegers develop a passion for photography and start the careers of many well-known Winnipeg photographers. In 2019, PrairieView School of Photography was acquired by Willis College. Expanding upon its original program offerings, Willis College in Winnipeg now offers career training in business, technology, and health along with the newly created Faculty of Design & Photography.
Willis College
Willis College Info
P: 204-956-4708
PrairieView School of Photography in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is now Willis College! For the last 20 years, PrairieView School of Photography has helped Winnipegers develop a passion for photography and start the careers of many well-known Winnipeg photographers. In 2019, PrairieView School of Photography was acquired by Willis College. Expanding upon its original program offerings, Willis College in Winnipeg now offers career training in business, technology, and health along with the newly created Faculty of Design & Photography.
Private Institution
Winnipeg Aviation
Winnipeg Aviation has been a leader in the flight training industry for over 45 years. We value safety and professionalism above all else. At Winnipeg Aviation, we believe in demanding the most from our students because they demand the most from us.
Winnipeg Aviation
Winnipeg Aviation Courses
P: 204-338-7923
E: [email protected]
Whether you are looking to enroll in one of our Private, Recreational or Commercial Programs to pursue your passion for flying, or are looking to enhance your skills with a Night Endorsement, Instrument Rating, Multi-Engine Rating or Instructor Rating, Winnipeg Aviation can help.
Post-secondary Preparation
Preparatory Institution
Children of the Earth High School
Children of the Earth High School is a special place that combines a strong academic focus with an additional emphasis on Indigenous cultural teaching and learning. Our teachers and staff support balanced student learning and growth across physical, academic, social, and spiritual fields. We strive to empower the urban Indigenous youth that make up our student body, and we invite active parent involvement at our school. Our north star goal is to produce graduates that are prepared to contribute their gifts and talents back to their community and to help themselves and others to live a good life. Cultural learning activities are offered daily throughout the year along with monthly and seasonal ceremonies. Students will take part in smudging, medicine harvesting, pipe ceremonies, sweats, feasts, and receive traditional teachings from our school knowledge keepers and community elders. All Children of the Earth students are required to be enrolled in either Cree or Ojibwe language classes for grade 9-12. Reclaiming language is an essential part of reclaiming our identities as Indigenous people and we emphasize this importance with our students through this requirement. Children of the Earth High School has a free breakfast program and lunch program for all students.
Children of the Earth High School
Children of the Earth High School Information
P: 204-589-6383
E: [email protected]
Children of the Earth High School is a special place that combines a strong academic focus with an additional emphasis on Indigenous cultural teaching and learning. Our teachers and staff support balanced student learning and growth across physical, academic, social, and spiritual fields. We strive to empower the urban Indigenous youth that make up our student body, and we invite active parent involvement at our school. Our north star goal is to produce graduates that are prepared to contribute their gifts and talents back to their community and to help themselves and others to live a good life. Cultural learning activities are offered daily throughout the year along with monthly and seasonal ceremonies. Students will take part in smudging, medicine harvesting, pipe ceremonies, sweats, feasts, and receive traditional teachings from our school knowledge keepers and community elders. All Children of the Earth students are required to be enrolled in either Cree or Ojibwe language classes for grade 9-12. Reclaiming language is an essential part of reclaiming our identities as Indigenous people and we emphasize this importance with our students through this requirement. Children of the Earth High School has a free breakfast program and lunch program for all students.
Frontier School Division
As the largest geographical school division in Manitoba, spanning 75% of the province’s land mass, we are fortunate to be part of a large number of communities – some of which are often only accessible by boat, air, rail or winter ice road. We are committed to building and maintaining relationships across the diverse communities that comprise Frontier as they play an important role in the strength of our division. Reflecting this diversity in cultural activities and programs enhances the knowledge of our students and their awareness of their own and other cultures. We are fortunate to be able to blend traditional and innovative learning to reflect the needs and aspirations of each area.
- Frontier School Division Info
- Frontier School Division Indigenous Way of Life
- Frontier School Division Adult Education
Frontier School Division
Frontier School Division Info
P: (204) 775-9741
E: [email protected]
30 Speers Rd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2J 1L9
As the largest geographical school division in Manitoba, spanning 75% of the province’s land mass, we are fortunate to be part of a large number of communities – some of which are often only accessible by boat, air, rail or winter ice road. We are committed to building and maintaining relationships across the diverse communities that comprise Frontier as they play an important role in the strength of our division. Reflecting this diversity in cultural activities and programs enhances the knowledge of our students and their awareness of their own and other cultures. We are fortunate to be able to blend traditional and innovative learning to reflect the needs and aspirations of each area.
Frontier School Division
Frontier School Division Indigenous Way of Life
P: (204) 775-9741
E: [email protected]
30 Speers Rd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2J 1L9
Our vision, supported by Frontier School Policies, will guide us in ensuring that children, caregivers, staff, and community members have an opportunity to learn about the rich cultural histories and significant contributions that have been made by Indigenous peoples in Canada. This will include opportunities to engage and participate in cultural teachings, ceremonies, Knowledge Keepers/Elders circles, languages classes, history courses, workshops, and activities to promote and build the kind of positive relationships called upon us by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in 2015.
Frontier School Division
Frontier School Division Adult Education
P: (204) 775-9741
E: [email protected]
30 Speers Rd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2J 1L9
At Frontier, we work in partnership with our communities to provide high-quality education for adult learners to develop the skills, knowledge and attitude essential for their successful participation in society. We offer a wide selection of courses to help participants obtain the Mature Student High School Diploma and other educational goals. Our Adult Learning Centres are located in 21 communities throughout the division
Private Institution
Louis Riel Institute
As the Educational Authority for the Manitoba Métis Federation, the Louis Riel Institute promotes, builds capacity and supports the heritage and history of Métis in Manitoba through efficient, effective, culturally sensitive programs and activities.
Louis Riel Institute
Louis Riel Institute Adult Learning Centre
P: 204-984-9480
E: [email protected]
Louis Riel Institute
Louis Riel Vocational College
P: 204-984-9480
E: [email protected]
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
MFNERC Programs
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre has many programs and resources for both parents and educators. The programs include Early Learning, Inclusive Education, Numeracy and Literacy, Physical Education & Health and the Training Institute for professional development.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
MFNERC Job Bank – Employment Postings
P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]
Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9
Job postings for MFNERC, Manitoba First Nations School System (MFNSS) and External postings. Please be advised that the Successful candidates for MFNERC positions must provide satisfactory criminal and child abuse registry checks. Incomplete applications will not be considered. No phone calls will be accepted, and only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)
Wapaskwa Virtual Collegiate
P: 204-831-1224
E: Online Contact Form
For more than a decade, WVC helps First Nation communities in Manitoba by offering online course options to high school students to complete their Senior-year education. Students expand their horizons and skillsets by joining an interactive cohort of First Nation students registered in the online class. A variety of high school subjects are available and are delivered online in a safe, secure environment. WVC offers an expanded calendar of courses, some not available at local schools, which ensures students attain the proper credits needed for high school graduation or post-secondary entrance requirements at either university or college (industry-specific trades). Our teachers and staff are incredibly supportive in ensuring all WVC students receive the best educational experience possible.
Preparatory Institution
R.B. Russell Vocational High School
R.B. Russell Vocational High School facilitates an inclusive learning environment that is engaging, relevant and safe. R.B. Russell lists Indigenous programming and supports under the Activities and Partners PDF as part of the Mission Statement. This includes a Cultural Round House for cultural teachings, Integration of Aboriginal perspectives into academic and vocational curricula, In-house Elders, and Sharing circles with students led by Aboriginal Learning Support Teacher.
R.B. Russell Vocational High School
R.B. Russell Vocational High School Info
P: 204-589-5301
E: [email protected]
R.B. Russell is a vocational high school. The school offers 10 Vocational Programs: Level One Apprenticeship Standing – Culinary Arts, Building Construction, Hairstyling Sr. Years Technology High School Diploma Mature Student Diploma Pre-Industry Training Program Indigenous Leadership Development Institute Construction Program Active Parent/Community Council World Of Work Centre. Cross curricular unit and lesson plan development/ delivery between academic and vocational programs is a priority. Students develop electronic online academic & vocational learning portfolios for self assessment and ongoing learning. Students learn about and plan for the future in regards to work and post-secondary opportunities, including the High School Apprenticeship Program. Aboriginal perspectives are integrated into academic and vocational curricula to strengthen student learning outcomes. Respect/Belonging/Responsibility are the foundation words on which we build our school community. We have an active student voice (council) to build leadership capacity within the student body. Technology is a resource embedded in current curriculum and assessment practices. New technology supports instructional strategies. R.B. Russell has a student group called the Rainbow Eagle Feather; R. B. Russell’s Gay-Straight Alliance.
Preparatory Institution
Southeast Collegiate

P: 204-261-3551 / 1-833-821-0277
E: [email protected]
1269 Lee Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5W8
Southeast Collegiate is the only school of its kind in all of Canada. It serves as a campus to First Nations students during the school year – educating them in a beautiful school facility and housing them in the adjoining lodge.
Southeast Collegiate History
P: 204-261-3551 / 1-833-821-0277
E: [email protected]
Southeast College was established as a private high school (Grades 10 to 12) in 1995-96 by The Southeast Tribal Council, incorporated as Southeast Resource Development Council Corporation (SERDC). The SERDC includes the communities of Bloodvein First Nation, Little Grand Rapids, Brokenhead, Pauingassi First Nation, Buffalo Point First Nation, Black River First Nation, Hollow Water, Berens River and Poplar River. Many of these SERDC communities lacked high schools and from this need arose the vision for a centrally located education facility. Situated within the city of Winnipeg and nestled on approximately 40 acres, the purchase of the former Nazarene College seemed like the ideal opportunity and location. SEC is unlike any other school in Canada. It is a unique facility that not only educates its students, but also houses the student body on site while nourishing the culture of First Nations in many of its day to day operations.
Preparatory Institution
Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)
The WAEC offers high school educational opportunities to adult students seeking to complete a grade 12 diploma, upgrade for post-secondary education and/or strengthen employment opportunities. Since 1968, the WSD has operated the WAEC as a strategy to improve graduation rates in the WSD. It also serves as an anti-poverty strategy, improving educational outcomes for hundreds of Indigenous and Newcomer students. Primarily offering the Mature Student Diploma, approximately 200 students graduate per year from WAEC and hundreds more upgrades to meet post-secondary requirements. Many students also use their diploma to improve their prospects for entering the work force. The Adolescent Parent Centre provides high school education to pregnant and parenting adolescents and young women and provides childcare for students while they attend school. We are committed to attaining our overall goals of credit attainment and student engagement. We strive to maintain an inclusive environment for students by offering a true continuous intake model, an RPL (Recognizing Prior Learning) program and allowing students to access content in a variety of ways. WAEC offers continuous intake which allows students to enroll in school at any point throughout the school year.
Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)
P: 204-947-1674
E: [email protected]
The WAEC offers high school educational opportunities to adult students seeking to complete a grade 12 diploma, upgrade for post-secondary education and/or strengthen employment opportunities. Since 1968, the WSD has operated the WAEC as a strategy to improve graduation rates in the WSD. It also serves as an anti-poverty strategy, improving educational outcomes for hundreds of Indigenous and Newcomer students. Primarily offering the Mature Student Diploma, approximately 200 students graduate per year from WAEC and hundreds more upgrades to meet post-secondary requirements. Many students also use their diploma to improve their prospects for entering the work force. The Adolescent Parent Centre provides high school education to pregnant and parenting adolescents and young women and provides childcare for students while they attend school. We are committed to attaining our overall goals of credit attainment and student engagement. We strive to maintain an inclusive environment for students by offering a true continuous intake model, an RPL (Recognizing Prior Learning) program and allowing students to access content in a variety of ways. WAEC offers continuous intake which allows students to enroll in school at any point throughout the school year.
Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)
WAEC ALC – Kaakiyow li moond likol
P: 204-582-9579
E: [email protected]
Kaakiyow li moond likol Adult Learning Centre is a satellite school of Winnipeg Adult Education Centre. It is located inside Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre, at 510 King Street. The name Kaakiyow li moond likol is from the Michif language, meaning “All peoples’ school.” Our learning centre was created in 2007 as response to the community members’ voices stating the need for a place to learn, to earn a high school diploma, and to continue moving toward their dreams. Kaakiyow li moond likol is an adult learning centre that offers approved Manitoba curriculum courses to adults so that they can achieve their high school diploma. Kaakiyow li moond likol is open to all people aged 19 or older. We may ask you to do a math and English assessment so that we can help you choose the courses that will best suit your skill level.
Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)
WAEC ALC River Osborne Campus
P: 204-947-1674
E: [email protected]
Located inside the River Osborne Community Centre at 101 Pembina Highway, R.O.O.C.S is easily accessible to almost everyone. A wide array of bus routes right outside the front door makes getting to and from school a breeze.The courses are taught with a small student-to-teacher ratio, which allows for relief from one of the biggest stresses associated with going to school: not being able to get help. Students and certified teachers interact on an adult-to-adult basis. The classes offered and environment make for a successful combination. Anyone who is 19 years of age or older can attend. Potential students must register, in person, at the WAEC main campus at 310 Vaughan Street. Call 204-947-1674 to find out what you need to bring.
WAEC Adolescent Parent Centre
WAEC Adolescent Parent Centre
P: 204-775-5440
E: [email protected]
The Adolescent Parent Centre, located at 136 Cecil Street, is a program of the Winnipeg Adult Education Centre. This school provides academic courses for parenting and pregnant women through junior and senior high years. Individualized instruction and continuous intake allow students to continue their schooling while they are pregnant. Students can remain at the centre until their child reaches two years of age or they reach 21. Senior high students obtain graduate standing or credits towards graduation following Manitoba Education curricula. Infant labs, which are maintained collaboratively between professional staff and students, provide a supervised and educative environment for mother and child. Any teenager who is pregnant or who already has a child may register.
Preparatory Institution
Adult Learning Centre – Seven Oaks School Division

P: (204) 632-1716
E: [email protected]
950 Jefferson Ave.
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2P 1W1
At Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre we offer a Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma of Provincially approved curriculum that is recognized by employers, community colleges and universities. Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre provides a no cost, flexible schedule, with experienced and qualified instruction in a number of subject areas. Computers are available for the use of registered students. Many are linked to the Internet, and have a variety of programs available for student use. The Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre offers courses needed to complete a Mature Student Diploma, the regular High School Diploma or to upgrade credits for post-secondary education or work. Courses are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening to allow working students to schedule around their work and family lives. We are committed to helping students learn the study skills and work skills that adults need to succeed in our studies and work place. We offer a friendly, helpful staff in an adult climate.
Adult Learning Centre – Seven Oaks School Division
Adult Learning Centre – Seven Oaks School Division Info
P: (204) 632-1716
E: [email protected]
At Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre we offer a Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma of Provincially approved curriculum that is recognized by employers, community colleges and universities. Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre provides a no cost, flexible schedule, with experienced and qualified instruction in a number of subject areas. Computers are available for the use of registered students. Many are linked to the Internet, and have a variety of programs available for student use. The Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre offers courses needed to complete a Mature Student Diploma, the regular High School Diploma or to upgrade credits for post-secondary education or work. Courses are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening to allow working students to schedule around their work and family lives. We are committed to helping students learn the study skills and work skills that adults need to succeed in our studies and work place. We offer a friendly, helpful staff in an adult climate.
Continuing Education – St. James-Assiniboia School Division
P: 204-832-9637
470 Hamilton Avenue
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2Y 1M1
St. James-Assiniboia School Division offers a wide array of programs and services in an effort to achieve our strategic outcomes. Please find a comprehensive list on the webpage.
Continuing Education – St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Continuing Education – St. James-Assiniboia School Division Programs and Services
P: 204-832-9637
St. James-Assiniboia School Division offers a wide array of programs and services in an effort to achieve our strategic outcomes. Please find a comprehensive list on the webpage.
This is a not-for-profit organization offering three programs, each being supported by different funders. All programs follow criteria approved by each of the funders. Students are taught by Manitoba certified teachers following Manitoba curricula. Staff are dedicated, caring professionals who take pride in working with students to help them achieve their goals. The environment is comfortable, welcoming, relaxed, and technologically equipped. No tuition fees are charged for any of the programs.
Jobworks Programs
P: 204-453-8351
E: [email protected]
Preparatory Institution
Midland Adult Education Centre (MAEC)

P: 204-745-2095 or 204-312-1614 (cell) / Toll free: 1-866-800-6594
E: [email protected]
Box 1510
Carman, Manitoba Canada
R0G 0J0
MAEC is a Certified Adult Learning and Literacy Centre offering self-paced online high school courses to Manitoba adults. Our self-paced courses allow you to work on your own schedule within the school year. Fit learning into your busy life! Study full time or part time, days or evenings, in the comfort of your home.
Midland Adult Education Centre (MAEC)
P: 204-745-2095 or 204-312-1614 (cell) / Toll free: 1-866-800-6594
E: [email protected]
MAEC is a Certified Adult Learning and Literacy Centre offering self-paced online high school courses to Manitoba adults. Our self-paced courses allow you to work on your own schedule within the school year. Fit learning into your busy life! Study full time or part time, days or evenings, in the comfort of your home.
Preparatory Institution
MITT Adult Learning Centres

P: 204-953-2030
E: [email protected]
2211 McPhillips St Unit H
McPhillips (Main) Campus
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2V 3M5
The Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology Adult Learning Centres (ALCs) have seven neighbourhood locations to serve you. MITT ALCs help you upgrade high school credits to meet job entry or post-secondary requirements or complete your Mature High School Diploma. Additional courses may be available via independent study.
- MITT Adult Learning Centres Info
- MITT Adult Learning Centres McPhillips Campus
- MITT Adult Learning Centres Thames Campus
- MITT Adult Learning Centres Erin Campus
- MITT Adult Learning Centres Portage La Prairie Campus
- MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Norbert Campus
- MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Vital Campus
- MITT Adult Learning Centres UFCW Campus
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres Info
P: 204-953-2030
E: [email protected]
McPhillips (Main) Campus
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2V 3M5
The Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology Adult Learning Centres (ALCs) have seven neighbourhood locations to serve you. MITT ALCs help you upgrade high school credits to meet job entry or post-secondary requirements or complete your Mature High School Diploma. Additional courses may be available via independent study.
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres McPhillips Campus
P: 204-953- 2030
E: [email protected]
McPhillips Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2V 3M5
McPhillips Campus is committed to providing adult learners with the opportunities, experiences, and academic preparation essential for both post-secondary education and employment prospects. We primarily serve residents of Garden City, West Kildonan, the Maples, and North Winnipeg, as well as students who are referred through EI, Workers’ Comp, and First Nations educational authorities. Our day program has two terms that run for 18 weeks, with classes running Monday to Thursday while our evening program also has two terms that run for 18 weeks but with classes running on alternate evenings (M/W; T/Th). A wide range of credit courses is offered, enabling students to earn their Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma or upgrade for college and university programs. Courses offered each year depend upon demand but typically include pre-calculus, applied math, essential math, language arts, biology, chemistry, physics, and computers, along with a variety of option courses.
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres Thames Campus
P: 204-772-1234
E: [email protected]
Thames Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2L 0V4
Thames Campus is designed to assist learners in completing their Mature Student High School Diploma, or upgrading in order to gain admission to post-secondary institutions. Our program offers daytime classes delivered on a semester system (18 weeks) at each of our three sites. Optional courses offered are automated office, career development, psychology, law, family studies, physics, chemistry, biology, and global issues. Our summer school program (40S Transactional English and 40S Math Essentials) runs through July and August every year. For more information on programming and class times, call our Main Office at 204-772-1234.
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres Erin Campus
P: 204-989-6488
E: [email protected]
Erin Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 2W1
Erin Campus is designed to assist learners in completing their Mature Student High School Diploma, or upgrading in order to gain admission to post-secondary institutions. Our program offers daytime classes delivered on a semester system (18 weeks) at each of our three sites. Optional courses offered are automated office, career development, psychology, law, family studies, physics, chemistry, biology, and global issues. Our summer school program (40S Transactional English and 40S Math Essentials) runs through July and August every year. For more information on programming and class times, call our Main Office at 204 989 6488.
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres Portage La Prairie Campus
P: 204-857-6304
E: [email protected]
Portage La Prairie Campus
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada
R1N 0M1
Through the Portage Learning and Literary Centre Inc. As a certified Adult Learning Centre, we offer a structured classroom credit program for individuals who would like to obtain their Grade 12 Diploma or require specific courses to apply to a post-secondary institution. n order to register for high school courses at the Centre, you will need to be out of school for 6 months or more and be at least 19 years old, or will reach the age of 19 before the completion of the courses in which you are enrolled. Before starting classes, you will complete an initial assessment to determine your current Math and English levels. For more information or to book an intake appointment, please call our front desk at 204-857-6304, drop by the centre or email our Intake & Case Coordinator at [email protected]. The Portage Learning and Literacy Centre offers an on-site daycare for our students with children needing this service while attending classes at our Centre.
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Norbert Campus
P: 204-261-3312
E: [email protected]
St. Norbert Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3V 1M7
St. Norbert Campus provides educational services for students from the communities of St. Vital, Fort Garry and St. Norbert. This adult learning centre is located behind the main building of the Behavioural Health Foundation (BHF) in St. Norbert and operates on a semester system (September/June). Classes are available in three-hour blocks twice a week (9-12/1-4/6-9) for 16 weeks. The programs offered for adult students include: Mature Student High School Diploma, High School Diploma, and Literacy and Academic Upgrading. Some of the optional credits may also be used for credit in MITT programs. Classes are held days and evenings, Monday through Friday. For more information on programs and class times, call 204-261-3312.
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres St. Vital Campus
P: 204- 254 -1618 ext. 206
E: [email protected]
St. Vital Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2M 3E8
St. Vital Campus provides a program that leads to a Mature Student High School Diploma. The program operates out of the Teen Stop Centre in South St. Vital at 533 St. Anne’s Road, and is under the direction of the Board of that centre in partnership with MITT. It has classrooms and computer lab space for approximately 50 adult students. Classes are held Monday to Thursday between 9:00am and 3:45 pm in a semester format, and are 75 minutes in length. Core courses available include Transaction and Comprehensive English 40S, and Essential Mathematics 40S. In addition, options courses available include: Auto Office 40S, Biology 40S, Family Studies 40S, Law 40S, Psychology 40S, as well as Chemistry 40S which is an Independent Learning Option. For more information please contact the centre at 204 254 1618, ext. 206
MITT Adult Learning Centres
MITT Adult Learning Centres UFCW Campus
P: 204-989-6443 / 204 989 7748
UFCW Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0P1
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Campus is located at Portage Avenue and Arlington Street. The Centre operates primarily to serve the needs of the members and their families. UFCW will accept all applicants who meet program requirements for the adult high school program. The program is offered on a semester system, and all of their classes are offered in the evening and on Saturday mornings. Classes are held in a clean, bright facility and new computer labs. Tutorial support is available. All courses offered can be credited towards a Regular or Mature Student High School Diploma.