Sources of Support

Post-Secondary & Preparatory Institutions/Education & Training

This section includes:

Post-Secondary Institutions is divided into universities, junior colleges, technical/vocational institutions, and private institutions based on the Government of Canada’s classification system that can be found here:

Preparatory Institutions/Programs that are designed to prepare a student for post-secondary institutions.

Education & Training contains many additional organizations and education programs.

In this section, organizations that offer supports that may benefit students have been broken into categories.  

Click on the listings of individual organizations and explore which supports they offer. 

For each listing:

  • Click on the (+) symbol for organization  details, contact information and links where available.
  • You will  find links to the services the organization offers.

Education & Training

Foundation of Reconciliation

Albert McLeod Consulting

We offer a broad range of Indigenous cultural knowledge and resources that be customized to your needs. Send us a message today, and we can start you on a path to success.

Foundation of Reconciliation


P: 204-336-0554
E: [email protected]

110-200 Alpine Way
Swan Lake First Nation (Headingley), Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8

Professional Indigenous Engagement Services. Canada’s #1 Source for Indigenous Turn–Key Solutions: Indigenous Job Board, Recruitment & Retention, Cultural Sensitivity Training, and Smart Work Ethics.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Anish Corporation

P: 204-334-9395 / 1-866-640-5441
E: [email protected]

110-200 Alpine Way
Swan Lake First Nation (Headingley), Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8

We deliver culturally appropriate health & wellness related programs and services to primarily Indigenous people regardless of residence, sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Our work includes advancing gender equality for Indigenous womxn in Manitoba.

Private Institution

Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form

ATEC is a 27,000-square foot, non-profit, community led initiative, post-secondary labor-Market-Intermediary training to employment facility. It was originally built to provide job training opportunities for work on the Wuskwatim hydroelectric generation project. ATEC’s long-term focus is to offer a wide range of post-secondary and trades training opportunities to address the skills needed for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and other First Nations in Canada. post-secondary opportunities training and employment centre of excellence First Nations workforce leadership Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence

Foundation of Reconciliation

Bear Paw Tipi

P: 204-250-5637
E: [email protected]

Box 49122 RPO Garden City
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2V 4G8

Our business name, BearPawTipi, is to honour Unkan Wanbdi Wakita’s own grandfather, whose name was Wa Sicuna (Bear Paw). We strive to practice integrity, honesty and kindness in all we do to honour Unkan Wa Sicuna and show gratitude to Creator for the work that has been given to us.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Circles for Reconciliation

The aim of Circles for Reconciliation is to establish trusting, meaningful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples as part of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The means to achieve this is the creation of small gatherings of an equal number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in discussion circles.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Indigenous Awareness Canada

Indigenous Awareness Canada offers Online Indigenous Awareness Training and facilitates in-person workshops. Our mission is to assist you, and all Canadians, to learn about Canada’s Indigenous People and to help non-indigenous Canadians and Indigenous peoples move toward reconciliation.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Indigenous Corporate Training

E: [email protected]

2300-2850 Shaughnessy Street
Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada
V3C 6K5

The ICT mission is to provide training to get everyone Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples® in their day-to-day jobs and lives. We do this by providing a safe training environment for learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitude required to be effective.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Indigenous Languages of Manitoba (ILMB)

P: 204-989-6392
E: [email protected]

119 Sutherland Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2W 3C9

ILMB is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the strength and survival of our Indigenous Languages.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Indigenous Leadership Development Institute

P: 855-940-1700
E: [email protected]

206-1075 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0R8

Actively promoting good governance by identifying needed training, and by providing unique education and capacity building opportunities. We prepare Indigenous people for the challenges of the 21st century.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Indigenous Works

For over 20 years, we have worked with companies and organizations to strengthen their performance and results in Indigenous employment, workplace engagement and inclusion. Partnerships are key to developing the right relationships and generating better results. Indigenous Works is addressing relationship building and responding to the growing need for stronger partnership development between Indigenous-owned enterprises and corporate Canada. This is timely given calls by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Government of Canada to renew relationships with Indigenous peoples for the betterment of Canadian society and our economy

Foundation of Reconciliation

Indspire—Climbing the Mountain

P: 855-463-7747
E: [email protected]

Box 5, Sutie 100 50 Generations Drive
Six Nations of the Grand River, Ohsweken, Ontario Canada
N0A 1M0

Climbing the Mountain offers workshops that aim to create healthy educational spaces rooted in the principles of reconciliation. For educators, the workshop assists with training on teaching curriculum related to Indigenous history. This workshop will empower educators to engage the TRC’s 94 Calls to Action and practice reconciliation in their educational communities.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Jackie Hogue And Associates

Cultural Competency & Dismantling Racism: We use an anti-oppression framework to help support organizations in dismantling racism and building cultural competency in an effort to have strong, authentic relationships.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Jessica Dumas Coaching and Consulting

Jessica is the President of Jessica Dumas Coaching and Training. She is a known facilitator and Indigenous Advisor who uses her passion and knowledge to help businesses create more diverse and inclusive teams. Her solution-based training focuses on understanding the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, specifically number 92, and strategies for Indigenous engagement and employment.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS)

The Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Strategy (MALS) was created to revitalize, retain and promote the seven Aboriginal Languages of Manitoba. MALS is committed to sharing, developing, and promoting Aboriginal language resources throughout the province.

Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre

P: 204-942-0228
E: [email protected]

119 Sutherland Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2W 3C9

MICEC is a provincial, not-for-profit, charitable and educational organization that works to promote awareness and understanding of Indigenous culture for all Manitobans.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Reconciliation Education

2010 – 11th Avenue 7th Floor
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
S4P 0J3

Our unique three-hour training looks different for every client: From the moment you commit to working with us, we will develop a custom educational experience to suit the needs of your learners and your institution, whether you’re a small private school in British Columbia or a bank located on Bay Street.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Strong Heart Consultation

Strong Heart Consultation will provide presentations, workshops, and will facilitate respectful access to ceremonial teachings/gatherings to bridge good relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Strong Heart is the name of Grandmother Turtle whose spirit teaches us to welcome all relatives into the teaching lodge and share wisdom with all the people who will then pass the gift of healing to their children and grandchildren. In so doing Strong Heart Consultations is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning environment that is respectful for all who seek to learn and grow towards the spirit of treaty relationships in Canada. We seek to find inner strength and a sense of serenity with the sharing of factual information, traditional teachings and dialogue. Strong heart Consultations welcomes you to this opportunity of learning and hopes to play a role towards self-empowerment and a means to living a good life for all who reside upon Turtle Island and Mother Earth.

Foundation of Reconciliation

University of Winnipeg Indigenous Insights

P: 204-789-1460
E: [email protected]

515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

The program educates Canadians and clarifies commonly held misconceptions about the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. It is ideal for educators, public health workers, employees in the public and private sectors, NGOs, faith-based and spiritual organizations, and those seeking to enhance their knowledge and understanding of Indigenous Peoples. It is an overview of Indigenous Peoples’ history, cultures, and relationship with Canada.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Winnipeg Indigenous Accord

To show our commitment to and progress on the MMIWG Calls for Justice and to enhance the opportunities for our Accord partners to further participate in reconciliation, the City of Winnipeg is now including the MMIWG Calls for Justice in the Accord commitment and reporting process. It is our hope that including the MMIWG Calls for Justice within the Accord framework will provide an opportunity for other organizations to become Accord partners. The change is meant to show our commitment to and progress on the MMIWG Calls for Justice and to enhance the opportunities for our Accord partners to further participate in reconciliation.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

P: 403-879-1183

2605-500 4 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta Canada
T2P 2B6

Our mission is to help those we work with be inclusive, free of prejudice and discrimination – and to generate the awareness, dialogue and action for people to recognize diversity as an asset and not an obstacle.

Foundation of Reconciliation

CME & Manitoba Start Partnership

P: 905-672-3466
E: [email protected]

67 Yonge Street Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario Canada
M5E 1J8

The need for diversity and inclusion training is supported by the numbers. Labour and skills shortages are the most pressing challenges facing manufacturers today. More than 85 per cent of manufacturers struggle to fill vacancies. Access to a large, high-quality workforce is critical to manufacturing success. It boosts output, productivity and profitability. It also drives innovation and is vital to taking the fullest advantage of new technologies and production methods. With immigration high on the Provincial government’s agenda, professional, highly talented and skilled newcomers will continue to be an important source for your future staffing initiatives. Manufacturers of all sizes are encouraged to join CME and Manitoba Start for a series of four Diversity and Intercultural Training modules for management and frontline staff to meet workplace needs and support organizations in building cultural competence.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Diversity Essentials

As more media footage highlight the historical truths of systemic of racism, the harm will continue without immediate and consistent systemic change. We are ALL called to action to interrupt, confront and dismantle system racism. As service providers and organizations this means calling inward, unlearning, re-learning and action. Diversity Essentials is committed to examining all our content and deliveries and to be held accountable by our communities and colleagues otherwise we too are complicit, participate and perpetuate systems of oppression and white supremacy.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Lead with Diversity

P: 204-471-8771
E: [email protected].

566 Corydon Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3L 0P2

Dr. Rehman Abdulrehman. What if our success in an increasingly diverse world is tied to improving our cultural competence? Well…it is.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties

P: 204-946-0905

500 Shaftesbury Blvd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3P 2N2

The Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties takes action in education and advocacy for human rights and civil liberties toward greater social justice in the province.

Foundation of Reconciliation

Praxis Consulting

P: 204-477-5985
E: [email protected]

481 Brock Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3N 0Z2

PRAXIS Consulting provides a full range of services, combining legal knowledge with cross-cultural understanding. We specialize in providing organizations and individuals with affordable and effective dispute resolution, facilitation and training & development services. Priti Shah is a Facilitator, Trainer, Speaker, Coach, Mentor, Consultant, Expert, Mediator, Arbitrator, Lawyer, Workplace Investigator, Strategist and the CEO of PRAXIS Consulting in Winnipeg. Since 1997 PRAXIS clients have had access to a full range of services which focus upon empowering individuals and organizations to problem solve as well and to build inclusive and respectful environments.

Post-Secondary Institutions

Private Institution

Aboriginal School of Dance ASOD

P: 204-956-2095
E: [email protected]

Mailing Address: c/o Buffy Handel, 106-1075 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0R8

The Aboriginal School of Dance offers a multitude of cultural workshops and has created many different styles of cultural programs for schools and organizations across Canada and the US. Our team has been heavily involved with program development in schools and organizations for over ten years and constantly strives to exceed clients’ expectations with our high quality standards for programming and instructing. Our instructors have been hand-selected, trained in working with large numbers of students and people of all ages, from daycare level to teachers and staff.

Private Institution

Atik Mason Indigenous Pilot Pathway

P: 1-506-857-3080 ex 4807
E: [email protected]

Exchange Income Corporation (EIC) 101-990 Lorimer Blvd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3P 0Z9

The Atik Mason Indigenous Pilot Pathway offers fully-funded, world-class flight training to Indigenous people who are inspired to become professional pilots.

Private Institution

Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence ATEC

P: (204) 484-2114 / (204) 484-2886 or Toll Free: 1-866-614-7686
E: Online Contact Form

ATEC is a 27,000-square foot, non-profit, community led initiative, post-secondary labor-Market-Intermediary training to employment facility. It was originally built to provide job training opportunities for work on the Wuskwatim hydroelectric generation project. ATEC’s long-term focus is to offer a wide range of post-secondary and trades training opportunities to address the skills needed for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and other First Nations in Canada. post-secondary opportunities training and employment centre of excellence First Nations workforce leadership Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre of Excellence

Private Institution


P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact form

304-181 Higgins Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3G1

The Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc. The mission of CAHRD is “To relieve and prevent unemployment among Aboriginal people in Winnipeg, and help them to achieve self-sufficiency by providing education and training, employment services, and support programs, such as counselling, daycare, and housing; and to do all such things ancillary and incidental to the attainment of the above purpose.”

Private Institution

CBC Indigenous Pathways Program

E: [email protected]

CBC Manitoba, 541 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 2H1

Indigenous candidates may apply for this paid development opportunity in journalism. This is a full-time, 9-month learning and development opportunity for six First Nations, Inuit and Métis candidates who want to develop practical skills as a storyteller in a CBC newsroom. There is no requirement for prior journalism experience.

Private Institution

Core First Aid & CPR Training

P: Ron Ducharme – 204-999-4514
E: [email protected]

315 – 200 Alpine Way
Headingley, Manitoba Canada
R4H 0B7

Core First Aid has a primary goal to provide training programs that empower individuals and communities to save lives and improve health and safety standards. We are a certified Canadian Red Cross training partner and have delivered first aid and CPR courses since 2010. We have a natural rapport with our participants and have experience delivering this program to communities and organizations that are both urban and rural. The courses offer the latest first aid and CPR guidelines and meet legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards. This training will give your organization core safety requirements for achieving organizational health. Additionally, the participants will be more prepared to help someone in need, which keeps our communities safer.

Private Institution

First Nations Health Managers Association

The First Nations Health Managers Association (FNHMA) is committed to excellence in expanding health management capacity for First Nations organizations. We are responsible for providing training, certification, and professional development opportunities in health management in Canada as a national, professional association exclusively serving the needs of individuals working for or aspiring to positions with First Nations organizations.

Private Institution

Kejic Productions

P: 204-558-1515
E: [email protected]

B128-1075 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 0R8

Kejic Productions is a Winnipeg-based company owned and operated by Cree/Ojibway Producer and Director, Erica Daniels. Erica has been an entrepreneur for several years and founded the company in 2017. Kejic Productions creates, develops and produces films, community and corporate videos; as well, provides event photography and marketing services.

Private Institution

Louis Riel Institute

P: 204-984-9480
E: [email protected]

103-150 Henry Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0J7

As the Educational Authority for the Manitoba Métis Federation, the Louis Riel Institute promotes, builds capacity and supports the heritage and history of Métis in Manitoba through efficient, effective, culturally sensitive programs and activities.

Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.

Private Institution

Manitoba First Nations School System

P: 204-594-6507
E: [email protected]

100-1200 Portage Ave
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R3G 0T5

MFNSS provides a quality, holistic, and culturally relevant education for First Nations students by nurturing each child’s growth and encouraging their development as lifelong learners. MFNSS manages Nursery to Grade 12 education, the Private Home Placement Program (PHP), and tuition for high school students attending schools off-reserve. MFNSS also administers school transportation, facilities, and operations.

Private Institution

National Screen Institute (NSI)

P: 204-956-7800 / Toll Free: 1-800-952-9307
E: Online Contact Form

Suite 400 – 141 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0R3

The power of story. Our path to an equitable, inclusive culture is revealed to us through stories. Storytellers allow us to enter unfamiliar lives and landscapes, create understanding and show us how our world can be better. That’s why we relentlessly work to remove barriers so underrepresented creators from anywhere in Canada can access our film, television and digital media training.

Technical and Vocational

Neeginan College of Applied Technology

P: 204-989-7110
E: Online Contact Form

Room 304 -181 Higgins Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3G1

Neeginan College offers a variety of full-time training programs that deliver hands-on work experience in a sustainable career. We provide free information sessions on the current programs followed by a tour of our college facilities. These sessions run every Friday at 9:00 a.m. in room 304. Please call ahead via (204) 989-7110 since the sessions fill up quickly. Neeginan College of Applied Technology is CAHRD’s in-house technical and vocational post-secondary training division. CAHRD works closely in partnership with industry, business and training institutions to ensure that our students are prepared for jobs in high-demand industries.

Technical and Vocational

NPower Canada

P: Manitoba Office: 204-285-2188 / Toll Free: 1-877-204-9219
E: [email protected]

NPower Canada is a national employment program that provides participants with free in-demand digital and professional skills training, and connects them to new and rewarding career opportunities with some of Canada’s largest employers. NPower Canada creates pathways to economic prosperity for Canada’s underserved youth and adults by launching them into meaningful and sustainable digital careers. NPower Canada envisions a diverse technology workforce, where people from any cultural ethnicity, gender or socio-economic background can succeed in our digital economy.

Private Institution

Nu Media Films

Nu Media Films is a community driven video production company proudly owned and operated in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with a vision to work on community driven projects on all media platforms.

Private Institution

Urban Circle Training Centre Inc.

P: 204-589-4433
E: [email protected]

519 Selkirk Avenue
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2W 2M6

At Urban Circle, our goal is to provide culturally appropriate education and training to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women and men in Winnipeg. Since 1991, we have offered certified programming that connects to both our cultural teachings and labour-market demands. At our Centre, students are provided with a sense of belonging and community, and we are committed to enriching the quality of their educational experience by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and success.

Private Institution

WHEAT Institute 

Winnipeg Holistic Expressive Arts Therapy Institute. WHEAT is the only therapeutic arts training centre in Central Canada, and operates on Treaty 1 Territory in Manitoba. WHEAT’s holistic approach to education incorporates connections with history, nature, culture, and respect for Indigenous Ways of Knowing into its settings, philosophies and curriculum. WHEAT is the only school of its kind to provide Indigenous language courses within its programs, and it upholds its commitment of excellence in education by working with the most knowledgeable and in-demand educators from across North America. Please explore the site to learn more about WHEAT’s programs, and how pursuing a career in the therapeutic arts through the WHEAT Institute can be transformative for your life, and the lives of others.

Private Institution

Yellowquill University College

P: 204-953-2800

480 Madison Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3J 1J1

Mandated and established in 1984 by the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council, Yellowquill University College embraces all learners and provides holistic education and training. The institution encompasses a team of dedicated and supportive professionals guiding our learners to achieve excellence and success in education, employment, and economic development.

Private Institution

Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC)

P: 204-459-0054 / (204) 478-8884 / (204) 785-8223 / (204) 582-9400 / (204) 326-4188
E: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]

37 Maple Street / 297 St. Mary’s Road / 389 Eveline Street / 2nd Floor-77 Redwood Avenue / Clearspring Centre, 178 PTH 12 North
Pine Falls / Winnipeg / Selkirk / Winnipeg / Steinbach, Manitoba Canada
R0E 1M0 / R2H 1J5 / R1A 1N7 / R2W 5J5 / R5G 1T7

Over 50 Academy of Learning® College campuses, from British Columbia to Prince Edward Island, have helped students successfully completed over one million training courses. Depending on the province or territory, program offerings have expanded to Diploma-level and Certificate-level programs in the areas of Accounting, Business, Community Support Worker, Customer Service, Healthcare, Home Inspection, Hospitality, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Office Administration, and Web Design. AOLCC has 5 campuses in Manitoba with programs available. The campuses are in Pine Falls, Winnipeg South, Selkirk, Winnipeg North and Steinbach.

Technical and Vocational

Assiniboine College

P: General Inquiries: 204-725-8700
E: [email protected]

See website for all locations.
Brandon / Dauphin / Winnipeg / Southport Portage La Prairie, Manitoba Canada

At Assiniboine, we immerse you in authentic situations and encourage you to spend more time away from the textbooks. Our college knows real-world skills and experiences are important. That’s why our programs connect you with industries and communities through projects, conferences, cooperative work placements and practicums. All of this prepares you for a meaningful and interesting career.

Private Institution

Booth University College

P: 204-947-6701 / Toll Free: 1-877-942-6684

290 Vaughan Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2N8

We blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in the Mission of The Salvation Army.

Private Institution

Brandon Flight Centre

P: 204-728-7691
E: [email protected]

425 Agnew Drive
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 5Y5

Since 1936 we have trained pilots, maintained and fueled aircrafts and assisted the local aviation community. Thousands of pilots have passed through our doors and gone on to service in Canada’s military or civil aviation. We are extremely proud of our roots and our important role in aviation history. Our team of professional experts are here and ready to assist you with any of your aviation needs. We look forward to seeing you soon in CYBR!


Brandon University

P: 204-728-9520
E: [email protected]

270-18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 6A9

Brandon University offers a wide range of degree programs including Arts, Education, Music, Health Studies, and Science.


Canadian Mennonite University

P: 204-487-3300

500 Shaftesbury Blvd.
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R3P 2N2

CMU offers comprehensive university education within a dynamic and diverse Christian community. Exemplary academic studies across the arts and sciences are distinguished by interdisciplinary interaction, experiential learning, and mentoring relationships between students and faculty. At CMU ‘service, leadership and reconciliation’ are personal and communal learning outcomes that are encountered within academic, personal and interpersonal, theological, artistic, physical, and environmental contexts. Education involves “building understandings” in ways that are about relationships as much as knowledge, for the sake of enabling us to see, engage, and share in a world that is as wondrous as it is strained, and that ever calls for our best care and innovative capacities.

Private Institution

CDI College

P: 1-800-889-1712

280 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 1A9

As one of Canada’s premier career-training providers for the past 50 years, we offer solid, market-driven programs that focus on helping our students develop the skills that are in demand by the leading employers in art and design, business, dental, early childhood education, healthcare, legal, and technology. Our students enter the workforce quickly, and many land jobs before they graduate. At CDI College, our Financial Advisors are able to help you find the best way to finance your education.

Private Institution

Centre for Christian Studies

P: 204-783-4490
E: [email protected]

Woodsworth House
60 Maryland Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 1K7

The Centre for Christian Studies is a Canadian theological school that has been training people for ministry since 1892. It specializes in the education of diaconal ministers for the United Church and Anglican Church of Canada. It also offers lifelong learning and continuing education for anyone who want to deepen their faith-in-action.

Private Institution

CHN College

P: 204-947-5237
E: Online Contact Form

678 Main St
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1E4

Great careers begin with excellent training, train in 21 weeks for a rewarding and fulfilling career in Health Care

Private Institution

Commonwealth College

P: 204-944-8202
E: Online Contact Form

294 William Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0R1

We offer career training Hospitality, Business and Beauty & Wellness Diploma Programs. Our courses are focused and intensive, helping you become job ready in less than a year. Our investment in our students does not end with teaching and training, but goes a long way beyond that. Our real contribution comes in the shape of helping our students understand themselves and their strengths, and then leverage that understanding to identify and pursue a career path. This method has proven successful, repeatedly. And we’re proud to say many of our students have gone on to greater achievements. By offering career training at as less as CAD 15.00 per hour to train our students to excel in a career of their choice we aim at becoming one of the most affordable colleges in Canada. Besides that, since 1986 we have become known for our commitment to community projects, including working with organizations such as Siloam Mission, Women in Second Stage Housing (WISH), Opportunities for Employment (OFE), John Howard Society, Probation Services and National Aboriginal Day Selkirk Avenue Committee. These partnerships have helped build relationships that bring real change to peoples’ lives.

Private Institution

Construction Safety Association of Manitoba

P: 204-779-3505
E: [email protected]

1447 Waverley Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 0P7

The Construction Safety Association of Manitoba (CSAM) is a non-profit organization run by and for the building construction industry in Manitoba, with governance provided by the Winnipeg Construction Association’s Board of Directors and the CSAM Advisory Committee. Established in 1989, CSAM has earned the reputation as a leader in the safety landscape of Manitoba, as well as within the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations. This reputation has been fueled by the association’s focus on providing exceptional customer service, quality, and value for its clients.

Private Institution

Criti Care

P: 204-989-3671
E: [email protected]

200 Osborne Street N.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 1V4

Criti Care EMS serves a pivotal role in the delivery of Emergency Medical Services training and education in Manitoba. As an industry leading elite training facility, we bring together industry knowledge delivered by emergency services professionals working in the field and intense practical training, graduating career prepared individuals most sought after by municipal emergency services in Winnipeg and Manitoba. Criti Care has a Paramedic Academy as well as being the centre for EMS & Special Operations.

Private Institution

Evolve College

P: 204-772-8999
E: Online Contact Form

5th Floor – 1445 Portage Ave in the Clarion Hotel & Suites
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 3P4

Both challenging and progressive, our courses feature a blend of theory and practical hands-on experience. While understanding the science of our work is imperative, this knowledge is of little use if administered without sensitivity and compassion. At the Evolve College of Massage Therapy (formerly the Massage Therapy College of Manitoba), we explore all aspects of touch and how, through science and art, we can change people’s lives.

Private Institution

H & Co. Academy – Esthetics-Hair-Nails

P: 204-717-1700
E: [email protected]

801 10th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 4G6

At H&CO Academy you will learn the skills needed to become a qualified multi-service provider, ready for your journey into the professional world of beauty.

Private Institution

Harv’s Air

P: Toll-Free +1-800 HARV AIR / 1-800 – 427-8247 (Rings in Steinbach)
E: [email protected]

Head Office: Steinbach South Airport
33149 33 Road North Box 1056
Steinbach & St. Andrews, Manitoba Canada
R5G 1M8

Harv’s Air is a family owned and operated air service with locations near Steinbach and St. Andrews, both in the Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada area. Our air service offers flight training, air taxi, and aircraft maintenance service since 1973 with the current owner and operator. Having two locations allows us to offer amazing resources for flight training including examiners, instructors, aircraft maintenance engineers. We offer accelerated but very comprehensive courses for pilot licences both for a career in aviation and for personal enjoyment.

Private Institution

Herzing College

P: 204-775-8175
E: [email protected]

1700 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3J 0E1

Herzing College offers many diploma programs online and has campus locations in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Winnipeg. Develop the practical skills employers want. The majority of our programs include internships that enable you to apply your skills in a real-life setting and gain valuable experience for your resume.

Private Institution

Highway King

P: 204-952-1329
E: Online Contact Form

350 Keewatin St Unit 5
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2X 2R9

Highway King Class 1 Training Centre is a Manitoba-owned-and-operated company serving the public since August 2013.

Private Institution

IBEW Local

P: (204) 982-2085
E: [email protected]

IBEW 2085 Main Office – 2181 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3J 0L7

IBEW 2085 represents construction electricians across Manitoba and parts of Nunavut and is governed by an executive elected by and from our members. IBEW hosts many training programs and resources for electricians and electricians to be in Manitoba.


L’Université de Saint-Boniface / Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)

P: 204-233-0210
E: [email protected]

200 De la Cathédrale Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2H 0H7

L’Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) est le plus ancien établissement d’enseignement postsecondaire de l’Ouest canadien et est l’université de langue française au Manitoba. Elle est située dans le quartier francophone, au cœur même de la ville de Winnipeg, et abrite à la fois une université et deux écoles collégiales, dont l’École technique et professionnelle (ETP) et l’École des sciences infirmières et des études de la santé (ESIES).

Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) is the only French-language university in the province of Manitoba, Canada, and was the first post-secondary educational institution to be established in Western Canada. Today, it offers first-class general and specialized university degree programs as well as technical and professional training that enhances employability in the current job market.

Private Institution

Lakeside Aviation – Lakeside Flight School

P: (204) 276-2410 / Toll Free: (888)642-4799
E: [email protected]

Gimli Industrial Park Airport
Gimli, Manitoba Canada
R0C 1B0

Lakeside Aviation Services offers a choice of planes to match your needs. Whether it be flight training or charter, you can choose from single and multiengine landplanes, or floatplanes. The flight school at the company owned hanger at the Gimli Airport conducts flight training for people from all over the world.

Private Institution

Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) – Arts and Technology Centre

P: 204-237-8951

5 deBourmont Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2J 1J9

Louis Riel Arts & Technology Centre (ATC) is a leader in career and technical education dedicated to excellence, inspiring individual success, and community prosperity. ATC empowers students to fulfill their goals related to skilled careers, post-secondary education, and personal success. It places a priority on quality, industry-driven training in a professional culture defined by high expectations and supportive relationships.

Private Institution

Made Safe

P: 204-949-1454
E: [email protected]

200-1479 Buffalo Pl.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2T 1L7

At Made Safe, we believe that creating a safety culture is crucial to the continuous success of your business, and to the health of your employees and consumers as your company grows. But, like most things, this is easier said than done. Manufacturing work environments often face complex needs and challenges. This is where Made Safe comes in – we offer valuable, manufacturing-focused health and safety expertise. As an industry-specific health and safety association, our services are tailored for the needs of the manufacturing workplace. Guided by an industry-led safety council, the association offers training, access to events and resources, consulting and certification – by manufacturers, for manufacturers.

Technical and Vocational

Manitoba Emergency Services College

P: 204-726-6855
E: [email protected]

1601 VanHorne Avenue East
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 7K2

Manitoba’s premier leader in firefighter, paramedic and emergency services training.

Technical and Vocational

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)

P: 204-989-6500
E: [email protected]

130 Henlow Bay
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3Y 1G4

Kick-start your career at the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). We offer more than 30 post-secondary programs leading to diplomas and certificates in the areas of health care, human services, business and information technology, and skilled trades, with many of our skilled trades programs accredited by Apprenticeship Manitoba.

Private Institution

MC College

P: 204-786-5081
E: Online Contact Form

575 Wall Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 2T5

At MC College, we empower Students for the Beauty and Fashion Industry with skills to change their lives and enjoy rewarding careers.

Private Institution


P: 204-775-3308
E: [email protected]

Erin Campus 1588 Erin St
Exchange District (ED) Campus 245 McDermot Ave 4th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3E 2T1 / R3B 0S8

MOSMA: Mid-Ocean School of Media Arts. Over 25 Years of Sound Education. Since offering our first full-time programme and part-time courses in 1995, MOSMA has enrolled students from all over Canada and around the world. Our curriculum is built to deliver “career standard” skillsets through intense hands-on training with small class sizes and individual attention from our faculty. Our resources are always available to our students during their studies and for the duration of their careers as alumni.

Private Institution

Mountain City Aviation

P: 204-823-0423
E: [email protected]

50 Connor Hill Drive
Morden, Manitoba Canada
R6M 1J1

At Mountain City Aviation our mission is to open the skies to everyone. Whether you would like to fly for hobby or recreation, or if your aspirations are for commercial aviation, we are the people that get you flying as soon as economically possible.

Private Institution

Northwest Law Enforcement Academy

P: 204-953-8300
E: [email protected]

200 -1821 Wellington Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0G4

Established in 2001 by Herb Stephen, retired Chief of Police for Winnipeg Police Service, the Northwest Law Enforcement Academy is designed to provide training for people seriously interested in a career in law enforcement. It is specifically tailored toward developing competent applicants to police and other law enforcement agencies.

Private Institution

Perfect One Driving School

P: 204-774-1609
E: [email protected]

2040 Logan Avenue
Box 118, Group 200 RR2
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2R 0H9

PerfectOne Class1 Training School is the right place for you to gain quality Class1 Training in Winnipeg and make a career in the Transportation Industry as a professional truck driver.

Private Institution

Prairie Arctic Trades Training Centre

P: 204-774-1609
E: [email protected]

87 Cole Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2L 1J3

PATTC is a private vocational institute with head offices in Saskatoon, and training centres in Saskatoon, Regina. and Winnipeg. Wholly owned by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, we provide contract training for our customers. We provide ALL apprenticeship scaffold training for the province of Saskatchewan. Our clients recruit trainees for either our stand-alone courses, or custom designed training programs. Our trade courses cover a wide range of content, and vary in length from 2 weeks to 20 weeks. We also provide safety training courses to meet work site requirements.

Private Institution

Professional Transport Driver Training School

P: 204-925-1580
E: [email protected]

65 Bergan Cutoff Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 2E6

Training Tomorrow’s Drivers for the Past 30 Years.

Private Institution

Providence University College

P: (431) 815-4352
E: [email protected]

10 College Crescent
Otterburne, Manitoba Canada
R0A 1G0

We are a leading Canadian Christian university located in the province of Manitoba with a 100-acre main campus in Otterburne and a downtown site in Winnipeg where you can gain the spiritual and educational tools needed to become a difference-maker!

Private Institution

Red River Aviation Service

Whether you enjoy trying new things or have a zest to fly float planes for your career, the seaplane endorsement is one of the lower costing, shorter and in some opinions the most enjoyable training you’ll have in your flying endeavors. It is also a great way to stay current if you haven’t flown for a while. Explore Manitoba and all of its back country lake and river  destinations. Take your known skills, learn some new ones and apply them to water flying. Commercial Pilot Students- all hours after your basic endorsement can count as PIC time for time building towards your 200 hour requirements! Build time while having a blast on floats!

Technical and Vocational

Red River College Polytechnic

P: 204-632-2327

2055 Notre Dame Ave
Notre Dame Campus
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3H 0J9

Red River College Polytechnic (RRC Polytech) is Manitoba’s largest institute of applied learning and research, with more than 200 full- and part-time degree, diploma and certificate options. Through hands-on and online learning opportunities and state-of-the-art instruction, we prepare our students to become leaders in their fields — while also ensuring they can meet changing industry demands, and contribute to the province’s economic growth.

Private Institution

Robertson College

P: 204-943-5661
E: Email through website

180 Main Street
WInnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 1A6

To be Valued and Valuable -that is New Work. How we work and make a good living is changing. At Robertson, you’ll get the most relevant training and up-to-date industry insights to thrive in a modern work environment. We are the School of New Work.

Private Institution

Royal Winnipeg Ballet (RWB) Professional Division

P: 204-957-3467
E: [email protected]

380 Graham Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 4K2

Our internationally renowned training institute for aspiring professional dancers and dance teachers.

Private Institution

Safety Shelly Consulting Services

P: 204-799-4712
E: [email protected]

30018 PR432
Stanley, Manitoba Canada
R6T 0C8

SWS Training & Consulting Inc. is an established training and consulting firm, specializing in Heavy Equipment Operator Training, located in Southern MB. SWS was formed in 2004 as Safety with Shelly – CONSULTING SERVICES Ltd. The company recently went through a name change to streamline what we focus on: Training! We are now SWS Training & Consulting Inc.

Private Institution

Southern Manitoba Academy for Response Training (SMART)

P: 204-979-9857
E: [email protected]

113-1100 Concordia Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2K 4B8

Almost all of our students over the past 14 years have had a dream and a passion to become first responders. The motivation varies a little between simply a drive to help others to wanting to work as part of a team to doing something different every day and even every hour. For many, full time programs were not affordable or achievable and that is where we come in. Our part time, flexible programs for both EMR and Firefighting allow students to complete certification while at the same time maintaining “normal life”.

Private Institution

Steinbach Bible College

P: Toll Free 1-800-230-8478

50 PTH 12 N
Steinbach, Manitoba Canada
R5G 1T4

Steinbach Bible College is an evangelical, Anabaptist college empowering servant leaders to follow Jesus, serve the church and engage the world.

Private Institution

Systems Beauty College Ltd.

P: 204-728-8843
E: [email protected]

C-763-13th Street
Brandon, Manitoba Canada
R7A 4R6

Systems Beauty College’s systems and teaching styles are different from most and are designed to meet your learning needs. We have a very high employment rate among our graduates in all of our programs. This is due to solid foundations, our constant upgrading in industry and college classes in adult education. Our diverse clientele gives you experience in modern coloring, cutting techniques, nail trends as well as the classic styles. We have many male clients and some children, so you will be prepared for anything the salon has to offer.

Private Institution

The Canadian Beauty Academy

P: 204-558-9023
E: [email protected]

260-1395 Ellice Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3G 3P2

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a fulfilling career in beauty, The Canadian Beauty Academy is here to help. Our hairstyling, esthetics, nail tech, and lash tech programs are taught by experienced professionals and feature hands-on training to give you the skills you need to succeed.

Private Institution

The School of Contemporary Dancers

P: 204-452-1239
E: [email protected]

104 – 211 Bannatyne Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 3P2

The School of Contemporary Dancers is recognized as a leading national centre for professional contemporary dance training in Canada. The School’s Professional Program is renowned across the country for the excellence of its training methods and high calibre of its students and graduates.

Private Institution

United Transportation Driver Training

P: 204-326-4200
E: Online Contact Form

214 Centre Avenue / 132 Industrial Drive / 425 George Ave
Blumenort / Brandon / Winkler, Manitoba Canada
R0A 0C0 / R7A 7S5 / R6W 3N4

Our team of instructors has 375 years of combined experience, accumulating an immense amount of knowledge about trucking, safety and the industry that they gladly share with new drivers wanting a career behind the wheel. They also have over 85 years of combined Class 1 instructing experience. Most importantly, we offer a friendly learning environment where every student is encouraged and their achievements are celebrated. We want to see our students succeed in the trucking industry, whether they are company drivers, owner-operators or farmers hauling their own produce, and we do our best to make that happen. United has training locations in Blumenort, Brandon and Winkler Manitoba.

Junior College

University College of the North (UCN)

P: (866) 627-8500 / (866) 677-6450
E: [email protected]

The Pas Campus Box 3000 – 436-7th Street East
Thompson Campus 55 UCN Drive
The Pas and Thompson Campuses
The Pas / Thompson, Manitoba Canada
R9A 1M7 / R8N 1L7

University College of the North (UCN) is the premier place for learning. Located in Northern Manitoba, our institution seeks to bring out the potential of our students and our local community, which consists of a young and growing population that is more than 70% Indigenous. UCN is positioned to contribute significantly to the social, cultural, and economic development in our region and the entire Manitoba province.


University of Manitoba

66 Chancellors Cir
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 2N2

We attract people from around the world who share our ideals and vision for positive change. We believe in embracing challenges and taking action. Our students, researchers and alumni bring their unique voices to learning and discovery, shaping new ways of doing things and contributing to important conversations in topics that matter most, from human rights to global health to climate change. We are where imagination and action collide.


University of Winnipeg

P: 204-786-7811

515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 2E9

We offer high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs including several that are unique in Western Canada: for example, a Bachelor of Arts in Human Rights, and a Master’s degree in Development Practice with a focus on Indigenous Development. Our graduates value their educational experience, as UWinnipeg is known for small class sizes, academic excellence and commitment to Indigenous inclusion.

Private Institution

Wellington College

P: 204-957-2402
E: [email protected]

435 Berry Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3J 1N6

Become one of the most sought-after massage therapists at Manitoba’s oldest massage therapy college.

Private Institution

Willis College

P: 204-956-4708
E: Online Contact Form

265 Notre Dame Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 1N9

PrairieView School of Photography in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is now Willis College! For the last 20 years, PrairieView School of Photography has helped Winnipegers develop a passion for photography and start the careers of many well-known Winnipeg photographers. In 2019, PrairieView School of Photography was acquired by Willis College. Expanding upon its original program offerings, Willis College in Winnipeg now offers career training in business, technology, and health along with the newly created Faculty of Design & Photography.

Private Institution

Winnipeg Aviation

P: 204-338-7923
E: [email protected]

700 South Gate Road
St, Andrews, Manitoba Canada
R1A 3P8

Winnipeg Aviation has been a leader in the flight training industry for over 45 years. We value safety and professionalism above all else. At Winnipeg Aviation, we believe in demanding the most from our students because they demand the most from us.

Post-secondary Preparation

Preparatory Institution

Children of the Earth High School

P: 204-589-6383
E: [email protected]

100 Salter Street
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R3E 2S5

Children of the Earth High School is a special place that combines a strong academic focus with an additional emphasis on Indigenous cultural teaching and learning. Our teachers and staff support balanced student learning and growth across physical, academic, social, and spiritual fields. We strive to empower the urban Indigenous youth that make up our student body, and we invite active parent involvement at our school. Our north star goal is to produce graduates that are prepared to contribute their gifts and talents back to their community and to help themselves and others to live a good life. Cultural learning activities are offered daily throughout the year along with monthly and seasonal ceremonies. Students will take part in smudging, medicine harvesting, pipe ceremonies, sweats, feasts, and receive traditional teachings from our school knowledge keepers and community elders. All Children of the Earth students are required to be enrolled in either Cree or Ojibwe language classes for grade 9-12. Reclaiming language is an essential part of reclaiming our identities as Indigenous people and we emphasize this importance with our students through this requirement. Children of the Earth High School has a free breakfast program and lunch program for all students.

Frontier School Division

P: (204) 775-9741
E: [email protected]

30 Speers Rd
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2J 1L9

As the largest geographical school division in Manitoba, spanning 75% of the province’s land mass, we are fortunate to be part of a large number of communities​ – some of which are often only accessible by boat, air, rail or winter ice road. We are committed to building and maintaining relationships across the diverse communities that comprise Frontier as they play an important role in the strength of our division. Reflecting this diversity in cultural activities and programs enhances the knowledge of our students and their awareness of their own and other cultures. We are fortunate to be able to blend traditional and innovative learning to reflect the needs and aspirations of each area.

Private Institution

Louis Riel Institute

P: 204-984-9480
E: [email protected]

103-150 Henry Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3B 0J7

As the Educational Authority for the Manitoba Métis Federation, the Louis Riel Institute promotes, builds capacity and supports the heritage and history of Métis in Manitoba through efficient, effective, culturally sensitive programs and activities.

Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC)

P: (204) 594-4267 / (204) 594-1290 MB Toll-Free 1-866-319-4857
E: [email protected]

Head Office 120-200 Alpine Way / Winnipeg Sub-Office 2-1100 Waverley St.
Headingley / Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R4H 1C8 / R3T 3X9

Established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) provides the province’s leading education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools in Manitoba.

Preparatory Institution

R.B. Russell Vocational High School

P: 204-589-5301
E: [email protected]

364 Dufferin Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R2W 2Y3

R.B. Russell Vocational High School facilitates an inclusive learning environment that is engaging, relevant and safe. R.B. Russell lists Indigenous programming and supports under the Activities and Partners PDF as part of the Mission Statement. This includes a Cultural Round House for cultural teachings, Integration of Aboriginal perspectives into academic and vocational curricula, In-house Elders, and Sharing circles with students led by Aboriginal Learning Support Teacher.

Preparatory Institution

Southeast Collegiate

P: 204-261-3551 / 1-833-821-0277
E: [email protected]

1269 Lee Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3T 5W8

Southeast Collegiate is the only school of its kind in all of Canada. It serves as a campus to First Nations students during the school year – educating them in a beautiful school facility and housing them in the adjoining lodge.

Preparatory Institution

Winnipeg Adult Education Centre (WAEC)

P: 204-947-1674
E: [email protected]

310 Vaughan Street
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R3B 2N8

The WAEC offers high school educational opportunities to adult students seeking to complete a grade 12 diploma, upgrade for post-secondary education and/or strengthen employment opportunities. Since 1968, the WSD has operated the WAEC as a strategy to improve graduation rates in the WSD. It also serves as an anti-poverty strategy, improving educational outcomes for hundreds of Indigenous and Newcomer students. Primarily offering the Mature Student Diploma, approximately 200 students graduate per year from WAEC and hundreds more upgrades to meet post-secondary requirements. Many students also use their diploma to improve their prospects for entering the work force. The Adolescent Parent Centre provides high school education to pregnant and parenting adolescents and young women and provides childcare for students while they attend school. We are committed to attaining our overall goals of credit attainment and student engagement. We strive to maintain an inclusive environment for students by offering a true continuous intake model, an RPL (Recognizing Prior Learning) program and allowing students to access content in a variety of ways. WAEC offers continuous intake which allows students to enroll in school at any point throughout the school year.

Preparatory Institution

Adult Learning Centre – Seven Oaks School Division

P: (204) 632-1716
E: [email protected]

950 Jefferson Ave.
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2P 1W1

At Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre we offer a Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma of Provincially approved curriculum that is recognized by employers, community colleges and universities. Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre provides a no cost, flexible schedule, with experienced and qualified instruction in a number of subject areas. Computers are available for the use of registered students. Many are linked to the Internet, and have a variety of programs available for student use. The Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre offers courses needed to complete a Mature Student Diploma, the regular High School Diploma or to upgrade credits for post-secondary education or work. Courses are offered in the morning, afternoon and evening to allow working students to schedule around their work and family lives. We are committed to helping students learn the study skills and work skills that adults need to succeed in our studies and work place. We offer a friendly, helpful staff in an adult climate.

Continuing Education – St. James-Assiniboia School Division

P: 204-832-9637

470 Hamilton Avenue
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2Y 1M1

​​​​​St. James-Assiniboia School Division offers a wide array of programs and services in an effort to achieve our strategic outcomes. Please find a comprehensive list on the webpage.


P: 204-453-8351
E: [email protected]

1175 Pembina Highway
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R3T 2A5

This is a not-for-profit organization offering three programs, each being supported by different funders. All programs follow criteria approved by each of the funders. Students are taught by Manitoba certified teachers following Manitoba curricula. Staff are dedicated, caring professionals who take pride in working with students to help them achieve their goals. The environment is comfortable, welcoming, relaxed, and technologically equipped. No tuition fees are charged for any of the programs.

Preparatory Institution

Midland Adult Education Centre (MAEC)

P: 204-745-2095 or 204-312-1614 (cell) / Toll free: 1-866-800-6594
E: [email protected]

Box 1510
Carman, Manitoba Canada
R0G 0J0

MAEC is a Certified Adult Learning and Literacy Centre offering self-paced online high school courses to Manitoba adults. Our self-paced courses allow you to work on your own schedule within the school year.  Fit learning into your busy life! Study full time or part time, days or evenings, in the comfort of your home.

Preparatory Institution

MITT Adult Learning Centres

P: 204-953-2030
E: [email protected]

2211 McPhillips St Unit H
McPhillips (Main) Campus
Winnipeg , Manitoba Canada
R2V 3M5

The Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology Adult Learning Centres (ALCs) have seven neighbourhood locations to serve you. MITT ALCs help you upgrade high school credits to meet job entry or post-secondary requirements or complete your Mature High School Diploma. Additional courses may be available via independent study.

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